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Sorry meant to get a few things done yesterday when I got back from the gym. Just ended up dealing with my cousin though who was all tooled up with multiple knives and a hatchet. Apparently he'd gotten involved with a bunch of protestants looking to make example of some catholics and attack some local catholic bars in the area. He was out for blood wanting to murder people and I kinda had to well try and calm him down while he was hyped up on adrenaline, rage, tons of whiskey and who knows what else.

Honestly, been ages since I heard the word fenian, but got so much of it yesterday if I ever hear it again it'll be too soon.

I'll see about getting some stuff done today though.


death roid

You live an interesting life bro, but it's memorial day no one worth anything is expecting any kind of work today. At least no American


As long as your safe dude. Other than that remind me of the stadiums for a soccer league game man where those wild. There is usually one minor fight always.