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....I'll be blunt. I've been holding off continuing my rwby stories like Grimm Soul and Systematic Hunter until Volume 9 came out. I had no idea however, it was going to be this...bad.

Every episode makes me hate Team Rwby more and more, to where I actively want them to lose and get killed. Especially the useless horny hornet duo, aka bland and bimbo. Ruby I was in the middle with but her little emotional arc of guilt and despair and blah blah this volume, just comes across as incredibly self centred and all about her, not the fact that she's a traitorous piece of criminal scum and still doesn't seem to care about the people they got killed, the fall of the most technologically advanced nation in the world, all the people left homeless.  The only thing her little temper tantrum addressed right was Yang and Blake. Honestly, the only one even redeemable at this point at all is Weiss, but she gets dragged down by the other three.

They come across as literal sociopaths and I can't root for them as heroes, they're more villain-like than most of the actual villains. I hope it perks up in the last three episodes, but at this point if it doesn't, I'm gonna find it extra hard to write any of them as pairing options, which is kinda y'know a central basis of Grimm Soul.

Honestly at this point I'd rather write an insert as Cardin and just bully them. Yes, Cardin. The literal bully racist, is more of a hero than any of them are.



honestly i dont blame you one bit, roosterteeth has driven the property into the ground since the original creator died, just like disney is to marvel and star wars


I could never get into rwby