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Kamijou Touma would not expect good fortune. Even if he had lost that which bestowed his misfortune upon him, he would never allow himself to become the sort of person that had to rely on that.

He had come all this way to reclaim himself and free those who were trapped here. That was his single, selfish desire right now, in this very instant. He didn't care at all about who was the hero and who was the villain in this situation. That which was precious to him had been stolen, and he would take them back at all costs.

Misaka, Index, and a familiar scent of honey and starry eyes floated to the forefront of his mind.

A massive roar shook the palace they were fighting within.

His foe, the shocking-pink and emerald lizard with large crocodilian jaws, thin wings, and a thick tail,a beast of supreme power that not even a Saint could take lightly, and this was but a miniscule amount of the true power available to it when full and whole. But this was not Kamijou Touma's first time seeing any of it. He had worn the same thing and used it as his own weapon. He was every bit the monster his pink and emerald counterpart was.

He knew how it worked.

And he knew its weaknesses and flaws.

Of course he did! He learned and experienced them first hand!


With a roar, the spiky haired boy shot forward, his speed so great he became a blur and mercilessly threw a punch with a right fist covered in sky-blue fibers, the wind whipped and boomed with the sheer force behind his thrown fist.

He sent it toward those crocodilian jaws that were too big to miss.

But his opponent was also Kamijou Touma. That ludicrous speed was nowhere near enough, not when he'd dealt with things so much faster, experienced so much combat with things that much greater, not when he'd done battle with an omnipotent god that made this attack look like a snail's pace in comparison. The crocodilian jaws opened wide and in a split moment, of course they chomped down on his arm.

Unbelievable pain burst in his head like sparks. But it was fine! He'd dealt with way worse than just having his measly arm bitten off.

Besides, that bizarre right arm had never been simple flesh and blood. It was the arm of a dragon.

And had anyone really thought he would not put together some kind of plan from the moment the chandelier fell to when he got up and clenched his bloody fist here? He was the type of guy who would use all avenues available to him in order to win. So when a weapon was readily handed to him, even if it was punctured deep into his skin, he would gladly take it to use himself.

Dark red blood did not just spill from Kamijou Touma's bitten-off arm.


It spilled from those massive, powerful jaws as well.

Blood other than Kamijou's poured endlessly from between those brutal teeth.

Touma staggered woozily backwards with a cold sweat soaking him, but he had a thin smile on his lips.

"How's it taste, monster?" he taunted, with a vicious grin, just barely regaining his balance before he fell back. The bloodthirsty smile upon his lips making him look every beat the beast as the one he was fighting.

He could not use Imagine Breaker.

But he still had to win at all costs.

He had to free those girls no matter what kind of cheap and underhanded methods it required. No matter how unsightly he looked, no matter how pitiful and uncool the world would regard him for his actions.

There were some things, even he could not forgive. The people he treasured, there was little lengths he would not go to for them.


"'How's a fist full of crystal shards taste?" The spiky haired boy taunted once more, baring bloodied teeth as he panted in exhaustion, " It's too late to spit it out now. Your throat and stomach must've been shredded!"

He had used his right hand.

He had used that fist to destroy the supernatural. Imagine Breaker was just one of the cards in his deck. He had more power to use, despite how little he liked said power. And even if he had none, this situation would have come to pass regardless. He would have made sure of it, even if he had to tear his body apart in the process.

"Agh, you, khah…"

Pointy-haired Kamijou Touma held something in his remaining left hand. It had likely been here as a tool for cooking. The large carving knife would have been used for making thin slices of roast beef or something. And instead of the ornamental ones a delinquent might carry around, this was a well-honed blade used by professionals.

This was his left hand, the opposite of the one he had relied on all this time. But as always, he was the type to use what he had. So what if he had lost his right arm? It was just an arm, a small price to pay for those girls. He didn't need Imagine Breaker to defeat the supernatural.

But destroying the supernatural power of his given form and life was not enough to end this.

He needed to take it a step further.

This time, he had to destroy the physical body as well.

Othinus had said his strength was not in the amount of direct violence but in his ability to reach out to people without giving up on them.

But just this once, he had to settle things once and for all. This one, after all had crossed the line he had set. He had been willing to destroy the perfect world full of smiles so that he could be together with these girls again, had been willing to kill Othinus if that was it took back then to get back to them.

"I see. So that's why it chose you…why it flew in from outsi-" his opponent rumbled from between its massive jaws, only to stop with a gasp as the knife plunged into his weakened form.

The bizarre monster had already been shredded on the inside and now an attack from outside pierced the centre of his chest.

Kamijou did not need to use much strength.

He only had to lean against his foe and collapse against him as he grew weak.


The dragon did not collapse.

Even with the large blade stabbing him in the chest, he spread his wings wide to catch Kamijou like the boy was weakly leaning against a wall.

"This isn't over." the dragon declared softly.

"I know…" Touma closed his eyes, leaning into the powerful wings of the strength that had come to his rescue many a time.

"I am here because you wished it. And you just rejected that obvious answer to have it your way," his power of shocking pink and emerald stated, "Do not let them die… If you had used this thing right, you might have been able to save the Golden magicians. At the very least, Aleister didn't need to die and leave his daughter behind. Don't you dare make a mistake like that again."

Yes, he was so right. If he hadn't been such a coward, if he had stopped letting other peoples desires and explanations of what his power was and what he could accomplish lead him around, if he had just had the balls to charge forward like he once had before, then none of this would have ever happened, and these tragedies could have been averted.

It was his own pathetic lack of will ever since he returned to this world that had made him unable to protect that which he treasured.

There was a sound like something twisting around.

The other boy came apart into shocking-pink and emerald that swirled around in the air and gathered around Kamijou Touma's right shoulder.

Then he heard his own voice speaking within his head, 'I cannot fulfil your wish like this,' the dragon sounded sad, and lonely, 'But, now that we're one again, I can give you the chance to fulfil it yourself. Don't fail again.'

There was a surge of something within him. And then, bright purple light accented with gold burst from his arm socket, and Kamijou Touma's eyes rolled up into the back of his head, as he was overwhelmed by static. Memories of a time long before this version of Kamijou Touma became who he was washed over him...and he felt himself, being pulled.

But that was it, before his consciousness was swallowed by purple and gold.


Misaka Mikoto, thirteen years old shot up from her bed within her dorm room. "What...where?" the tea haired girl looking around wildly, before groaning quietly and reaching up to massage her head.

The last things she remembered, was going to sleep last night after returning to her dorm, not bothering to say a word to her room mate. But at the same time, she could also remember that she last remembered being in Buckingham Palace, a passenger in her own mind while she and that silver sister fought it out because of that pork chested witch.

..And that idiot, he was fighting that imposter that had pretended to be him. What happened? He'd won, she'd saw that even while the AAA piloted around with her body, fighting the silver sister. But then, all she saw was purple and gold coming from where he was and suddenly, she was here, waking up in her bed back at the Tokiwada Dorm – which was impossible! Her dorm had been destroyed during all that crap with the Elementals and the heat wave.

Mikoto blinked and looked around the room she was in passively, taking everything in. 'This can't be real can it?' she wondered in a daze.

On instinct, her hand reached under her pillow, and pulled out a familiar frog themed phone. A pang of sadness hit her, when she saw the lack of a gekota strap attached to it. She hesitate for a moment on that fact, before flipping the phone open and checking the date.

06:37 Am, 15/09/XX – The fifteenth of September, twenty-XX. Yet, she could specifically remember the date being the twenty first of December, Twenty-XX.

'How...how did this happen!?' Mikoto panicked internally for a moment. This was over a year before when she remembered being! Time travel? Yeah right, that sounded completely asinine! The field of quantum physics even in Academy City hadn't gotten anywhere close to completing something like that.

..But she wasn't just dealing with science, now was she? That idiot, he was consumed within the other side, the apparent Magic Side that she knew little about at all.

Her eyes widened, '...If I ended up here...what about him?' she was struck with that revelation, and before she even realised it, she was up and throwing her pajamas off and pulling on her schools summer uniform.

And mere minutes later, uncaring of her room mate , Mikoto left her room behind at a sprint, uncaring of the other girl sleeping in the room beside her, her school, or really anything at all besides one thing. That singular focus and goal, was finding him and seeing him. She had to see him!


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