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An hour later, I lay in my bed staring up into a ceiling, a contemplative frown on my face.

Both of us, Hilda and I, had messed around for a bit longer than intended, and she left only ten minutes ago in a rush. Not that I'm complaining, beyond the big blue obvious of course, I'd had extra time to make my mark on that lovely neck of hers.

Rawr, I'm a vampire baby!

It was weird, I'd been planning on leaving her behind myself from the very beginning after Pidgeotto evolved into Pidgeot, but here I am, her having left of her own accord, freeing up my plans massively without anyone keeping an eye on me…yet, I'm kind of sad she'd left.

And not just because she's hotter than the surface of the sun itself.

I guess I'll miss her company. Hilda was pretty useful to have around, she helped fill in some gaps in my knowledge and give me more of a view into the common sense of this world, and her banter was great, amazing even, she meshed with me pretty well, she knew not to take my jokes seriously and didn't get all affronted at every little thing.

A rare gem of a lady.

Pokegirls are just built different man.

"Alright, enough of this." I slapped my cheeks and pushed myself up out of the bed. I quickly grabbed a pair socks, slipping them on and then my shoes and grabbed the belt with my pokeballs.

It was still early, and I'm gonna be getting right into some training this morning as usual, so I didn't bother with a shirt.
Going by prior experience, not many would be up at this time beyond Nurse Joy, and she'd had way more of a look at me, beyond being simple shirtless.

She got a good look at me, full on au naturale.

As I was making my way out of the room, I paused at the mirror on the wall. I wanted to get a look at my back. At one point, when I'd been on top of Hilda last night, she'd dug her nails into my back and scratched me up something fierce.

Note: when she loses control enough to scratch up your back while screaming and moaning, you know you're doing a good job. Keep it up lads!

I turned and angled myself so I could get a look at the scratch marks, before frowning, "…That's odd." I muttered.

The long bloody red claw marks were still there, as I expected. But, they were faint, and didn't look scabbed over. Which is very weird because I'd felt the scabbing start up before I went to sleep.

They're healing pretty damn quickly. This is something I'd expect like a week later, not just a night.

…Well, whatever. I've not really been injured since I got here, so it's probably just something to do with this world itself rather than anything special.

With a shrug, I continued on my way, stepping out of my room, locking the door behind me and heading downstairs to find a training room.

I gave Nurse Joy whom I passed by a wink, and had to withhold a laugh when her face flushed a deep red.

Bow chika wow wow!

Pidgeot was the eye of all of my pokemon when I brought them all out. His sheer size in his newly evolved form and the power he radiated drew eyes to him like a Venomoth to a flame.

But, it wasn't just awe they felt upon seeing his new strength. As a Pidgeotto, he was already the strongest among all of my pokemon, with a sizeable lead over the others, now, as a Pidgeot, the gulf between them had only grown larger.

My pokemon trained hard, every damn day, but they threw themselves into the training today with a zeal that made their previous efforts seem like childs play in comparison.

Especially Fearow and Zubat. They challenged Pidgeot to a battle, and even two on one, Pidgeot defeated them with ease. Even Fearow's powerful hyper beam attack, never managed to do much when Pidgeot blocked it with Steel Wing and shrugged off the damage. Faster, stronger, more durable, Fearow and Zubat together, just couldn't compare to Pidgeot's absurd new strength.

Honestly, even I was surprised by it. I knew he'd become even stronger when evolving…but not this much.

It was visibly apparent how frustrating it was to the duo facing Pidgeot, with how much stronger he was then them. Zubat was the first to go down and hard, with a single Wing Attack after Pidgeot stopped playing around a bit.

And he would have stayed down, if not for the moment he erupted into bright light and grew massively before my eyes. A massive Golbat took to the air, and fucking hell was Golbat big, way bigger than I thought they were, of size with Fearow even and Fearow was actually quite a bit bigger than the average of his species.

If it weren't for how awkward Golbat's body was, I could totally fly on his back as well easily.

…Not that the new evolution amounted to much, not even when he pulled out a new attack learned from evolving in the form of a massive red gale of blistering heat. Pidgeot bullied the Heat Wave attack out of existence with a mere Gust.

And then Golbat hit the ground after Pidgeot blitzed him faster than he could react with Agility and then Quick Attack, punishing him with a Steel Wing, and then Fearow followed to the ground not long later.

Pidgeot proved his dominance over the rest of them with that. After all, out of the current party I have with me, Fearow was one of the strongest, alongside Shiftry, the ones only lagging a bit behind Pidgeotto before he became Pidgeot.

Not that they were down for long, not with the combined healing prowess of Chansey, Clefable and Milotic together.

By time we finished our morning training, it was already nearly ten in the morning, we'd been going for nearly three hours.

And both myself and my pokemon, were absolutely exhausted, my skin was disgustingly sticky with sweat.

While I was catching my breath, I looked around at my pokemon from where I was sitting, Chansey sitting by my side on the right, and Clefable sat on the left of me.

They were the least effected, since they didn't really train much, and that much only really applied to Clefable, and only a tad. She, while liking to learn new attacks, wasn't much of a fighter. And even then, both of them had expended quite a bit of stamina from repeatedly using Gravity and Heal Pulse.

Victreebel had collapsed on its side, while Bellossom lay limp against the poison and grass type. Milotic lay strewn across the floor, like a big giant limp noodle, Charmeleon had collapsed on his back, Shiftry was as always, leaning against a wall, cross armed and ever cool looking, but it was really only that wall keeping him up.

Both Fearow and Golbat lay face down on the floor, both of them with their wings spread out wide. Butterfree's massive form was perched on one of the benches, stoic as ever, but his bright red eyes were half lidded and huge white wings curled over.

Pidgeot, was really the only one who wasn't practically half dead from exhaustion of those who were training. He was stood on the ground, his beak spread into a massive, smug, pride filled smile. I'm still not sure how a beak can smile either. That is some whacky biology.

My eyes drifted to Golem, who had retreated back into his shell after training. The loss against Surge's Golem still had him down.

Fucking roided cunt and his cheap ass tactics.

Hypocritical, yes, very much so.

The only hypocrite I like is myself.

"Alright guys." I spoke up, since training was down for now, it was time to get down to business.

A massive of exhausted eyes turned to look at me, and Golem even pulled himself out of his shell.

"We lost against Surge, not a big deal though, now that we know what he's like, we could take him easy, but I have other plans," I began, "There's a bunch of strong pokemon I have my eyes on, and I need all your help to deal with them.

Specifically, a few of them are gonna be quite violent, so I need some of you guys on standby at the Pokemon Centre to keep them compliant if they get out of hand."

They perked right up at my words, "I've already picked out who's going to get sent back," I continued, "This isn't a punishment or anything guys, keep that in mind. Every single one of you are damn amazing, and yes I mean you too Golem, I'm picking you guys because I know I can trust you guys to keep them in line."

I looked each of them in the eye and made sure they knew I meant all of them, "The ones of you going back are; Clefable, Shiftry, Butterfree, Golbat and Golem," I revealed, and continued on before any of them could take it the wrong way, "Butterfree and Golbat, you're both strong as hell and you can keep them down with your spores and hypnosis attacks, Golem, you can take a hit like nobodies business, yesterday was just bad luck and poor planning on my part, Shiftry, well, you know your strong and Nurse Joy trusts you to keep other pokemon there in line and Clefable, I mainly want you there to let the others keep up their training with Gravity and healing them."

I'd pretty much ingrained how to continue training physically with them after all, they would get right down to it even without my constant supervision. And with Clefable there, all my pokemon not currently in my party, could reap the same training benefits on the physical route.

Most of them, accepted it without issue, there were two that didn't quite seem to be happy about it.

Golem, took on a morose look and slumped over, and Clefable gave me a big teary eyed pout. Golem of course took it wrong, but Clefable, she really only joined me initially because of my offer to teach her all I knew about the legends and such.

And I'd been keeping that promise. I'd told her all about Deoxys and Rayquaza, and what I knew of pokemon in space, and tended to just ramble on when we had some privacy after training from Hilda.

"Don't worry," I pat her on the head, "I'll ask Nurse Joy to let you use the computers, I showed you how to use one remember?" I'd done so back in Hollywood, way easier than just getting her a bunch of books and lugging them around.

Clefable's eyes lit up and she nodded along happily, losing her pout. For all I knew about the reality of legendary pokemon and things going on in this world, there was still much research into them that I knew nothing of, research she could happily read through with access to a computer.

"Well, as long as your happy." I shook my head, before patting her one last time and standing up, making my way over to Golem, resisting the urge to wince at his sullen expression.

"One loss isn't a big deal buddy," I got right to the point, placing my hand on his large, sturdy shell, "And it's not just on you, it's on me as well."

"Go.." Golem shook his head, and lifted his hand up and displayed one finger to me, staring me dead in the eyes.

This time I couldn't help but wince, there was no stopping it. Yeah, I got it. It wasn't just that he lost.

But it was that he lost to a single attack.

"I'm not sure what else I can tell you mate," I sighed, "I don't think you're weak or anything, hell, give it a few months and it'll be you who crushes that Golem in one hit, I'm sure of it!"

I would have approached that battle totally differently if I knew he had created a technique like that Railgun thing. I would have went with Earthquake to throw it off balance, then Mud Sport to weaken electrical attacks in the area, Strealth Rock to set up for his next pokemon coming in after that, and for natural barricades. I would have then taunted Surge and lured him in to blowing that attack early, with it weakened from Mud Sport, shield against it with the Stealth Rock and had Golem use Defense Curl. That would have let him tank it easily I'm sure and exhausted Surge's Alolan Golem, then I would have went with Rock Polish and Rollout and Golem would have wrecked its shit.

But as they say, hindsight is twenty-twenty.

I pat him once more, "And again, don't think I'm sending you back to Viridian because I'm disappointed, no, I want you there specifically to deal with a certain pokemon I'm gonna catch," I revealed, and he gave a bit of a surprised jolt, giving me his full attention, "It's probably gonna be the biggest problem of the pokemon I'm going after, an Aerodactly, an ancient fossil pokemon."

Golem's crimson red eyes went wide, "Go!?" he gave a choked sputter.

"Yeah, and it's super strong, easily as strong as any gym leaders pokemon, stronger even," I explained. That, I'm certain of; and for a specific reason. Ash's Charmeleon. Aerodactyl casually disrespected it as a nuisance, but a while before that, as a Charmander, it had taken on and defeated Koga's Golbat, and then got a lot stronger from there on and evolved into Charmeleon, yet even at that strength, Aerodactyl dabbed on Charmeleon, like a scrub, "But with how strong, fast and durable you are, I'm sure you'll be able to beat it down with ease if it tries to rampage around."

"Gol..em..?" His eyes shone with a wet sheen and his reptilian mouth trembled.

I traced my hand from his shell to his head, "Yeah, I trust you to be able to do that, you're a boss Golem." I grinned, flashing him a thumbs up.

Golem sniffed, before crying out happily and jumping on top of me, forcing me to the ground.

"Golem go!" the huge rock shelled pokemon happily rubbed his face against mine.

"Yeah…love…you to buddy," I grimaced under the weight of his massive shell. Yet, surprisingly, it wasn't that bad, "You're kinda squishing me though…"

Hell, I think I could totally…

I placed my hands under his shell and pushed, and to my surprise, while my arms strained quite a bit, I was able to lift him up into the air with my bare hands.

"Go?!" Golem's eyes went wide with shock at me lifting him.

Just like my own did.


Gravity and Heal Pulse training, really does the body good, doesn't it?


It was nearing two in the afternoon before I finally left the Vermillion Pokemon Centre behind, leaving a red faced Nurse Joy behind her desk watching me swagger my way out.

Heh, even a simple smirk sent her way had her flushing in embarrassment. Fun, fun times.

After leaving the training room, I took the time to get my pokemon their breakfast and have some of my own, alongside my new customary morning drink, vanilla protein shake, mixed with Chansey's daily egg.

If Golem is anything to go by earlier, my path to the swollness is not wrong.

After that, I jumped in the shower to wash off the musky sweat that was the fruit of my morning labours, got dressed and contacted Nurse Joy at the Pokemon Centre in Viridian to send over the five pokemon I'd decided on earlier, leaving me with 'only' seven in my current party.

She barely commented on Snivy to my surprise, beyond relaying that he'd settled in fine and was getting along with my other pokemon quite well when I asked.

I wonder how shocked she'll be when she gets an influx of Squirtle, Wartortle and a Blastoise? And then a bunch of pokemon that should be fossils right now.

Well, I'll find out later I suppose. For now, my destination is just a bit off the coast of Vermillion City.

Dragonite Island.

I released Fearow from his pokeball, saddle already secured on his back. Just as I was about to hoist myself up onto the birds back though and take off, a shout caught my attention.

"Jord, hey Jord!" it was a somewhat familiar voice, and calling my name.

He turned around to where the voice was coming from and found himself looking at a trio of familiar people making their way along the road towards the Pokemon Centre.

Ash, Brock and the one who called my name, jogging ahead of the others and waving at me with a big wide smile on her face, was Misty.

'One gorgeous booty shorts wearing girl exits the scene and another enters.' I nodded sagely to myself.

I looked down at my crotch, 'C'mon man, gimme a break eh?' I implored.

Pidgeot - Male - Keen Eye
Gust, Sand Attack, Quick Attack, Peck, Wing Attack, Steel Wing, Rain Dance, Roost, Double Team, Agility

Fearow - Male - Sniper
Peck, Astonish, Razor Wind, Double Team, Steel Wing, Rain Dance, Throat Chop, Roost, Toxic, Protect, Hyper Beam

Poliwrath - Male - Swift Swim
Water Gun, Hypnosis, Mega Punch, Rain Dance, Psychic

Raticate - Male - Guts
Quick Attack, Focus Energy, Bite, Hyper Fang, Mimic, Iron Tail, Rain Dance, Water Gun, Jump Kick

Chansey - Female - Healer
Heal Pulse, Aromatherapy, Gravity, Sing, Pound

Beedrill - Male - Sniper
Poison Sting, String Shot, Harden, Twineedle, Agility, Toxic Spikes, Mega Drain

Victreebel - Male - Chlorophyll
Vine Whip, Razor Leaf, Sleep Powder, Slam, Stun spore, Poison Powder

Bellossom - Female - Chlorophyll
Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Sunny Day, Sweet Scent, Razor Leaf, Leech Seed, Sleep Powder

Butterfree - Male - Tinted Lens
Tackle, String Shot, Harden, Stun Spore, Headbutt, Electroweb, Sharpen, Rollout, Confusion, Gust, Supersonic, Poison Powder, Sleep Powder, Teleport

Milotic - Female - Marvel Scale
Splash, Tackle, Dragon Breath, Hypnosis, Water Pulse, Disarming Voice, Life Dew, Recover, Aqua Ring, Iron Tail, Surf, Ice Beam

Shiftry - Male - Chlorophyll
Hurricane, Extrasensory, Dark Pulse, Mega Kick, Razor Leaf, Leaf blade, Bide, Nature Power, Sunny Day, Solarbeam

Golbat - Male - Infiltrator
Mega Drain, Wing Attack, Supersonic, Leech Life, Hypnosis, Venoshock, Poison Fang, Haze, Steel Wing, Shadow Ball, Heat Wave

Clefable - Female - Magic Guard
Pound, Sing, Gravity, Life Dew, Psychic, Metronome, Thunderbolt

Golem - Male - Sturdy
Tackle, Rollout, Sand-Attack, Defense Curl, Mud Sport, Stealth Rock, Explosion, Rock Throw, Flamethrower, Earthquake, Rock Polish

Charmeleon - Male - Blaze
Scratch, Growl, Ember, Flamethrower, Metal Claw, Mega Punch, Seismic Toss, Counter, Fire Spin, Dragon Dance, Dragon Rush, Blast Burn, Iron Tail, Quick Attack, Swords Dance

Persian - Male - Technician
Scratch, Growl, Slash, Fury Swipes, Bite, Fake Out, Power Gem, Taunt, Play Rough,

Meowth(x7) - Male - Pick Up
Scratch, Growl, Slash, Fury Swipes, Bite

Meowzie(Meowth) - Female - Pick Up
Scratch, Growl, Slash, Fury Swipes, Bite

Krabby - Male - Sheer Force
Water Gun, Iron Defence, Vicegrip, Stomp, Guillotine, Metal Claw, Mud Shot

Raboot - Male - Libero
Ember, Quick Attack, Double Kick, Headbutt

Snivy - Female - Overgrow
Vine Whip, Attract, Leaf Storm, Leaf Blade


Jord Trainer Card

Name: Jord Odhar
Age: 13?
Town: Viridian City
₱: 2,806,187
Pokemon Owned: 27
Badges: 2
Ribbons: 0
Carry Limit: 12
Pokemon On Hand: Pidgeot, Fearow, Chansey, Victreebel, Bellossom, Milotic, Charmeleon
Pokemon at Viridian: Poliwrath, Raticate, Beedrill, Meowth (x7), Meowzie, Persian, Krabby, Raboot, Snivy, Golbat, Golem, Shiftry, Butterfree, Clefable


Anthony Maxwell

For anyone who doesn't know how much golem weighs 661 lb. I was kind of getting tired of reading about his sex life to be honest. I read this story mostly because I like the banter. And it's about freaking time he goes and catches some rare Pokemon and I hope we get some alternate reaction perspectives from nurse Joy and maybe like professor oak or something. Thanks for the chapter and I look forward to the next one ☺️.


With the Shit he’s about to pull he probably will. Which Professor in their right mind wouldn’t want to be all over him for the Mons he’s going for.

Robert Stevens

unrelated question if he caught a Ditto could he train that fucker into the next Alex mercer

0 Jordinio 0

Isn't that the one dude from that crazy game where people got a bunch of powers through mutations and shit and they could steal powers from each other as well?