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She took to the roofs, lifting her body through the air with magnetism and began leaping from building to building, making her way towards that idiots dorm building.

Mikoto's mind was in disarray, a thousand thoughts and one sparked through her head like raining bolts of lightning. The harsh rain pounded down hard from the sky above, soaking her, and even though her memories of herself at this age were much clearer now since she woke up, she hadn't bothered to specifically remember the forecast from the Tree Diagram and grab a coat.

The tea haired girl grimaced. The tree diagram. It was still around here and now, the experiment with her sisters was still in motion, though not set to start until the first of January of the next year.

She smashed the cold chill that ran up her spine at the thought of that experiment still in motion once again, it was something right out of her nightmares after all.

'Kuroko isn't my room mate, I haven't even met her yet at this point,' Mikoto bit her lip as she landed on the roof of a shopping centre and pushed on. 'I've not met Saten-san or Uiharu-san, I don't have the A.A.A, everything I've done in the past year has been completely reset.'

There was the slim thought that this wasn't real, that it was all a trick in her mind due to Shokuhou, but no, she disregarded that quickly. She hadn't been able to see much while she was under the blonde's control, but she had seen her down and injured before that idiot started fighting his imposter.

Despair threatened to overwhelm her, as it was, she had lost almost everything she had treasured. Right now, all she had left was her power as the #3 Railgun.

But, as long as that connection remained. As long as Kamijou Touma remembered it all, Mikoto was fine. That one connection was more important to her than anything else besides her parents.

The tea haired electromaster landed nimbly on the side of his dorm in the early morning a few minutes, and walked her way up the side of the building, hopping out on the level of where she remembered his dorm room being.

'Oh thank god.' Mikoto breathed a slight sigh of relief when she caught site of the name plaque o the door. Kamijou.

He still had the same dorm even when he was in middle school, she wouldn't need to go hacking the databases to find out where he lived and waste time. It was funny how just seeing his name on a plaque on a door comforted her.

Mikoto raised a shaky hand and knocked his door three times, before freezing, her body feeling fuzzy and a lump forming in her throat.

..What if, he didn't remember? What would she do? The only concrete thing she could really think to do was prepare for the sisters...but, even with the A.A.A, it was highly unlikely she could defeat Accelerator and save them. Only he could beat Aceelerator.

..Would she have to build her connection with him from the ground up? For the first time, Mikoto felt like she understood Shokuhou at least a little bit. She had no idea what happened between them and why he couldn't seem to remember her, but her feelings for the idiot were as plain as day. How would she feel if some other girl took her spot after he couldn't remember her? The thought nearly made her teeth grind. 'That would be completely unforgiveable.' she thought instantly, the mere thought of it made the fear seizing her burn away with the blossoming embers of rage.

The door clicked open.

And there he was, standing in the door way, a bit shorter than she remembered him, not as broad shouldered either, and holding a hand to the side of his head, clutching at it, a grimace on his face and his eyes looking bleary.

"..Misaka?" he blinked groggily.

Relief flooded her and giddiness washed over her, and before Mikoto even realised what she was doing, she slammed into the idiot, he arms wrapping around him, "You idiot!" she cried as she tackled him to the ground.

"Ack!" Kamijou Touma yelped at the sudden motion that he was completely unprepared for and fell back onto the hard wooden flooring of his dorm room, hands full with a slender middle schooler, "S-such misfortune." he groaned as he banged his head against the floor.


"T-thanks for having me." Mikoto mumbled a few moments later after realising their positions and jumping away from him, at that point he'd stood up and invited her in.

Despite how long they'd known each other, this was her first time in his dorm room. And, she was surprised. It was so neat and tidy, she didn't expect that, for some reason she always thought it would be messy.

But no it was well managed, and clean. It wasn't all that big of a place, a bit smaller than her own, but despite that, it had a more homey feel to it than hers. With a main room halved into a small kitchen and main room. He had a bed on the far side of the room, up at the sliding veranda doors, with a small square table in the centre of the room facing quite a large television, on the sides of the television she could see a stack of video games and a game console.

It was a bit novel to look at, since they weren't allowed television and games like that within the Tokiwadai dorms.

But, even with the tidiness of the room, she could tell this was a boys room. Unlike the type of flowery scent that lingered in her own room with Kuroko, she could smell a light, yet powerful fragrance that to weigh on her sense of smell. It was a definite masculine smell that she was familiar with, being around the idiot so long, yet much more notable in his room.

Even the designs of the rooms were different. While her own was a bit ornate, and the walls decorated, his were plain, and at the end of his bed, just out of the way of the walk in closet there, was a small weight rack, filled with a few different sized dumbbells.

"It's fine," Touma waved her off as she followed him into the main room. He made his way over to a dresser along the wall on the other side of where the television was placed and pulled it open with one drawer, "Lemme get you some clothes to wear, or you're gonna end up getting a cold with how soaked you are. Why didn't you wear a jacket?"

Mikoto frowned for a moment when she looked at him at the sound of his voice and saw him still clutching his head. What was wrong with him?..Then his words registered, "Eh...you're giving me some of your clothes to wear?" she blinked, and felt her face heat up.

"I can't have you getting a cold can I? They might not be your style, but they'll at least do until yours dry." Touma responded.

"Well..thanks then..I guess.." the tea haired girl replied lightly, feeling her face getting progressively darker with warmth.

He stood up fully a second later, a top and bottoms clutched in his hand before pausing and staring at her.

"..What?" Mikoto managed to utter in question despite how nervous she suddenly felt. She followed his eyes down her body, 'Oh.' her school uniform was utterly drenched, and thus, clinging very tightly to the slight curves of her body, her bare thighs glistening with a shiny wet sheen.

"N-nothing," Touma replied, turning his face away from her, "Here, change into these in the bathroom and there should be a towel to use in there." he tossed the clothes at her and they landed atop her head, cutting her view from him.

Mikoto blinked, her rising embarrassment forgotten, 'What's wrong with him?' she wondered, but followed his instructions and entered his bathroom.

She peeled off her wet clothes, and had to swallow and force herself to do the same with her underwear since they were soaked right through as well.

A few moments later, she pulled on the clothes she had been given and looked at herself in the mirror. It was just a simple plain long sleeved white top and black sweat pants, but despite the fact these clothes were that of his from a year previous and smaller than what he was wearing in the future, they still positively drowned her. The sleeves of the white top came right down over her hands, long enough that they were another length of hand longer, and she had to pull up the sweat pants over her waist and tie them so they didn't drag as much on the floor, yet even still there was a large part of them bottom trailing along the ground.

'Huh..I'm not that much smaller now, only about an inch...even if it was the me from before, these clothes would still be way too big for me.' she realised. It was an odd thought, that even if they were the same age, he was still so much larger than her.

The scent of the clothing she wore now flowed up her nose and warmth filled her. It felt like, he was wrapped all around her. It reminded her of the gentle way he had pat her head on that bridge after she cried her heart out in despair. '...What's with this cozy feeling again...'

She'd come a long way in the past few months. Mikoto was well aware of what she felt for that idiot now. Even if she couldn't admit it out loud.

It was so odd, that despite the situation, she felt at ease. Enough to shake off the lingering embarrassment. After all, wasn't this a chance?

There was no silver sister here currently, no annoyingly big boobed bimbo. No Kuroko around, to break in and ruin the moment. No little sisters trying to steal the prize before her while she worked up the nerve. It was just her, and him.

'Okay, I don't know what's going on here, but I shouldn't let this chance pass me by!' Mikoto slapped her cheeks to psyche herself up. She wouldn't let anyone else get in the way here, and wouldn't hold back, not like she did back with the cupid tag rings.

She left the bathroom behind to find him sitting on his bed, rubbing his head. "Looks like they're a bit to big after all." He looked up and noted.

His eyes were settled on her right shoulder, where the top he gave her was so big on her, it hung down and left her slender shoulder bare. Mikoto swallowed and the jitters nearly overwhelmed her right form the beginning again. But she beat them back, he'd seen her in way less clothing than this!

"I-i guess, but better than getting a cold with the wet stuff on right? Thanks," Mikoto smiled at him, before cocking her side and asking the question that had been on her mind since she saw him, "What's wrong with your head?"

Touma sighed, slumping down on his bed a bit, "I dunno about you, but when I woke up here, all the memories I had at this point came rushing in," he replied, "I'm not complaining about getting them back, you know? It's some fortune this Kamijou-san is thankful for, but having fourteen years of memories dumped into your head all of a sudden isn't pleasant, and I've got a splitting headache."

Her eyes widened. He got his memories back? She knew it was a big deal for him after he lost his memories. But wait, wasn't he fifteen when he lost them? So, he didn't get them all back then. That...wasn't really fair. It meant he never remembered, and the few months they spent together. But then, that was just selfish wasn't it? And in the end, memories or not, they didn't change who he was regardless, so it didn't impact her feelings at all.

"But maan, talk about ironic," Touma took his hand from his bed and leaned back on it on both hands, "Just when I finally decided in full, I didn't give a crap about my memories anymore, that moron went and did this. Kamijou-san really can't get used to this topsy turvy reality that just loves to mock him."

Mikoto shook her head with a sigh, 'What was I worrying about? This guy's as resilient as ever.'

"Well, how about I make us some tea then?" he mused a moment later.

"Eh..sure, tea's fine I guess, though I seriously doubt a guy like you has the type of tea I drink." Mikoto teased.

"Ha! Don't underestimate a Kamijou-san that doesn't have to look after and feed Index as much as five grown men at every meal, and that glutton of a nun required five or more feedings a day!" the spiky black haired boy crowed as he stood up.

Her hand latched onto his wrist the second he said that on instinct, "Hehe!" her bangs sparked, "You know I always wondered where that nun lived. But you just went and confirmed it huh? She was living with you all along!"

"Oi oi! Misaka-san, what's got you so mad!" he bat his other hand through the air, dispelling her sparks, "Besides, it's not like I asked her to live with me and drain my funds! She didn't exactly have anywhere else to go when those idiots responsible for her dumped all responsibility on me."

"Excuses, who knows what kind of perverted stuff you got up to with her!?" Mikoto protested.

"Hah! As if, Index might be cute, but she's in no way girlfriend material!" Touma snapped back, "Kamijou-san likes mature onee-san types! That girl fills the useless little sister trope to a tee! Totally not a romantic option for me! I want to be taken care of sometimes too you know, so the girl I have to draw baths for, make every meal, wash all her clothes and constantly fight absurd enemies over isn't my type!"

Mikoto froze. 'Three out of four isn't bad right?' she wondered, thoughts going in a completely different direction. This guy just came out and said it without any shame at all! But she could at least do basic household chores, draw her own baths, wash her own clothes and fight her own battles, besides the rare exception!

...She could not at all cook well though.

But wasn't that the role she was aiming for anyway!? She had been chasing his back and trying to get stronger all so she could stand by his side and ease all the burdens on his shoulders, give him some time to rest and not have to save everyone. Be the one he could lean on.

Her grip on his wrist eased up. The sudden lack of grip threw Touma off balance and he slipped, crashing down atop her, "Whoa!" he caught himself before he could hit her though, but their positions ended up with him holding himself up with both arms, and her laying flat on her back atop his bed..in his clothes.

Her cheeks began to darken and that cozy feeling began to well up inside her again. But, before it could, he let loose a small chuckle. Mikoto blinked and looked up at the boy. There was a small, gentle half smile atop his face that sent her heart thumping.

"W-what?" she stuttered out a demand.

"..Sorry Misaka," his tone changed, becoming soft, and gentle, "This is all my fault. If I hadn't made that stupid wish, none of this would have happened and we wouldn't have ended up here."

Wish? "What do you mean, you idiot?" Mikoto asked just as softly. There was something in his eyes, a deep pain that made her want to ease all his worries.

"..That guy, the imposter...he wasn't just some random person, he was me to a degree, or more accurately, he was part of my power, you remember right, back at the Daihasei." Touma continued softly.

"..Those dragons?" Mikoto caught on immediately. She knew very little about the powers he had under his arm. She only knew that she'd seen briefly. The strength of those eight dragons she had seen was unreal, they had torn apart that black sphere of power that would have blown away much more than Academy City in mere seconds when she was on the path to level six, and later, that Kimi bitch had somehow got her hands on the angelic looking one, and just it alone had been beyond her capabilities as a level 5 to defeat, and that was with the fact that Kimi apparently couldn't even use it properly.

So it was like Kimi then? One of them got out again, but took on his form this time and played them all for some reason. It made sense, considering both he and that imposter had turned into massive crocodilian dragons when they were fighting.

"Yeah...them," he confirmed with a light nod, "I don't know much about them, even getting these memories back told me nothing. I don't know if they're my real esper power that I can't really access because of Imagine Breaker, or something else entirely. But, I made a stupid wish. I wished that I could have known more about my power, so that I could have protected you all better and stopped so many from dying. And when I defeated him, and took him back..he did something, brought us back here somehow.

That was very hard to swallow. But this guy, he never lied about things like this. But if it was him, even this didn't seem farfetched for his strength. She was halfway to a level six when she saw them the first time, and they defeated that amount of power as easily as breathing. Who knows how strong he was at his full power? He was confident enough that he could destroy a comet that would have wiped Japan off of the map after all.

"It's fine, I don't blame you," Mikoto replied almost immediately, instinctively. Her hands rose up without her telling them to, and she found herself running her fingers through his spiky hair. It made her fingers tingle, and the older boy above her, his face turned slightly red and his breath hitched, "You couldn't have known something like this would happen, and I told you once before didn't I? The path you've walked is the right one. A great many people were saved because you had the courage to run forward. I won't allow anyone to reject what you did and call you wrong. The things we accomplished since we met have been reset, and that's terrible. But at the same time, a great many more possibilities and endings have been opened up thanks to you."

Mikoto grasped his head through his hair and pulled him down, ignoring her nervousness and embarrassment, they had no place here right now, and rested his head gently atop her chest then began stroking his head, just the same as he had done for her, "I'll never reject you, and I'll never leave you all alone, so it's fine for you to lean on me a bit." She looked down at her chest, meeting his eyes when he was looking up at her, "There's nobody I trust more than you, okay? So can you try and trust me a bit more as well?"

Touma's eyes went a bit half lidded, but his face and smile became more relaxed, "Sure...but. you've been doing that already for a while..haven't you?..I couldn't have got...anywhere near this far without you..." as he spoke his eyes dipped further and further until he trailed off and they closed completely as he fell asleep.

For a moment, Mikoto just lay there, underneath him and took in his content face, idly tracing her fingers gently over his head. This was the first time she'd seen him sleeping, not counting in the hospital or when he was unconscious. This was the first time she'd ever seen him look so content. He was always so strong, so reliable, always had to stand in front of everybody else.

That cozy feeling she was getting so used to these days welled up inside her. This was what she wanted. Not all of it, but it was along that path. Ever since the High Priest, it had felt like they were getting closer and closer, but this further beyond even that.

She wondered, was he sure it was his own wish that was granted? Because Mikoto was very sure, the chance to go back and save all her sisters fully, and have him all to herself with this closeness, was something she could only dream of.

Mikoto was content to just stay there where she was as long as possible. She felt warm and more comfortable despite the odd positioning than she ever remembered being. A pleasant haze of sleep threatened to overwhelm her. And she did not fight it.

...But, before she did, she made sure to pull her phone out and snap a picture of his content, sleeping face, so she could remember it better later. And if she set it as her background...well, that was nobody's buisness but her own.

There was so much they had to do all over again. But for the life of her, Mikoto just couldn't care less in this moment right now. And with that, she fell asleep, cuddled up beneath that idiotic boy who's back it had felt like she'd been chasing forever.


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