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The first thing you did when you got home was call up your school and fake that you were sick. You had an in with the reception lady after helping her out a few times so she happily helped you out with no questions asked cuz you're such a nice boy aren't you?

You got your digimon into your digivice and then you logged on. You didn't even bother changing out of your school clothes.

Surprise surprise though, Ruki was waiting right at the entrance of the Eden lounge area, and god she must have ran home because she was already in the same set of casual clothes you saw her in yesterday. It looked good on her, but you had to admit, you liked the skirt.

For certain reasons of course.

"Aww, no skirt?" you sent her a mock pout as you stepped out of the entrance teleporter.

Ruki crossed her arms under her breasts and snorted, "Yeah right, I can't have you getting distracted by trying to look up my skirt when you're showing me around," she replied, before sending you a smirk, "If you wanted to perv on me, you shouldn't have been a romantic and just got me to suck your cock."

You snorted back, "Man, when you eventually do fall for me and we get around to having sex, I'm gonna enjoy making you sport an ahegao face." you countered.

She actually burst out laughing, and loudly at that. It took her a few moments to calm down and she was holding her ribs as if they hurt from it, "God that was a good one," Ruki wiped a tear of pure hilarity from her eye before shooting you another taunting smirk, "Too bad I've got zero interest in romance dude, or I'd give you good odds on that with that donkey dick of yours."

This girl was amazing.

'Flirting' out of the way, she held her arm out and showed off the digivice you gave her, a blue one, "So what is this thing then?" she asked, "I plugged it in before I logged on here and when I ended up here it was literally in my hand."

You raised a brow as you replied, "It's a digivice, what else did you think it was?"

Her eyes widened, "Seriously, this tacky little thing is a digivce it looks nothing like the oth - what I imagined." your eyes narrowed at the hasty correction.

Suspicious. You'll keep that in mind.

Pulling up your terminal you got her username off of her and then sent her a friend request. When she did, you sent her two URL's, one for Kowloon level 1 and the other a temporary one for your Private Server.

You weren't going to give her the URL's for the lower floors, screw that. You're only trusting her with Level 1 because you're going with her right now and decided to give her a digimon to start things off.



Ruki let loose a whistle as she stepped out of the entrance gate of your private server, "Woah, what is this place?" she gasped. "It's like a freaking five star beach resort."

You beckoned her to follow you, "This is my private resort." you replied when she fell into step beside you.

"Seriously?" the redhead asked with wide eyes, "You actually coded and made this yourself?"

You nodded.

"Damn, that's amazing." she whistled again taking a few seconds to take in the sights. When she was done, Ruki turned back to you with a raised eyebrow, "So why'd you bring me here? I'll let you know upfront, I've not been to the beach in years, so I don't even own a bikini that'll fit now with how big my tits have gotten lately."

Your eyes fell to said tits and she snorted at you, giving her chest a bit of a shake to tease you. This girl is a total vixen, no ifs and or buts about it.

"They're certainly impressive." you commented idly.

"Well at least you like them," Ruki rolled her eyes, "I honestly could do without them, it's such a pain to squeeze them into a bra every damn day."

Well now, how could you pass that up?

"Speaking of bra's, if you don't have a bikini you could just strip down to your underwear." you told her, grinning again and waggling your eyebrows, "You still wearing little sexy little thong?"

"I'll pass thanks," she countered drily, "And hell no, I hate wearing thongs, I only wore it today cuz I knew you'd love to see me in one and I wanted to get you on board quick as possible, so I was kind of expecting to be stripped naked by you and licking at your balls by now like a little slut."

Fucking Christ man.

"Man, your bluntness on sex is both amazing and a bit of bother right now." you commented, reaching down in full view to adjust the tent you were beginning to pitch once again.

Ruki's face turned into a full blown grin, "Seriously, you hard hard like that just because you like me talking like that?" she chuckled, "You must be quite into me then."

"I won't deny it." you replied easily. It would take much more than even a girl as sexy as her to make you lose your cool you, didn't even lose it when getting in to fights with giant element controlling monsters.

She pursed her lips frowning slightly at your reply before stepping up to you and pressing her large breasts into your chest and looking you in the eyes, violet meeting red and green, "The offers still on the table Hayato, hell a bit more even, you were quite willing to do this for me for free because you for some weird reason actually like me."

Ruki bit her lips cutely before winding her arms around your neck, "You want to fuck me don't you Hayato?" she asked, none of the seductive act from earlier, just full on bluntness, "You can feel it in here, but it wouldn't really count since it's not in the real world, so come on, what position would you just love to fuck me in."

Your self control was amazing, but even you couldn't stop hour hands from winding down and taking two big handfuls of her juicy ass from over her jeans.

"I wanna mating press you." you told the feisty redhead, no shame in you at all.

Her eyes widened, "Fuck," she cursed, "You really do wanna fucking ahegao me don't you?"

Ruki bit her lip before nodding, "Fine then," she continued and jerked her head to the mansion pointing to it with her chin, "You've probably put some big ass beds in there, so why don't you take me up there and you can fuck me."

Before you could reply at all she pressed tighter into you, unwinding one arm from around your neck and trailing it down to cup the massive bulge in your school trousers, "Jesus, the size on this thing is ridiculous," she gaped slightly as she barely got her hand to wrap halfway around it, "This once I'll let you take me up there and fuck me all you want."

You groaned as she literally started to jerk you through your pants, "Take me up there, make me suck on your cock, slap this massive thing on my face and make me lick your balls," Ruki goaded you, "Throw me on that bed and fuck me silly, bust my pussy open with this huge cock and make me your little bitch."

She tiptoed up until your toes were touching and stared at you with an intensity that was almost scary, "Mating press the shit out of me until I'm calling you daddy and have a stupid slutty ahegao look on my face."

Your hands grip tightened on her ass to the point where that sexy little mewl left her lips and you ground your dick into her jerking hands. You wanted to do it. You seriously wanted to do it.

But no. Letting go of her ass, you pushed her back and, "Like I said," you said panting in sheer desire and it took all you had to hold yourself back from just jumping her here and now, "I don't wanna just fuck you, I want more than that."

Surprisingly, she said nothing. Only stared at you with a calculating look in her eyes.

This was the right decision right?


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