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"Hello sister!" Whis' joyful voice broke me from my thoughts and I cut off the mental connection from my ki to see him staring into the orb atop his staff.

Once an ebony black, now it was lit up like a spherical television screen and reflected in it was a similar blue skinned, white haired angel, just like Whis.

"Hello dear brother, it's been quite some time since I heard from you." Vados replied, her face impassive, the only indication of her surprise at the call being one fine white eyebrow raised slightly above the other.

"A few decades I believe, not since Lord Beerus was last awake and got into a scuffle with Lord Champa," Whis mused, "How are you?"

"I am fine," Vados nodded lightly, "Disappointed at most in Lord Champa's inability to lose weight, despite the fact he was active not long ago, but such is my duty."

"Such rebellious kitties these destroyers are," Whis giggled, "But that is the reason why I'm contacting you."

"I did wonder why." Vados nodded again.

"Are you busy at all right now?" Whis asked, "Do you perhaps time to pop over for a visit?"

"Lord Champa is asleep right now, so not particularly," Vados mused, "I can visit for a short period, though the question is why?"

"Well, I've recently had a visit from quite a fascinating mortal and he's interested in meeting you and discussing something with you," Whis shrugged lightly, "I'm afraid I can't help him on this matter, but you can, and he's even prepared quite the sumptuous feast, positively to die for if my experiences so far are anything to go by."

I cringed. He'd….literally only eaten half a common bowl of spaghetti bolognase. How bad was the food throughout the universe for such a common dish to get such high praise from an Angel of all things.

"Well, this mortal seems to know how to grab attention then," Vados lifted a hand to her mouth and gave an airy, polite giggle, "But fascinating in what way?"

"Oh, he's a saiyan, I believe you have them in your universe as well? Though, your own are a lot different from ours if I remember correctly," Whis replied, not even looking at me as he began discussing me, "He's still but an adolescent, barely a decade and a half by my estimates, but already his power is something to take note of. Give him a few years and by my estimates he may even surpass Lord Champa if he keeps on gaining strength at the rate he is now."

"Hoh? That is impressive, especially for one so young, I don't think I've ever heard of one that young having potential like that among the mortals before, especially among the saiyans, while strong as a race, they gave much of their potential through evolution to become stronger earlier in life," Vados hummed, "Very well, you've piqued my interest dear brother, I shall make my way over now, goodbye for now."

With that last statement, the video feed of her blinked out and the spherical orb returned to a pitch black ebony, "Well, there you go, she's on her way," Whis turned and smiled brightly at me, casually laying his staff against the table and picking up his fork again, "It should take her around thirty Earth minutes to arrive here I should say."

…Well, that was easy. But, a question did present itself;

"Doesn't it bother you that I basically just asked what my chances were on breeding one of your sisters?" I couldn't help but ask.

In response, Whis outright laughed, "Breed, eh? Such a coarse word, very primal of you, I can see the saiyan in you from that alone," he pointed out in amusement, before shrugging lightly, "But, should I be offended? It is just a word, and a natural process of all mortal beings, should I be angry at the sun for shining next? Besides, it is not like you could force the issue, the most you can do is try to persuade her, and I'm fascinated at the possible prospects should you succeed."

He stroked his chin and hummed, "None of my siblings, nor myself have ever had children like our father, it would be quite the occasion if possible," he then smiled deviously at me, "And you may be one of the few mortals that could survive the process. We are very much always in control of our strength, but I have seen plenty of species mating over the years and they tend to lose control of themselves in the act of passion, if my dear sister lost control of even a fraction of her strength in the moment she may snap you in half."

….When he put it like that, it made me remember that he and his family were not mortal beings and did not think along the same lines as us mortal beings. The most 'human' in mentality of them all, was the oldest, Cus.

And it also reinforced, just how powerful Angel's were and reminded me how far I still have to go strength wise. Whis has seen the extend of my power right now, and yet he seemed fully confident even a fraction of his siblings power would crush me in an instant.

Talk about sobering man. Legendary Super Saiyan 3 was nothing in the face of an Angel.

"Though, don't feel disheartened, as I told Vados, you are a very impressive mortal, give it a few years and that probably won't be an issue for you anymore." Whis pointed out to 'comfort' me.

"It's fine, I know where I stand roughly for now," I shrugged, thank fuck for regeneration at least, "So a half an hour then?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Around there yes, could be slower if she takes her time, faster if she's motivated," Whis nodded, before stabbing a meatball with his fork and slipping it into his mouth, "Mmm, lovely."

"That could be enough time to take care of something and be back for her then." I nodded, crossing my arms.

There were a pair of gnats on their way to Earth after all, and honestly, there really wasn't any reason to allow them to even get that far when I could take care of them without any issue and avoid any possible collateral.

…Plus, in that one filler arc, that may actually be true in this universe considering Yemma's fruit and all that being a thing, Vegeta and Nappa stopped to wipe out some races and destroy their planets.

I can't be having that nonsense pulling the mortal level down.

"You have something else to accomplish before meeting my sister? My you are a busy little mortal aren't you?" Whis hummed, pointing his fork at me in amusement.

"I'm taking care of things quickly and in advance so later I can relax and enjoy my life," I replied, "Also, you keep calling me a mortal, aren't I a god now?"

"Well, yes, but you were a mortal first, and being the guardian of a single planet is such a low tier god it barely qualifies," Whis replied, "I won't consider you a proper god until you cultivate that god ki of yours to at least the level of a Kai."

"…Fair.." I grudgingly accepted. I mean, it still felt odd to me to be basically classified as a god now just because; it wasn't like there was any grand ascension or anything like that. Yemma just tossed me a bit of god ki and kicked me out basically, "I'll be back in a bit."

"Okie dokie," Whis waved at me lightly, before blinking and pointing at my half eaten kebab, "Are you going to finish that by the way, or can I have it?"

"Feel free," I shrugged, before pausing as a thought came to mind, "In fact, let me leave these with you as well." I focused on the world connected to me, and the connection between my mind and the being that had become one with me and clicked my fingers.

A portal rippled into existence and a moment later, multiple huge white robots came out in orderly fashion carrying all manners of scrumptious foods and treats.

"Oh my!" Whis' clapped, eyes lighting up with literal sheer giddy happiness, "Are you sure it isn't me you're trying to court?" he joked.

"You're a pretty guy Whis, but I'm only into girls." I snorted, pressing two fingers to my forehead and spreading out my awareness. It wouldn't take long to find them, I'd already long located them with the help of Guru when I got back, so I had a feel for them.

"Your loss my friend," Whis shrugged, and tossed me a little wave, "Do hurry back though." he added, just as I locked on to two ki signatures deep within the expanse of space and teleported away.

A few moments later, I found myself deep within the void of space, not a solid footing to stand on, no meteors, no planets and no debris.

"Look at all this space where new planets could be created." I huffed. Shin really needed to get his education in order man!

Really, my only company in this vast inky black expanse, was the twinkling stars and the two saiyan pods rocketing towards me.

Just as they were about to zip right by me though, I blinked at them and they froze in place.

Telekinesis was bullshit like that when you had the power to spare.

I clicked my fingers and formed a massive crimson red barrier a few thousand feet wide made of ki and then took a deep exhale, converting my ki into oxygen, and exhaled. A massive gale force wind spread across the confines of the barrier.

"That'll do for now." I nodded to myself.

Thanks King Cold.

That done, I blinked at the space pods again and they dropped to the bottom of the barrier and laid there for a moment. Sure, they kept their momentum and all that when they did, enough force to level a city or two, but hey, my barrier didn't even ripple.

A second later, both pods began to open.

"Alright, what's the big idea punk!" a large, behemoth of a man with a shiny bald head, clad in saiyan armour demanded as he jumped out of his pod.

"Calm down idiot," Vegeta huffed, pushing himself out of the space pod and glaring at me, "But, his question remains, who are you to impede the Prince of All Saiyans you fool?"

In response, I wiggled my tail at them.

Their eyes widened, "Impossible, another saiyan!" Vegeta gaped, "But no, the colour is off, that is no saiyan tail! Imposter!"

"You bastard!" Nappa roared angrily at me, "You dare imitate the glorious saiyan race?!"

"Don't get your panties in a knot Vegeta, I am a saiyan," I crossed my arms and snorted imperiously at him, "I'm just built different from you, being the Legendary Super Saiyan and all."

"YOU LIE!" Vegeta roared instantly at my taunting, "It is my destiny to become the legend, not some random interloper nobody!"

"I'm Kakarot." I shrugged.

"KAKAROT IS DEAD!!!" Vegeta roared in a rage, a massive purple aura of raging ki exploding out of his form as he launched himself at me.

"Jeez, take a joke little man." I snorted, before exhaling a breath from my nostrils, a gust of wind so hard slamming into him that it cut his little charge at me short and carried him hundreds of feet back to slam into the end of the barrier.

He fell to the ground a groaning mess.

"…What the hell is this?!" Nappa looked between me and Vegeta gapingly, before swallowing heavily and lifting his hand to the scouter over his eye and trying to read my power level, as soon as it attempted to, it exploded making Nappa wince.

"Everything about you guys is inferior to me huh? Even your scouters!" I laughed, "If you must know, right now my power level is at three point three trillion." I helpfully supplied.

"T-trillion?" Nappa trembled, slumping to his knees, all fight leaving him.

"Don't fall for it Nappa, he's talking bullshit! Just a trick!" Vegeta snarled, pushing himself up on shaky feet and blustering as usual, despite the trail of blood oozing from his head and down his face, "There are no saiyans left besides us and Kakarot's son, even assuming they used those dragon balls to bring Kakarot back, this is not him! There's no way low class trash like that could get this strong in under a year and be able to damage a super elite like myself!"

Vegeta's words seemed to rouse the bald man and Nappa nodded, pushing himself to his feet, "Y-yeah, he's just talking bullshit, you're right Vegeta, who cares if his power exploded the scouter, they can only measure ten thousand anyway!"

Nappa punched his meaty fists together before glaring at me, "You're tough bastard, but you're nothing compared to us as the mighty Oozaru, my power reaches fifty thousand in that form and Vegeta's at a hundred and eighty thousand!"

"Cool story bro." I stuck my finger up my nose dismissively, before pulling out a booger.

"Heh, you sure talk tough don't you, ya' little piece of-" Nappa gagged in pain. I'd flicked my booger just a moment ago and it slammed into his stomach before he could finish.

He collapsed to his knees gurgling in pain.

"ENOUGH OF THIS!" Vegeta roared and shot into the air, cupping his hands together, forming a massive sphere of purple ki between his hands. His ki began to rise tremendously…for his current level at least, growing by a third, "Feel the wrath of a true super saiyan and disappear you trash! Galick Gun FIRE!" he threw his cupped hands out and unleashed an utterly massive beam that blotted out everything else in view.

I didn't even bother dodging it and just let it wash over me. I barely even felt it to be honest, little more than a stiff breeze. Hell, it didn't even singe my clothing.

As the light died down, Vegeta came back into view panting deeply above me in the air.

His eyes widened in horror when he saw me, "No…how, this cannot possibly be! That was my full power!"

I ignored him for now. What to do with him? I could kill him, but that's a waste really. I could probably learn stuff from him about saiyan culture and shit, but I don't feel like investing my time into trying to iron out that attitude or training him.

"Oh yeah!" I clicked my fingers as an idea came to mind, "First I have to weaken them though, properly at least." I formed a portal into my world and from it, a familiar red and white sphere appeared.

"Broly, I choose you!" I declared, unleashing the hmm..Mafubamon yeah, that'll do.

Unleashing the Mafubamon within!

A metallic behemoth that made Nappa seem scrawny appeared in front of me and roared angrily, "Kaaaakaaarooooot!" he launched himself at me immediately.

I slapped him with my pinky and he crashed into the floor of the barrier, then stood on his back with one foot and kept in pimmed "Now now Broly, you can't just go attacking your trainer like that, how will I become the champion of the Mafubamon League like this?" I shook my head, then tapped my forehead, "Besides, I already have the badge I need to train you." after all, this Broly, was fully under the control of the Big Gete Gamer System.

I relayed my orders to my brain buddy and stepped off of Metal Broly. As I did, the metallic legendary super saiyan rose to his feet and turned to face Vegeta and Nappa who were staring wide eyed and in horror at me, "Bro…Bro…Broly!" my mafubamon grunted.

There, that was better.

"Right, I need to weaken them before I capture them," I nodded to myself and pointed at Nappa who was shakily getting to his feet after taking my booger cannon attack, "Metal Broly, use tackle attack!"

"BRRROOOOOLLLLLYY!" Metal Broly roared and launched himself forward in a massively speedy sprint.

Nappa barely had time for his eyes to widen in horror before Metal Broly slammed into him full force in a full body tackle.
Nappa slammed into the end of the barrier a split moment later, body absolutely mangled.

"Fuck, I should have used False Swipe instead." I sighed, he'll need some medical treatment after this. Good thing for King Cold's healing powers, there's no Mafuba Centres in existence yet.

"This….this has to be a nightmare," Vegeta stared at me and then Broly in a terrified stupor. To his credit, he managed to swallow that fear, "No…I refuse to let this be the end of the prince of all saiyans! Burst open and mix!" he quickly conjured a sphere of crackling white ki filled with blutz waves and tossed it high up into the barrier.

Once high enough, it exploded outwards and expanded, forming into a miniature moon and Vegeta began to change before our eyes.

Annoyingly, I felt my own change begin to be stimulated as well. Yeah, no thanks. "Metal Broly, use Aura Sphere!" I ordered, "And then the Mega Punch!"

"Bro!" Metal Broly obeyed instantly and cupped his huge metallic hands together, forming a green sphere of ki and launched it high into the air, where it quickly destroyed the fake moon.

And then explode forward towards Vegeta before he could react and punched him square in the face with one massive metal fist.

I winced as Vegeta's neck went snap, crackle and pop, alongside his jaw as his head turned completely around the other way.

Not to mention, he went flying backwards to slam into the edge of the barrier and I heard the rest of his bones go crunch as well from the sheer impact as he slid down it, leaving a bloody trail all the way down and landed in a heap besides Nappa.

"Well done Metal Broly, you can have a good rest now, return!" I raised the Mafubaball and a green and yellow light erupted from it, totally legitimately and consumed Metal Broly, sucking him back inside.

I totally didn't just use the technique again.

"Welp, better heal them before they croak." I shrugged and made my way over to the broken and bloodied forms of Nappa and Vegeta, lifting my hand and letting loose the same healing technique I had used on Son Goku.

"Jeez, you guys took a beating, but I guess that's what happens when you use a shiny legendary Mafubamon against Mafubamon you can get before the first 'gym'." I shook my head.

Or wait, is Metal Broly a regional variant legendary?

It didn't take long to heal them, but even when I did, they were still completely unconscious. Perfect for capture!

I quickly 'withdrew' - totally not conjured - two empty mafubaballs and quickly captured both of them. Then, I spun in place and thrust two fingers into the air in the shape of a 'V' for victory, "Yes! I caught, Saiyan Saga Vegeta and Nappa!" I cheered.

Sure, they were basically like the Rattata and Pidgey stand in's, but any true Mafubamon Master could make even common weak Mafubamon reach the very top and contend with legendaries!

Heck, they'd even got a substantial power boost after I healed them! It surprised me just how much they grew from it considering neither of them can sense energy, not even Vegeta at this point. Hmm, the mystery of the Zenkai continues.

I'll need to employ Mystery Inc to investigate that sometime in the future. I wonder how Bulma would look dressed up as Velma? Or would Daphne fit her better? I mean, she's a hot ass nerd lady like Velma, but she's also a rich valley girl type like Daphne.

Well, good thing she can use the multiform now!

"Maybe I should collect Frieza as well." I mused to myself. I can go the Mafubamon route, or I could just truss him up, give him regeneration focused on his tail and hang him from one of my trees.

From what Whis informed me, even if I did do that though, the power transfer would only really work once per person, I don't know why, but I'll take his word for it. But hey, still a free decent power boost to hand out like candy.

He'd make a good tree lizard decoration and everything!

"Well, I'll deal with that later." I mused, pressing my fingers to my forehead and focusing my senses back towards Whis.

It didn't take me long to find him again. I was getting better at it I think. And a moment later, I slipped through time and space and made my way back to Beerus' planet.

"Oh, back already Kakarot?" Whis blinked as I appeared beside him, "That was quick."

I made to greet him, but before I could, an airy, pleasant voice drifted through the air, "So this is the mortal you were talking about, Kakarot is it?" I turned around at the sound of the voice to find Vados sitting in the seat I just left, half eaten chocolate e-claire in hand, and some cream frosting over her lips, "If nothing else I do have to admit your taste in food is delightful."

Hello hoochie mama!


Mafubamon - Saiyan Saga Vegeta Battle Power: 1,080,000
Mafubamon - Saiyan Saga Nappa Battle Power: 300,000


Robert Stevens

universe 6 vs 7 battle should be a pokemon battle full 6 vs 6


As hilarious as that idea is, I feel like that wouldn't really fit the story. The Pokémon references are funny when they are used occasionally. An entire arc like that would probably be too much though.


Just finished reading this on web novel so sad you haven’t updated it hopefully you’ll come, great story’s man