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Welp, there goes my grandad. Passed about two hours ago now. And I am halfway into my bottle of whiskey. Figured I'd let you guys know in case I get a wild hair up my ass and start writing. Drunk-Jord can't be trusted, he's where half the new stories come from that force Sober-Jord into even more commitments. And that cunt Lance has already been posting Erza's tits in my face today.

Ol' Jimmy James son of the Odhar. Feb 1937 - Apr 2023. 86 years old. He had a good run, probably would've hit a hundred if not for getting dementia. 

Well at least I didn't need to put my dog down yet, ol' Rocco perked up through the night and is finally keeping food down again. Though after a full 3-4 days of constantly bringing everything up, he's like skin and bones. And the bowel cancer that had already reached his liver two months ago certainly doesn't help. He's a strong lad, defied my expectations once again, the only bright spot in an otherwise horrible day.

Let's see how long that lasts shall we?

And now I depart, to go drink more whiskey. Big Papa Jord the last blood male of the Odhar Clan, out!

Pew pew!



Shit man, I'm really sorry. When it rains it usually pours but it sounds like rocco Is doing his best to be strong.


My condolences for your loss man. Take the time you need to grieve and heal properly man. I'll keep my fingers crossed, hoping for improvement in your dog's health.