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Thanks for your kind words and support over the past few days guys, it means a lot to me. Honestly, I'm doing better than I thought I would. I've been prepared for a while now I think. I'm still sad, and honestly a bit numb and unmotivated at the moment, but that's just life.

Honestly, he was suffering up there at the care home. Ol' Jimmy was a mans man through and through. He worked from when he was a young boy younger than ten, right up until he retired at 76 and even kept working some odd jobs here and there until he was 82. He was a hard worker, and he loved to put in an honest days work more than anything. Once he was forced to retire he felt lost, and after he was banned from driving due to his dementia, he felt trapped. Going out as he did, was probably the worst way he could have went out in his mind, he would have rather just taken a heart attack while he was still himself and be done with it, not waste away and lose himself. Honestly, it was hard watching him waste away like that, as far as I was concerned, he was the peak of masculinity to me. He wasn't tall, or overly muscular had a large presence, but he was strong as an ox, never flinched from the pain he went through, and he had a lot, my man had like 6 hernia operations. 

It was from him I learned probably the most important lesson of my life, and one of the things I think is essential for all men. It doesn't matter how hard things are, it doesn't matter how drained you are, it doesn't matter how much you wish things were different, it doesn't even matter if you want to whine or cry. This is your lot in life, only you can change that, so no matter the challenge in front of you, get up off your arse and do it, nobody else can live your life for you. Never let anything keep you down.

On that note, I'd actually planned on getting some writing done today since tomorrow forward I'd be dealing with a lot of funeral arrangements and such. So I decided to take my dog out then get started when I came back in.

...Only to find the building beside mine cordoned off by police. A girl had been attacked and raped at 4 am this morning at knife point. Ironically, or perhaps morbidly, I'd woken up at that time to go take my dog out, and by time I got ready and such and got him on the leash, it was already about half past and ended up just missing it, all I'd known at the time since I'd been told by my mother before I went out, there had been a girl who was shouting and screaming and she saw her just sitting out the back and police patrolling the area. We thought it was just drunken shenanigans, because there was a few smashed bottles and a kids swing hanging from a tree had been torn off. If I was a little bit earlier I could have done something about it.

The good news is, the cunt apparently lives just across the road and he's boarded himself up in his house. The police are just waiting for a warrant to go in and smash his face in.

But yeah...was a real motivation killer.



He sounds like a great man, and a fantastic role model. As morbid as it is him finally physically passing is good, because I'm reality he's been gone for a while now. Doesn't make it a whole hell of a lot easier but you had the time to... Pre-mourn I guess.


I have always believed that life is a struggle, a fight that doesn’t end, we push forward and strive to find our place. To etch out a place of happiness and contentment in the conflict that is living, and that death while it is our end as we know it. I truly see it as a well deserved rest from our struggles and battles we have in life. It makes it easier for me to look at it that way when I lose a loved one. Hope it helps you too or anyone else.