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Sorry for going silent again. Honestly, I had plans for getting stuff uploaded in a bit of bulk yesterday, even just about finished another chapter of Summoners Ascent, before heading out to play tennis with my cousin and was was super motivated on my way back home after it, was gonna aim for 3-5 chapters of it last night then some Systematic or Devour.

Course when I got back my junkie sister and her boyfriend were at my place because she had an abscess and wouldn't go to the hospital so was trying to get us to find her antibiotics somehow. To cut a long story short, she fell asleep and was like dead weight, nothing we did could wake her up, then when we did manage to get her up an hour later, she starts lashing out, attacking her boyfriend, my mother, then me, slapped me a couple times and literally spat on me the disgusting little freak.

Honestly almost took the face off her, push her by the shoulder and wound up to punch her face in before stopping, and her boyfriend was on my side in all this. Either way, took ages to get her to fuck off, but it didn't end there, cuz even after that and making a fool of herself in front of all the neighbours, she decided to phone and start claiming I strangled her and punched her and all of a sudden her boyfriend is backing that up and shouting the odds alongside her about how they're gonna come murder me and shit.

Funny how the guy never said anything like that at all to me and was in fact backing me when he was right there beside me.

Either way she caused a whole lot of drama and I'm taking care of my nephew right now, so I couldn't dismiss even the slightest possibility they wouldn't actually come down for a fight, which of course they didn't, but either way ended up wasting the rest of my day and night yesterday and I got nothing done, so sorry about that.

I'm just heading to the gym now after posting this, then getting a haircut and taking my nephew out to play tennis when I get back, but should be about 3-5 at most when I get back and I'll get to work back on things then.



Not gonna lie. You explaining why you haven't uploaded is almost as good as an upload.

Lyca Boss

I’m sorry ur going through this bro