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"You're something else, you know that brat?"

"I could say the same about you."

The pair of them, Daiki and Anko were currently seated in a private booth at the back of a small dango shop.

A favourite of the snake users.

Anko sat directly across from the teen, lounging across the soft upholstery. The booth was large enough to sit four people, on either side of the table within, large enough that the purple haired woman could lean back comfortable, one leg crossed beneath her while the other was up fully so she could lean on it with one arm was well.

Her other hand…was currently occupied.

With multiple sticks of dango.

Honestly, it was a very unladylike position, and would let anyone that looked get a full view up her skirt if they wanted.

Not that Anko seemed to care.

Daiki wasn't one to turn a free show down, well, he was off it was some ugly motherfucker.

But Anko was not.

She was hot as sin.

The purple haired woman cracked her neck with a slight jerk of her head and a small hiss, "You don't hold back at all, even when it comes to chicks you want to fuck, huh?" Anko asked, "That was nasty, if I wasn't as limber as I am that could have done some real bad damage."

She was talking about how he ended the fight. It wasn't anything special or anything, he just grabbed her by the neck and throttled her before lifting her up by it and slamming her into the ground.

Anko wasn't Orochimaru's former apprentice for nothing though and only ended up with a stiff and sore neck, where as most others would have probably gotten whiplash at least.

Daiki pulled his gaze up from the depths of her short skirt and shrugged as he met her eyes, "What can I say? I'm a big believer in true gender equality," he smirked, "Besides, I would have healed you if you got hurt bad anyway."

"The fuck is gender equality?" she raised an eyebrow at him before shrugging, "Actually, never mind, knowing you it'll be something stupid, hah, gender equality, that's almost funny."

It probably was to her.

'You can't hit her, she's a girl.'

If someone said that, they'd get laughed the shit out of, at best in this world. At worst the woman they tried to protect in that case would stab them in the back.

Because…you know, kunoichi.

Anko herself was probably stronger than a good ninety percent of the population of this world, possible more.

Honestly, putting the banter aside, the fight with Anko, really was something else. He'd fought her in his base form for the vast majority of the fight.

And he'd been the one at a disadvantage.

Even with his stupidly huge and ever growing endurance, a mere three hours apparently wasn't enough to tire out the former apprentice of a Sannin.

If Anko hadn't prodded him into using his Heavenly Star Seal so she could get a good up close look at it, he would have quite likely lost that spar.

Anko was faster than him, more experienced and just flat out more skilled than he was currently.

Not to mention, one of her main forte's in a fight, was one of the few things he had trouble dealing with.


Many poisons actually.

She could literally breath out various different poisons from acidic, to paralysing and just flat out toxins. Apparently, she had been exposed to many, many poisons when she was the apprentice of Orochimaru, even some he'd flat out created and gained an immunity to them.

Allowing her to incorporate them into her Poison Mist jutsu.

Man, that thing was nasty.

With his Shinkugan, he was able to learn how she manipulated her chakra to create the poison mist and with training, get the jutsu down himself.

But it would be a double edged sword as long as he wasn't immune to the poisons he created like she was.

Definitely something to look into.

'…You're going to poison yourself with dozens of different types of poisons, over and over again aren't you?' Isobu asked, voice deadpan.

'The grind cannot be denied.' Daiki replied.

And that was all. He would neither confirm nor deny that question.

But yes he most likely was probably going to do something along those lines, though he'd definitely need some help with it.

"So," Anko broke him from his thoughts and looked him dead in the eye, "Beyond the real nasty stuff that would hurt me using, I showed you pretty much what that slimy bastard taught me."

That was for sure.

More or less.

She didn't summon Manda for instance, which she could do. But then, he didn't exactly hold that against her. Manda was a pain in the ass. Strong as all fuck, gargantuan and honestly, really cool looking.

But, personable and a team player, he was not.

God he was so lucky his chameleon summoners were such chill peeps.

"I'll need to watch out for that freaky substitution." Daiki mused. At one point, he'd broken out the lightning armour for a test during the fight and took Anko by surprise.

He gave her a hell of a beating in the process and thought he had ended the fight then and there.

Only for her to literally shed her own skin.

He hadn't known she could do that.

Orochimaru's very on variation of the substitution jutsu that he thought only Sasuke and Kabuto had learned in the original timeline.

But apparently Anko knew it as well and it was one of the techniques that went a long way to making Orochimaru as slippery as he was.

And it didn't need something to switch with to be used.

"Probably not, while it isn't massively chakra draining, it costs quite a bit more than your standard substitution," Anko pointed out, she seemingly remembered quite well that the fragment of Orochimaru in her seal had a massively lot less chakra then the original, "So, what do you think?" she asked, getting to the main meat of the discussion right away.

Instead of answering her straight out, Daiki arched an eyebrow at her challengingly, "That desperate to get into my bed huh?" he teased.

Anko rolled her eyes, "Well, you know, totally dripping wet for you and all that," she snorted. One thing he'd learned about Anko though, was that she wasn't the type to back down from a challenge, and she had no problem egging him on to get what she wanted out of him. She sat up straight facing him directly and shucked her large tan trench coat off her shoulders leaving her torso more or less bare, only covered by dark fishnet mesh armour, it hid the colour of her skin and her nipples, but hid nothing else, the mesh moulding to her curves like a second skin and doing nothing to hide the large, perky smooth roundness of her breasts. Breasts which Anko then cupped in her hands and pushed up, making them look even bigger, and shook her hands, jiggling them at him, "You've got a massive cock on you brat, it would make a great pair with these big ol' tits of mine, I can't wait to wrap them around it."

Screwing Kurenai silly had done a lot to take the edge off for him being surrounded all the time by gorgeous girls, but, edge off or not, there was no stopping his blood from flowing south at the sight.

She gave him a wicked smirk when his back straightened, "Course, with how big it is, even these fat tits of mine probably won't be able to take care of all of it," Anko mused, voice glittering with a taunting, teasing edge, "Guess I'll just have to put my mouth to good use then to get the rest, huh?"

She stuck her tongue out and licked her lips.

Her oh so very long tongue.

"Alright fine," Daiki conceded, and stood up, "Let's go." he said.

He pointedly ignored the way his pants were tenting out at the crotch, massively, as if someone had stuffed a spear inside.

That caused her to pause and blink, a little confused, "Go where?" Anko asked.

"My place," Daiki replied simply and gave her a hungry stare, eyes having trouble deciding on where to look between her now glossy lips or huge tits, "I'm gonna kill your sensei…again."

He didn't really need to see anymore of her fighting ability thanks to the Shinkugan enhancing his mental perception and memory. And with the training over the last week, the lightning armour, his heavenly star seal and Isobu…

Yeah, no way the shard of Orochimaru was going to be able to do much.

Anko blinked, staring at him for a moment, before promptly shooting to her face, excitement palpable, "Now we're talking!" she cheered before smirking at him, "Honestly brat, we could have taken care of this ages ago, during the break at the prelims even."

"Probably," he agreed, "Doesn't hurt to be careful though."

"Yeah, well it definitely hurt your enjoyment time," Anko's smirk widened and she sauntered over to him, hips swaying, "You could have been fucking me cross eyed and making me squeal your name for near two weeks at this point." and to punctuate what she said, she turned around to pick up her coat, and bent fully over, even though she had no need to.

Her skirt rode up on her full round ass and she wiggled it from side to side, taunting him.

"How the hell are you a virgin?" Daiki honestly couldn't help but ask.

Though asking that didn't stop him from whipping his hand out and smacking her across the ass, hard.

A loud clap sound echoed through the room and Anko moaned. She wiggled her ass again as if asking for more, before looking over her shoulder and giving him a smoky look, cocky smirk still brazenly in view on her face, "Because nobody's been worth it until now."

…That didn't answer the subtext of his question at all!

"That reminds me," she blinked, "I heard from the old man you have a real important mission coming up huh?"

Even as she asked that, Anko continued wiggling her full round ass at him.

'Weird that he told somebody, I thought he'd keep it a secret for now,' Daiki thought but shrugged it off, "Something like that," he nodded, "Though is that something you should be asking right now?" Daiki asked, pointedly looking at the spear like shape straining his pants.

"Yeah actually," Anko's smirk returned in full, "He asked me if things worked out with the cursed seal and all, if I wanted to play the escort and bodyguard role when you head it."

"….I don't need a bodyguard." he replied on instinct.

"The Hokage himself gets a guard detail and escort when he leaves the village, especially for something like this, so yeah, you're getting one, doesn't matter how strong you are brat, " Anko replied, and finally stood up, hiding the temptation that was her bouncy backside…behind her once more, though now her tits only covered by mesh were practically in his face again, "Seems he wants me to try and keep your hormones on a bit of a leash for this mission."


Anko pulled her coat on, partially hiding her torso and much of her cleavage, Daiki was both relieved and disappointed by that, "The new Mizukage's a grade A looker, seen a picture of her myself once," Anko shook her head and gave a faint impressed whistle, "And the body on her, whew, I don't blame the old man for thinking you'd be hard up for her, even I'd be tempted to get a piece of that cake."

Well, the discussion here and now at least helped him control his raging desire to bend Anko over right here and now and make good on that whole, fucking her cross eyed and making her squeal his name thing.

"What, is the old man hoping that if I fuck you enough I won't be tempted to betray the village and join the Mist if the Mizukage offers to ride my dick if I turn traitor?" Daiki asked sardonically.

"Well….yeah," Anko shrugged, unashamedly, "You're an impressive guy brat, but the problem with you actually reigning in your hormones, is the fact that it's all the harder to do when babes like that actually throw themselves at you, fuck you're literally going to fight and kill one of the sannin just because you want to bounce me around on that cock of yours, much less chakra or not, that's still Orochimaru."

"Getting mixed signals here you know, you're the one saying I should have splattered Shade Pedomaru ages ago." Daiki pointed out.

Anko shrugged, "Not saying I didn't, just that it doesn't change how crazy that is," she shook her head, "Fighting freaking Orochimaru because you want to fuck me, you're a crazy ass kid."

"A crazy ass kid that you're gonna be calling daddy not long from now." Daiki snorted.

Anko dropped the Mizukage discussion then and grinned back at him, "Sounds like a fun time, daddy." she wiggled her eyebrows.

…This woman was seriously going to get it!


Right, meant to get this done a couple days ago. But, well, was busy leading up to today. It was my brothers funeral, and then cremation. But now, it's more or less behind me, so things should begin to pick up again over the next week. Sorry for the delays guys.



I think yuo should integrate Samehada in Daiki armor . Nothing better that overkill.


And if we taking about overkill we shouldn't forget about Mōryō, Zero-Tails, Sora, Kinkaku and Ginkaku