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The very next day after Jord evolved his Graveler into a Golem, they finally covered the last stretch of their journey and arrived in Vermillion City.

The first order of business, at least for Hilda, was booking a room at the local Pokemon Centre and promptly using the laundrette area that trainers got access to.

While she could use a laundromat easily enough instead of doing it herself, she actually quite liked doing her own laundry, something she picked up from her mother growing up.

Thankfully, her pokemon didn't need to spend long at all with Nurse Joy, other than a brief check up. Unlike Jord's pokemon who trained into the ground relentlessly multiple times a day and needed to actually get some extra rest.

Annoyingly for Jord apparently. He seemed quite antsy about heading straight for Surge and beating him. She didn't know what riled him up about it, and she'd almost be insulted since they would be parting ways after he got his third badge, if she didn't already know that it definitely wasn't her.

Couldn't be with how blatant he was in his appreciation of her.

Shaking her head, Hilda looked up at the clock over the door frame from where she was sitting in the laundrette.

It was just coming up for noon, they'd arrived early this morning, "I guess we'll head for the gym in like two hours or so." Hilda mused. Like Jord, she would also be challenging Surge, she needed the thunder badge herself.

After Jord dumped her ass to go do whatever secretive stuff he was so tight lipped about needing to do alone, she would probably double back and head for Saffron.

If Jord's new buddy Gary Oak was anything to go by, the fighting type gym in Saffron City wasn't up to the same level as the Cerulean or Vermillion Gyms, so she could score an easy win there.

Just then, her phone began vibrating in her pocket. Reaching into her shorts pocket, Hilda pulled it out and was surprised to see the one calling her was her younger cousin Rosa.

"Hey cuz, what's up?" Hilda answered the phone and greeted with a smile.

"Hey Hil," contrary to Rosa's usual upbeat and cheerful voice, right now her cousins voice was dull and almost monotone, "Where are you right now?"

Hilda's eyebrows rose at the reply. It was so odd hearing Rosa like this, "I just got to Vermillion City a few hours ago," she replied, "What about you, what's up with you? Did you lose a battle or something?" it was the only thing that really came to mind that would put her cousin in this kind of state, getting crushed in a battle.

At least with how competitive she could get.

Rosa snorted, "I wish," she replied, "I'm back in Unova right now."

Hilda cocked her head, confused, "…What are you doing in Unova?" she asked. They'd both more or less come over to Kanto together.

"Hugh's little sisters birthday was coming up, he asked me to come to her party, so I came back for a brief visit," her cousin explained, "…But…"

Hilda's brows furrowed and she was starting to get a little worried, "What happened Rosie?" she asked, biting her lip.

"I….I caught a really rare pokemon in Kanto while there, an Eevee," Rosa began explaining, "And I was bragging about it to Hugh on the phone on my way over right?"

"…Right…" Hilda nodded absently.

"I should have kept my mouth shut," Rosa suddenly spat, "Some weirdo's overheard me talking about it, calling themselves Team Plasma."

Team Plasma? What kind of stupid kind of name was that. But then again, there was Team Rocket over here in Kanto.

"They popped up while we were in Kanto, some pokemon rights activists weirdo's claiming we shouldn't be keeping pokemon in pokeballs and forcing people to release their pokemon," Rosa continued, the dullness leaving her voice and being replaced by rage, "They jumped me on my way to meet Hugh and stole Eevee's pokeball from me, would have got all of my pokemon if your buddy Cheren wasn't passing by and helped me out!"

Hilda's eyes widened in shock, "They stole your pokemon!?" she gasped. First Jord with Team Rocket and now her own cousin with this Team Plasma!?

"Yeah, so I'm just callin' to let you know I won't be coming back to Kanto for the next lil while so we won't be able to meet up," her younger cousin explained, "I'm gonna find these bastards and get Eevee back! Just wanted to let you know."

Before Hilda could even wrap her head around the situation fully and think of anything to say, her younger cousin bid her goodbye and hung up.

Hilda sat there in a daze for a moment, just utterly stunned.

A criminal organization had popped up in her home region. Not only that, but they had stolen her little cousins pokemon and now said little cousin was going after them?

She must have sat there in a daze, her thoughts swirling as she tried to think of what to do for a good half an hour at least, more even.

She was only broken from her thoughts by the sound of the washing machine beeping signifying the end of its cycle and her clothes having finished washing.

As she got up and began transferring her clothing from the washing machine to one of the tumble dryers, Hilda nodded to herself coming to a decision, "…I'll need to head back myself." she mused quietly.

She couldn't let her little cousin go off and pick a fight with a criminal organization alone. She had to go and convince her to give up that crazy scheme, or at least be there to lend a helping hand.

And she was going to be going her separate ways from Jord soon anyway, so it was as good a time as any.

Hilda paused at the thought of her travelling companion, 'Should….should I ask him to come?' she wondered to herself.

Say what you will about his age, but his pokemon were definitely powerful, and he had tons of them and he wasn't any slouch himself. He was a little shit, but he was a tough little shit. It would be reassuring to have him backing her up.

But….no, she couldn't ask him to put his own journey on hold just to come help her with her families problems. Sure, he may have originally been from Unova like her, but he'd already taken up Kanto citizenship and his hometown was now Viridian City.

And friends they may be, but they weren't that close. Sure, he'd love to sleep with her and he'd no doubt lend her helping hands if asked, but they'd only been friends for a few weeks.

There wasn't enough substance in their relationship for her to feel comfortable asking him to leave all his plans behind to come tangle with a criminal organization with her.

An hour later, once she was done with he laundry Hilda had finally managed to organize her thoughts a bit.

She decided, that she'd support Jord in his gym battle today before parting ways with him to head back to Unova.

With that decided, once she was done with the laundry, she headed to find Jord and do just that.

She found him in an odd place, for him at least. The trainer lounge. He tended to avoid the place in the other centres they'd been in together unless he needed something specific.

Odder was the fact that he was just standing at the entrance, arms folded as he leaned against the wall and observed the people within the large lounge area.

And my was it noisy in this place today.

"What are you doing?" Hilda asked, confused.

"Just listening to all the scrubs," Jord shrugged and snorted, jutting his chin at the mass of trainers in the lounge, "Pretty much all of them are complaining about how brutal Surge is in battles and how badly they lost to him."


"Nervous are we?" she couldn't help but tease.

"Fuck no," Jord huffed and rolled his eyes, "I just had nothing better to do." he shrugged.

A bit lamely in her opinion.

It was almost novel seeing this little arrogant shit actually being a bit nervous for once.

He pushed off the wall and rubbed the back of his neck, "So you done with your shit then?" he asked, changing the subject.

"More or less," Hilda resisted the urge to sigh, "You ready to head to the Gym?" she asked.

"Aye," he nodded, before suddenly stepping forward into her personal space. She merely raised an eyebrow at him as he grinned up at her, though not that he had to do that much, he was only a few inches shorter than her, "And once I win, you can give me that lapdance you promised when we get back to our room." Jord added, any trace of the nervousness she had saw before gone like a trick of the light as if it were never there in the first place.

'Oh…it's the first of November today isn't it?' she realised. She almost forgot, it was his birthday today wasn't it?

"I only said I'd think about it." Hilda refuted.

"Good enough for me," he laughed and began leaving the room, prompting her to follow, "Once you see me in action beating Surge's ass like he owes me money, I doubt you'll be able to resist."

"…My panties are practically phasing out of existence already." Hilda deadpanned.

Surprisingly, the fluffy haired former actress found that she was actually going to miss this dynamic.

It didn't take them long after leaving the Pokemon Centre to reach the Vermillion City gym.

It was actually just down the street. Which was probably a good thing with how brutal Lt. Surge was in his battles, it meant that his opponents could get to the Pokemon Centre quickly to get their pokemon treated.

Perhaps it was set up that way deliberately? Hilda shook her head and put it out of mind as they arrived in front of the gym.

And she had to admit. The place was daunting and intimidating looking. It was like a massive military barracks, painted in dark colours. The only vibrancy at all was the front of the building that was formed into a massive guard tower with rippling bolts of lightning carved into it all the way up for hundreds of feet.

"So have you chosen what pokemon you'll use?" Hilda asked as they stopped in front of the building, "I know you want to use Golem, but what about the others?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'll be using Pidgeotto if it's a two on two." Jord replied.


Hilda stared at him, gobsmacked, "…You're going to use Pidgeotto, the flying type…in an electric type gym?" she asked disbelievingly.

"Mmhmm." Jord absently nodded as he stepped forward and rang the bell at the front of the entrance.

Pidgeotto was a monster, no doubt about that. But, using the flying type against the premiere electric type specialist of the Kanto region? A man known for his brutality and ruthlessness in battles?

Perhaps her pervy young buddy could use a dose of humility smacked into him here and now, because this was silly.

'Or does he have some type of strategy and reason for picking Pidgeotto?' she wondered. For all he was as subtle as a smack to her fine ass, he wasn't stupid.

Her thoughts were cut off as the ring of metal sounded out and the heavy metal front doors of the gym began to slide apart as a massive giant of a man stepped out, a broad grin on his face. And when Hilda said massive, she meant massive.

He had to have at least an entire foot on her, easily being over six foot five in height, wearing a dark Kanto military uniform, and heavy black combat boots. The dark shirt he was wearing was left undone, leaving his torso rippling with bulging muscles that would make a Gurdurr jealous in clear view, a pair of dog-tags hanging from around his neck.

Hilda found herself nervously gulping at the sheer air the man gave off. He was a very scary sight, and she was almost glad she wouldn't be battling him now.

"Ey, why if it ain't a lil baby, and he brought along a babe as well," Surge chortled, his bright blonde hair glinting in the sun light, "Or is it the other way around? You wanna send your lil baby brother away babe and come on in?" he winked roguishly at her.

Before Hilda could even formulate a reply, Jord replied with a snarl, "Who the fuck do you think you're talking to fuck face," he spat out, "You better throw a fucking apology my way quick before I shove my foot so far up your bitch arse your tongue will have grip."

Surge merely snorted and reached down to pat Jord patronizingly on the head, "Ey, the lil baby has a potty mouth," he chortled, "Somebody needs a time out huh? No cookies and milk before bed for you tonight."

"K…k…k." Jord trembled, lips pulling back like a snarling Houndour. She didn't think she'd ever seen him so livid, maybe not even when that weird idiot kid Goh stole Krabby briefly.

Was originally gonna go for more in this chapter. But the Busty-Rona-chan is kicking my ass. Had her for a week, she's a nasty bitch. And while I've almost got her to pack her bags and fuck off, she's still clinging on like the syphalic whore she is.


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