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In contrast to the previous three pokemon I sent out to face against Lance's monster of a Dragonite, the reception for Fearow was rather lacklustre.

Before there were gasps of awe, shock or excitement. Fearow himself merely received a bevy of blank looks and near silence beyond a few mutters.

"…Is he out of powerful pokemon now then?" I heard one of the reporters mumble to a cameraman beside him.

"Must be, I mean, kind of a lame follow up right after those three," the camera toting man agreed, "Well can't really expect another crazy pokemon right after those three, impressive as the kid is, he's still a kid."

I barely resisted scowling, and it took a supreme effort not to tell him to shut the fuck before I shove that camera so far up his ass he'll be able to give himself a colonoscopy.

The audible cracking of my knuckles as I flexed and clenched my fingers into a fist was not something I held back on though.

Fearow to my surprise, merely puffed his chest out proudly and ignored their useless chatter.

A bit odd to be honest, I'd think with how prideful he can be he'd take extra insult to their words, but no, it was like rain water splashing against a boulder and sliding off.

In contrast to the extra's though, I noted Professor Oak giving Fearow a neutral look, one eyebrow raised, while the other Professor, Chloe's dad was cupping his chin and examining my try hard bird.

At least they knew better.

"Quite the size that Fearow has," Lance commented, bringing my attention back to him, "If you chose it to come after Dragonite and Milotic, and especially in a battle like this, then it must be quite the battler."

"Fearow is the second pokemon I caught," I replied, crossing my arms and smirking at him in approval, Lance wasn't an idiot like those npc's and could see the greatness that lay within my pokemon, "Beyond my starter he's been with me the longest and that reflects in his strength. Hell, before I even caught him, he was the leader of a flock of Spearow that numbered over a thousand."

Fearow preened smugly at my words, tilting his long beck up a bit and jutting his massive beak out proudly.

"Stronger than the three amazing pokemon you've already used?" Lance raised an eyebrow in interest.

"Much." I nodded simply.

Fearow was try hard bird number two for a reason after all.

Lance's lips transitioned into a massive grin, "Then this should be fun," he barked out with a laugh, raising one hand towards Fearow, "Dragonite, fire off a Thunder!"

Once more a burning orange aura of crackling lightning exploded into existence around the Dragonite high in the sky above us, the thick powerful smell of ozone assaulting my senses again.

That was the sheer power that Dragonite could call upon within a split moment, of an elemental attack not even its type.

Saying it had power in spades, was putting it lightly and then some…and a half and more.

Dragonite unleashed the attack and a massive pillar of crackling lightning descended through the air towards Fearow.

Unlike Milotic though, I didn't bother giving him the order to dodge. Nor did I even give him any order.

We had after all, long since came up with a way of dealing with electric attacks. The only reason Milotic wasn't able to do it, was because I hadn't gotten around to teaching her the attack she needed for it yet.

Silver light erupted into existence along Fearow's wings as he spread them wide and promptly buried them in the ground, just a split moment before the massive pillar of lightning slammed into him.

Where before the sheer power and force contained within the massive electrical blast had torn the battlefield asunder against Milotic, this time, it did nothing of the sort.

As Fearow took it head on and diverted the massive charge of lightning safely into the ground.

Due to the sheer size of it, it took Fearow a little longer than it usually would, but even still, within a few seconds it was done and the Thunder attack was safely diffused.

Stunned silence met us moments later and I saw Lance staring gobsmacked at me, actually wide eyed.

Perhaps the first true shock he'd had of this battle. Sure I'd taken him by surprise a few times, but not truly shocked him.

"How…did you do that?" Lance asked, goggling at me and Fearow.

"That's for me to know, and you to…dot dot dot," my smirk widened as I uncrossed my arms and thrust a hand up towards Dragonite, "Fearow, Razor Wind!"

Fearow tore his wings from the ground, the silver glow replaced by a light blue and he whipped his wings out, scything them through the air and unleashed a pair of large energy sickles that shot up through the air, followed by another set and another, his wings scything through the air back and forward in a blur, at such speeds it sounded like multiple cannons were going off.

In the span of a breath, dozens of energy sickles were tearing through the air towards Dragonite.

The dragon pokemon twirled avoiding two, then beat its swings and accelerated, swerving through the air like a zooming jet, outpacing the barrage of attacks easily even with its slowed speed from being paralyzed.

But as with many things that had happened so far in this battle. That was fine.

Because I only wanted to get a feel for its speed now.

And now I know.


"Chase it down Fearow!" I ordered.

Firing off one last pair of energy sickles, Fearow's wings pulled back as they did with the attack and he used the momentum he'd built up to thrust himself into the air with a powerful jump and beat his wings, taking off at maximum speed.

The wind rumbled like thunder was generating above, but in fact, it was just Fearow's speed.

Without any Tailwind, without any quick attack, without any Agility or anything like that, Fearow broke the sound barrier with his own raw unenhanced speed.

Fearow ascended into the air with all the speed of a fighter jet and was hundreds of feet in the air before anyone even realised what was happening and was upon Dragonite in moments.

"Dragonite, turn and Dragon Pulse!" Lance quickly countered.

Just as Fearow was approaching Dragonite from behind, his beak beginning to glow with white power, the huge dragon whirled around, multi-coloured energy forming in its maw.

"Protect!" I shouted.

Dragonite unleashed a massive beam of multi-coloured power that swept over Fearow's form, spreading out wide enough it covered an expanse that was easily fifty feet wide.

The massive beam of power didn't last long though as Dragonite grimaced, body going limp mid-air and beginning to lose altitude.

I grinned as the power faded away to reveal Fearow safely hidden within the confines of a spherical green barrier.

It shattered a split moment later, just that quick instance of Dragonite's attack being too much for it.

But it was enough.

"Toxic!" I declared, glee filling me.

Fearow's long beak lit up with an ominous dark purple energy and he shot forward, stabbing his beak straight into Dragonite's chest while it was immobilzed for a scant few moments.

Dragonite's body glowed with the same purple energy as the status conditioned seeped into its body.

And then Fearow opened his beak and shrieked, unleashing a shock wave of red energy at point blank range, followed by his wings erupting into sinister black energy that seemed to suck in all light around it.

And delivered a devastating Throat Chop into Dragonite's throat. I saw the dual dragon and flying type's eyes bulge for a split moment before the force of the blow tore it from the air and send it rocketing down where it slammed into the battlefield with ground breaking force, a crater forming around its body.


Lance merely whistled, impressed, "You weren't kidding at all," he shook his head, "Your Fearow is incredible."

"That he is," I agreed, even if it threw me of a little. Because his nonchalance told me, this wasn't even close to being finished yet, "Fearow, go higher, get some distance!" I shouted up at my pokemon.

It didn't matter though how strong Lance's pokemon were. Their endurance wasn't unlimited. Between the paralysis, poison and the damage it had already taken, there was surely no way it could last much longer.


I clicked my tongue as Dragonite rose up out of the crater its body formed, its face placid, no anger to be seen at all and totally calm even as it rubbed idly at its neck.

"Planning to wear us down with poison and finish us off eh? Not a bad plan," Lance mused with a nod, before smirking, "We're going to kick things up a notch from here though. Dragonite, Blitz."


Dragonite flapped its wings and a whirlwind kicked up around its form, swirling around its body like an aura of wind, then with a flap of its wings, it rose into the air, speed picking up way faster as it soared towards Fearow.

The its speed suddenly accelerated and it disappeared from view. It was so fast I couldn't even see it, only hear as the air itself shattered from the force.

My head whipped up just in time to see Fearow juke to the side, spinning and avoiding…something!

Dragonite formed into existence above it, a grin on its face and Fearow quickly beat his wings and accelerated himself with a powerful beat of his wings and fled, keeping his distance as I said.

I saw Dragonite's grin widen.

And then it simply disappeared.

And appeared a moment later in front of Fearow, a fist crackling with electricity coming in to smash Fearow in the face and send him soaring backwards dozens of feet through the air.

I gaped.

What the actual fuck!?

How the hell? Dragonite looked like it fucking teleported, that was how fast it was!

Then it disappeared again and was behind Fearow in the blink of an eye, delivering a Thunder Punch into his back and sending him flying forward.

Then he was gone again and in front of Fearow again and smashing another Thunder Punch into his face!

"Protect!" I roared on instinct, while my mind ran a mile a minute, 'What the fuck is Blitz? That first one was Tailwind, but what about the others, there was at least tow more!'

I might not have been able to keep track of it when it accelerated that first time, but I knew while its speed had picked up after the Tailwind, it suddenly jumped again.

There was at least two more attacks being used in junction with it!

In a testament to his hardiness, Fearow shook off the Thunder Punch's and obeyed me, a green sphere of protection forming around his body just in time for Dragonite to once again appear behind him and smash its crackling fist into the Protect barrier.

I could only watch as Fearow in his sphere of protection was launched through the air, only for Dragonite to appear and smash another punch into the barrier, then appear again and repeat it over and over.

With each one I watched as the barrier cracked and wavered, while Dragonite punched Fearow around like a ping pong ball!

Think think think!

What speed techniques did Dragonite get?

Tailwind I already knew, and obviously there was Agility. It wasn't Dragon Dance, I knew how that looked as well, Charizard knew it after all and I'd notice it if it was used. It didn't get Quick Attack I don't think…

Which left only

'Extreme speed!' my eyes widened as it clicked.

A combo of Tailwind, Agility and Extreme Speed then?

I grit my teeth, it didn't do me any good either way! There was no order I could give here that would let Fearow overcome Dragonte.

"Endure it!" I shouted, "Hold on, out last him!" that was all I could declare as encouragement.

Because even with this absurd speed combo, it didn't change what I thought before. Dragonite's stamina was not without limit.

"Dragonite, Dragon Blitz!" Lance suddenly ordered, making my eyes widen.

At his words, Dragonite appeared behind Fearow after sending him flying once more, but before it struck it rapidly rotated and a familiar aura of power sprung around its body.

Dragon Dance!

It enhanced its attack power and its speed even higher!

It came out of its spin and slammed one more Thunder Punch into Fearow's barrier.

And it shattered like glass.

"Now finish it!"

Lance…was rushing?

Realisation struck me.

"ROOST!" I thundered rapidly.

"Row!" Fearow spread his wings wide even as he spun through the air, healing energy sweeping through his body, just a split moment before Dragonite blitz'd him once more and delivered a Thunder Punch straight to his face.

The force of the blow sent Fearow shooting back through the air like a speeding bullet.

But the healing energy was still around his body and he levelled out after soaring back fifty feet.

I grinned.

Roost healed some of the damage, and on top of that-

Using Roost, made him lose his flying type for a brief time, so he didn't take the super effective damage from the electric type Thunder Punch!

I just needed him to hang on.

Because I was not wrong. Lance rushing like that, which was atypical of how he'd battled my other pokemon with Dragonite, told me all I needed to know.

I was right, his stamina was not even close to infinite, it was in fact very finite. And using a combination of Tailwind, Agility and Extreme Speed, alongside all those Thunder Punch's and then adding on Dragon Dance?

It must have consumed a crap ton of its energy!

And our chance came a moment later as Dragonite began to move once more to blitz Fearow, only to freeze, a grimace over its face, its limbs and wings going limp.

I wasn't going to miss this chance!

"Hyper Beam, full power!" I punched my fist out.

Fearow opened his beak, a sphere of purely concentrated dark energy swirling and compressing into existence for second as he charged his attack.

And then he unleash it, a massive roaring beam of black power that soared through the air and slammed into the massive Dragonite with all the force of a nuke!

The beam was so massive it slammed into Dragonite and then washed over it, its entire body hidden from view as the attack hit it.

"Don't let up, hit it with everything you have!" I shouted from below, "Bring it down!"

"ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!" at my voice, Fearow's voice thundered back in reply and his beak opened even wider, the massive black beam practically doubling in size.

One second, two, three, five, then a full ten.

For ten whole seconds Fearow blasted Dragonite with a super concentrated beam of power.

Yet it did not fall!

Even with as strong and enduring as Fearow was, that was his limit and before long the Hyper Beam dwindled away.

To reveal Dragonite.

Its arms were limps, its body heavily bruised, bleeding and scorched all over. Yet, its wings flapped steadily keeping it afloat.

Are you fucking kidding me!?

Fearow up above was panting deeply, barely keeping himself afloat in the air. Using that much energy, he was exhausted!

I don't even think Pidgeot could have withstood that! And this Dragonite did after everything it had so far?

A hyper beam from Aerodactyl. A Dragon Rush and dozens of Thunder Punch's from Dragonite. A long concentrated Dragon Breath and Ice Beam from Milotic and paralyzed. Now it was poisoned with Toxic, had taken a point blank Astonish and then Throat Chop, drained a massive amount of its own stamina with all its attacks and combo's and now taken perhaps the most powerful attack any of my pokemon had ever unleashed to this day.

And it still hadn't gone done!

Forget Dragonite this things new name should be The Juggernaut. And this is the fucking weakest on his team?

"Good job hanging on Dragonite!" Lance gave a booming laugh, "Let's push our limits even further, use Outrage and then Brick Break!"

"Droooo!" Dragonite howled, an aura of crimson red seeping into the green aura of Dragon Dance covering its body and boosting its abilities to even greater heights.

Outrage after all…turned out to be a massive ability enhancer here in this world. Like Dragon Dance.

Dragon Dance….on steroids.

It came at the cost of confusing pokemon after a short period of time, but for that short period of time, the pokemon's power and physical abilities were rose massively.

Fearow had no chance of dodging here. And while he'd lost his flying type due to Roost for the moment, that left him as a pure normal type.

And Brick Break was a fighting type attack.

"Fine, bring it on!" I bared my teeth, I still had one card to play. Fearow had picked up a new attack while fighting Pidgeot earlier, we hadn't had time to test it out yet, but it was an attack Pidgeot already had so I was already experienced enough in it, "Mirror Move!"

Fearow took in one last massive gulp of air through his beak before spreading his wings wide, "Roooow!" he howled with all his might, eyes glowing silver, before a similar red aura sparked into existence around his own body.

He copied the Outrage for himself, to massively raise his strength, speed and durability to hit back with all his might!

"Steel Wing!" I punched my fist out at the same time Lance did.

"Brick Break!" the champion repeated.

They both accelerated forward, moving so fast the air sounded like it exploded, that was how fast they were going.

I didn't even see their initial clash.

Only the massive burst of light made up of silvers, reds, greens and more that shone like the sun.

And then a split moment later it felt like an earthquake struck, the battlefield all of a sudden covered in a massive plume of dusty smoke. I stumbled back almost falling on my ass, but I ground me feet into the ground and grit my teeth, refusing to fall.

I refused to fall like a chump when my pokemon were fighting so hard and refusing to go down themselves with all their might!

Moments later, the plume of dusty smoke withered away to reveal the already decimated battlefield filled with another two massive craters.

And within them-

Dragonite down on one knee panting deeply, eyes unfocused and its upper torso swaying back and forth.

While Fearow was in the other, slumped down on his back and completely unconscious, body riddled with wounds I could make out even through his thick plumage.

Damn it.

Gritting my teeth, I raised Fearow's pokeball at the same time Dragonite shook its head and rose to its feet.

"…Eh?" I blinked, stunned as Dragonite suddenly toppled backwards and landed flat on its back.


Well, Fearow managed to draw with it? A team effort for sure, but he gave it his all and managed to bring it down?

I stared gobsmacked.


Since it was the try hard birb number two's debut against Lance, I decided to just jump right back into Jord Version and get a little bit more done. Hope you enjoyed and sorry for those who want to see more progression in the story, I kinda wanted to dedicate quite a few chapters to the battle against Lance, he is the champion after all.



Ah man, I cant wait to read everyone's reactions to this event. Like Misty, Hilda, Gary and Ash.


I absolutely adore Milotic.