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Curiosity got the better of you. You wanted to see just what kind of fire power this servant of yours was packing, so you activated masters clairvoyance to get a look at her stats as a servant.

[Strength: A]
[Endurance: A]
[Agility: A]
[Mana: C]
[Luck: D]
[Noble Phantasm: A+]

Outright physically, she was superior to Rider in every stat bar Agility that she was level with and Mana capacity. And interestingly, you could actually see the ranking for her Noble Phantasm.


Well now, that looked promising didn't it?

And also interesting, you could see her class skills and personal skills. They were all very interesting.

[Magic Resistance: A]
[Primordial Rune: -]
[Wisdom of Dun Scaith: A+]

All very interesting skills and very helpful as well. But, there was another that caught your eye as well, one that perhaps drew your eye the most.

[God-Slayer: B]

Actually, what that inferred was beyond interesting. Did this not mean, that your new servant had slayed a god before?

"Are you quite done leering at me with that voyeuristic spell, boy?" Lancer snorted and asked, staring at you unimpressed.

You cut off the spell at her words and smirked, "I did get a good look, gotta say, I'm impressed, but if it bothers you…" you praised her, before giving her a blatant look up and down, leer- admiring that sinfully tight body suit of hers and the way it moulded over her voluptuous curves, "I can keep my leering to my actual eyes."

Lancer snorted, her spears disappearing in wisps of blue light and crossed her arms under her bust, "Cute," she stared at you blandly, before nodding in approval, "I was called upon through the sheer desire I felt for improvement and growth, it's good to see you have some proper guts to back those desires up."

She then looked over your shoulder at Medea, "And who is this?" she asked, "The grail filled me in on the situation, so another servant of the red faction? Though that does not explain why she is with you and not her own master."

"I am Caster, a pleasure," Medea inclined her head lightly, "Currently, I do not have a contract with any master, but now that you have been summoned, I will be forming a contract with Kei as well."

"Kei?" Lancer's eyebrows drew together, before looking to you and nodding, "I see, I understand. You killed a master and stole his servant, but did not want to contract with her until you summoned your own servant first." you could hear the approval in her voice at your apparent actions.

You would have corrected her, if Medea did not reply first, "Something like that, Master is a very impressive boy as I'm sure you can tell, and can easily support two servants," the lilac haired beauty revealed, before actually surprising you by floating in the air behind you and wrapping her arms around your neck and resting her head on your shoulder and staring at Lancer, "He has very grand aspirations and in fact has already seduced another master into becoming his woman and allying her own servant with us as well."

"Hmph, this much should be expected by someone who's summoning reached me," Lancer smirked, "Though these grand aspirations you speak of, I would hear more of them, I have come to help you accomplish them after all, this silly grail war is secondary to that."

You supposed there was no harm in telling them. Actually, it was probably better to let them in on the know early on since they could play a big role in helping you.

"Fine with me, you two will be a big help in accomplishing what I want anyway," you shrugged, "But first, I need to contract with Caster."

Caster gave a throaty chuckle and let go of you, floating around to land in front of you and reached into her cloak before producing some form of odd dagger, the blade was bent multiple times in the middle and made up of a kaleidoscope of rainbow-like colours connected to an ornate golden and crimson red handle.

It was a very pretty thing to be honest, but it definitely wasn't a weapon made for combat.


"Here you go master," she said, "This is Rule Breaker, my Noble Phantasm. Among other things it can sever contracts, it is what I used to take my contract from my former master. Prick me with it, and my contract will transfer to you."

You accepted the odd blade with a raised eyebrow, "And I can just use this despite it being your Noble Phantasm and tied to your legends?"

Her plump blue lipstick clad lips pressed together into an impish smile, "If I allow it." Medea nodded.

Well, good enough for you. You took Rule Breaker in one hand before gently taking one of her small dainty hands into your hand. It was so soft and small, it made you wonder for a moment if this beauty truly was a servant of legend.

You quashed that thought after only a moment, before pressing the tip of Rule Breaker's blade to her hand.

A massive flux of mana exploded out from her body as soon as you did, and you watched in wonder as three more command seals appeared on your fist.

"…Well that was easy." you mused, and absolutely fucking broken. Couldn't you totally steal other peoples servants easily due to this? Medea for the fucking win.

Not to mention quick, it saved you all the bother of going through that bothersome chant again.

"Well, it's not the most powerful Noble Phantasm that's for sure, but it's versatility cannot be underestimated, as I'm sure you understand master." Medea gave you a wink.

"Oh, I do," you nodded, grinning wildly, "You're amazing Caster. Between me and you I'm sure we could win this whole thing easily, never mind with Lancer backing us up as well!" you laughed.

With her sheer magical skill to back you up and your incredible physical might? An ultimate combination to wear down any enemy, or force them into submission with Rule Breaker.

Medea beamed at your words and practically glowed at the compliment. God she was gorgeous, and it took all your effort not to stare at those absurd thighs of hers.

A cough interrupted you, "Your flirting with your new servant is all well and good master, but focus," Scathach rolled her eyes, "You have contracted with her, now tell us, what is this grand ambition of yours."

Medea sighed, but nodded, "I admit, I am curious as well master."

You sighed. Hot as the sun itself or not, Lancer was such a cockblock. Well, whatever, you had all the time in the world for that later.

"Alright," you nodded in agreement, "Tell me, did you know that under the Clock Tower in London, the corpse of the legendary dragon Albion still exists?" you revealed.

Both servants picked up at your words, interest practically radiating off of them at the mention of such a being…


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