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From what I could see, and from a quick mental calculation, there were roughly around sixty of them.

And I noticed something almost immediately as well as they all prepared to attack me. They were much lighter on their feet compared to the general Fire Bender I had met before.

Which made sense I guess, every single one of them was trained in the Dancing Dragon Style, a fire bending style that has a lot of focus on defending and diverting other fire in a straight fire duel.

Where as, the Sozin Style, was a very rigid style, designed for ease of use and powerful attacks. It was a fire bending style made for creating mass produced fire bending soldiers to deal great damage to others, a style created specifically for war.
If I had to liken the differences more specifically, I'd say those who mastered the Dancing Dragon moved more like an Air Bender, where as, those enriched in the Sozin Style, moved more like Earth Benders.

"Hah!" with a shout, I punched both my fists out, lashing out with a pair of massive spheres of flame.

Working together, four of the Sun Warriors confronted them, two apiece and split the fire balls down the middle, diverting them safely into the air.

That was fine though, because I was already moving, expelling fire from my feet to rocket me forward, I used the cover provided by the fire balls to get in front of them before they could react and spun around, leg coming out in a low sweet and unleashing a wave of flame that clipped their ankles, drawing cries of pain and surprise from them, and dragging them to the ground.

I didn't have much time to follow up on that while they were down and finish them off. While I targeted them and they dealt with my fire balls, the rest spread out around me on the grand staircase and unleashed large and mighty blasts of flame at me from every direction.

Thinking quickly, I spun, thrusting both arms out around me and expelled a large chunk of chi from all of my chi points. Flames erupted from around me, twisting into a large dome shield just as the dozens of flame streams reached me.

My fire shield grew and expanded as the flames were absorbed into it and my grin only got wide. I crossed my arms, before lashing out with both of them outwards and wide spread, and the massive dome of flame erupted upwards and outwards, forming into a literal tornado of flame that spread across the expanse of the staircase.

I could just barely hear screams over the roar of fire surrounding me. It took a moment for it to die down after I cut off feeding my chi to it, but when it did, the stone staircase was scorched black all around me, and all the Sun Warriors that had surrounded me, were nowhere to be seen.

Well, on the staircase at least.

I could see many of them spread out on the ground at the bottom of the staircase or to the side of it, my attack had thrown them all around like ragdolls.

While they could divert flames easily enough, sheer concussive force was a different story, and that attack had not only a chunk of my own chi packed into it, but multiple dozens of theirs as well.

"Oh yeahhhh…" I groaned as a familiar feeling rushed through me, of my chi refilling, and growing and expanding, "That's the stuff man!"

Another level up already!

Hmm, actually, I think my chi grew twice the usual amount? It was hard to tell due to some of my perks and such, but I feel like it's grown quite a bit more. I probably wouldn't have even noticed it, if I didn't level up just a minute ago and compare them so quickly together.

..So did I get two levels up then?

My eyes drifted to the bottom of the stairs where the remainder of the Sun Warriors stood at the button, tense, but not backing down, and in the middle of them, a familiar large, stocky build man with a feather headdress. The Sun Warrior Chief, with a little bit less than half of the total of warriors he brought with him.

The fire shield was a nasty move, I had to admit. Well, it was Zuko's go to choice to defend against Sparky Sparky Boom Man, and it held up against his explosions, so it's no wonder, right?

Well, whatever, I still have experience bags sitting down there waiting for me, I can think on this later.

I expelled fire from my feet and launched myself into the air, flipped and then down the same to launch myself down towards the Sun Warriors.

As one, they attacked, unleashing massive blasts of flame up to meet me. Those blasts conjoined into one massive tower of flame that blotted out my vision of everything below me.

It was impressive, I won't lie. The only time I saw blasts that big, was during Sozin's Comet.

But fire really is the worst element to fight me with.

I expelled flame from my chi points once more, forming another fire shield around me, though much more narrow this time and swept right through the flame.

My skin singed a bit and it stung, but little more than pressing the likes of a lighter into my skin before I gained these abilities, easily ignorable.

I came out of the massive tower of flame a moment later like a flaming meteor and slammed into the ground so hard I felt the ground shake and buckle beneath my impact.

I expelled the flames from around me in another huge tornado of flame in all directions. If it wasn't broken after all, don't fix it.

It was amazing for dealing with enemies surrounding me in all directions, so I don't feel the least bit sorry for spamming it.

I expanded quite a lot of chi into it, almost a full quarter of my reserves, and that was on top of absorbing much of their own fire into my shield when going through it.

But it was worth it, because-

I felt it again, the feeling of my chi filling back up to full and then expanding and growing once more.

God it's so easily to level up here! It makes me want to go take on the Fire Nation army and navy and mop them up in the bucket loads and power level like a beast!

Fuck, just how many levels could I-

My instincts went haywire and I expelled fire from my feet and launched myself back, just in time to avoid a massive meaty fist clad in fire piercing through the flames around me and aiming straight for my nose.

I landed on the staircase again from the force of my retreat, a few steps back, and the flames I'd let loose before, raging like a wildfire, was parted like Moses through the red sea and the Sun Warrior Chief stepped on through, a frown on his face, and a glare in his eyes, not a mark on him.

"It seems I will have to deal with you myself, outsider." He stated simply, but the threat hung heavy.

Yeah, this guy is on a whole other level from the average fire bender I've dealt with.

All around him, his kinsmen were strewn about, limp and beaten. They'd survive easily, but there was little chance at all they could continue on here and now in this fight.

But the sheer fact an attack of that level didn't even leave a mark on his clothing, never mind his body, was evidence enough of his strength.

This guy after all, unlike me doesn't have pure massive resistance to fire beyond the standard resistance any fire bender would have.

I don't think even Azula as she was the last time I saw her, could have so easily dealt with that attack. Oh, she would have gotten through it without too much damage, but to get through it with not even a mark on her clothing? Yeah, I don't think she could right now.

I guess there's a reason this guy is the chief of the Sun Warriors and the one in charge around here.

'This guy is the strongest guy I've met so far outside of Iroh and Bumi.' I thought, narrowing my eyes at him. I don't have the system to tell me his level, but I could feel it instinctively.

The grin that I'd lost in my surprise from him breaking through my attack, spread across my face once again as excitement filled me and made my blood boil.

I could just explain to him, tell him it was all a big misunderstanding. But…I kind of don't want to.

This guy, he'll be a great test for how strong I've gotten now.

"Z'at so?" I replied drolly, "Well, I hope you're more impressive than the rest of these guys, because so far, for being the legendary ancient Sun Warriors, I'm not all that impressed."

Granted, I'm not really a fair benchmark for these guys to be measured against, especially when using fire against me. I had a decent grasp on their strength though, and I'd rank them around the level of the Imperial Fire Benders I'd met while being with Azula.

Which kind of was impressive considering there was like sixty of these guys. In the entirety of the Fire Nation, according to Azula at least, there were only around five hundred people on the level of Imperial Fire Benders, and that was with a massive booming population.

For such a small tribe to have this many at this level, spoke well of them.

"You are strong for your age, but you have a big mouth outsider," the Chief didn't rise to my taunt, "It will be your undoing." he exploded forward as he finished, fire expelled from his feet with the Jet Propulsion technique just as I had and he closed the distance rapidly.

He lashed out with a huge meaty fist, launching a huge torrent of fire straight for my face, blotting out my vision with red and yellow embers.

Instead of retreating, I mimicked him and did just the same, my fist meeting his and unleashing a huge torrent of flame of my own.

The world around us was died completely in fire.

"Hmph." he snorted, clearly not impressed by my efforts and he brought his other and up and thrust two fingers into the air.

The fire expelling from around as was swept up and compressed together, forming into a long serpentine shape, and then he brought both fingers down, just as the tip of the flame engorged into the shape of hissing serpent and it rushed down at me from above.

Damn, what control! He totally used my own fire for that as well.

I thrust up my own free hand, firing off a hastily prepared Fire Fist that smashed into it and through it, and then lashed out with a roundhouse kick, flame erupting from my foot to increase the force and speed of the blow.

He took it like a champ, merely bringing his still free hand up to block it with his forearm. The only indicator it done anything being the slight wince he gave and having to dig his legs in to help absorb the blow.

Fire erupted from one of his own feet and his knee came up, aiming for my chin. I narrowly dodged by forcing for chi into the flames coming from my fist and forcing myself backwards through the air.

It was close though, very close. I actually felt the wind of his blow and fabric of his pants brush against my chin.
I was back on him a moment later. Before my feet even touched ground, I was using the Jet Propulsion and launching myself at him, feet and fists clad in flame.

I unleashed a rapid bevvy of one-two sets of jabs, my arms a a blur of orange and yellow, but each one was blocked or diverted expertly and his own counter attacks were fists like missiles that made the air ripple from the sheer strength behind them.

I spun around his fist, using the flame on my feet to propel me and launched myself into a flying knee straight for his face from the side. His opposite sided arm came up in a blur to block my knee with his palm, stopping me cold mid-air, then his other hand came up and grasped my ankle and flame exploded form his own feet as he spun like beyblade, pulling and swinging me around like a ragdoll and tossed me through the air down towards the ground, hard.

Just for a moment though, he left himself open in the moment and just as he let go, my free leg lashed out and caught him square in the face, and fire erupted from the impact.

He was sent flying him the stairs, while I jettisoned towards the bottom. The wind was knocked out of me as I slammed into the ground hard on my back, and I lay there for a moment.

Idly, I caught sight of him, slamming into the stairs pretty hard himself, a burn mark spread across his face. He pushed himself up groggily, shaking off the pain he no doubt fell and fell into a very familiar stance.

Two fingers pointed outwards on each hand and winding his arms in rapid circular motions. The air crackled with power and the smell of ozone as bright blue lightning sizzled into existence around his finger tips, and the way he generated it…
'Lightning bending!' my eyes widened.

He made Azula's lightning generation seem snail-like in comparison.

A second later, he thrust one hand out towards me, a huge bolt of lightning splitting through the air towards me, thunder roaring in my ears.

So, one thing I don't think I've explained too well at this point, is that when Zan levels up, so to do his tamed beasts. And that includes Ty Lee who is connected to his skill. I've already updated the level gains they've gotten in the process of Zan's level ups as well.

Also for anyone who's interested;

Sun Warrior Chief - Level 80
Average Sun Warrior - Level 20-30



Shame this didn’t continue, dunno why either, I thought this was quite popular?

Fireburner Gaming

Decided to finally read this would love to see it continue


I’d love to see this continued. Any intention of doing this?