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You know what the best thing about being a spirit powered badass was?

Being a fucking badass in general.

Granted, Yarden was of course already a badass originally, but now he was simply, a super badass.

Anyway, the point was. He was awesome, mentally, and physically. So honestly, even with Jasmine having a bit of a head start, it didn't take him longer than a few seconds to catch up thanks to his powerful Scottish spirit chad stride.

"Go away Yarden!" Jasmine glared over her shoulder at him, "I so am not in the mood to talk about this."

Eesh, he resisted the urge to to wince at the heartbroken glare.

"C'mon, we'll have to talk about this sooner or later." he pointed out.

"Later's fine with me," She huffed, "Or actually, how about never? Never is better!"

Ugh, drama. So not his forte, his one weakness. How did she know?

Rolling his eyes, Yarden sped up, getting ahead of the auburn haired girl and slammed his arm into the wall, blocking her off.

Jasmine stopped in her tracks, staring at his arm, before glaring at him again, "What part of I don't want to talk about this don't you understand?" she growled.

"Sorry, not sorry," Yarden rolled his eyes, "But c'mon seriously, you hear I'm dating Alexis now and you storm off like this, dramatic much?"

"Like you're one to talk about dramatic," Jasmine fired back, rolling her eyes, "You strut around like a peacock half the time."

"That's just my chad stride," Yarden corrected her with a huff, "Anyway, don't tell me you're gonna go off and sulk?"
Jasmine grit her teeth, "Are…are we seriously doing this right now?"

"Kinda…yeah," he shrugged, "I don't want you to go off all sad and mopey."

"God you're so full of yourself," Jasmine groaned, "And why don't you want me to do that? I'm kinda entitled to it ya' know."

"Cuz I don't want to see you like that?" he pointed out, "I've made it pretty upfront I'm into you and like you."

Jasmine's glare softened a bit before she sighed and slumped back against the wall, "So much for that, you decided to date one of my best friends." she replied.

"Hey, I pretty much asked you out before," he refuted, "You basically blew it off."

"That was just playful flirting, you didn't outright ask me out," Jasmine jabbed back, "If you asked me outright I would have said yes!"

"That's not all on me!" Yarden fired right back, "You already laid out the terms for the kinda guy you wanted, you kinda have to tell me when I pass the bar!"

"Oh please, by time you hit Obelisk you were already there and you know it!" Jasmine jutted her chin out at him defiantly.

"I was leaving it up to you." Yarden shrugged.

Jasmine sighed, the tension leaving her as she lay limply back against the wall, "Well I guess we both could have tried a little harder then," she admitted, "Not that it amounts to much, you're already dating Lexi."

"Yeah," he nodded, understanding, "Though…"

"No!" she caught on immediately where he was going and admonished him, "Lexi has always been really weird about dating, she never thought much of it at all until you and her common sense is completely skewed on it."

"…I mean, you're not wrong," Yarden definitely agreed with her, "But that the same time, it's not like polygamy is illegal or anything."

He should know, he well, didn't look it up, but he did come across the fact that it was pretty much legal across the world now.


Because of Seto Motherfucking Kaiba.

Apparently his little brother was involved with two girls, whom he later broke up with. But, at the time, he was apparently 'madly' in 'love' with them and couldn't decide how to pick one or the other.

And Kaiba being Kaiba, decided fuck all the laws, his precious little brother could do anything he bloody well wanted.

And tossed enough money at the problem to make it go away, or beat it into submission. Honestly, Yarden was just surprised Kaiba didn't just challenge the literal multiple united nations around the world to a duel.

Fucking Kaiba, man. If there was anyone to look to, to see how skewed the common sense in this world was compared to his own, Kaiba was definitely the leading man.

'Screw the rules, I have money.'

That was literally the definition of Seto Fucking Kaiba. He did whatever the hell he wanted, because he could. He changed the world to one that fit his own desires, and ran rampant over it as he pleased.

…Granted, not that Yarden could honestly say it went bad. This world, was literally better off than his own one because of Kaiba and making it revolve around a card game.

Places that were at war for decades where he was from, were not here, simply because Kaiba forced them to adapt to card games.

While the world wasn't perfect, far from it, it was a hell a lot closer to a golden age than the one he came from.

And that was just fucking absurd. Because one super autistic rich teenager decided, card games were the fucking best and wanted to prove he was the best at said card game.

It was crazy, but it was fucking impressive. Kaiba was a true blue chad and Yarden admired the man greatly.

If there was anyone in the world he aspired to be like, it was Seto Fucking Kaiba.

"…Yeah because that's what a girl wants to hear the guy she has feelings for say," Jasmine snorted, "Really, you have the emotional depth of a thimble."

"Hey!" Yarden glared, offended, "I at least qualify as a tea spoon."

Despite herself and the situation, Jasmine giggled, "Well, at least you can recognise that much," she mused, before shaking her head, "It won't work out, there's too many reasons for it not to."

"And why can't it?" Yarden challenged, "I mean, I wasn't expecting this at all, and like I said would have been content with any single one of you girls, but given the chance…"

"We're fifteen," Jasmine smiled, a smile that did not reach her eyes, a sad little smile, "What do we know about relationships really? We're supposed to explore them at this age. It'll be hard enough with one girlfriend eating into your personal life, especially one like Lexi, and you want to add me as well? And even maybe Mindy?"

To be perfectly honest, Yarden hadn't thought that far ahead yet. His mind was still mostly on the upcoming threats he would have to deal with in the immediate future beyond worrying about how to balance a relationship.

Honestly, he thought it would be easy in comparison to saving the world.

Though, up for dealing with a bunch of that shit as he was, Jaden was on his own when it came to Yubel, because super extra awesome badass Scotsman he may be, but he wasn't touching that crazy with a fifty foot penis, that was also a lightsaber.

"And even beyond that, have you thought of how to even manage such a thing?" Jasmine pushed on, "Like, I want my boyfriend to myself, I don't like wanna be wanting to hang out with you, only for you to be busy having sex with one of your other girlfriends."

….Well when she put it like that, he could definitely see the aversion. Granted, not like he didn't already understand her position in the first place. He was just being a greedy fuckface cunt.

"And then there's the keeping the relationship itself afloat," Jasmine continued on again before he could get a word in edge wise, "Three girlfriends, really? Like, I know I said before I want a man that can support me and make sure I have a fulfilling life, but, doing that for three girls? It's already a lot to expect for one!"

She really had thought this through huh? It was funny, that the one between the three girls of Alexis, Mindy and Jasmine, that the one that was most down to earth and mature about her life and future….was the one who freely claimed she was a gold digger.

And Yarden knew, he understood all her points. But still, there was a chance. He was being selfish, he knew that, but he'd be a fool to pass up the chance to grasp all he wanted.

He had the power. He was well on his way to having the money. Maybe he lacked the maturity still, but that would come in time.

"We're fifteen, yeah, and there's a lot of hoops to jump through, and I'm being a selfish asshole of the highest order," he agreed, "But so what? A little hardship like that isn't anything to give you up for, I won't favour Alexis over you, and I'm already well on my way to being able to take care of even three girls."

Left unsaid was the fact that Alexis would most likely go pro herself one day. Or, at least become a professor here at Duel Academy like she did in canon in the end, and that was quite the salary itself.

"Besides, you grew up with Alexis, you're best friends, like sisters even," he stressed, "It's not like she's some stranger or you're uncomfortable around each other, hell, you even bathe together in that hot spring you guys have over at the girls dorm."

Jasmine's eyes widened at that last part, "How do you know about that?!" she demanded.

…Oh, wait, shit! Think of an excuse quickly moron!

"Alexis told me," Yarden lied as easily as he breathed, like a piece of shit, god he was a cunt, "Either way, isn't it worth at least trying? I like Alexis a lot, but I like you a lot as well, and it's murder to even think about choosing between either of you."

When he finished, Jasmine just stared at him for a few moments before shaking her head and smiling softly, "You're right about one thing, you really are selfish." the auburn haired girl mused.

"I am," he agreed without any attempt to deny it, "But can you blame me when both you and Alexis are on the table?"

"Oh I definitely can," Jasmine snorted, "But I can understand at least. But you're missing something."

Yarden blinked, "What's that?" he asked, confused.

"You're dating Lexi right now," Jasmine shook her head, "That's a bigger challenge than dating any other girl in of itself. Maybe try seeing if you can manage that challenge right now instead of trying to make promises like this."

And before you could say anything else, she pushed off of the wall and made to leave, but paused, "…Ah what the hell, one for the road big guy?" she turned to him with a small grin.

He blinked, "You're taller than me." he pointed out on reflex.

"Semantics." Jasmine snorted, and then stepped forward, her warm arms wrapping around his neck and her lips met his.
It was an amazing kiss, that was for sure. Soft, warm and tender. But ended far too fast for him.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna go mope, you have enough on your plate with Lexi without having to worry about me," Jasmine winked, and then just walked away, "See how your relationship looks like with Lexi in a month, then we'll talk." she called over her shoulder as she sauntered away.

Yarden stroked his lips lightly as he watched her leave, before his shoulders slumped and he sighed.

"Hmm, you gotta work on your game master," the voice of Dark Magician girl rang in his ears, as she appeared beside him, floating in the air, "Lord Atem had multiple brides lined up, his own harem to be before everything went to crap."

"Hmph, why not just claim the wench if you want her Master?" Serpent Night Dragon appeared on his other side with a scoff.

…Oh great, and here comes the back seat commentary.


Yarden paused and frowned, "…Did you just claim Atem is manlier than me?" he glared at Dark Magician Girl.

That was totally implied there, right?

"If the shoe fits," Dark Magician Girl giggled in amusement, eyes teasing, "If he didn't go kapoot slapping down Zorc, he'd have had a massive harem, and so far you only have one living girl to call your own."

"…You'll regret this when I can touch you." Yarden vowed vengeance.

In response, Dark Magician Girl floated around to face away you and wiggled her beautifully shaped rear end in his face, barely covered by her tiny little pink skirt, so much so her lovely, full round arse cheeks were practically in full view, "Oh no, is master going to spank me~!"

God damnit.



That Kaiba bit had me rolling, and that finishing touch by Dark Magician Girl was priceless! 🤣


Thanks for the chapter