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It was utterly amazing to Yarden, how his new abilities and the knowledge on how to manipulate deep lake of mana within him, became utterly second nature the second he landed in this world.

Aqua, did good work. But, should he say, as expected from that divine booty?

When he reached just twenty feet away from the giant toads just minding their own business like respectable citizens, the evil dragon Yarden inhaled a deep breath, his chest puffing up, before unleashing all the air in his lungs.

Alongside a large, searing red hot torrent of flame that burned through the air like a raging bullet of wildfire.

It slammed into one of the poor poor unsuspecting toads, drawing a shriek of agony and pain from it, before the flames swept over it like a wave. Its two equally slimy green companions gave startled jumps at the noise their beloved Toady Toad Greenson made and attempted to leap away to safety, but it was too late.

The wave of flame spread out over the hill like a monstrously hot tsunami and swept over them just like the first, and a moment later, their shrieking agony filled death wails echoed out throughout the grassy plains.

When Yarden finally cut the flames off and allowed them to dissipate, all that remained were three horribly charred huge toad corpses.

"Oh yeah," the Scottish teenager and now pyromaniac hissed with pleasure as a familiar rush of strength filled him just like from earlier and felt the lake of mana deep within him expand to ever deeper depths, and basked in it all and his horrible brutal murder of some innocent toads, "I love the smell of the French in the morning."

Though he much preferred the smell of some wet French vajay-jays to their weird food choices.

After a moment of admiring his handiwork, Yarden reached into his pocket and pulled out his adventurers card.

[Name: Yarden Odhar]
[Age: 15]
[Occupation: Dragoon]
[Level: 5]
[Skill Points: 20]

As he stared at his level, he couldn't but guffaw, 'Yeah, that chick is completely full of shit.' he basically took a stroll and breathed in the direction of three monsters just right outside the city, and jumped to level five.

Yet she claimed level twenty was a high level? Sure, his cheat dragon core made it so he apparently 'grew' faster, but still.

"Hmm?" Yarden raised his eyebrows when he noticed something else. Well, beyond the growth in his stats that had increased overall by around thirty percent or more.

Before, when he obtained the card, there was a section called [Obtainable Skills], but underneath it had been blank.

Now though, there were four additions that weren't there before. "Cool." he smirked.

[Toad Leap - 1 Skill Point]
[Extendable Tongue - 1 Skill Point]
[Slime Excretion - 1 Skill Point]
[Night Vision - 1 Skill Point]

'Wait, Luna never said anything about being able to learn monster skills before though?' Yarden's brows furrowed in thought. Then again, she only mention skills and abilities in general, from any 'class'. Were monster species treated as classes then?

Man, Dragoon had to be the best class ever huh? At least for him and his cheat ability. Adventurer class it looked like, was basically a Blue-Mage build from RPG games, and Dragoon was basically a super evolved form of that.

Quite different from the Dragoon classes in games back home, but Yarden wasn't complaining. And he didn't know how much these skills would cost normally, but for him, they only cost the one because of his advanced class.

And all of these looked amazing! Well, not really slime excretion and extendable tongue, but he could think of some very fun ways to use that.

His eyes briefly flickered to the blonde knight thirty feet away just standing where he left her.

"Besides, it looks like I get two skill points on levelling up anyway." Yarden grinned.

Bringing his finger to the card, he pressed on the skills one by one as Luna had taught him and a moment later, a rush of knowledge filled his mind pertaining to his knew skills, quite like what happened when Aqua gave him his dragon abilities and dropped him here in the first place.

Also, what kind of Dragoon class didn't have a jump based skill anyway? Thankfully, he'd now rectified that.

Done with that, he stashed the card back in his pocket and looked around. Yet, beyond the three cooked amphibian boys dead and gone smoking the joint up on the hill in front of him, he saw no toads in the distance.

…Didn't Luna say this place was jampacked with them?

His eyes flickered to his blonde 'companion' again and he shrugged, making his way back over to her.

"H-how brutal," Darkness gulped when he reached her, staring wide eyed and flushed face at him, why was she flushed now!? "And I thought you said you were only a beginner? What kind of beginner has power like that, to so easily kill Giant Toads?"

"Don't compare me to the scrubs you're used to dealing with," he shrugged, "I didn't lie. I was level one until just a minute ago, now I'm level five."

"L-level five!?" she sputtered, "How!?"

"I'm just better than the rest." Yarden replied completely truthfully, "I'm built different, but enough about how amazing I am Darkness, where the hell are all the toads? The fat tittied blonde in the guild said this place was teeming with them."

"F-fat tittied blonde?" Darkness repeated, mouth going agape.

"Yes, fat tittied blonde, I mean have you seen those udders?" he snorted, waving her affront off, "Now the toads darkness? I've got shit I want to accomplish before it gets dark."

Darkness shook her head and composed herself, "..They'll be around the farms or in those forests," she pointed between multiple forests across going in different directions across the plains, "The toads only stop hibernating to find food then get back to it, though I'm sure some will be attracted by those carcasses there."

Huh, so all he needed to do then, was wait for them to come to him? "Good to know," Yarden nodded, before grabbing Darkness around the arm and tugging her along with him as he began making his way to the closest forest, "Come on, let's go sit out of sight until until some come along." specifically, he was heading towards one not far off from the tree giant toad corpses.

"…So rough and demanding!" Darkness throatily moaned and he felt her arm shake a bit in his grasp.

Yarden blinked, '…No way,' he denied the first thought that came to mind, but..it kind of fit, '..Is she into being treated like this?'

Was she a fucking masochist?!

It couldn't be, right?

But here she was, a literal knight class lady letting a teenager drag her around as he pleased.

This…this needed further testing.

Once he reached and passed the tree line, Yarden let go of the woman's arm and looked around. While the foliage wasn't all that dense, there wasn't much space or anywhere to sit.

'Or is there?' he mused for a moment, making his way over to a tree.

"What are you doing?" Darkness asked.

"Getting myself a seat, what does it look like?" he rolled his eyes, stopping in front of the tree and admiring it for a moment. It wasn't the thickest out there, but it would do.

He lashed out with the strongest kick he could a moment later and the tree shuddered heavily beneath the impact, an ominous crack resounding from it.

And then he did it again, and the area he kicked splintered inwards and the tree toppled over, landing with ground shaking thud and sending birds flying away in terror.

'How much experience are birds worth?' Yarden idly wondered, before shrugging and sitting down on the tree, and what do you know, it had a perfect view out into the fields where he could see his three good friends Toaby, Boaby and Choaby who had volunteered to play bait for him and donate their life essence into becoming his experience.

"…Despite your looks, you are quite the brute." Darkness said, drawing his eyes to her.

"Better a brute than a pansy," he grinned back at her, staring her right in the eyes, "It's strong, dominant guys like me that have their fill of women like you, while the pansies die little cuck virgins."

"…Oh!" Darkness trembled, a breathy moan escaping her at his words, "You…you truly are the man I hoped you were." and her eyes widened immediately when she realised what she said.

As she tried to stutter an excuse, Yarden snorted, feeling the blood rush to his groin once more, "And you're just the woman I hoped you were." that clinched it.

That stopped the blonde in her tracks for a moment, "What?" Darkness gasped, looking at him shocked.

Honestly, with how easy she was apparently, it was a wonder she hadn't been snatched up already. How pathetic were the men in Axel?

Well, whatever, their loss was his lucky gain.

"You heard me," Yarden narrowed his eyes at her and she flinched, "Now, I'm thinking I wanna have some fun until more of those toads pop up, so get that armour and those clothes off." he ordered.

"E-eh?" Darkness gaped at him, but for just a moment, her pretty pink lips twitched up into a huge, wide smile and was smothered a moment later, "Right…right here, outside?" she gulped.

"Did I stutter?" the teenager huffed, then gestured to her chest, "Hurry it up, I wanna see if you've got a nice fat pair of tits like Luna."

Her hands seemed to move automatically up to the straps of her armour by his order, and a moment later, the breast pate dropped to the floor in front of her.

A whistle left his lips and he leered at her chest, "Nice." he praised her honestly. While he couldn't get a full view, the black body suit she was wearing underneath her armour was filled out much more than her boob armour, and she was indeed stacked, with a fat pair of tits as big as his head.

"How scandalous," Darkness moaned under his gaze, even as she pulled the yellow overdress off and the armour attached to it, "A noble knight of chivalry like myself, being forced to strip by such a young boy just because he was lucky to be born strong." yet, despite her words, her eyes heavy with lust met his own and she reached down and in one motion relieved herself of her bodysuit, the only part of her outer war she was still wearing, being her boots and arm bracers.

Now, for all intents and purposes, Darkness was mostly bare before him, except for her underwear.

She had a huge pair of full, round knockers that stood high and proud in the air, not too far off of Luna's in size, her nipples only hidden by a yellow bend supporting her breasts, her full, powerfully toned and long legs were encased in a pair of black thigh high stockings that reached up to mid-thigh and drew his eyes to her thick, child bearing hips, a the straps of a yellow thong wrapped over those delectable hips like the ribbon of a boxed present.

There was only one part missing for him to see the full prize, "Turn around." Yarden ordered, eyes beginning to fill with an animalistic lust.

"Y-yes." Darkness heaved out a deep breath that made her fat tits jiggle deliciously and slowly turned around, submissively baring her slender, yet toned back to him.

And the fat bubble butt, with perky toned round cheeks jutting out towards him, split in the middle by the T-back of her thong.

Yarden really wasn't complaining about the modern clothing at all now.

When she turned back around, he noticed something. A heady heavy scent in the air, and a wet patch forming over the tiny piece of fabric over her crotch.

This masochistic slut was dripping wet at him running rampant all over her.

"An obscene body for an obscene slut," he bared his teeth at her, "I hope you're prepared, when I'm done with you, I'm gonna tattoo my name on that fat slutty ass of yours to let everyone know who you belong to." and to punctuate his statement, he grasped his joggies at the base, and tugged them and the silken boxers he was wearing down to his knees in one smooth motion, allowing the beefy, fat throbbing cock hidden away to slap hard against his stomach with a meaty smack as its constrains were released.

"…Oh Eris-sama!" Darkness moaned at his 'weapon', eyes going so wide they almost looked like they would pop out of her skill, one hand going to her chest to cup one of her large breasts, while the other dipped down to her crotch and blatantly began to frisk herself over the fabric of her thong, "Forgive me! But he's too strong! I can't resist him, this young boy is going to claim me as his own personal breeding slut!"

Not that she actually ever tried to put up a fight.

Grasping his fat cock around the base, Yarden was surprised for a moment. Was it…bigger?

He'd always had a pretty damn big cock. Seven and a half inches long, and a bit thicker than three fingers, approaching the thickness of a juice can.

There was a reason he was a 'cocky' little bastard. He was passable look wise, had a big fat cock, a set of six pack abs, was good in a fight, was an accomplished practitioner of muay thai kickboxing and had his first blowjob by time he was twelve and lost his virginity by fourteen. And if not for some bad luck when he was ten and a big ass double decker bus tried to murder him and fucked up his leg, he would have been on the stairway to success as a professional footballer like a few of his buddies back home in the great land of Scotland.

But now…

He was well familiar with the thickness and length of his dick, and the weight of it in his hand. Yet, he had to have grown at least by a couple of inches in length and gotten a finger or so fatter.

Perhaps because he was part dragon now?

'Whatever, doesn't matter right now.' he snorted, banishing the thought and stood up, stroking his cock and aiming it at Darkness like a weapon, making the bodacious blonde woman shiver with barely repressed desire.

He had a stacked blonde to fuck silly.

He was tempted, oh so tempted to make her put a show on for him. Twerk that fat ass for him and heed his every word, the sheer dominance in making her do that sent a thrill up his spine.

But no, he didn't have the time for that really, now did he? The kind and compassionate Giant Toads would soon rush to find their dead family and weep and grieve in true family fashion.

He couldn't power level by brutally murdering their entire loving family if he was busy stuck balls deep in a blonde slut.

Yarden let go of his cock, letting it smack meatily against his stomach once again as he reached the hem of his hoodie and pulled it up over his head.

Then he stormed the less than two feet distance between him and the blonde, fat cock leading the way, thick bloated balls dangling, menacingly.

Darkness mewled as he grabbed her by one of her huge breasts, hand sinking into the soft squishy flesh, and then yelped as he turned his hand around and grasped the band holding her breasts together, and pulled.

The sound of ripping fabric echoed through the forest and Darkness' lovely, huge tits bounced freely, hard little pink nipples hardened into pointed nubs.

"You're so bad!" Darkness moaned, then squealed as he pinched one of the nipples bobbing in the air and pulled on it, before palming and squeezing her fat breast once more, roughly, possessively.

"I'm worse than bad," he sneered lustfully, pressing against her, making her feel the heavy weight of his cock pressing hard against her core, "God look at these huge fucking tits, what are you, a cow?"

Darkness trembled, "N-no." she stuttered out a denial.

He nodded, "Yeah, cuz cow's don't have fat asses like this!" he laughed, reaching around her to take a greedy handful of her ass. Like her tits, it was fat, round and oh so soft, yet it was also very well toned, and sprang back against his palm, "We both know what you are, don't we Darkness?" the teen demanded of her.

"I'm….a slut," the buxom blonde gave in, looking into his eyes for approval. He merely raised an eyebrow at her and she swallowed, "I'm your slut!"

"What kind of slut are you?" he demanded next, squeezing her breast and ass in his hands to give her a hint.

Darkness was silent for all of a moment before letting loose a squealing moan, "I'm your fat assed, fat tittied dumb blonde slut❤!"

God this bitch was crazy! But he'd never been harder in his life!

Hearing that from the lips of such a beautiful woman, ignited a fire in him. Yarden's hands slipped from her tits and ass and he grabbed her by one arm and dragged her forward in front of him, turning them both around and grabbing her around the hips.

Then he forced her to bend over his good ol' buddy broken tree, he liked to mentally refer to him as ol' Putin. Fucking a stacked bitch over the half snapped Putin-boy, what was not to love in establishing dominance the correct way?

He grabbed Darkness' thong and pulled, the strings snapping and coming free from her hips, landing atop the head of ol' Putin, the closest that feeble old thing would ever get to a piece off ass like this.

Darkness moaned at the rough treatment and wiggled her hips invitingly, her meaty ass cheeks rippling with the motion. Despite the amazing jiggling ripple though, his eyes were on the pretty pink little slit practically oozing out her desire.

Grabbing her by her full thick hips, Yarden lined himself up. There wasn't any lubricant on his dick at all, but luckily, his good friends the toads who would live on forever as his experience were there to lend a helping hand.

With a thought and flare of mana, a slimy wet sheen appeared over his deck and he pressed the thick, fat knob head atop his cock at her entrance and teasingly.

Darkness gasped, the muscles in her back visibly tightening and she looked over her shoulder at him, eyes heavy and lidded, "T-to think, a proud lady knight like myself, would be bent over so shamelessly and submissively before a mere boy…." she shuddered, trying to put up a semblance of that noble facade she had before.

It was all clearly for her own kink though, the slut.

"You'll be singing a different tune in just a minute slut." Yarden promised, playing into her kinks, making her lips twitch a bit.

And then, without warning her, he tightened his grip on her hips and in one smooth motion, forced the long, fat length of his cock into her, his hips slapping into her full lush ass cheeks with enough force that a loud clapping sound resonated through the forest.

And Darkness screamed, "ERIS-SAMA!!!"

'Holy shit!' Yarden groaned mentally as he felt her wet, warm depths clamp onto him like a vice and spasm crazily.

Darkness bucked and spasmed just like the inside of her inviting slutty pussy, the keening, sensual moan erupting from her lips far from finished.

It took a good thirty seconds for her to calm down.

From both holes.

The luscious, huge breasted blonde slumped against the tree, head resting limply against it. Her head was tilted to the side and he could see her tongue laying limp from her mouth as she panted feebly.

Holy fuck did she cum hard, and just from putting it in? How fucking pent up was she!?

"So good…better than I ever imagined." Darkness mumbled when she finally regained her bearings.

She was off in her own little world. Not for long though.

Yarden took one hand off her hips and fist it into her beautiful long blonde ponytailed hair, then yanked on her hair hard like a leash.

A sharp squeal left her mouth as she was reminded of his presence, "Have fun coming by yourself?" he bared his teeth at her.

"…Yes…it was so good." she surprisingly admitted.

"And what was that about you couldn't believe you were being forced to submit to a mere 'boy'?" he snorted at her mockingly, giving a little tiny thrust into her and drawing a startled moan out of her.

"...I was wrong!" Darkness gave a sensual wail, "There, there's nothing mere about a boy like you! You're amazing Yarden-sama, the best! The only mere thing here is this slutty knight sow!"

His cock throbbed, "Good, that's what I liked to hear!" Yarden laughed, a sense of victory surging in his veins as he eased himself out of her pussy to jut the tip, before using his grip on her hair and hip to pull her back against him while he thrust into her, hard.

Darkness screamed and her pussy spasmed around him again, but this time, he was a bit more used to it and didn't stop, he immediately set up a brutal, fast past as he fucked her from behind, her at ass cheeks rippling like waves with each pass and her huge, fat tittle jiggling and bouncing obscenely beneath her, all the while her lovely voice, echoed like a banshee through the forest.

"Oh Eris-sama, this young boys cock is so deep inside me! It's good good~!" a babble of rapid dirty talk to her goddess left Darkness' lips, "I'm sorry father, your daughter is nothing but a slutty sow belonging to a brutish boy!"

She was really getting off on his age as well huh? What a dirty bitch, she would use practically anything to promote her masochism huh?

His hand left her hip for a moment and cracked her hard against one of her fat ass cheeks and she squealed, "Who does this belong to!" he demanded, rutting even harder into her and yaking on her hai

Already they had been going at it for a good five minutes and he hadn't nutted in a while, so he could already feel that pent up 'lock' in his balls loosening.

And it didn't help that this bitches pussy was constantly spasming and contracting around his cock with bunch of mini orgasms.

"My fat slutty ass belongs to you!" she squealed as her head snapped, revealing her tongue lolling around limply and obscenely outside her mouth, a trail of drool dripping from it.

He began railing her even harder, so hard the noise of flesh clapping against flesh, his hips bludgeoning her ass cheeks practically drowned out all other noise in the surrounding area.

"THAT'S FUCKING RIGHT!" Yarden roared

He wouldn't be surprised if they could hear the clap of her thicc ass cheeks all the way back in Axel.

"OH MY GOD I'M CUMMING AGAIN, I'M CUMMING LIKE A DIRTY FUCK PIG ON A BOYS COCK!" Darkness's screamed once more as her cunt went crazy.

"FUCK!" he shouted himself as he felt the pressure in his balls reach its boiling point and thrust forward to the point where his cock was punching on her womb and unleashed a thick, potent river of cum inside her.

Her voice rang in his ears and he saw stars, almost blacked out for a bit he came that hard.

When he came down from the high of his orgasm, he pulled out of Darkness, letting go of her hair and staggered back a bit.

Panting deeply, Yarden admired his handiwork, a proud smirk on his face, "God I'm fucking amazing."

Darkness had collapsed face first into the grass, the only thing keeping her propped up, was her fat tits squishing sensually into the ground, her full ass cheeks were raised high into the air, her quim oozing a thick white deluge of his jizz, while her face?

It was a mess, covered in drool and sweat, her long hanging limply from beneath her lips and her eyes rolled up into the back of her head.

"It's like art." Yarden chuckled to himself, already feeling his cock that was flagging from all that potent Scottish jizz he just launched into her, perking up and beginning to harden.

He licked his lips hungrily as he stared at the fucked silly bodacious blonde. "I hope you don't think we're fini-"

He didn't get to finish.

Because of the familiar rumble spreading through the ground and also familiar sound of something heavy landing over and over.

Yarden's head snapped around and he looked through the trees to see two Giant Toads hopping their way towards his cash money bait!

…He knew this would happen. It was a good thing he claimed that slutty blonde masochist pussy instead of making her parade around submissively to his desires to enhance his ego.

"THAT'S NOT FOR YOU FUCKERS!" Yarden roared at the approaching toads, tearing out of the forest, not a lick of clothing on him, his huge Scottish dong leading the charge, and smoke billowing from his mouth.

Leaving Darkness fucked into a stupor, ass up, face down with the evidence of his conquest dribbling out of her.

Yarden would end up killing eleven toads in total not including the three he used as bait.
