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An eerie silence enveloped the empty library devoid of life, a haze of white light just enough to be noticeable drifted through the air, blurring her vision slightly.

Silently, Buffy observed the library before almost robotically, turning on her feed and walking away,

Her feet, on autopilot led her through the empty halls of Sunnydale High, the only sound at all, being the empty, echoing foot steps she made as she walked bouncing off the walls and reverberating almost unnaturally.

She paused for a moment in front of the trophy case in the main hall. It was open and the cheerleading award she remembered being there, was gone.

All that remained was a pile of broken chunks spread across the floor.

She eyed them dispassionately, before her feet once again began moving and she left the open trophy case behind.

In moments, she found herself walking out into the courtyard, making her way down the steps towards where the lunch tables had been set up on the crisp green grass.

As she reached the bottom, a familiar figure appeared. Tall, broad shouldered and handsome beyond words.

Angel fell in line with her, hovering over her shoulder as she walked, "Am I dreaming?" her brows furrowed, the first show of emotion she'd managed to make so far since she found herself here.

Angel chuckled, "I'm the wrong guy to ask that," his pale skin glistened in the sunlight beaming down upon them, "You better go, this isn't your place anymore."

"…But I'm afraid." Buffy whispered in reply.

"You should be," another voice cut in and she looked at one of the tables she was about to walk passed. A boy was there, sitting casually atop one of the tables, younger than Angel, shorter, but broader and tan skin, yet just as handsome in his own way, "Everything will change now."

"Why?" she could only ask.

Yarden did not answer, merely smiling mysteriously, his eyes flashing an ominous red, "From beneath you, it devours." Angel's lips teased her upper ear and a menacing whisper left his mouth.

His lips left her ear just as quickly as they were there, and while she was rooted in place as a primal fear made her spine tingle, her once lover walked past her and sat on the table beside Yarden.

"Death isn't your gift this time." the younger of the two added, smirking enough and displaying one long fang that shone under the sunlight.

"…But that's wrong, isn't it?" Buffy's brow furrowed. Something deep within told her, death was her gift.

"It is," Angel's lips curved into a wide smile, "But from time to time, the wrong thing just feels better, right?" and before her eyes, his face transitioned into that of a vampires, venomous yellow eyes and sharp fangs brought to bare.

Buffy swallowed heavily, her fingers twitched.

Something brushed against her neck and she idly turned to look over her shoulder, before choking in horror.

The school behind her had been replaced, all she saw was a town, a city even, a settlement she couldn't place.

The buildings were burning, the sky was red and raining flaming rocks from above and demons of all manners and sizes rampaged through the streets.

Her eyes though, were drawn to a few specific figures. One, a humongous serpent curled around a skyscraper and hissing towards a gigantic demonic beast that towered above everything else in view, looking to be made of bone plate, with huge curved horns and carrying some form of humongous scythe in its hand, the blade was red and curved, while the handle was wooden and led down into a stake of wood.

Wrong. Something deep within her told her, that was wrong!

It slowly turned its gigantic head and looked towards her, before heaving the massive scythe up over its head and throwing it towards her.

It travelled through the air too fast for her to see, before slamming into the ground in front of her hard enough to shake the world around her.

"What…what is this?!" Buffy trembled.

She whirled around to ask Angel and Yarden, before seizing up in horror. They were no longer sitting on the lunch table.

Instead, she found Angel pinned beneath a massive winged lion, a mane of shimmering green fire around its neck and at the tip of a tail that held Yarden by the throat, immobile in the air.

The lion turned to look at her, flaming green eyes staring deep into her soul, before it opened its massive maw and roared.

Buffy's eyes snapped open and she jerked up in her bed, panting deeply, covered in sweat, "….What the hell was that…?" she gasped.


"Oh my legs," Amy groaned from the back seat, "I don't think I'll be able to walk for a week."

I snorted, "I didn't hear you complaining before," I pointed out with a smirk as I drove, "In fact I distinctly remember you moaning, squealing and begging for more."

Admittedly, it had went on for way longer than I planned, the sun was already up, and it was not far off of seven in the morning.

I'd ploughed Amy through that school for hours on end, I can't even tell how long fully, but it was over six hours at least, we only stopped when the sun shone through the window of Snyder's office and I realised how much time had passed.

Honestly, I didn't feel the least bit tired and could have gone another twenty rounds easy, Amy on the other hand…once we stopped for a bit and the magic high bled off…

Well, she was still just a base line human, and I was a bit rough with her. So rough, I had to carry her to the car, which was a bit of a chore with the sun coming up and all.

I saw her cheeks burn red in the rear view mirror, "…I was caught up on the magic high, I'm totally not like that usually." she squirmed under the blanket I'd pulled from the trunk for her to cover herself.

She was in no shape to pull on her dress after all.

"Well, I had fun." I shrugged.

"I can tell." Amy replied dryly, rolling her eyes, "Where are we even going?"

"Well, I am going to go raid a demon nest for some powerful artefacts, while you are gonna lie in my backseat until you get feeling back in your legs." I replied.

"I don't have superhuman healing or anything like that, unless you plan on leaving me here to sleep for a week, that isn't gonna happen," Amy shrugged, "I guess I should just be glad my dad is out of town for the next week with his girlfriend."

"Well, if you want, you can crash at my place then once I'm done here." I offered.

With her living with me for a while, I can have her on call and working to get what I want done quicker.

"Fine with me," Amy nodded quickly, surprising me a bit, "What, you just offered to let me stay in a high class mansion overlooking the beach, with a pool and everything, course I'm gonna accept." she rolled her eyes again.

Fair enough.

A minute or so later, we arrived on Main Street and I parked my car, and prepared to get out, "Hey, are you just gonna leave me here?" Amy panicked for a moment when I opened the door.

"You'll be fine, the windows are tinted so nobody can see inside that well, and the sun's up, so no demons or vampires will be out and about." I assured her.

"That's not the only danger here, I'm a naked girl that can barely move!" she protested.

"You're a witch, a pretty powerful one at that," I snorted derisively, "If someone tries anything, put some of that massive magic power I gave you last night to use."

She pouted at me.

That was not enough to sway me, I'd already put off getting what I wanted for hours already.

I'd parked directly beside a manhole cover, close enough that I could just lean out of the car, open it up and drop directly down into the sewer from there.

"Ugh, it's fucking rank down here." I resisted the urge to gag in disgust. It was made all the worse by my senses that were far beyond a normal humans.

It was absolutely rancid. I felt the urge to tear my own nose off.

Thankfully, with the directions I got from Willy, it wasn't too hard to find my way to my destination, pushing through a fake wall into a cavern. The wall closing behind me, sealed off a lot of the smell.

"Oh thank fuck." I sighed in relief.

I made my way through the cavern and not long later, I found myself coming to a stop in a passageway.

I couldn't go any further.

That was because of a shimmering barrier that was hazily rippling in front of me.

Thankfully, I already had a way around it.

"Grooga!" A Nezzla demon stood guard in front of the barrier and snarled at me as soon as I came into view.

It was a huge, burly beast, with a thick elephant-like hide and a face like a carp.

It burled towards me, its bulk taking up a massive part of the passageway and launched a heavy, meaty fist towards my face.

Nezzla demons were incredibly strong and absurdly durable towards blunt force and magic, but they weren't particularly that fast.

I stepped to the side, easily avoiding the punch and kicked off the wall to launch myself over it.

'Too bad for it, I'm stronger.' I grinned savagely.

Then before it could turn around, I lashed out with a lightning quick kick at the joint behind its knee, forcing it to kneel.

Then as it did, I wrapped my arms around its throat and jerked with all my strength.

The cracking of its neck as it broke echoed loudly through the cavern.

Dead, instantly.

But I didn't let go of it, sure it was the guard, but I needed it for something else, and sadly, getting an opening in this hide of its, wouldn't really be possible without opening it up first.

I placed my foot on the back of its knee, pinning its body beneath me, then with my grip on its neck, I heaved with all my strength.

There was a disturbingly grotesque ripping sound as I tore its head clean up and off, the bones connected to its neck, its spine and such, dangling in the air as the now headless body toppled to the side limp, oozing a slimy bloody from the hole left behind.

"This is gonna suck ass." I groaned, dropping the head and reaching under my shirt at the back, where I'd hidden a massive machete for just this occasion.

Time to skin me a demon skin suit.


…I was right, it sucked ass.

No, far beyond that.

"Never…again." I shivered as I divested the skin suit I had been wearing for the past half hour.

My skin and clothing were soaked right through, I practically glistened like some swimsuit model all oiled up…except with gooey demon blood.

"At least I got this." I held up the small sealed wooden chest I'd found sitting atop a pedestal at the very back of the cavern.

It took me quite a while to find it. Beyond the barrier was absolutely crawling with Nezzla demons, hundreds of them.

The only solace was, that despite their strength, they were dumb as fuck, dumber even than your typical Fyarl demon. So despite the fact that even with the skin suit I was wearing I was massively smaller than them, they didn't even notice anything off with me.

Good thing I didn't just say fuck it in my disgust and drain the magic from the barrier. A few of them I could deal with easily enough, hundreds of them? Not so much.

'Nope, doesn't console me all that much when I smell this bad.' I almost whimpered.

My nose feels like its dying.

Maybe I should go stand in the sun and let it burn away at me to get rid of all this gunk? The only answer to something this disgusting, has to be burn it with fire.

Even if I'm under it.

"Actually, you know what? Fuck it." I huffed and pulled off my clothes and tossed them aside.

They were ruined now anyway.

Now completely nude, I eyed the box in my grasp. It was sealed completely shut.

I thrust my finger down atop it, right in the middle and pierced straight through the wood.

Eat your heart out Rob Lucci.

Then, hooking my finger under the lid, I pulled, and with a snap, the top of the box came free and displayed two shining red spheres

"Alright then, let's do this." I cracked my neck and placed the box down at my feet.

I was tempted to get a feel for the power they could give me just holding on to them. But, I'm not going to do that.

Rack when he passed the spell on to me, passed on quite a bit of information about it. While it could drain the power and traits of artefacts into me…

There would be a lot of bleed off, a lot of power from them that went to waste and as such, I probably wouldn't get the full effect.

But, as amazing as a boost they could give me, I just don't like the idea of having to use an item to be stronger, I prefer a passive, natural boost unique to me over an item boost.

It's more reliable in that it can't just be broken or stolen from me. And the Orbs of Nezzla'khan, are so incredibly fragile.

I held out my hands and began chanting while calling upon my magic, "Exhaurire petitio desiderium possessionem!"

A haze of green energy bubbled out of my hands, before dripping through the air and down towards the box, enveloping it by my command.

Like a straw, it began to suck upon the orbs and from them, sparks of violet power began to travel up through the green energy into my hands.

I shivered as I felt power rush into my veins, this is some good shit!

It took a good few minutes before I felt them run dry and then before my eyes, the purple energy bled away and the red faded from the orbs until they turned a lifeless grey and shattered into shards of glass.

I cut off the draining spell with a grin and clenched my fist, feeling the increase I'd gained in power, "…Yeah, this was totally worth it."

I can feel a noticeable increase in my strength, just from clenching my fist. They orbs sure were the real deal, weren't they?

"One down, two to go." I rubbed my palms together excitedly.

Well, at least as far as my first Sunnydale shopping list went. There are other amazing items I can get my hand on, but those three are the ones I want to get my hands on first of all before anything else.

Now I suppose I should head on home, get some new clothes and get ready for the day. Buffy will probably want to meet up with me at some point.

With a whistle on my lips and dong swinging freely and proudly, I made my way back through the cavern, back into the sewer, then hopped my way back up into the streets of Sunnydale.

My back was briefly scorched by the sun, before I hopped back into my car in a blur before anyone could see me.

"Oh you're back, thank Heca…" Amy trailed off and gave me a weird look, "…Why are you naked?"

"Because the world needs more awesomeness." I replied swiftly.

"…Okay, second question, why do you smell worse than horse manure?" she wrinkled her nose in disgust.

"Because skinning and wearing a demon as a suit isn't exactly a clean practice." I shrugged, turning the keys I'd left plugged in and starting the engine up.

"I feel like I've made a horrible mistake getting involved with you." the witch deadpanned.

"Hmph, honestly you should be thanking me," I snorted, "If not for me, well, the path you'd go down would be pretty horrible for you."

Like falling so low she'd date a skinless Warren Mears and bask in an orgy of 'we hate Willow' revenge shit.

Amy blinked, "…Wait…what?" she murmured, confused.

Hmm, should I or shouldn't I?

Ah whatever, fuck it.

"Yeah, I can see the future by the way, it's one of the reasons I was interested in you in the first place." I revealed.

And then as I drove us back towards my awesome beach side mansion, I revealed what I remembered of her future.

She was quite horrified to learn of her fate.

I don't blame her. From magic junkie groupie of Rack's to the lover of skinless incel nerd Warren Mears, not exactly a high note to go out on.


Primal Deva

Thanks for another update! And nice mention of a Fyarl demon. Honestly the only demon I can remember by name haha