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Two weeks passed in a blur after the U.A Entrance exam. And in those two weeks, you were hard at work.

Beyond keeping up your physical training and working on your control of your quirk. There was one other thing you were working on diligently.

When it came to defence, you couldn't be beat. And in a straight up brawl, there's few that could hope to match you. But you have little at all that packs enough of a punch to bring down massive enemies like the zero pointer.

And so, you were working on creating a technique to bring them down.

So here you stood in your backyard, only in a pair of shorts, sweat pouring off of you. You held your right wrist out, the only part of your body in metal form, and shaped into a drill.



'C'mon!' you grit your teeth as you focused. Shaping your fist into a drill took a bit of effort, but it was manageable. Controlling it and forcing it to rotate alone and not damage your wrist and arm was something much harder to get working.

"Ma-sa-ru!" a familiar, doting, annoying voice shouted and broke you from your concentration.

You huffed, letting the transformation recede and turning around to where you heard the voice of your father coming from, "What?" you asked, wiping the sweat from your brow.

"It's here!!!!" your father rushed out of the patio into the backyard, carrying a letter between his hands.

Your eyes widened.

Your father skidded to a halt in front of you and thrust it into your hands, "C'mon, open it, open it!" he said eagerly.

You rolled your eyes, but did as he said. You ripped the top off the letter open and pulled out the insides. And a moment later, you held a small circular projector in your hand.

You pressed the button in the middle and it lit up, a hologram displaying in the air above your palm.

The image of a small bipedal white mouse like creature dressed in a black suit appeared, a large scar running over one eye. It was Principal Nezu!

"Hello young Mr. Busou, I hope you're doing well," Principal Nezu greeted you, "I congratulate you on your stellar performance. While your paper exam grades were only a bit above average, you blew the competition out of the water when it came to the battle exam and you scored a total of sixty nine villain points, gaining the second highest amount of villain points of all the  examinees, you should be proud of yourself."

...Sixty nine. The same amount you had counted. Which meant...that they had actually given the points to Izuku Midoriya. Good stuff.

"Now, overall, that would net you second place, that is, if the exam was judged solely on defeating the villain bots, take a look at this," Principal Nezu gestured behind him and a screen lit up. A screen that showed you rushing to the aid of Ochako and catching the foot of the Zero Pointer as it attempted to stand on you, "There is in fact, a second, hidden part of the exam. The essence of a hero is not just in defeating villains, but in rescuing and protecting others. For that reason, a panel of judges award a second set of points known as Rescue Points, and you my young friend, scored an astonishing sixty nine rescue points during your efforts to help others during the exam. For a total of one hundred and thirty eight points and granting you the spot of first place in the exam!"

"First place!" Your father cheered, hugging you around the shoulders, "I knew you'd be the best. Nobody's better than my son! You're so amazing Masaru! Let daddy build a statue in your honour."

You rolled your eyes and pulled away from him, "Oi, it isn't finished." you turned away from him and kept watching the hologram as it continued playing.

"I think you'll be introduced in seeing how the rankings tallied up, take a look at this!" Principal Nezu said, and then the screen switched from him, to a board of names, your own at the top.

Name - Villain Points - Rescue Points
1. Masaru Busou - 69 - 69
2. Katsuki Bakugou - 77 - 0
3. Izuku Midoriya - 15 - 60
4. Eijiro Kirishima - 39 - 35
5. Ochako Uraraka - 28 - 45
6. Ibara Shiozaki - 36 - 32
7. Tenya Ida - 52 - 9
8. Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu - 49 - 10
9. Fumikage Tokoyami - 47 - 10
10. Yosetsu Awase - 50 - 6

Your eyes lit up. Both Midoriya and Ochako had passed, and they scored pretty high up there as well, getting third and fifth place. And not only that, Tokoyami had passed as well and gotten into the top ten, ranking ninth.

The screen stayed there for a minute before blipping back to Principal Nezu who had his small arms spread wide, "Welcome Masaru Busou, this is your Hero Academia!" he declared grandly, and the recording ended with that message.

A grin spread across your face, "First place, huh?"

With only two weeks remaining until you started at U.A Academy, you threw yourself back into your training. You were determined to get down your new technique and squeeze out as much increases in your ability as you could.

Beyond that, there was one more thing you had to take care of. You had to design your hero costume and send it away. The budget for the costume wasn't all that great to be honest.

But, you had a little advantage over others. You not only designed your hero costume with the help of your father, you also created the basic framework and shape of it yourself with your quirk and sent it away with your design specifications.

The design you decided on was simple. Armoured legs and feet, and a helmet shaped almost like a birds beak. It would normally clash with what you were about as a hero, considering your main ability was turning yourself metal and that really had nothing to do with birds.

Except, there was one thing you aspired to and it was why you were working a lot on your control over the metal you created. Flight. Once you had enough control, you could ride atop your metal through the sky.

You would be able to fly freely through the sky and escape the bindings of gravity itself. A hero of both the ground and the sky.

Your quirk after all, despite the great strength it afforded you, its main strength was not power, but the sheer versatility it granted you.

And then before you knew it, the framework and shape of your costume had been created with a little help from your father and sent off to be truly turned into support gear and the last two weeks leading up to the start of your high school life flew by.

The first of April had arrived, and dressed in the grey blazer and green pants of a U.A student, you left your house behind and made your way to the train station, jumping on the train and heading your way to U.A Academy.

Today was the day. The day you reached the true starting line in your journey to becoming a hero!


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