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Right, gonna see about working on Systematic Shinobi over the next few days leading in to February. Was hoping to get some Stacking The Deck done as well as I mentioned but re-memorizing the deck again for writing is a pain in the ass so it'll have to wait a bit.

Anyway, the reason why I'm posting this, is I'm thinking of maybe doing a kind of side-series/Omake-series for Systematic Shinobi. Basically, side adventures of Daiki that can range from say crossovers of him being summoned as a Servant in Fate to I dunno, a possible bad end where he dies during the Chunin Exams, things go akin to they do in Canon with Naruto and he ends up getting summoned alongside the past Hokage by Sasuke and Orochimaru through Edo Tensei.

Specifically, I'm wanting to ask what kind of thing like that you guys would like to see, like possible crossovers and the like.



Honestly it feels like you might be spreading your self a little thin try not to push you self all over the place and get overwhelmed but if it helps your ideas better for me as far as ideas go maybe a Daiki servant verse one I could so see him messing and flirting with so many people in the fate universe for fun

Michael Straton

I would love to see staking the deck continued think it has a solid base and am exited to see where you will take it