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Consciousness returned to Sakura gradually. Generally, she awoke quite fast. It was hard not to when she could always feel the wriggling of the filthy things deep within her body.

She couldn't remember the last time she had a pleasant, unbothered sleep from them.

But here and now, as wakefulness gradually cleared the darkness from her vision, Sakura felt in a word content. Her body was pleasant warm and comfortable, she felt like she was floating on a cloud of fluffiness.

…She didn't know where she was at all. But, for the life of her, here and now, for once she was so content, she didn't care at all.

"Master." the familiar voice of Rider at her side roused her consciousness a bit more.

But, Sakura couldn't feel it in her to move from this position, she just felt so content she didn't want to move at all.

She looked out of the corner of her eye where her servants voice came from and found Rider standing at alert beside where she was laying down.

"How are you feeling?" Rider asked softly, "Any pain?"

Sakura's brows furrowed a bit, "…No…I feel good?" she responded, wiggling her toes and on instinct finding herself smiling almost lazily at her servant.

"I see," Rider nodded slowly, before actually smiling, that was rare, she hardly ever saw Rider smile, "It seems that new man of yours Kei is actually good for his word. Even I am surprised by the end results."

That did it. Sakura's eyes widened in as she fully remembered. Meeting Kei-kun yesterday, talking with him, him comforting her, his promises to her, her accepting to become his woman….the rough and fast paced sex she'd had with him.

Oh my, he really was vigorous beyond words and he was not lying at all about his ability to make her scream in pleasure. Poor Shinji, she wondered if she would even be able to feel that noodle of his in comparison to the battering ram that had reshaped her privates yesterday to accommodate it?

Actually, she wouldn't ever have to worry about that now. Because, 'I'm Kei-kun's girlfriend now.' she giggled to herself. Shinji would never do anything that would upset Kei, he was as terrified as he was envious of the younger teenager.

But wait, now that she thought about it. Kei's promise, to remove the worms!

….And the way she woke up, so content! And even now she couldn't feel that familiar disgusting feeling of the worms wiggling within her.

She sat up abruptly, and noticed a soft, thick dark quilt falling off of her body, leading to her noticing where she was laying in the first place. It was a massive, massive luxurious bed clad in dark black sheets of quilts of the finest silk.


And she was completely naked. Not only that…

Sakura's eyebrows rose as she looked down at herself, "Are…are my breasts bigger?" she blinked slowly. Not only that, but her hair, it was longer, way longer and fanned out beneath her body, and a bit paler than she remembered as well. It almost reminded her of Rider's hair in length, if lighter in colour.

Sakura gaped at the changes she noticed immediately and her eyes swept over the room in front of her and she just found it incredibly hard to conceptualize.

The room was massive. Easily as large as five of her own bedrooms stacked together, if not more.

Beside the bed she was laying on there was multiple empty IV drip stands right out of a hospital leading to her arm, while behind them were large, dark onyx wardrobes that towered high, with a black and golden framed mirror between them.

But not only that, in front of the huge luxurious bed she was in, stretched out into something akin to a sitting room with multiple expensive looking and stylish couches, tables and more, leading to a huge television held up by two onyx like shelved pillars where she could see alcohol stacked behinds glass doors and under the television, a black horizontal bar with a crackling fireplace within it.


The room was like something straight out of the most expensive hotels in the world, the king of place that cost millions of yen just to stay a single night in.

"…Where am I?" Sakura wondered in a daze.

"This is Kei's bedroom," Rider helpfully informed her, "He had you moved here after he destroyed those disgusting worms and augmented your body far beyond its previous limitations using them. You've already noted some of the changes."

"…I…I see." Sakura swallowed heavily and replied, that made sense, Kei had told her yesterday after all he was a hedonist that wanted the best life had to offer. She felt almost like she was in a dream. But no, this was real, wasn't it? Kei meant everything he said to her yesterday and he was going full out to prove it.

Warmth suffused her chest at the thought of the younger boy, and Sakura felt the love that began to bud for the boy just yesterday surge within her.

'Ah, Kei-kun~' Sakura couldn't stop herself from smiling. She wanted to see him, wanted to be near him right now. She wanted to kiss him, and hug him and thank him and so much more she just couldn't put into words.

Absently, she pulled the IV drips from her arms, ignoring the slight sting as the needles came free, it was nothing in contrast to what she'd been through before.

Sakura ran her hands back through her much longer hair to organize it a bit and tried to push herself up out of the bed.

Only, the push sent her almost flying into the air with a strength far beyond anything she was accustomed to heaving before.

She would have probably crashed into and broken one of her precious Kei-kun's personal items if not for Rider appearing before her in a blur and catching her.

"Careful Sakura, Kei went all out in enhancing you last night," the servant explained as she gently lowered Sakura to her feet, "He had a lot to work with apparently because of those worms and his own machinations. If he is to be believed, while not quite on the level of even a low tier servant, physically you should be beyond a standard dead apostle."

"Ah…I see." Sakura nodded. So on top of everything her lover had given her, he'd made her superhuman on top of that?

Ah, Kei-kun was so good to her. If only she'd met him sooner, so much lost time.

But maybe the wait was worth it? Sakura cocked her head lightly at the thought, 'He was initially only interested in me because of my body after all.' she mused. So enduring to this age was worth it then because it gave her the kind of slutty body that attracted him to her in the first place?

Truly, there was a reason for everything, huh?

"Your clothes are over there if you want to get ready." Rider spoke up, pointing to a dresser beside the wardrobes where her underwear and school uniform lay.

"Thank you Rider." Sakura nodded absently and thanked her servant. She slowly made her way over to the dresser, keeping a tight control on her body so she didn't cause a mess with her new enhancements and slowly began to pull her clothes on.

She forewent her overcoat for now, leaving her in just her shirt and skirt as she tied her ribbon into her hair before standing in front of the mirror to take a gander at her new look.

And she gasped. Because, while she still looked like herself, it was like looking at a whole new person. Her body was more toned, and her skin which was usually pale a much healthier, creamier colour, her eyes more vibrant than ever before.

She remembered idly how much Kei liked it yesterday when she acted like a dirty, teasing girl and took a pose she had seen genki girls do a lot in magazines or television shows, smiling brightly, one eye winking and two fingers shaped into a V over one eye as she cocked her hip to the side.

And Sakura almost didn't recognise herself.


Was she taller as well? Maybe by an inch or two. But, as she looked closer, she noticed her thighs were fuller, as were her hips. Her skirt that usually came down to near her knees, was now at her thighs.

Kei-kun really was so amazing. Able to accomplish this much in just a night? He made her grandfather with all the toil he went through to modify her body look like a rank amateur.

Heh, Sakura couldn't help but giggle at the thought. 'Well, there is a reason for his confidence I suppose in dealing with grandfather.'

It was odd, usually the thought of her grandfather alone made her tremble in fright. But now, it felt like he was a mere afterthought, was nothing to her even.

She fully believed Kei when he said Zouken Matou was nothing compared to him, just a bug to be squashed.

"You seem…different Sakura." Rider pointed out, breaking her from her thoughts.

"I feel different," Sakura nodded in agreement, turning to her servant with a beaming bright smile, "I feel good, really good. I feel free even, liberated, I've never felt so good in my life."

"I see," Rider cocked her head to the side, looking at her through her blindfold before giving her a small, warm smile, "I'm glad."

That's right, wasn't it? Rider came upon her summoning because she wanted to help Sakura, didn't she? "Rider…thank you." Sakura thanked her precious servant.

"Think nothing of it, in the end I didn't even accomplish anything, it was all Kei's doing." Rider responded.

Still, it wasn't just results that counted to Sakura, but the thought as well. Kei-kun and Rider, they were the best things that ever happened to her.

"Speaking of Kei-kun, where is he right now?" Sakura wondered, deciding to let the issue of thanks rest for now.

"He's in his workshop, with his servants." Rider replied.

"Servants, as in plural?" Sakura blinked, brows furrowing.

"Indeed, while you were asleep he recruited a masterless servant with that odd charisma of his and then summoned another before contracting with them," Rider informed her, shaking her head and smiling ruefully, "The boy is truly an odd one."

Despite herself, Sakura found herself giggling, that did sound like him, "I bet they're girls too." that would just fit him.

"You've only known him a day and already know him so well." Rider snorted.

"He was quite upfront with his intentions." Sakura's giggles became louder. Actually, he was quite blatant with them and let her know upfront about what he desired, and well, he blatantly wanted a harem of beautiful, special girls.

And she was the first.

She knew that, and accepted that. And Rider was proof of how gorgeous the women of legends could be, so it only made sense he contracted with beautiful female servants to her.

She wondered idly how Rider would feel about becoming his lover as well?

Sakura banished the thought as soon as she thought it, that was something she should really leave to the pair of them, "Let's go see what he's up to," she chirped to her servant, "On top of everything else, we kind of need to make a plan for the grail war right?"

"Indeed, sound logic." Rider agreed with her.

And the pair of them left her lovers bedroom behind to go find him.


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