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For a while, Darkness lay there on the bed she had been haphazardly thrown onto and stared up at the ceiling in a daze.

Her mind was completely empty for the most part as she basked in the afterglow of the greatest pleasure she'd ever gone through.

But…at the same time. She couldn't help but wonder, did that really happen? "…Perhaps I just daydreamed it all and I'm back in my own room at the guild." she wondered idly, perhaps she'd just got so caught up in her raunchy fantasy it seemed utterly real to her?

She after all, did have a room at the guild. While it was expensive, and she'd yet to complete a single quest herself to earn money, she had plenty to rely on herself thanks to her…background.

Her nether regions still tingled even now…and how much time had passed? But…that was something out of her wildest imagination and desires. She'd been hoping upon hoping for such an event to occur, put herself in so many situations where any could take advantage to slate their lusts upon her.

…But none ever did. How likely was it that some new adventurer just appeared, was as powerful as he was for a level one and grew so quickly and domineeringly? And just so happened to bump into her and desire her from first sight as he seemingly did?

She'd pursued such options before, even got a potion to give her such dreams that would remove the memory of her buying and taking it in the first place!

Sighing, Darkness gave herself a bit of a shake and pushed herself up off the bed onto her feet, but as she did, her legs trembled a bit and she almost stumbled and fell.

They were quite numb and she found herself having to spread her legs wide just to walk a bit with how beaten and sticky her womanhood felt.

She paused in front of the mirror on the dresser beside the bed and blinked as she saw her thong still tied around her mouth, she sighed and untied it, "Using my underwear to shut me up like a common bandit's prey, it really must have been a dream." Darkness sighed to herself in disappointment.

Only she thought of stuff like that apparently. What was wrong with the men around here? Didn't any of them have the desire to conquer a beautiful female knight such as herself? Especially when she was basically offering herself up on a silver plate for them to take!

Useless, the lot of them!

"Good thing I have a lot of these." Darkness sighed, tossing the ruined thong onto the bed. She supposed she better put some fresh ones on.

Sighing once again in disappointment, she began to strip herself of her armour. But then, as she got it off fully and began pulling off her black bodysuit, she noticed something.

Something dripping from between her thighs. A thick, white creamy substance that was dripping from her snatch.

Darkness' eyes widened, "Semen!?" she yelped, falling onto her backside on the bed.

..It couldn't be, could it? That boy, he was real!? Him domineeringly taking her, using her as he pleased, actually happened?!

Darkness shivered, her cheeks flushing and feeling lust pool in her stomach. Quickly, she kicked off the rest of her clothing and ran her index finger through her snatch, gathering up part of the white liquid within her.

She brought it up to her face and eyed it, pressing her other finger into it and watching as it stretched like slime almost between her fingers. So thick! And the scent it gave off was so musky and powerful!

So this was a mans semen!

Darkness breathed heavily for a moment, before opening her mouth and taking a tentative lick of the white substance on her finger, then shivered as a tangy, salty taste spread through her mouth.

"Oh my Eris-sama, it really did happen!" Darkness squealed, equal parts embarrassed and happy to learn it was true!

She rolled across the bed, back and forth and giggled happily as her mind flashed back to out there, in the woods, as that boy, Yarden forced her to strip for him, casually manhandling her and then taking her like a lustful beast, doing as he pleased with her body.

And that manhood of his, how shocking! She'd come across her father having his way with the maids growing up quite a few times, and even some other nobles having their way with such women, but none she'd seen had a manhood that could hope to compare with the thick, beefy pillar the teenager who conquered her had!

Amazing, so amazing!

Darkness used to picture a huge, burly beast of a man beating her down and having his way with her. But…but, this was even better. Her junior, just a boy really, someone who should be looking to her for guidance and leadership as his elder and more experienced adventurer, just taking her as he pleased with young, arrogant vigour!

This was the best! The best! she could-

Before she could get lost in her fantasies, the doorknob twisted and the door opened and the target of her thoughts stepped into the room, "Oh good, you're up," he grinned, before his eyes lit up like a beast in heat when he saw her nude state, his gaze turning hungry as his eyeballs roved over her, "And you've got yourself nice and ready for me, good girl."

Good girl? As if she were an obedient dog!?

Darkness shivered and felt her body heat up even more!

He kicked the door closed behind him casually as he entered and divested himself of his shirt, and tossing it aside, "Now, let's get one thing out of the road here, I'm not a rapist or shit like that, I'm only taking you like a slutty bitch because you act like one," he began, an arrogant confidence in his tone and he pulled his eyes from where he was leering at her breasts to look her in the eyes, "If you don't want this, you can get up and leave right now, but if you're the slut I think you are, then get up and bend over the bed and show me that fat ass."

For a moment, Darkness just stared at him, barely registering his words as she eyed his muscular torso and licked her lips, young he may be, but he had the build to take woman as he pleased, a true man among men!

When she did register his words, she blinked for a moment and honestly barely gave it even a second of thought.

"Yes master!" the blonde knight happily complied with his demand and rolled off the bed and bent over it, presenting herself to him.

"Ah!" Darkness squealed a moment later as she felt his hand impact her right ass cheek solidly and spank her.

"God the cunts around here are losers, imagine not claiming this slutty piece of arse when they had the chance," Yarden, her master and owner, her conqueror snarled, "Well, fucking mine now, and if any of them touch you, I'll kill them!"

Oh no! She couldn't have that! She'd have to make sure he slated all of his desires upon her to keep them all safe!

A second later, she felt his hand intertwine through her hair and her head was snapped back taught and he reached under her to grasp hold of one her breasts, "Fucking hell, what a huge pair of fucking tits man!" he groaned in lust as his fingers sank into them.

Darkness moaned a the rough fondling, "D-do you like them master?" she asked breathily, glancing out of the corner of her eye at him.

Yarden snorted, "Course I fucking do you dumb cow, but here, this should tell you how much." he replied and she heard the sound of cloth landing on the ground, before a second later, she felt a familiar, huge, thick pulsing meat rod settle between her ass cheeks.

Her womanhood was positively gushing!

"Fucking hell you dirty cunt, you didn't even get rid of my cum from earlier, what if you got pregnant?" He suddenly huffed and Darkness mewled as two fingers spread her pussy apart, and then she felt something cold and slimy spread from his fingers to her insides, she shivered, and then his fingers were pulled out and the oozing, slimy sensation followed, alongside the warm sperm that had filled her core, "There, can't have you getting preggers, didn't you hear what I told Luna earlier? You're just a concubine from now now, hardly wife or mother of my children material."

She….she was just a tool for his lusts, she wasn't even worth breeding in his eyes! "Oh…oh!" Darkness's legs trembled between her as a sharp sensation ran up her spine and she felt her lips form up into a twisted smile.

"Right, you can clean that up later, but for now," He continued on and she felt something press into her backside, thick and like a book and shape and she felt a tingly, warm sensation on her ass cheek before it was pulled away, "There we go! Take a look at this, branded you like the cow you are Darkness." he laughed and yanked on her hair, forcing her to look into the mirror on the dresser at her side.

And there, on the curve of her right ass cheek, was a symbol she didn't know. Square in shape and a dark blue, with a white X-shape spreading from the corners to meet in the middle, and below it, printed in bold letters read, 'Property Of Yarden Odhar!'

That did it, Darkness gave a low groaning moan as a miniature orgasm tore through her at the sheer humiliation he was dealing her.

'I…I think I'm in love.' Darkness thought deliriously.

Only to give a screaming moan a second later as he sheathed his fat cock into her without even warning her and taking her from behind at a rapid pace, the sound of her ass cheeks clapping against his crotch and her slutty moans ringing loudly throughout the room.

Luna sighed, leaning over the teller booth as she finished clearing and stared out over the insides of the guild.

Dusk was approaching and things were quieting down for now, only a few adventurers were hanging around at the moment and the place was quiet.

Odd considering how crazy a day it had been, with two major events occurring that were bound to shake things up. The lesser of the two being those two new adventurers that joined up just a while ago.

The beautiful blue haired woman and the scrawny, average looking brown haired man. Aqua and Kazuma was it? While the Kazuma guy wasn't much to take notice of, Aqua indeed was with incredibly high stats and able to become an arch priestess right off the bat. She had such amazing stats Luna wouldn't be surprised if she heard of her making a name for herself on the front lines in the near future.

Well, as long as that Kazuma person didn't drag her down. His status was truly abysmal, one of the lowest she'd ever seen, and the only reason his overall status even reached average was because of his absurdly high luck stat.

He really should have just chosen to be a merchant instead of an adventurer, what a silly man, he was just going to get himself killed, with stats like his he'd be lucky to be able to face a single goblin head on without dying.

And then there was the other one who joined a few hours ago, "Damn Darkness…" Luna grumbled to herself.

She should have snatched that Yarden boy up when she had the chance. Competent, sure of himself, resourceful if the way he handled not having any of the common currency was to go by and such amazing potential. And his interest in her had been peaked from the very second they met.

He hadn't at all been able to stop from staring at her cleavage. 'I don't go around like this without reason y'know.' the blonde huffed to herself. She was already twenty six! And beyond a few dates, she hadn't got a man for herself at all, she was already at the point she was going to be put on a shelf, men were all interested in the younger girls!

Or at least, they should have been. Something was seriously wrong with the men of this town. Few of them even bothered ogling her, even with how easy it would be to see her nipples in this shirt she wore! Never mind all the scanty, skimpy armour female adventurers tended to wear.

But nope, nada. It wasn't just her that was having problems in this town finding a significant other, practically every female adventurer and female staff member at the adventurers guild was suffering from the same problem.

…And then Yarden came along and just as her hopes were getting up, Darkness of all people ended up getting him!? In just the span of him going to hunt toads, Darkness had already flaunted that 'fetish' of hers in front of the boy and ensnared him!

The bitch.

Luna sighed, "I'm never going to get married at this rate." she let her head fall into the crook of her arms and groaned.

Though, she supposed at the very least she could take comfort in his compliments earlier. 'He said Darkness was only worth being a concubine, not a partner, like me.' her cheeks burned.

Why did such an outrageous statement actually make her feel giddy? Damn the men around here that actually made that seem like a tempting prospect!

Granted, it wasn't exactly illegal, nobles were allowed to take multiple spouses and concubines. 'That could explain why he was so confident about it and his potential.' Luna mused.

Nobles tended to be the strongest around because they could eat the best of the best food. If Yarden ate a dragons heart, it may be what allowed him to take the dragon classes, though she wasn't sure, only top of the line nobles would get the chance to eat that.

Besides, Yarden claimed he wasn't from this country even. A foreign noble maybe? Though, why would he come all the way to Axel? People like him tended to pop up here and there, with odd abilities or weapons and such even before ever becoming an adventurer, and many of them claimed to be foreigners as well.

Heck, it was the same with Mitsurugi, he only turned up a few months ago, toting a legendary sword he claimed was bestowed upon him by a goddess, and he was already over level thirty at this point.

It usually took people years to reach that kind of level, and only the best of the best ever got over level thirty.

'…And Yarden is now level eleven after a single afternoon.' she remembered. Well, if he wasn't a noble, he'd be one in the future for sure, those who reached level fifty were eligible for a baron title after all, though they were then obligated to join in on combating the Demon King.

At the rate he was going, give it a few weeks and Yarden would surely surpass the 'Hero' Mitsurugi.

"…Maybe I should throw my hat in," Luna mused, bringing her head up and resting it on her palm, "Or my shirt at least." she chuckled lightly, glancing down at the deep well of cleavage below her neckline.

At the very least, he was definitely attracted to her and said she was wife material. That was a lot better than not a single man glancing in her direction, not even the slovenly Dusk.

She just had to find some reasons to talk to him, alone, without Darkness around. Because knowing her, now that she'd found someone fully willing to treat her like she wanted, she'd probably follow him around like a lost puppy or something.

Her blue eyes scanned the guild as she tried to think up a reason, before they landed on a single girl sitting all alone at the table nearest the door. A lovely, voluptuous girl with brown hair and crimson red eyes.

Yunyun, the poor girl who despite her competency and power as an Arch Mage, just couldn't seem to click with anyone despite how desperate she was.

Luna winced in sympathy, 'she's such a lovely girl too.' she sighed sadly. Kind, demure and humble, but just that strong as an arch mage she made most other adventurers look incompetent. There were few people in this town that could handle decently dangerous combat quests themselves after all, Yunyun was one of the few.

Despite her age, she was already over level twenty herself! Level twenty-four if Luna remembered correctly. And, just an all around pleasant person, not at all like that other Crimson Demon clan member running around causing a ruckus and exploding everything in sight.

…Perhaps she could recommend Yunyun to Yarden as a party member? The only problem was, she was quite the attractive girl and Yarden was clearly on the hunt for multiple girls.

So that ran the risk of getting Yunyun swept up in her future relationship, 'I just can't win.' Luna groaned internally. And it wasn't like there were many of Yunyun's competency around here that would fit for a party member of Yarden's.

Considering how quickly he'd grown, and his sheer confidence and ability, he wouldn't put up with anyone dragging him down. Not unless they were an attractive female at least, and she wasn't even sure if that would qualify, he didn't even seem to consider Darkness a party member, he'd looked at her like she was stupid when she asked him that earlier before she directed him to Wiz's shop.

'Suck it up Luna!' she psyched herself up. A risk it may be, but she was already a Christmas cake, she didn't want to end up a mouldy Christmas cake on top of that without ever finding a man!

Before she could lose her confidence, the blonde decided to talk to Yarden right now about it. Thankfully, he'd booked a room just upstairs so she could get instant access to him!

Making her way out of the booth she was in, Luna made her way up the stairs. But as she did, she heard what sounded like something heavy banging and rattling, and what sounded like…a woman…moaning?

Not just moaning, screaming and moaning.

Wantonly. And, she was sure she recognised that voice.

Feeling her cheeks begin to heat up, Luna who was only halfway up the stairs made the last journey up and then made her way towards the last room at the very end of the hall…a hall that was a good fifty feet long.

…And the banging and moaning had reverberated that far, and as she got closer, it just got louder and louder.

She found herself standing outside Yarden's door, and no doubt about it, in amongst the loud banging of something slamming into the wall or floor very heard, was Darkness's moaning, squealing voice.

"Yeah, you like that slut!?" Yarden's voice drifted through in a snarl to Luna's ears and made her jump in surprise.

"YESH! ITSHS SHO GEWD!" Darkness squealed back, her voice totally slurred with what she assumed was pleasure.

'…Oh my.' Luna swallowed heavily. Her hand came up to knock on the door, before she froze. She couldn't exactly interrupt them in the middle of that? She rested her hand on the doorknob as she debated with herself what to do.

But as she did, the door itself slid open the sound of flesh slapping against flesh loudly drifting into her ears now. It seemed it hadn't been shut properly, and even though it only slid open a crack, it was wide enough for Luna to peek inside even without meaning to and her jaw dropped.

She caught sight of what must have been Yarden, but she only recognised him because of his spiky hair, because she could only see him from behind as he pile drived down, hard at a blurring speed, a large, heavy pair of balls slapping audibly against a pair of full, lush ass cheeks that were glowing crimson red from punishment, each cheek rippling and jiggling rapidly.

"YESSHH! I'M CUMMING DADDY!!!" Darkness' squealing voice made her eyes widen as much as her jaw had dropped, and confirming who exactly it was he was fucking down into mercilessly, because all she could see of them beyond their ass cheeks were their legs hanging over Yarden's shoulders flailing helplessly in the air.

Yarden only began to fuck her even harder into the bed, the bed posts rattling off the stone wall of the room so hard Luna was afraid he might break the bed itself for a moment.

She just stared as Yarden absolutely destroyed Darkness beneath him in a position that looked like it was practically made for breeding a submissive woman beneath a dominant male.

Before ever so slowly, she closed the door and began walking away, her cheeks were absolutely burning and her nipples were just completely rigid, "…I'll need to calm down a bit before anyone see's this." she sighed at the end of the hallway, doing her best to block out Darkness' screams of pleasure.

'If he didn't end up meeting Darkness earlier, that might have been me right now.' Luna shivered at the thought, imagining her in Darkness' place and being crushed beneath the teenager as he sated his lusts upon her and fucked her within an inch of her life like he was doing to the blonde crusader this very moment.

…That lucky masochistic fake knight bitch!


Stanley Seymour

Lmao, love this chapter and you touching on some women who do not get much, if any love at all. Darkness is a nice choice as even though she has her tendencies. She has potential and now that she has a man that wants her, I am sure it will help her growth. Luna and Wiz are good picks as well. Keep up the great work!


LOL this is hilarious in a good way!