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"This is a pretty nice car," Amy nodded approvingly when I led her to where I parked it, "Has to be pretty expensive to get your hands on one of these."

"You don't really see much girls who would understand the value of one of these." I pointed out with a grin as I sat in the drivers seat.

While I'm not exactly sure how much it would be worth here right now, jump twenty years ahead and it could go for as high as three hundred thousand.

"Usually you'd be right," Amy laughed, though it was a bit bitter sounding, "My mother was all about making me the perfect cheerleader growing up, and that included knowing the kind of boys I should go for, what car they drove was a pretty good indicator by her logic, the tramp."

Ah right, she was a cheerleader, wasn't she? Or training to be one before her mother stole her body to live out that fantasy herself. God, this world is fucked up man.

"Well, you can definitely pull off the cheerleader look." I winked at her, before turning the keys and revving the engine.
"Well, at least one good thing came out of her obsession, I look good," Amy snorted and preened a bit under my appreciative gaze, "But while we're on the subject, you've shown me how you plan on fulfilling the giving me power part of the deal, but let me ask, how do you plan on protecting me from everything in this town like you said? A pretty lofty promise to make knowing what this town is built atop."

Oh? So she knew it was built on the Hellmouth, I wasn't sure if she did or not, it was hard to tell what people knew here or not. Like, I was sure Buffy knew that the slayer powers came from a demon by this point.

"Unless an Old One or one of their champions pop up, there isn't gonna be anything stronger than me in this town." I shrugged.

Well, technically I guess. The Seed of Wonder is down in the Master's old abode in the sewers. I don't know what I'm gonna do about that.

Fucking Sunnydale man.

Amy blinked, "Old One?" she tilted her head, confused.

"Basically, the ancient demons that used to rule the world, more or less demon gods," I revealed casually, causing Amy to choke and sputter, "Outside of the likes of them, there's very few out there that can match me in a fight."

Though, I wonder how I measure up to Glory? Not that I know where to find her. I know she's sharing a body with somebody, but for the life of me I can't remember who.

Which fucking sucks. If I knew who it was, I'd totally go drain her essence through her weaker half and get a massive boost in power.

Amy just stared at me for a moment before shaking her head, "….That's a pretty big claim to make." she pointed out dryly, "Especially when this town is home to the Slayer, I wonder where that confidence comes from?"

"Buffy is weaker than me," I replied confidently, "And the reason I'm so confident is because I've got the power of ancient demon that used to actually fight against the Old Ones."

It probably isn't the smartest thing to reveal my err, origins I guess, but I honestly don't really care who knows about it. By time it spreads around enough and people actually put in enough time and research to figure out any weaknesses I may have, I'll have gotten way way stronger and invalidate all of that.

Amy froze, "…You're a demon?" she asked slowly, eyes widening in abrupt fear.

"Nope," I shrugged before frowning, "Maybe half at best. Honestly, someone tried to use my body to infuse it with the spirit of an ancient vampire, only I ended up winning that little body conflict and getting all its strength and powers. So I guess technically, I'm a half ancient vampire and half human."

I expected quite a few reactions to my revelation, mostly along the lines of shock, fear or a combination of both.
Instead, Amy kind of shocked me by letting her shoulders slump and snorting, "Body-jacking huh?" she shook her head, "Guess it's not just me that happened to."

"Nah, body-jacking is common as all hell," I laughed, a bit relieved, "Hell most high up political figures in the government are demons who have jacked human bodies."

That I remember clearly enough from the Angel series. I repeat, this world is fucked up man.

"Figures," Amy huffed, rolling her eyes, "Guess that explains why you're so confident then in your ability to protect me."
"Yeah, stick with me and there isn't anyone in this town demon or otherwise who'll have the balls to mess with you," I grinned, "Anyway, where to?"

"What do you mean?" Amy gave me a confused look.

"Where's the one you want me to jack the power from to give to you?" I asked.

I already know granted, but best let her lead me there. And Sunnydale High isn't out of the way of where I want to go, it's on the way to Main Street.

"Wait, you're gonna do it right now?" she went wide eyed.

"Long as they aren't too far out of my way, I'll take care of it before going about my business," I shrugged, "There's a demon nest below Main Street I need to go raid tonight."

"…The way you just casually dropped that out there is really telling for how different a world you live in from me," Amy gaped at me, before shuddering lightly, "Sunnydale High, the one I want dealt with is stuck in a trophy there."

"Good, shouldn't take long then." I nodded and reversed out of the parking spot, before driving off.

It didn't take long for us to reach out destination. And entering the school itself was easy as pie.

I even picked up a rather easily spell in the process when Amy waved her hand and incantated, "Aperta!"

The Latin word for 'Open'. A basic unlocking spell from incantations, nice. Incantation magic are the basic bitch magical abilities of the Buffy-verse. So basic bitch, even Xander could conjure fire just from incanting the Incendere spell. They're kind of useless for the most part though, beyond day to day uses unless you have a ton of magic power to use with them.

The real powerful magic is usually through rituals and shit, stuff that takes a lot of research and preparation to use.
Thankfully, I have magic power in spades and unlike human magic users, I don't need to draw in power to use it, I generate my own magic as a part demon.

Amy led me through the dark halls of the school, straight to the main hall where a large trophy case depicting multitudes of trophies, medals and other awards Sunnydale High had won over the years.

When we stopped in front of it, Amy's eyes landed on a specific trophy, a cheerleader award in the shape of a small statue in the likeness of a cheerleader.

"Aperta!" Amy waved her hand and the trophy case unlocked and slid open. She reached into the trophy case and grabbed the statue and pulled it out, a saving grin appearing on her face, "Hello mother." she greeted it, a savage glee in her voice.

I almost winced at the sheer venom I could hear in her voice.

The eyes of the completely still statue, widened in fear.


"I bet you thought you were safe hiding in there, right?" Amy gleefully continued, "Biding your time, enhancing your power with nothing else to do, getting stronger so you could take your revenge on me. But I'm not the same little girl you used to bully anymore, I'm a witch now myself, I couldn't get a peaceful nights sleep at all until I knew you were gone, and imagine my surprise when my first locator spell pointed you out to me?"

The eyes on the statue narrowed into a murderous glare, but it did nothing else. Not that the woman trapped in there could do anything else.

"I would have killed you the first time I found you were here, but I couldn't be sure you couldn't just reform if this damn statue broke, so I bided my time and got stronger," Amy continued, "And while I was doing that and pursuing an avenue strengthen my magic, I made a very powerful friend and he gave me a deal, a sweet sweet deal, very poetic really now that I think about it."

I raised an eyebrow, in what way was my offer poetic?

"You made me your little tool to live vicariously through and then when that wasn't enough, you stole my body!" Amy shouted suddenly, "Well, what goes around comes around you stupid slutty cheerleader tramp! My friend here is going to take all your magic and give it to me, how does that sound?"

Once again the statues eyes widened with fear and Amy laughed as she noticed it, a fully bellied, full on vicious and gleeful laugh that echoed through the halls.

'Well I guess that's kind of poetic of an ending I guess, or ironic.' I mused. Honestly, I couldn't tell which.

"Let's do it." Amy turned to me and held the statue out, a wide smile full of teeth on her face.

"Sure." I shrugged, the faster I get this done, the better.

I took the statue in my left hand and held up my right, bright red crackling electricity flaring to life within my palm and then I grasped the statue by the face and let the electrical current spread through the statue.

I had to resist the urge to whistle when I did and got a feel for how much magic power this bitch had.

Not as much as Rack or myself, but still a pretty substantial amount, huge even by normal standards. Way, way above average.

And interestingly, she could barely put up any resistance to me leeching on her magic. Is it because she's a statue right now?

Well, either way, within just a few minutes, I'd drained her totally dry and pulled my hand away. I kept the magic from leaking into my own and formed it into a sphere in my palm when I pulled back.

"…So that's her magic, huh?" Amy eyed the sphere in my palm eagerly. It was a pulsing green and about three times the size of a basketball.

"Yep, you ready for it?" I asked.

Amy nodded vigorously, "More ready than I've been for anything in my life!" she excitedly replied.

Well, okay then.

"Brace yourself." I warned, before reaching over to her and pressing the huge orb of magic against her chest. Red electricity crackled over it by my command and forced it to phase into her body and merge with her own magic.

Amy spasmed, legs shaking and a hall echoing moan escaped her mouth as her eyes flew wide open. I got a front row seat to watch has her pretty pale blue iris' was submerged by inky black that then spread out covering her pupils and then the whites of her eyes, until moments later pure ebony orbs of inky black darkness stared back at me.

Fun fact, according to the First Evil, you could generally get a rough estimate of how powerful a witch or warlock was magically by their eyes when they were full on using their magic. Weaklings saw no change in their eyes at all, those of stronger dispositions though, saw the change erupting from their iris', spreading out from there.

Only those with incredible amounts of magic power had pure pitch black eyes that covered everything from their iris' to their pupils and even the whites of their eyes.

Willow when she fought Glory still had parts from the white of her eyes showing, which now that I knew the basis in, was incredible for a girl with no magical lineage and only having studied magic for a few years. She didn't go full black eyes until mid-way through the sixth season after getting power boosted by Rack a few times herself.

"Oh god…amazing!" Amy moaned when I pulled my hand away from her. She held her hands up, opening and closing them a few times as she relished in her newfound power.

A wide smile was spread across her face and she grasped the statue I held idly in my hand. I let her tug it free and before my eyes, with a laugh she tossed it into the air.

"Potesta Erupit!" she chanted and thrust her hand into the air. A black bolt of sizzling magic power erupted from her palm and slammed into the statue in the air.

The statue exploded apart and fell to the ground in a small rain of debris.

Amy laughed long and loudly, gleefully, happily, joyfully. I could hear it all in the echo through the hallways.

It would kind of be terrifying for any normal person to hear laughter like that, especially from someone who just kind of murdered their mother.

But after what her mother put her though, I could understand.

"I'm finally free!" Amy cheered, "And it feels so good!"

I snorted in amusement, "So how's that for delivering on my promise then?" I asked cheekily.

She turned her wide smile on me, "You delivered on everything you said and more," she replied and I noticed she was panting deeply, cheeks flushed a bit red, "I feel liberated and so light on my feet I could fly."

She surprised me then by stepping forward and throwing her arms around my neck and leaning over to kiss me full on the mouth.

I was a bit surprised, but not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. She moaned into my mouth as I forced my tongue through her lips and met her own, one of her hands trailing up through my hair and urging me on.

My arms encircled her waist and my hands took two greedy handfuls of her shapely backside through her denim dress and squeezed.

Our tongues duelled for a few minutes in a haze of passion while I happily fondled her ass.

She pulled back then, resting her forehead against mine and stared into my eyes with orbs of pitch black darkness, "Fuck me." she demanded.

"Gladly." I smirked, and pulled my hands off her ass, sliding them up to the top of her dress, where the denim dress was buttoned up and then pulled, the buttons ripped loose and the dress opened up fully at the front baring her nude front to me, perky peach sized breasts with rosy nipples, a toned belly, long tan legs and a lovely little dripping snatch with a small bit of fuzz atop it.

She was fucking soaked.

I knew it was mostly because of the euphoria she felt from her magic growing so much, so quickly, it was literally what amounted to liquid power putting her on a lustful high.

Did I care? No.

After all, Buffy missed something completely about me. I might be helping her, might even like her quite a bit and don't plan on fucking her over or destroying the world or anything like that, honestly I plan on saving it.

But, that does not at all mean I'm a good guy. I'm the Big Bad, baby!

She gasped, before moaning throatily, "You animal!"

"Top of the food chain!" I snarled lustfully, reaching up to grasp her by the back of her hair and then I used that grip to force her to bend over against the trophy case, her denim dress with nothing holding it together sliding off her back and leaving her completely nude besides a pair of high heels.

I reached down with my free hand to unbutton my pants and pull them down passed my thighs alongside my boxers, allowing my large, thick throbbing cock its freedom, the meaty pillar slapping down down on her ass cheeks, drawing another moan from the witch.

"Hecate above you're huge!" Amy shivered.

I grasped my hard cock at the base, stroking it a bit with my free hand before spanking her ass cheeks with it, the dull meaty thud of my cock meeting her perky cheeks echoing through the hallway, while Amy happily wiggled her ass and urged me on.

Once I had my fill of that, I lined myself up, thick angry pulsing purple jed head of my cock teasing at her dripping entrance. With how wet she was, I didn't even need any foreplay right now and could just get right down to fucking.

"Oh fuck!" Amy moaned lewdly, eyes rolling up into the back of her head as I eased myself into her, spreading her little magical pussy wide open, farther than it ever had before.

She clung to me like a vice.

Soon, the hallways of Sunnydale Highschool were filled with the echoes of Amy's moaning, screaming pleasure filled voice and the clapping of her ass cheeks as I fucked her silly over the 'corpse' of her mother.

I guess the Orbs of Nezzla'khan will have to wait a few hours.


There was an awkward silence permeating Giles' living room. Squeezed between Willow and Xander on the couch, Buffy was honestly at a loss as to how to clear the air a bit.

Willow was doing her damn best to keep her eyes on the clock, while Oz fiddled with his painted nails and Giles rubbed at his glasses for the eighth time in the last five minutes.

The only one the awkward atmosphere didn't seem to be effect was Cordelia. But then, she was Cordelia and probably just didn't care and wanted to leave and do whatever Cordelia's did in their free time.

"…So Buff.." Xander, bless him coughed and tried to clear the air a bit, "Did you to go Belgium?" he asked, forcing a grin on his face and directing it at her.

Despite herself, Buffy chuckled a bit, "Why would I go to Belgium?"

"I think the question you're looking for, is why not?" his grin widened and he pumped his fist a little, "Bel…gium!"
Ever the funny man, wasn't he? She really had missed him.

"It probably would have been better than where I did end up," she mused, "I ended up getting an apartment in L.A."
"Huh, I thought you'd end up living in a box." Cordelia added with an uncaring shrug.

Buffy was honestly astonished to find she'd actually missed Cordelia's dismissive and uncaring attitude.

It was good to be home.

"So what made you come back?" Oz asked, raising a brow at her.

"A few things, mostly though it was because of seeing people suffering at the hands of demons again, and I met a guy who inspired me a bit." she shrugged.

"A guy?" Xander's eyebrows drew up in suspicion.

"Not like that," Buffy waved him off, "I mean sure, he was totally checking me out and the like, but he was pretty blatant in not wanting to date me, insultingly so now that I think about it."

Yarden was such a dick. Her, not able to keep a man? That she was boring? She'd never had a guy ever say anything even close to that before.

…But then considering he could actually see the future and had seen what she got up to…

Well, if he wasn't lying about her slutty escapades with Spike of all people and wasn't that a world changer, then she could kind of understand. She wouldn't think much of some blonde slut taking it up the ass from that Billy Idol wannabe either.

So gross just to think about!

"Eh, why not?" Willow gaped at her.

"Probably because he has common sense." Cordelia shrugged and answered in place of Buffy.

Ouch. It bothered Buffy that she couldn't refute that.

"Apparently he can see the future and saw a bunch of stuff revolving around me," Buffy revealed, "He apparently wasn't very impressed with my dating history in the future."

There was a collective wince around her that confused Buffy, before she remembered.

Her main dating history here had been with…Angel.

It surprised her how much easier it was to think of him now that she knew he was okay. Well, not okay, but would be in the future. The fact he was being tortured right now and she couldn't do anything about it, was something she just had to ignore and suppress every thought on lest she bring herself to tears again.

"My word, you met a Seer?" Giles gasped.

"Something like that, I guess," Buffy shrugged, happy to change the subject a bit, "Apparently he's like me in a way, super powered and all that and even in a bit of the same way. Hey actually Giles, why'd you never tell me the slayer power comes from a demon?"

"…Wait what?!" Xander gaped at her, and the rest of her friends weren't far behind.

Giles blinked, before sighing and pulling off his glasses and polishing them, again.

"Your new friend seems to know a lot," Giles shook his head, "I confess, I would have quite liked to be full on and truthful with you about it Buffy, but the Watcher's Council have a strict rule on not revealing that fact to Slayers, lest they be demoralized."

Yeah, she could kind of see where he was coming from on that front. If she knew early on that she was basically part demon really and went out killing demons for being…demons.

Well, it would be real hypocritical of her, wouldn't it?

She would not at all have taken it well back then. It was only after she met Angel that she realised it wasn't all black and white with demons.

"Ah, cool, gotcha," Buffy nodded, waving it off, "So yeah, basically he got kidnapped by some big bad evil force that wanted to like give their best henchman or something a new body and chose him because he had lots of magic power or something, but he kinda like ate the soul of the demon and got all its power himself?"

"Oh no, don't tell me we have to deal with this big bad already? The school year is only starting!" Xander panicked.
"Nah, not yet at least," Buffy laughed a little, "He wouldn't even tell me its name because apparently it'll know about anyone speaking its name and pop up to find out who did it."

"It must be quite the powerful force then," Giles frowned, "Did your new friend perhaps tell you the name of the demon he gained the power of? With that, I could perhaps narrow it down."

"It was apparently some uber super vampire," Buffy shrugged, "Like, one that was kicking ass back when the demons still ruled the world, a Truck-Ham I think he called it."

Giles' eyes flew wide open, "D-do you mean a Turok-Han!?" he sputtered in shock.

"That's what I said." Buffy rolled her eyes.

"…Oh for fuck sake," Xander groaned, "Is this another vampire with a soul type of thing?"

"Kind of?" Buffy replied, "But kind of the inverse. He's human, just with all the abilities of a vampire, his heart still beats, he never lost his soul or anything like that."

"What is with you and vampires?" Cordelia rolled her eyes, "You should change your name to Slutty the Vampire Layer at this point."

"Hey, I'm not dating him!" Buffy growled, "Sure he's hot as all hell and I'm grateful to him, but he isn't interested in dating me and I'm not ready for dating or anything right now."

"Children, please, can we get back to the topic," Giles groaned, "The confirmation of Turok-Han being real is mind boggling after all."

"How so Giles?" Willow asked curiously.

Giles nodded at her gratefully, "As Neanderthals are to human beings, the Turok-Han are to vampires. They're primordial, ferociously powerful killing machines, as single-minded as animals. They are the vampires that vampires fear. An ancient and entirely different race. And until now, I thought they were a myth," he explained, looking each of them in the eye, "They're an entirely different breed to the vampires you all know of and I dare say even the Master would be considered their inferior by far."

There was utter silence for a few moments as they digested the severity of what Giles revealed.

A silence only broken by Xander groaning, "Oh man, I miss Spike already."

"Hey!" Buffy pouted at him, "Yarden isn't evil or anything, in fact he's here to help us."

"Like Angel you mean?" Cordelia snorted.

"No!" Buffy growled, "Look, Angel and Angelus, totally different! Yarden literally ate that vampire, he isn't gonna randomly lose his soul anymore than I am."

"I do hope you're correct Buffy," Giles mused, "Though it begs the question, why does he want to help us."

"Oh, that's an easy one!" Buffy grinned happily, she could put their suspicions to end right here and now, "Apparently, this big bad he's hiding from is something I'd fight in the future a few years from now, he basically just wants to help me out and then team up with me in the future when it comes around to deal with it."

"Hold on, rewind!" Xander jumped to his feet, rather dramatically and pointed at her wide eyed, "Are you listening to yourself? He has all the strength and power of this legendary super uber vampire, and this thing has him running from it? Do you see the problem here? Cuz I do!"

"Eh, I apparently beat it in the future even without him backing me up." Buffy shrugged.

Angel would be back, she'd have another slayer backing her up, Spike would apparently be in her corner after falling in love with her, as gross as that sounded and now Yarden would be backing her up as well, and Yarden was planning on getting way more powerful as well with stuff he saw in his visions.

With that kind of line-up, she didn't see how she could lose.

"Interesting, but be that as it may, perhaps we should meet this boy, Yarden was it?" Giles mused, "It would be comforting if we could get a feel for the boy as well."

"Well, I was planning on doing that tonight, but he was a bit busy," Buffy shrugged, "He was getting himself a place to live and stuff y'know? He got himself one of those mansions up at the beach."

"Huh," a surprised sound left Cordelia's mouth before she nodding approvingly at Buffy, "A real step up from your last vampire-honey for sure."

"He's not my honey." Buffy rolled her eyes, before looking at Giles again, "I'll introduce you to him tomorrow, it'll have to be at night though, he kind of got some of the weaknesses of vampires along with the power."

"Good to know." Xander nodded.

Ugh, why did they have to be so suspicious of him?



Yup, put a fork in her cuz Buffy is done!


Wow, talk about a blast from the past. I remember hearing about Buffy the Vampire Slayer when I was a kid, but I was way too young to be allowed to watch it and by the time I was old enough I had completely forgotten about it. Thanks for writing this and I hope it keeps going for a long time.