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So, I'ma let you guys decide on the general scope of this lemon. That being, the positions and such. I'll put a list of them to choose from. That isn't to say only the top will win or such, this is just to get a feel for what seems to appeal to you guys more.

But beyond that, feel free to make suggestions in the comments under the poll.



This poll feels like an excuse to buy time because you lack the motivation to write it now.

0 Jordinio 0

Not especially, writing smut does come harder to me nowadays beyond just rushed crappy crap, but I've mostly just got a cold right now and finished up there last night because I wanted to sleep. Figured I'd ask what you'd like to see more or less before I got to writing next which should hopefully be in the next few hours.


Oh could we get a picture of Anko as well?