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For a moment, there was utter silence. The cheerleaders had frozen, and Gary was gaping at his downed pokemon.

The only sound that appeared for a good few seconds, was the slight sound of Shiftry's geta-like feet touching down on the grass after he jumped back to my side of the battlefield and landed in front of me.

"...Yeah that's about as I expected." I heard Hilda mutter behind me and I couldn't help but grin.

"Good job." I gave Shiftry a nod, and he gave me one back.

I couldn't say anymore, because that was when Gary broke out of his stupor, "Nidoking!" he cried in horror, lifting his pokeball up and hurriedly returning the purple behemoth to its pokeball.

He stared at the pokeball in his hand for a moment before gritting his teeth and putting the pokeball away, switching it for another, "...Alright kid, looks like your little girlfriend isn't completely full of shit when she was hyping you up." Gary grudgingly admitted.

"What can I say, she has good taste." I shrugged, not denying it. I looked over my shoulder to shoot a wink at her.

Hilda merely rolled her eyes and didn't bother refuting him either. Heh, she she wants me.


Well, I've got my foot in the door at least.

"For curiosities sake," I turned away from Hilda and struck up conversation again, "Just how many attacks does Nidoking know? Around twenty-five maybe?"

"Close, twenty eight," Gary replied easily and gave me an odd look, "Why?"

"Just confirming," I shook my head. There was the slight possibility my thoughts were wrong after all, but nah, it seems I was spot on, "You've loaded your pokemon up on TM's huh, that's why your pokemon are so strong."

"Obviously," Gary rolled his eyes, "Kid, how else do you think I managed to beat two gyms in just a month of starting my journey? Gym Leaders are the cream of the crop, it ain't normal for anyone, no matter how good to be able to beat gym leaders so quickly."

Huh, gotta give him props. At least he's honest about it.

"Makes me wonder," He gave me a curious look, "What family do you come from? Gotta be absolutely loaded if that Shiftry is anything to go by, how many TM's have you loaded that thing up with, forty? Gotta be at least that much with how easy it dealt with Nidoking."

"None." I shrugged back.

"Bullshit!" Gary immediately shouted back, "You expect me to believe you raised a pokemon like that in just a month without any TM's to boost its strength? Pull the other one!"

"Believe what you want," I shrugged again, "I'm an orphan that grew up on the streets mate, I don't come from money like you Mr. Pay To Win." granted, I did teach Shiftry two tm's, but that's not really worth bringing up now is it. Sure, it gave him a power boost, but only a small one, the result here would have been the same regardless without the power boost.

"Oh please, it's hardly like spamming TM's will let me reach the top," Gary rolled his eyes, "It just gave me a massive starting base over others. So what if others can't afford to do the same, am I supposed to limit myself or something to let the scrubs catch up with me?"

"I never said anything like that," I pointed out, "I think it's smart of you to take advantage of TM's like that personally." hell, if I could afford to do that, I totally would.

Well, I could kinda do that now. But, I don't wanna. Once I have an even bigger monthly income, I might.

Gary gave me an odd look before shaking his head, "Well whatever, it still doesn't explain why that Shiftry is such a monster." he pointed out.

"I told you didn't I?" Hilda snorted, "This guy's a freak of nature when it comes to training pokemon."

The Pallet native huffed, "Well, let's see how you hold up against this then, lemme tell you, that speed won't help you here," he suddenly smirked and released the pokemon inside, "Wartortle, front and centre!"

In a flash of light, a large dark blue turtle-like pokemon with a fluffy cloud-like tail and fluffy cloud-like ears appeared in front of Gary.

Just like I thought, his starter pokemon. And considering Shiftry is a grass type with Sunny Day up and Gary still chose to send out his starter pokemon even after seeing how strong Shiftry is.

Well, that speaks a lot of the strength difference between it and his Nidoking now doesn't it.

Something did confuse me though, "What's with that front and centre nonsense he keeps saying?" I wondered.

"It's an image thing," Hilda helpfully explained, "Like you know, a catchphrase to market and help stand out? Most trainers have one if they're aiming for the top."

Huh, alright then. That explained Ash's iconic 'I Choose You', Paul's 'Stand By For Battle' and Cynthia's 'Battle Dance'.

Hmm, I'll have to come up with a cool one for myself.

Oh wait, I have a great idea for one already, "Alright Shiftry, clap their cheeks!" I pumped my fist into the air grandly and proudly declared.

For the second time since the battle started, there was utter silence. Shiftry turned to me and gave me a dry look.

"...This kid..." Gary groaned, and I'm sure I heard Hilda face palming from behind me, before the older brown haired teen shook his head, "Nope, not gonna let you sucker me into your game kid. Let's just stop that chlorophyll shit here and now, Wartortle Rain Dance!"

"War!" Wartortle grunted, opening its mouth and spitting a large glowing blue sphere into the air, it collided with the Sunny Day sphere and overlapped it, blotting it from view.

A split moment later, clouds rolled in from above and a cloudy overcast spread out from the blue sphere that began to cast a hail of rain down on us below.

Smart of him to take care of that first. Not that it'll change much, Shiftry is still a complete speed demon even without chlorophyll.

I could just have Shiftry use Sunny Day again, but I won't. For you see, Hilda is wearing nothing but a white tank top under an open black vest. This rain shall surely make it sea through given enough time!

Good friend or not, a nice view is a nice view.

Priorities my lads, priorities.

Well anyway, since he started us off again, I'll one up him, again, "Get in close and take it out with Leaf Blade." I ordered.

"Shift!" Shiftry grunted and then exploded forward in a blur of speed. This time, I could follow him with my eyes, but even still he was just a blur to my gaze.

"Protect!" Gary ordered himself.

Wartortle crossed its arms and a moment later, a large shimmering green spherical barrier warped into existence around it.

Just in time, because a split moment later Shiftry was upon it and lashing out with both hands, the trio of leaves in each of his hands having fused together into a pair of long glowing green blades of energy.

The dual grass slash grinded into the barrier and and it rippled, but held strong.

Wartortle gave a shout and then lashed out with both arms and the barrier exploded outwards. The force of it sent Shiftry flying back through the air, undamaged, but space created between them.

"Aura Sphere!" Gary quickly followed up as soon as the barrier broke.

"Eh?" my eyes widened as Wartortle cupped both hands together and created a glowing blue sphere, and then thrust out both hands and sent it flying through the air like a bullet towards Shiftry.

Despite the speed of the attack, Shiftry easily juked to the side and avoided it, letting it fly right passed him and shot forward towards Wartortle once again.

Only, as soon as it missed, the blue sphere of power halted in mid-air before abruptly changing trajectory and shooting towards Shiftry's back,

"Aura Sphere again!" Gary grinned triumphantly.

Wartortle did just that and before Shiftry could reach it, fired out another Aura Sphere that shot towards his front.

He was pincered now in between both. If he went to any of the sides he'd lose speed and be caught between them.

Only one option then.

"Jump and use Hurricane straight down!" I hastily commanded.

Shiftry to his credit obeyed instantly and leaped straight up high into the air, swinging around mid-air to face down below and cupping his leaf fingered hands together just as both Aura Sphere's changed direction and chased him up.

"Ice Beam!" Gary ordered at the same time.

Shiftry gave a shout and unleashed a massive vertical tornado of wind that roared down and swept up both Aura Spheres through the sheer gale force winds emitted and carried them down towards Wartortle.

At the same time, Wartortle aimed up and unleashed a trio of massive icey blue beams of energy that shot straight up through the Hurricane attack.

Shiftry cried out in pain as the trio of icey blue beams pierced into his body, and a moment later the area shook and a massive explosion kicked up over Wartortle as the Hurricane and twin Aura Sphere's smashed into it.

Shiftry slammed into the ground a later as the smoke began to part. Shiftry wasn't the most tanky pokemon, built more for speed, but with the training I put all my pokemon through, his endurance had increased quite massively since he first battled Pidgeotto.

Still, it was a testament to how powerful that Wartortle was, that from just one attack Shiftry couldn't recover at all in the air and as he pushed himself up, his legs were trembling a bit.

Luckily, he hadn't been frozen at all.

Just then, the smoke parted and another bright blue sphere of power shot out towards Shiftry.

"Razor Leaf!" I quickly countered.

Falling to one knee, Shiftry thrust out both hands and from his leafy fingers, dozens upon dozens of glowing razor sharp leaves shot forth to intercept the Aura Sphere causing it to explode.

"Sunny Day, quick." I ordered before the smoke fully parted and let Gary and his Wartortle see what was going on.

Hopefully, it went on long enough to make Hilda's top go see through. If not, well, it can't be helped.

I can always have Pidgeotto stealthily use Rain Dance later if need be.

Shiftry grunted and did as ordered, conjuring another red-orange sphere of energy in one hand and throwing it into the air.

It overlapped the Rain Dance sphere as it had the Sunny Day one before it and the clouds and rain quickly cleared up.

"Return!" I quickly brought back Shiftry just as the smoke fully parted. Since they didn't attack again, either they were waiting to see what happened or already charging up another attack.

I'll take advantage of that. And give Shiftry a little bit to catch his breath.

"Charmander, clap their cheeks!" I quickly brought out my first and favourite fire type.

Just as I did though, the smoke fully parted and my eyes widened. Because, Wartortle definitely was not waiting to see what was going on.

Rather, its arms were held up above its head, mouth wide open and a massive aqua blue sphere larger than it was tall crackled above it.

Oh shit!

Seems he was planning the same thing as me.

"Blast Burn!" I quickly commanded Charmander.

Charmander didn't even bother nodding or anything, he just saw the situation and leapt into action. With a loud cry, the little fire type clenched his fist, bright golden light erupting around it and then punched downward at the same time Wartortle heaved and threw the massive sphere of crackling water power it had conjured.

At the same time, the ground shook, massive cracks appearing throughout it and heat spilling up through them alongside golden light.

And then, from underneath Wartortle a massive explosion erupted into a pillar of flame and blotted it from view, even the brief cry of pain it gave was washed away by the sounds of roaring flame.

And I lucked out.

Because neither Gary nor Wartortle apparently expected me to switch out Shiftry and the massive Hydro Cannon it fired? It flew right over Charmander's head, barely skimming the little fire type before shooting off into the air and exploding with enough force to make the very air shake and make my ear drums pop.

For a brief moment, what felt like a torrential downpour rained down atop me and Charmander and I felt myself wincing as the sheer energy contained in the water it expelled zapped at my skin, and Charmander was no better.

By time it died down, so to had the massive pillar of fire that enveloped Wartortle.

To show the water type starter on one knee, charred and bruised, but still very much ready to rumble.

I really did almost gape at it, 'This thing really is a fucking monster. It took Shiftry's Hurricane, plus two of its own Aura Sphere's and Charmander's Sunny Day enhanced Blast Burn!'

Then again, this is the pokemon that would one day go on to completely molly whop Ash's Heracross, Muk and Bayleef then almost take down Charizard.

"Dragon Dance, then Flamethrower!" I snapped out a pair of orders, not wanting to give Wartortle any chance to recover.

"Char!" Charmander swung his tail around, forcing his entire body to rapidly rotate like a spinning top, a flaming orange aura billowing up around his body.

He skidded out of it a moment later and quickly unleashed a massive stream of flame from his mouth, quite a bit bigger than usual thanks to the Sunny Day up above.

"Mirror Coat!" Gary quickly counted himself.

Just before the flames impacted Wartortle, a glowing shiny gleam blossomed over its body. It grunted as the flames smashed into it, but a split second later, they rebounded off of its body and shot back towards Charmander twice as fast.

"Quick Attack!" I countered right back.

White energy exploded from Charmander's feet and he shot to the side, an instant later the massive flame impacting his previous position and charring it black.

With Dragon Dance enhancing his speed and Quick Attack, Charmander was a complete blur to my eyes, just like Shiftry.

"Mega Punch!" I shouted as the blur of a fire type raced towards Wartortle.

The blur launched at Wartortle, closing in rapidly and I saw a brighter orange explode within the billowing cloak.

"Counter!" Gary roared.

Charmander came out of his blur and unleashed a fist enhanced by bright orange energy straight into Wartortle's cheek, at the same time the middle staged starter pokemon's body gleamed with a red outline.

Wartortle cried out in pain as the blow to the face bodily lifted it into the air and sent it flying over ten feet, but at the same time, a shock waved erupted from its body with exactly twice the force that Charmander had struck out with and impacted against the little fire type before he could do anything.

The sheer force of it sent my pokemon skipping across the ground like a ragdoll and falling into a limp heap.

Wartortle landed in a heap itself, but almost immediately began to crawl its way to its feet.

Arceus, fuck! What does it take to put this motherfucker down?

"The hell, is that little lizard on steroids or something?!" Gary gnashed his teeth.

That's the fucking pot calling the kettle black innit?

"Wartortle, quick while it's down Life Dew and then Aqua Ri-" quickly began to issue some really annoying orders.

But, he was cut off, and not by me.

But rather, by Charmander pushing himself to his feet and beginning to roar. It started off squeaky, before all of a sudden becoming louder and deeper, a proper roar.

And then Charmander erupted into bright glowing light and before my eyes began to grow, practically doubling in size, while a horn like shape began to emerge from the back of his head.

"...You've gotta be fucking kidding me." Gary gaped.

I on the other hand, well excitement filled me. Butterfree rampaged in my chest and my blood rushed with excitement.

Quite frankly, it was probably a miracle I didn't get a giant throbbing erection.

A split second later, the bright light shattered like glass to reveal Charmander, now bigger, with scales of crimson red and a large horn on his head. "Meleeeeon!" my now Charmeleon roared and pounded his chest with both hands.

My hands had clenched into fists without me even noticing it, and they were slightly shaking form the sheer excitement I felt.

He'd evolved. This is it! Just one more evolution and I'll have the legendary Charizard! The greatest pokemon in existence! The dragon of dragons, the king of kings, the god that even Arceus would bow to.

Before I knew it, I had tilted my head back and started laughing, "That's it! That's the fucking way Charmeleon!" I cheered, before punching out, "Now blow them fucking away with Dragon Rush!"

Charmeleon immediately stopped beating his chest and obeyed me instantly. Unlike Ash, there's no way my boy would ever disobey me!

Because I am the Charizard Master. The Donzard! Hahaha!

'Heh.' I shook my head and smothered my excitement a bit, before I went full on psycho.

For all the damage he took before as a Charmander from that Counter, it may as well have all disappeared now that he was a Charmeleon as he exploded forward and launched himself through the air towards Wartortle struggling to get up.

Bright blue fire ignited into existence around Charmeleon and formed into a massive flaming blue aura in the shape of a roaring serpentine dragon.

"Pro-" Gary quickly tried to order Wartortle to block it, but Charmeleon's speed enhanced through his evolution, still clad in his Dragon Dance Aura was simply too fast.

The roaring blue dragon of flame slammed into Wartortle and the ground shook as if a massive earthquake suddenly emerged, the cheerleaders behind Gary all squealed in fright.

A mass of smoke and debris was churned up into the air from the attack and it took a few seconds to begin to die down. But when it did, it was to show Charmeleon walking out of the plume of smoke and dragging the comatose Wartortle out of the crater his attack had created by one leg.

'Note to self, do not give handicaps just for the chance to see some wet boobs.' I thought to myself.

Well, at least not until me and my pokemon are much stronger.


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