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Yuzu Hiiragi thought she had the duel in the bag. Sure it had only been one turn, but the beautiful pink haired girl hadd drawn probably the best hand she ever had, she just had to wait for her opponent, a rather handsome if arrogant boy who demeaned Yuya over cheating with his Pendulum summoning - to finish his turn then she’d finish him off.

Who did he think he was? Mouthing off about her friend, of course she’d stepped up to the plate and in her anger had demanded an ante rule duel where he gave up his best card if he lost. She was too angry to deny the chance of losing when he demanded she spend the night with him if he won.

She’d dragged him off to an abandoned warehouse, one where that banan peel Sawatari got his ass cleaned by that Yuya look alike so they wouldn’t be disturbed during their duel.

There was no way she could lose…

Or so she thought.

“I summon Red eyes Black chick in attack mode!” Jokuro declared. In front of him, a small cture little dragon that could barely stand on its own two legs appeared, glossy black scales and cherubic little red eyes.

Red Eyes Black Chick - Lv1/Dark/Dragon/Effect - 800/500

Yuzu snorted, “What’s that little guy going to do?” It may have been cute but its attack power was pathetic.

Jokuro merely grinned, his own ruby red eyes flashing, “My little chick might not be very strong, but he has an epic little effect,” he retorted, holding up another card, “It allows me to sacrifice the little guy and special summon his big strong dad from my hand.” He smacked the card down on his duel disk and Yuzu gasped in fright.

Swirling darkness appeared around the little black chick before her before erupting upwards, forming a dark shape, then burst outwards a moment later to reveal a gigantic pitch black dragon with gleaming red eyes, massive scythe like wings and paws filled with deadly talons.

“Say hello to my partner, Red Eyes Black Dragon!” Jokuro laughed.

Yuzu gulped down the fear she felt when it felt like the beast physically snarled at her, managing to calm herself when she saw its stts on her duel disk;

Red Eyes Black Dragon-  Lv7/Dark/Dragon - 2400/2000

She managed a smile, “Your dragon may look fearsome, but he’s not all that powerful now is he?” she rtorted back.

Jokuro just laughed, “You’d like to think so, but this duel is over now!” he declared. Yuzu gasped but before she could say enything else he held up two identical cards, “I’m playing two of the spell cards, Inferno Fire Blast - at the cost of giving up the ability to attack with red eyes on the turn this card is played I can deal you burn damage equal to Red Eyes’ original attack points.”

Yuzu gasped, “NO!” she screamed. She didn’t even have a chance to fight back, she only hda 4000 life points, with two of those, she was done before she ever got a turn.

The black dragon roared and fired off two massive dark spheres of molten flame that barraged the area around her and Yuzu could only slump to her knees as her life points hit 0 and the duel field faded away leaving her alone with the boy who just won her.

Jokuro swaggered over to her with a cocky, confident walk and grabbe dher by the arm pulling her up to her feet. Before she could say anything, his other hand swiped around her, slithered up her small red pleated skirt and took a rough handful of her round bouncy backside.. 

He whistled, molesting her ass with one hand and roughly guiding her over to the couch Sawatari had left in here, “Damn I knew you were a little hottie but I had no idea you had such a fat little ass on you slut,” he sneered lustfully.

Yuzu whimpered, but could say nothing as he forced her on to her hands and knees on the couch and took a seat in front of her, fiddling with his belt. He sneered at her again as he pulled the belt loose, reaching over to give her a little smack on the ass that left it rippling sexily and her muffling a squeak while jumping, “The hell are you wearing? Those lame ass white panties aren’t sexy at all, even your hot ass can;t pull them off well, it only shows off just how fat your ass really is, next time you better wear something sexy, like pink to go with your hair.”

She managed to growl and was about to give him a pice of her mind, he might have won the duel and her as ante but who did he think he was.

Then he pulled his trousers down and his thick leviathan of a cock flopped out, smacking against his knee with a meaty thud. Her beautiful blue eyes widened and she couldn’t help but salivate a little, feeling little butterflies tingle in her stomach, Yuya was nowher enar his size and this guy wasn’t even hard yet.

“C’mon slut this cock isn’t gonna suck itself!” he snarled, taking a fistufl of her exotic and beautiful hair and dragged her face first into his cock. All Yuzu could think was; ‘Yuya I’m sorry…..”


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