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Rin let loose a shuddering breath as she hung up her phone line.

"I should have been quicker." she sighed, admonishing herself. That was Sota just now, he wanted to meet up.

How he'd known she wouldn't be at school right now, she didn't know, after all it was only yesterday after she'd parted ways with him that she'd taken the effort to go hypnotise the teachers into looking the other way and not questioning why she wouldn't be turning up for class much of all for the next little while.

All her preparations were complete and now she was just waiting for the most prime time to complete her summoning for a servant of her own.

Which would have been near midnight tonight. She thought that was fine, she thought Sota was okay giving her more time since he wasn't in any rush yesterday.

…But now he wanted to meet all abrupt-like, right now. And for all she knew, he could have already summoned a servant of his own.

Granted, not that he really needed one with what he showed her of his capabilities yesterday. She hadn't even been capable of following him with her eyes. She would need a servant of her own to deal with him without luring him into a territory set up by her in advance to give her the advantage.

As it was, she had no choice but to accept his request for a meeting. She couldn't have him coming to her house and causing chaos or messing up her summoning preparations.

And one of the biggest problems was the fact she knew so little of his abilities since she only just found out about him yesterday when he revealed himself, and he'd been apparently keeping his eye on her for years so no doubt had a good grasp on her abilities.

Frankly, he seemed far more impressed with her ass than her ability as a magus.

And while she had an amazing ass that, that saggy cow Edelfelt could never measure up to and took quite a bit of pride in her own attractiveness, it was quite grating for her skills as a magus to be so overlooked.

But it honestly couldn't be helped. While she had training in combat, and was quite adept at it, actually amazing really, she was not a sole purpose combat magus like Kei Sota apparently was.

Honestly speaking, while she'd never met a Dead Apostle, she knew of their capabilities, it was kind of a given considering her asshole mentor was an executor of the church.

…Sota's physical speed put what she knew of a Dead Apostle to absolute shame. He could have killed her before she even knew what happened yesterday if he was so inclined.

And the reason he probably didn't do so to take out a competitor in the grail war…was simple because of his attraction to her.

Rin seriously didn't know how to feel about that. Frustrated, or proud? On one hand, she'd worked tireless all her life, throwing herself into her studies as a magus and it made no difference yesterday.

But on the other hand, she was so attractive that someone as strong as Sota would let her live, leaving her a threat to claiming the wish on the Holy Grail, just for the chance to have her as his woman.

Rin palmed her forehead and sighed, "At least I got to pick where we meet up." she mused, she'd chosen the Ryuudou Temple, if nothing else it would be pretty much early this early in the day and she could charge some of her gems on the fly using the ley line there just like here at her home.

And honestly, it wasn't like she was too opposed to Sota's attention in the first place. Assuming he was up to par as a partner for her in the first place. She'd need to seek out a spouse some time in the future to continue the Tohsaka line.

And while her father would probably roll in his grave at the thought of her marrying a self proclaimed spell caster, if she thought of it objectively, he was a good pick.

Whatever his magic entailed, it was from what she saw, powerful, very powerful, probably enough for him to manhandle executors combat wise and even more amazing, was that he could apparently get rid of the risk factor of transferring a family crest, to the point where he could take in his own mentors family crest himself while not being blood related.

That alone could not be glossed over. The sheer morality rate for Family Crest transfers was absurd and the entire reason why her father wanted two children in the first place.

And the cherry on top, was that Sota was Rich with a capital R. He made no attempts to hide it, from his designer clothing, to showing up at school in sports cars or expensive motorcycles just like yesterday.

Thanks to that prick priest, her own family funds were dwindling incredibly low. The bastard, she hoped he dropped dead after choking on that disgusting mapo tofu he loved to much.

Really, on paper, any magi would jump at the chance. All that on the plate for her, just because he wanted to fuck her? Honestly, she'd be called a fool by other magi if she didn't take him up on the offer after confirming its validation really.


"Gah! Stupid horny little brat!" Rin rubbed at her burning cheeks furiously. Who did he think he was swaggering around acting so tough and making her go through this internal turmoil?

She'd show him!

And she would get right on that. After gathering up the gems she'd need to protect herself just in case, Rin stomped her way out of her house and began making her way towards the Ryuudou Temple where she would meet up with him.

She was a woman on a mission, and before long she reached her destination, making her way through the forest path and up onto the huge staircase heading up to the temple gates.

As she did though, a wolf whistle rang out from below her appreciatively and she froze mid-way up the stairs.

Now, Rin knew she could get flustered sometimes quite easily, but she was not shy. She was well aware of her own attractiveness, she'd had the idiot boys throughout all her school years staring after her like drunken zombies after all.

And she picked her favourite outfit a reason. Because she looked god damn hot in it. There was a reason she picked a thin, mini-skirt that barely reached mid-thigh, tight thigh-highs and a virgin killer sweater. She was hot, she knew that, and she embraced it. When you had it, you had it.

But, despite how tiny her skirt was, where even a small breeze would blow it up and give everyone quite the show, she wasn't in the business of giving free shows. She'd long enchanted her skirt to only flutter in the wind at the bottom and not be pushed up at all when she was wearing it.

…It was a different matter though when she was walking up a huge flight of stairs and those below could stare directly up.

Mechanically, Rin's neck twisted and she looked over her shoulder, down at the bottom of the stairs, where she found the target of her most recent ire staring up at her, eyes practically sparking in appreciation and a massive grin on his face.

"Man, that ass really is out of this world," Kei Sota chuckled, shaking his head, before leering at her backside again, "Though, I honestly thought you were more of a thong kinda girl, not gonna lie though, a pair of normal panties stretched across those cheeks is something to behold, good on you."

Her cheeks began to flush a dark red with heat.

Her 'out of this world ass' as he called it, something no boy had ever gotten a glimpse of before, was defenceless before his leering eyes.

Her eyes narrowed and she whirled around, "Alright I'm here Sota, what the hell is so important you had to rush a meeting with me?" Rin demanded, baring her teeth at the younger boy from above and crossing her arms over her chest and began marching down to meet him.

"Aw, shows over?" the boy had the gall to actually pout, "And here I was enjoying myself."

"Yeah, I bet you were," Rin rolled her eyes, he was pretty blatant in checking her ass out yesterday, she knew what he was all about, "Now why did you drag me out here and interrupt me? I thought you were fine giving me time to think and get my affairs in order before we decided on this little alliance thing you were talking about yesterday."

Maybe it was the embarrassment getting the better of her, or maybe she was just that emboldened by his leering appreciation of her? The worst that would end up happening, no matter what way this went, was her spreading her legs for the younger teen, he wasn't going to kill her.

And while it was annoying she'd have to rely on the thickness of her ass to save her rather than her own skills, she just had to roll with the punches.

"Well the situation has changed quite a lot, at least to me since yesterday," Kei shrugged off her annoyance as she stopped in front of him at the bottom of the stairs, "This war is apparently a lot different than your standard fair grail war."

….What was he on about?

"And how exactly has it changed?" Rin raised an eyebrow at him, "That doesn't exactly tell me much. For all I know, you don't know how the war works normally anyway."

"I suppose I was pretty vague, but no I do know exactly how the usual Grail Wars work," Kei snorted, "And there's no way you would know this unless you had already summoned a servant or another master with a servant told you."

The implications of his words made her eyes widen, "You've summoned your servant already?" she gasped. It was obviously a possibility, but she'd thought with how much money he had he'd try and get his hands on a catalyst or something and take a little while, not just summon a few hours after the command seals appeared on his body, it wasn't something that should just be rushed.

"Oh yeah, Lancer and she's a badass," Kei grinned at her smugly making Rin huff in annoyance, "And I'm assuming since you haven't clocked on to what I'm hinting at you haven't summoned yours yet."

"…I was preparing for it when you annoyed me into coming out here to meet you," Rin grumbled. This was just the worst, he was already far stronger than her without a servant, so strong he thought he could match one even, and now he had one backing him up as well. Any resistance she put up here would just be token and feeble. The twin tailed magus swallowed heavily, "Alright then, what's so different about this war?" she asked, biting the bullet.

In for a penny, in for an ass pounding it seemed. Her ass really was defenceless right now.

"The grail has apparently accumulated a ton of energy over the years since if you'll believe it, out of the four wars that's taken place, not one has had a wish used." Kei explained, and Rin's eyes widened. She actually hadn't been aware of that.

…Considering just one war was enough to actualize a wish, the grail had to have at least four times as much magical energy it needed then.

"Because it has so much excess energy right now, it apparently triggered some kind of fail safe in the grail system itself," the younger thug continued, "In this grail war, it isn't just seven servants summoned by seven masters, it's fourteen divided between two factions of Red and Black, seven servants and masters versus seven servants and masters."

If her eyes got any wider in her shock at what she just heard, Rin was sure they would pop right out of their sockets, that's how insane what she just heard was.

She knew exactly how the grail worked. The death of seven servants was enough to power the grail for a wish, so far, there was at least twenty eight servants having been killed, twenty nine at least if her memory was right because of the Edelfelt's summoning twin saber servants in either the second or third grail war.

Did that not mean, if all the servants died during this war, the grail would have enough energy built up….to actualize 6 WISHES!?

But even was crazy was that was. Servants were straight up out of legend. As a child, she'd met a crazy caster servant summoned by a serial killer and saw the kind of stuff he could casually do and the devastation he caused with his noble phantasm.

And Caster was generally one of the weakest classes. If fourteen of those monsters were running around Fuyuki, taking part in a full on team battle against each other….the whole city could end up levelled!

"Wait!" a thought occurred as she thought on the faction battles, two teams of red and black, "…What team are you on?" she asked warily, hand itching towards the pocket of her skirt.

This could be way more dangerous for her than she realised before coming here.

…What if they were on opposite sides. She had no way of telling what side she was on right now. He might have been willing to risk letting her live to oppose him because he wanted to fuck her when she was just a lone magus, but what if she was on the opposite side from him? Six servants was a whole lot better than seven servants as far as battles went, right?

"I mean, does it matter?" Kei shrugged casually and smiled at her, he obviously saw her hand inching towards where she kept her gems, but made no made to stop her, "Even if we're on opposite sides, it doesn't change my offer to you."

Rin froze, her mind trying to wrap around what he just said. It was just stupid. Seriously, she was proud of her good looks, but she wasn't that hot. No way in hell was she hot enough for someone to want to risk getting ganged up on by two factions with servants.

Did he actually rate her that highly, that he was willing to risk all that danger-

"Besides, we're both on the red team," he casually revealed with a snort, "Servants can apparently sense what side other servants and masters are on."

Her lips trembled, drawing up and dropping down, like a dog beginning to snarl, "You…..you absolute little shit!" Rin shouted at him, anger completing enveloping her.

He had her terrified, her heart beating a mile a minute then dropped all that sweet stuff about not caring about her being on another team and would basically still want her only to do this!?

"You're such an asshole Sota!" Rin growled, stomping her foot hard.

In response to her anger, the younger teen just laughed, "Well I am a Yakuza leader." he pointed out 'helpfully'.

She wanted to sock him across the jaw and wipe that smug little smile off of his smug thug face.

Before she could contemplate going through with it though, Kei continued on, "Besides, I meant what I said, I'd have grabbed you up for my team even if you were on opposite sides," he added confidently, one hundred percent assured in himself, "Or well, at the very least I'd have made sure you were safe."

It was such an arrogant statement to make, and he wasn't at all charming, so why did his words make her stomach flutter a bit with butterflies?

"Haven't you heard that you're supposed to be gentler with girls you're trying to pick up?" Rin huffed in annoyance, squashing the feeling before it tripped her up, "You talked so big about being a hedonist and liking sex and all that a bunch yesterday, but are you sure you aren't some virgin? You've got like no game kid."

"You're a tough girl, you can take a little bit of rough housing," he grinned at her unrepentantly, "And I'm more than happy to give you a taste of the experience I've got under my belt."

She tried to ignore the feeling of pride that flared in her that he thought she was tough.

Again she squashed the feeling, "So what now?" Rin asked, getting back on subject, "So we're on a team with a bunch of others to fight a bunch of other people, who else is on our team?"

"I mean there's me and you of course," he replied, making her nod, "I don't know who everyone else is on our team, I'll look into it later once I know you're on board. But, I've contracted with Caster as well after her master was killed by Assassin of Black, and Sakura Matou is my lover and the master of Rider and they're all back at my place right now."

Rin choked.

There was so much to unpack there, and the least ear catching for her was the fact he had a second servant apparently, and was having no trouble supporting two servants by the looks of it.

Just what kind of insane magic circuits was he packing? Like, was sure she could support two as well, but it wouldn't be anywhere near as easy as he was making it look and she'd pretty much be useless herself beyond some basic stuff.

But the most shocking of all was;

Sakura Matou.

Her feelings for her once younger sister were complicated. She knew of course objectively Sakura might be a master since she was a Matou now, and Shinji was a useless waste of space…

But she'd put it to the back of her mind and tried really hard not to think on it. For once, she'd actually hoped for some success for Shinji Matou.

But as always, he was an utterly useless failure of a man, that stupid scrawny seaweed haired wimp!

And as it turned out….Sakura was Kei's lover? But…how? Why? She was sure Sakura always hung around Emiya and was in love with him. She'd never even heard of her interacting with Kei Sota and now she was apparently his lover?

Her eyes narrowed, "…Just how did you end up getting Sakura as a lover?" she demanded, "Did you threaten her?"

Kei gave her a confused look, apparently lost by her sudden aggression, but he still gave another unconcerned shrug, "If you're feeling annoyed I have another lover, keep in mind I told you up front yesterday I wasn't ever gonna settle for just one," he replied, completely missing why she was angry and making her grit her teeth, "And no, I didn't threaten her. I assured her of her worth and gave her what she always wanted and she threw herself into my arms."

Assured her of her worth? Rin's eyebrows furrowed. She wasn't sure she liked the implication of that. But, so far he'd been good for his word, so she relaxed a bit, as long as it was consensua-

"And onto my dick, my god is Sakura a good lay," Kei groaned happily, "I tell you, no woman I've had before could ever compare, even if she only lasted an hour, I couldn't have asked for a better first girlfriend, she's top of the line."

Rin's mouth opened and closed soundlessly as looked for and failed to find words to reply, her mind went black and she gaped at what the boy just revealed.

He was….He was fucking SAKURA?! Fucking her little sister?! It was obvious in hindsight he would be considering how horny of a little thug he was, but still!

…And Sakura was actually older than him by two years, only a year younger than her, well mature enough to decide on who she wanted to have sex with and who she didn't, but still that was her little sister this thug was bragging about fucking!

This was too much to process! And at the end of it all, the thug fucking her secret former little sister, wanted her, Rin as his lover as well?

If she accepted she'd be sharing a lover with her sister?

How would that even work? The Matou's wanted her to keep her distance from Sakura and not get involved with her too much. That pretty much invalidated sharing a lover with her.

…Not that she even wanted to!

And also, he was pretty blatant about his intentions. Didn't that mean Sakura knew he wanted what was basically a harem of beautiful women to himself and was fine with that?

"…What about the Matou's, I can't see them being okay with this." Rin fumbled. Well, that newt Shinji probably would, he was always trying to suck up to the young yakuza leader.

But her father always warned her that the Matou head, Zouken wasn't anyone you would ever want to mess with and had a dangerous reputation.

"What about them?" Kei snorted uncaringly, and then for the first time ever, she saw his eyes narrow in blatant anger, his teeth baring and aggression practically leak from his form, "Shinji can't do anything and I'm gonna kill that old worm Zouken sometime in the near future anyway."

"…W-what?" Rin gaped, confused. It was such a sudden turn she wasn't expecting it.

"Why do you think I needed to assure Sakura of her worth in the first place? That trashy family of hers have been abusing her all her life in ways that would make normal people sick," Kei spat, then clenched a fist and raised it into the air and she heard his bones creak from the sheer tightness of the fist he made, "Sakura is now my precious lover, and I'll make sure she gets her due from them and never has to worry about that kind of thing ever again."

They….they did what!? That wasn't in the agreement! They promised to take care of Sakura and raise her into a proper Matou heir!

And she supposed being literally given away by their own father while she, Rin was raised with love, care and attention before their parents untimely demise, would not at all help with Sakura's self worth.

And now that she thought about it. Her sister was always so quiet, completely different from the exuberant, outgoing, cheerful and peppy girl who loved to have fun back when they were kids.

She was starved for love and affection, and Kei apparently gave that to Sakura, with a full side platter of promising to make her happy and deal with anything that could make her worry apparently.

Rin supposed she could see why her former sister would fall for him then despite the horny, shameless little thug he was.

'It looks like he doesn't know we're sisters though.' Rin mused, otherwise he would have known why she was angry.

Somehow though, she didn't think it would bother him to ask her to be his lover alongside his sister. He just seemed to utterly lack the common sense of normal people.

Rin sighed and did her best to squash all those thoughts for now, they could be visited later. One thing was for sure though;

"Whatever, this is too much to process right now," she sighed, running a hand through one of her twin tails, "I agree to this little alliance you want."

Putting aside the Sakura thing right now, he had two servants of his own and Sakura's own servant backing him up. That meant, he could practically field nearly half of their teams full force at any moment he desired.

It was the smart thing to. It was unlikely another internal force of their faction would end up getting a power base like this. And on top of that, she may as well consider Kei a mini servant himself with how insane his physical abilities apparently were and his confidence in fighting a servant.

And considering he had been around three servants and didn't seem any less confident in himself, that told her all she really needed to know.

He'd already cemented himself as the leader of the Red Faction, and there was nothing the rest of them could do about that now really.

"Awesome," Kei lost his aggressive stance and clapped happily, "And what about becoming my lover as well?"

Rin gave him a dry stare, "….Is that really something you should be pushing for right now?" she then shook her head and huffed, "Give me some time to think it over properly you horny mutt."

"Fine with me," Kei shrugged, "How about I sweeten the deal a bit then?"

"And how are you going to do that?" Rin raised an eyebrow at him, admittedly a bit interested, "Bragging about your prowess in bed isn't going to win me over by the way."

"I bet if I gave you a taste you'd change your tune," he laughed, waving her off, "But no, remember yesterday when I told you I had some interesting abilities that you in particular would just love."

Now that he mentioned it…

"Yeah?" Rin's other eyebrow raised up to join the first.

"The main focus of my research into mage craft is the concept of Growth, and I can do a lot with it," he casually began explaining and reached into one of his pockets, "One of the most basic being, growing the size of something."

When he pulled his hand out of his pocket, she saw something glittering in his palm and then he tossed the object in his hand at her.

Rin caught it easily enough, and what she saw made her jaw drop.

It was a fist sized diamond. But none like she'd ever saw before. The purity of it was beyond anything she'd ever come into contact with in her life, she doubted even that money bags cow Edeltfelt had ever gotten her hands on a gem of such purity!

…This alone must have been worth a fortune. And again, the purity of it was out of this world, noticeable even from a cursory glance of it.

The kind of things she could do with this with her Jewelcraft…!

"To cut a long story short, that was a lump of coal this morning." Kei preened smugly under her gobsmacked stare.

"If you become mine, this is only some of the bare basics of the benefits you'll get." Kei revealed straight up.

Rin swallowed heavily.

She had long ago gave up any notion of her ever marrying for love. That was a children's fantasy. To be a magus was to walk with death. Any magus worth their salt knew that. And would risk life and limb to progress their research.

Her father, and his father, and his father before him would have risked life and limb for this gem she held in her hands. It was just of that high quality. It made the entire gem inheritance left to her by her father, look paltry in comparison.

And this was just to sweeten the deal? He was outright offering much more than this for her to become his woman? Her father would have have offered her hand in marriage for this alone without hesitation if he were alive.

"…Do you like my ass that much?" Rin had to force herself to snark at him.

"Not just that, like I told you yesterday, you're gorgeous," Kei replied without hesitation, "Though, that ass of yours is out of this world I admit. If Helen of Troy was an ass, she'd be under that sexy little skirt of yours, countries back in the day would have slaughtered each other silly to get their hands on that ass of yours."

Despite herself, Rin laughed a little, the compliments were just that absurd and weird. But she couldn't deny she wasn't flattered.

All these benefits he was offering, just to have her. And all she had to do to get all she needed to progress her family research in ways it never had before, was spread her legs and let this kid rail her fine ass until he was satisfied.

Looking at it objectively, and no matter from what angle. That was the deal of a life time was it not? What else could she do but agree to that?

And it wasn't like Sota was bad looking, not at all. He could smarten up that hair style a bit, but he was handsome and packed with stocky, rigid, powerful and most of all attractive muscle.

He was a good looking guy, there was no doubts about that.

He apparently treated and cared quite greatly for his 'women' if Sakura was any indication, and on top of that, it wasn't like she alone would have to waste her time as his bed warmer, because not only was Sakura his lover as well and apparently quite enthusiastic about it, he was going to look for more in the future.

'Isn't this just a pure and total win for me in every way?' Rin mused. What was the feeble forlorn little sighing fantasy of love compared to that? It wasn't like she was even in love in the first place, she more loved the idea of love than actually had it.

"Alright," she agreed simply, finding a massive cocky grin spreading across her face, and why wouldn't she be feeling cocky with someone going this far just to get her? "You want my amazing ass that badly kid, you can have i-"

Before she could finish her agreement, Kei clicked his tongue, interrupting her and looking off to his right into the forest around them, "Come out, I know you're there."

'Excuse me!?' Rin spluttered, outraged. She just accepted his 'proposal' and got shushed more or less in favour of some voyeur?

An airy, light giggly echoed through the air around them, "Hehe, sorry for barging in on your little courting session onii-chan," a small, adorable looking pale girl with white hair sauntered out through between the trees, dressed in a long purple coat and boots, fluffy and warm looking enough to ward off a snowstorm, "But when I passed by and saw the Tohsaka heiress getting propositioned like some common street walker, I couldn't help but be amused and watch on." crimson, gem like eyes glinted with laughter directed entirely at Rin.

...Who the hell was this brat!?



Honestly I’ve never been a fan of the Fate series, but you sir have changed my mind!