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It was amazing how quickly one could see massive results in just five days, when they had magical enhancers to gorge on.

Muscle building was a simple process. Muscles tore through strenuous exercises, such as holding position like a plank for an extended period of time, doing sit ups, push ups, pull ups, lifting weights and more.

Usually it was a slow process because the human body took time to heal. So, it lowered the amount of time a normal person could train their body and they couldn't work on the same thing constantly either. So, they gained very small increases in ability that added up over time.

…But what if after immediately pushing the muscle to its limit, one took a potion that instantly healed that muscle. And then used two other potions that not only increased their stamina, but filled with with energy a combo that could have them going for hours without pause, vastly surpassing steroids.

And what if they drank nutrition potions that were full of vital proteins and other vitamins and fuel for the body, that instantly converted those vital vitamins into the places where the body needed them?

Standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom within his dorm, Faeran admired what such a cheat routine could do.

"…I can barely recognise myself." he smirked at his reflection, one bicep curled up over his shoulder, the other hand extended in a pose up into the air and flexing the muscles of his body at the reflective surface.

His shoulders were no longer narrow, but had broadened out. His arms were easily twice as thick as before. His features had sharpened out, some of the baby fat disappearing and being replaced by a more masculine cut.

And he had god damn abs. They were just a little bit more than faint, but they were there and glaring out challengingly, boasting their power.

He no longer looked like a geek.

And quite frankly…he just looked bigger.

"A few more weeks of this and I'll be a complete beast!" he laughed, clapping his hands together happily.

Fuck, he loved magic man.

And just in time, because he had a…'date' with Astoria soon. Well, to be exact they were heading out to exercise a bit together, then they would hit up Hogsmeade together.

Which was cool with him, because the first quidditch match of the season was later on in the afternoon.

And as always, it was the lions versus the snakes.

That was always good for a laugh.

"Oi, Shafiq hurry up in there!" one of his dorm mates banged on the door, drawing him out of his thoughts and admiration of himself.

Faeran rolled his eyes and made his way over to open the door, to a mousy boy with glasses, tan skin and wavy dark hair, "Morning fellow magical geek." he greeted him with a grin, before pushing passed him to swagger over to his trunk.

He was pretty sure that guy, Elon was one of the ones who started a rumour about him cheating on the end of year exams last year. The temptation was there to shove his head down the toilet and flush it, give him a little bit of payback.

But he was just in too much of a good mood right now to bother.

Time to pick out something nice to wear


He ended up deciding on a simple pair of joggies, football trainers and a sleeveless hoodie.

And with his wand in hand, he slid it into his back pocket, prime and ready to blow off a buttock, Faeran left the dorm room behind and made his way down into the common room.

Pausing briefly to admire it.

Honestly, it might have been geek central, but it was by far the best common room he knew of. And he knew well how the Gryffindor and Slytherin ones looked.

High ceiling, marble walls and ceiling. Beautifully crafted windows and ledges. A hearth in the middle of the room with a small, grandiose tower built around it. Immaculate and stylish blue and bronze drapes and carpets. Soft, plush white arm chairs and couches and of course book shelves every where in sight.

Being a Ravenclaw was worth it for this place alone, 'Could do without the stupid riddle though.' he grimaced.

That was always annoying.

There wasn't really anybody in the common room that caught his eye, besides maybe Cho Chang talking to Terry Boot.

He used to think she was cute, with her long deep black hair and exotic Asian features. And while she was still cute, her massive amount of baggage just vastly outweighed the pros of getting her in bed.

'Frankly, I'd rather shag her pal Edgecome.' he snorted to himself as he made his way on down to the exit of the common room.

Mariette wasn't pretty, but she had some decently big tits and a nice arse. He could always just slip a paper bag over her head to hide her face, there was nothing short of Obliviating the shit out of Cho that would get rid of that baggage though.

Harry made the right call dumping that needy mess.

'Though I heard she's been used more than the school brooms the past few months.' he paused and debated the pros of taking her for a ride himself.

Nah… he was hard up for a shag but he wasn't that desperate.

'Honestly, how do you go from the girlfriend of the Hogwarts Champion, to the girlfriend of Harry Potter…and then free use broom of geek central.' he shook his head and continued on.

Faeran made his way down to the ground floor of the school and through the halls towards the entrance gates.

As he did though, he was surprised to notice a familiar face waiting outside the great hall.

Hermione Granger, clad in her school uniform for some reason despite it being a Saturday, a thick tome clasped in her arms and pressed against her chest.

Well, while it was disappointing to not see her in some nice casual clothes, it was nice enough to see her outside her robe that she wore constantly. She filled out her school uniform nicely and it was easy to see she'd filled out a bit more over the summer.

The swell of her chest was ample, her hips shapely and her skirt only came down to just below her thighs, showing off a surprisingly full and toned shape. Though, maybe he shouldn't have been surprised, she was pretty spry during the duels last year and knocked him on his arse more times than he had her for sure.

"Alright Hermione?" he greeted her, and as he got closer he noticed her hair was a lot more tamed than usual and her face had a light dusting off make up.

…Wait, wasn't she trying to attract Weasley at this point? And would end up getting cucked by Lavender Brown after Gryffindor won the quidditch match against Slytherin and end up crying her eyes out?

'Could I perhaps use that to my advantage??' he idly wondered.

Hermione gave him a confused look at his greeting, before her eyes promptly widened in recognition, "Faeran?" she uttered in surprise.

"That's the name, don't wear it out," he grinned at her, "Not talked to you and your two extra heads since the last D.A meeting, how've you been?"

"…I've been okay, a bit busy though what with me finally starting my NEWT studies," Hermione replied, shaking off her surprise at his changes, "Not as good as you it seems though, you've certainly…filled out over the summer, I almost didn't recognise you with the changes you've went through."

"A little bit," Faeran's grin widened a bit, "Though I'm not the only one, you're looking real good yourself, probably having to beat all the guys off with a bunch of banishing charms."

Her lips twitched into a small smile, "You seem a lot more outgoing now as well," Hermione mused, shaking her head, "Though, I'm wondering where you're going dressed like that." she gave a pointed look at his bare arms.

"Going on a jog with a friend, then we're hitting up Hogsmeade," his grin was unrepentant, "Wanna come?" he offered, he doubted Astoria would mind. It wasn't like they were going on a real date or anything, they were just hanging.

"Sorry I can't, I promised to meet Harry and Ron down here," Hermione refused, Shaking her head, "Still, you should wear a jacket so you don't get a cold, it's freezing out there."

"Well, you should wear some tights or something and cover up those legs of yours," he replied with a shrug, "Besides I can just cast a warming charm."

"Why…would I need to cover my legs? I'm not going outside, even if the castle is a little chilly," Hermione shook her head, giving him an odd look, "Besides, you just said we could use the warming charm, or do you think I can't cast such a simple spell?" she raised an eyebrow challengingly at him.

"Nah, nothing to do with that," Faeran laughed, looking down at her legs and ogling her full thighs, wondering how they'd feel wrapped around his waist, before dragging his eyes up to meet her own, "You'll just end up causing a bunch of accidents when all the guys stop and stare stupidly at them." he winked.

Hermione's eyes widened, before a flush spread across her cheeks, seeping through the dusting of make up on her face, "Faeran…you…" she shook her head and laughed, "You're a cheeky little flirt now I see."

"Guilty," he accepted the accusation happily, "Well, maybe I'll have more luck later after the Gryffindor stomps Slytherin later on, I'm sure Harry won't mind letting me sneak in to party with you guys, I need to talk to him anyway."

About a lot of things. The most pressing being though, he wanted a look at the Half Prince's book, there were a ton of great spells in there, especially Sectumsempra.

He wanted to get his hands on that spell.

"You're incorrigible now." Hermione shook her head, amused.

"It's just your good looks Hermione, you bring out the beast in me." he gave her another wink, before bidding her goodbye.

"Bye Faeran, I'll see you later then." she waved him off.

As he walked away, the grin fell off of his face and he clicked his tongue, 'Well, she'd never be the easy type.' he huffed internally.

If he wanted up her skirt and in her panties, he'd be better off trying after she got her heart broken by Weasley and Lavender Brown.

It probably made him a bit of a bad person that he was seriously considering taking advantage of Hermione's upcoming heart break to worm his way in, give her a shoulder to cry on.

And shag her absolutely rotten.

But honestly, Faeran was fine with it. Nobody was perfect and it wasn't like Hermione was a saint either. Edgecombe still had those pimples on her face from last year spelling out 'Sneak' just for selling out the D.A when her and her mother's literal livelihood was at risk and if he remembered right, even if she got rid of them she'd be left with permanent scars.

'Note to self, I should check in with Slughorn and see if he could do something about that.' he mused. If he could he could get the older ginger girl into his debt.

Besides, Hermione and Weasley were a horrible match for each other, that had pretty much confused anger and bickering for romantic feelings. And even if nothing worked out between Faeran and her, he still had much more to offer her with his backing.

Honestly, he was half convinced Harry was shagging her during the Deathly Hallows after Weasley ran off on them. There was something in the text that just gave him that feeling.

'Well, whatever that shit can wait till later.' he shrugged as he exited out of the castle into the courtyard, his eyes landing on a familiar short blonde sitting by the fountain in the middle of it.



Yes! I am so glad you will continue this.

Jose Soto

More, man, this HP Insert it's awesome