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Right, it's officially my birthday now, and 1 AM...29 years old, one year closer to death. Or I would be, if I weren't me and therefor immortal because I'm so awesome.

I'll be spending the day more or less in bed though, because I went out to get a happy ending massage earlier and do some shopping, try and clear my cold up a bit...only to get caught in a downpour and rinsed right through and make it worse. It's a good thing I'm immortal and don't need to worry about pneumonia cuz I went without a jacket. I'm Scottish after all.

Anyway that said, since I'm not really going to be doing anything for my birthday...especially since I don't really like celebrating it since my grandmother died the day before my 15th birthday...officially 14 years ago now, I'll as I said be spending all day in bed, afking runescape on my phone, watching shit on my sixty inch television and writing on my crappy laptop...I really should buy a new one.

Anyway, I've decided I want to try and get a bunch done tomorrow, I even made a list. My l33t orginazation skills at work and all that.

To summarize it, I'm hoping to get some written for the new bleach story, some for Stacking the Deck, some for Jordinio Version and of course finish up the next part of Systematic Shinobi and the sex scene with Anko.

....We'll see how that goes.



Happy birthday


Happy late birthday 🎉🎂