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Summary: Your parents were killed in the Fuyuki Fire ten years ago. Not long after after, you were picked up by a passing magus due to your potential. A few years later, you killed him. Now, you're a Highschool Student and gang leader and the 5th Grail is here.


You had a late night last, and honestly, you were pretty much just planning on skipping school for the day. Your attendance record and grades would be fine either way. Hypnosis was helpful like that. You hadn't even set an alarm.

It was a burning sensation atop your right hand that awoke you though. You were very aware of your own body, one of your main branches of magecraft made sure of that. So the second it appeared, you felt it and jerked up in your large, luxurious king sized bed, your silk sheets falling off of you.

"The hell?" you growled, quickly flipping your magic circuits on and clearing any drowsiness from your system from just waking up.

You felt out towards the bounded fields around your bedroom, but you couldn't feel anything off with them.

You lifted your hand up and examined the back of it, and your eyebrows rose up. There, staring back at you, was a red tattoo.

You just stared for a moment. Then, you pursed your lips. "Command Seals, is it?" you mused, eyeing them thoughtfully.

You knew all about the Holy Grail War. After all, in the aftermath of it, your parents were burned to death before your eyes alongside hundreds of others. And not long later, you were picked up by that old bastard because of your potential as a magus.

..But, the next one, the fifth war wasn't supposed to happen for decades yet. 'I've not even got anything I can use as a catalyst.' you rolled your eyes.

You got up out of your bed and made your way across your large spacious bedroom towards the personal bathroom, hopping in the shower. 'Guess I'm going to school today, so much for having a lazy day bumming around.' you griped as you stood under the warm spray of water.

But then, this was the kind of reason you went to Homurahara High School for in the first place. To keep an eye on the few active magi in the city and make sure they didn't get in your way.

The Tohsaka's and the Matou's to be precise.

If the Holy Grail War was beginning, then no doubt they also would have Command Seals like you. So, your best bet was checking if they turned up to school and find out if they did or not.

'How annoying.' the reward for winning the Grail War was amazing. A no holds barred wish for whatever you wanted. But as strong as you were thanks to who you are and that old bastards family magic that he taught you - willingly dealing with heroic spirits wasn't something even you would do on a whim.


"Morning boss!" one of your underlings who was passing by your bedroom bowed deeply when you opened the door and stepped out, dressed in your school uniform.

Young, shaved bald, dark sunglasses hiding his eyes and a muscular build stretching out the reinforced black suit he was wearing. He was only a few years older than you.

"Morning." you gave a nod, and waved your hand dismissing him. He quickly did as ordered and continued on, to do whatever it was that he was doing.

The best type of underlings, were the ones that always did what they could to please you and further your goals. Creating your own yakuza gang was probably one of the best ideas you ever had.

A little bit of hypnosis, a little bit of reinforcing equipment and viola, an ever growing organisation that grew without you even having to do anything. Well, it wasn't quite as simple as that and took quite a bit of time and effort, but it wasn't hard to accomplish after you'd tore that fucking old perverts head off of his shoulders with your bare hands.

It gave you all the funds you needed and an ever expanding influence, without having to put effort beyond the creation in yourself. And the best of it was, the ones running it, were all fanatically loyal to you because of hypnosis reinforced over a long period of time.

One of the great things about being a magus, or rather a spellcaster that didn't give a shit about the whole hiding away and being secret, was that as long as you were careful about things you could basically flaunt the laws of normal society.

You were a year off of being able to get a license for a motorcycle, yet you could freely drive one without issue? Why? Because any normal human that stopped you could just be hypnotised and and even as far as the actual magi in this city went, well it was an open secret that you were a 'gangster' and got away with things because of that.

All that meant, that you were free to make your way to school in style, on your new Kawasaki Ninja motorcycle. The boys had gotten you it as a gift the other day and it handled like a dream.


Quite a few eyes were on you as you pulled up and parked in the high school parking lot. But the vast majority hastily turned away, afraid to meet your eyes the second you turned your head.

"Yo, Sota nice ride!"  The majority of them that is, besides a single blue haired boy two years above you, "It new?" Shinji Matou asked as he swaggered over a wide grin on his face.


"Hey Matou," you turned and gave him a nod in greeting, not the Matou you wanted to see today, but he'll do for now, "It is actually, some of my boys got me it as a gift the other day."

"They have good taste, I should get me something like that, the chicks would dig it!" the blue haired older teen laughed, reaching up to pat you on the shoulder, "Honestly, we should hang out buddy, you're always busy whenever I ask, starting to think you don't like me or something."

You flipped on your magic circuits and with his hand in contact with your body let it flow through into it and analysed his body with Structural Analysis. It was usually not a good way of using the spell, but with the body modification magic that you had learned, it was something you were quite capable of and analysing peoples bodies down to their very cells. Actually, it was a staple for this type of magic.

It only took a moment to analyse him in full. But as expected, nothing had changed since the last time you had done this to him months ago when you first met. Not a trace of prana, mana or any magic circuits at all present within him, that included Command Seals. 'Then the Matou representative is either Sakura Matou or that grandfather of his.' you mused inwardly.

Honestly, you didn't really have anything against Shinji. He was a smug playboy with his head so far up his own ass he probably licked the back of his own tongue to practice kissing. But, he was pretty much harmless.

Mmm Honestly, Shinji would be a decent lackey. He was smarter than your average person and much more talented than them as well. It really was a shame for him to not be born a magus. Recruiting talented people working under you to grow your power and influence was a decent hobby of yours. The only reason you hadn't offered him the option, was because of his family name and the other members of his family.

His sister, her body was fucked up. Sakura Matou was a kind, warm and extremely beautiful girl. But on the inside? Her body was full of worms that acted as magic circuits alongside her own. It gave her a pretty hefty prana output, though not on the level of your own or Tohsaka's.

Honestly, you never have pegged her to be the one to be carrying the bugs, she just didn't fit any magus stereotype, or even one of a spellcaster. But that was probably because she actually had Magic Circuits and Shinji did not.

The biggest reason though, was the grandfather. Zouken Matou. The old pervert had warned you to stay out of his road and that it was rumoured that the guy was over two hundred years old. You didn't put much stock into much of anything the old pervert had told you, but getting involved with the old fossil had seemed more trouble than it was worth so you'd kept out of the way of them for the most part.

'Maybe it's time to change that up a bit.' you mused. After all, two hundred years old or not, he was just a human in the end, and using bugs as extra circuits or not, you'd long since surpassed the feeble limits of normal humans thanks to the body modification magic you learned from the old pervert and your element and origin being in perfectly alignment.

There was a reason he had wanted your body so badly after all. And if you really wanted to, you could grab Shinji by the neck with one hand right here and now and tear his his head from his shoulders as easily as breathing, or even just pick up a car and smash him into a greasy spot with it.

"Nah man," you shrugged, "I really am just that busy, I've got a lot of responsibilities and my boys are a real rowdy bunch." They weren't really. Some of the new guys were now and then, but your head subordinates hammered discipline into them. Most of your time was spent either advancing your physical ability and magecraft or indulging in a hedonistic lifestyle.

"Tell you what though," You continued when his face fell a bit and he perked up a bit, "I've got some time free after class today if you want to hang out? And, hope you don't mind me saying, but I wouldn't mind getting to know that hot sister of yours."

He blinked at your words, before a wide grin spread across his face, "You're into my sister huh?" his hand on your shoulder spread around to the other side, all buddy-like, "Well I don't mind setting up a buddy of mine and giving him a chance to date my sister, I'm cool like that. How about we hit up Karaoke after class, we can get some private soundproof rooms." he gave you a broad wink.

"Sure, I'm game." you agreed, grinning at him. You weren't actually looking to get set up with his sister, you just wanted to get some time to check her out an see if she had command seals.

You wouldn't lie though, funky worms inside her or not, you would absolutely destroy Sakura Matou and fuck her into a wall hard enough to leave an impression of her ass in it.


After deciding on where to meet after school with Shinji, it wasn't long before the bell rang out signifying the start of classes for the day.

You weren't paying much attention really throughout the day. Normal high school classes were below you at this point after the absurd education you got put through as a child by the old pervert.

When classes let out for lunch, you made your way up to the roof to get some peace and quiet and relax. You hopped up on top of the stairwell building and hung over the ledge, kicking back and watching the clouds go by. You were just going to chill until classes started back up again.

You would have at least, if the door beneath you didn't swing open a few moments later and a familiar girl to stomp out, a snarl on her lips, "Stupid blonde cow!" Rin Tohsaka raged and your eyebrows climbed up into your hair in surprise.


She always acted so polite and kind whenever you saw her, this was a total new side. She stomped over to the railing over the roof and began to outright kick at it aggressively.

You just enjoyed the view. Rin Tohsaka wasn't as voluptuous up top as say Sakura Matou, but the twin tailed beauty had one of the greatest asses you had ever seen. Large, round and plump, stretching out her long black school skirt like a shelf.

"Thinks she's so damn special because of all her money! And those fat udders on her chest!" she ground out between kicks as the railing rattled, "I'd love to see her face when they sag down to her knees in a few years!"

..Hmm. Was she speaking about Edelfelt? She'd transferred into the third year classes a couple of months ago. Luvia Edefelt that is, the heiress of the Edelfelt magus noble family.


0 Jordinio 0

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