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You know, getting drugged with Xanax was not on my to do list. I fell asleep and my sister made off with a bunch of my things, as I've previously mentioned. It's just now it's wearing off on me, but those first five hours or so after waking up are a blur, I don't know what I got up to. 

I know I downed like three bottles of whiskey in a pure drinking rage, then it gets blurry. I was left at 2Am came back at like 7am apparently according to my mother. All I know is I left with a big ass butchers knife and ran around the streets in a rage for hours, at some point I got paranoid and tossed the knife and my shirt and ran away.

Honestly, I can barely string two sentences together in my head I'm still that out of it and it's been two days. Let that be a warning to you lads, don't do drugs. I was lucky I didn't end up dead or arrested or something.

Anyway, moving on. I can't remember shit. I don't know what I've still to do besides the weekly drabble alongside the Henrietta and Iri ones.

Who do I still owe some drabbles to? I know I owe Jmspikey a Saber one that's done at home and sitting on my computer alongside another two I think. I think those were a Kohta and Shizuka one from Highschool of the Dead and a Kushina one that was a fan reward drabble, can't remember what it was about though.



Wasn't the Kushina one something about having sex with her classroom or something?

0 Jordinio 0

Maybe. If it isn't there I'll just roll with that. Or write it as a drabble or something tonight just in case. I've got two actual commissions I'm working on at the moment, both like 2k words in. But I'm so out of it I can't get back into the grove of what I've already written.


You know what Kushina concept I'm bummed out never went anywhere? "Kushina unforgettable escort mission" terrible english but man i enjoyed that concept shame it never went anywhere.