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Naruto boredly walked behind Tsurara and Ageha as they trekked along the path toward Yokai Academy. He was wearing a pair of black cargo pants, white high tops and a tight fitting white dress shirt, the three top buttons undone showing his muscled chest and the Shodia's necklace he got from Tsunade after fucking her senseless.

He sighed internally. He had planned on fucking Ageha before they reached the school, and although she was all over him the minute she saw him, her voice was so 'nails on a chalkboard' irritating he had cast an illusion over her to make her forget all about him. While he was still tempted to just take the slutty succubus over the nearest waist-high object he decided if he still wanted her later, he could always just have a clone stuff her mouth full of cock while he fucked her so he didn't need to listen to that voice of hers.

But for now, he had a target; Akashiya Moka. According to Tsurara she was from the elite vampire race, and from the limited research he had found on her, it seemed she was the heiress to the head vampire family. More importantly, she had her vampire side sealed off from her via a Rosario.

He planned on unleashing her vampire side and dominating her before claiming her as his own. Female vampires were always of exquisite beauty and he'd be damned if he ever let some average Joe, limp dick loser, like this Aono Tsukune taste the pleasures of one of their perfect, if not totally flawless, bodies

As they walked down the final stretch of the winding path they were on they came upon a group consisting of a busty blue haired girl wearing a tiny brown skirt and yellow sweater - who he guessed was Kurumu, Ageha's daughter - a purple haired girl with a white jumper and the same skirt who he guessed was Mizore from the sucker in her mouth, and a little girl wearing a wide brimmed witch's hat, who was obviously Yukari.

His eyes then landed on the orange pig-tailed girl wearing a red top and the same tiny brown skirt the rest of the girls wore as well as knee length red socks. Sniffing the air he smirked when he felt the power rolling off her. While nowhere near his, she still far outmatched anyone he could smell from the school, except the... from what he could smell, 4-tailed Kitsune, who was by far the strongest monster in the school in terms of power that was around somewhere, but this girl was obviously Kokoa, another vampire he could clearly see from her figure, long legs, a nice pert ass and her breasts were at-least a C-cup. Of course she still had some growing to do, so he was fully confident she would eventually top out with a pair of perky D-cups, at least.

The last girl his eyes fell on was the pink haired girl he knew to be Moka. She was wearing the normal green school blazer and short brown skirt, her luscious and shiny pink hair falling to the small of her back. Her full curvy ass peeked from her skirt quite attractively, not to mention her solid D-cup breasts that were showed through the opening in her shirt, which was opened to emphasize the Rosario around her neck.

Then he snorted in distaste when he smelled Aono. He smelled human, but not the same as humans in his world; they at least had power from their chakra. Naruto wasn't generally one for discrimination because of race, but everything about the boy screamed 'I'm weak, beat me up'. The kid was short, scrawny, and was looking everywhere nervously, and to make matters worse, as he'd stated earlier, the kid didn't have ANY chakra in him; newborn children had more chakra then him, meaning he didn't even have potential.

Deciding to put his plan in motion, he unleashed a huge burst of pheromones directly at the pink haired vampire mixed with a good deal of his feral chakra. He smirked as he saw her eyes widen, her mouth begin to salivate and a huge blush cross her face as she locked eyes with him.

Turning around he told Tsurara goodbye, discreetly squeezing her ass as he walked past, causing her to smile as she saw what he'd done to Moka. Now all she had to do was wait and make sure Tsukune caught Naruto in the act of having sex with Moka, and Tsukune would look for a shoulder to cry on, preferably Mizore's.

With one last glance to make sure Moka's hungry eyes were looking at him Naruto walked into the forest before sitting on a huge rock outcropping in the middle. This would be perfect. The area was wide open enough for him to defeat the vampire in open combat, so now all he had to do was wait for her to show.

He didn't have to wait long before Moka stumbled into the area, leaning heavily on a tree as signs of her arousal could clearly be seen running down her trembling legs.

Spiking his energy again he sent it towards her and smirked as her eye's glazed over and she stumbled forward into his arms.

Smirking he leaned back and took a look at her Rosario, only to snort in amusement. This was supposedly one of the highest levels of sealing in the monster world? It didn't even come close to the type of sealing techniques he was familiar with, or capable of.

Cutting the yokai from his hand, he deftly wrapped two finger's around the Rosario and gently pulled, causing the piece of jewelry to come of with a soft 'clink'. The only requirement for taking it off was the hand needed to be fully human, or at least yokai free.

Standing back a bit more he felt himself grow hard as the top few buttons of her shirt popped off and showed an amazing amount of cleavage as her breasts grew a full cup size, topping out at a large DD-cup, her legs grew longer and the skirt seemed to shorten as her already nice ass seemed to become curvier and plumper. Her long pink hair turned silver and her once innocent green eye's turned to a seductive crimson.

Inner Moka snapped from the daze Naruto's yokai had put her in and snarled at him, “Who are you and what do you think you're doing?” Her voice was now deeper and held a much more seductive tone to it.

Naruto smirked at her and bowed mockingly, “My name is Namikaze Naruto, and as for what I'm doing? I plan on crushing you under my foot in battle before taking you as my concubine and fucking you senseless.”

Moka snarled, “I am an elite vampire, trash such as you couldn't even come close to harming me, let alone making me your sex toy. The many that have tried already have failed, know your place!” Putting all her speed and power into one strike she planned on ending the boy in front of her in one move. Blurring forward leaving only an after image behind her she jumped and prepared to take him out with one of her signature kicks.

She was taken by surprise when she felt an intense pain in her stomach, looking down she saw a fist embedded into her gut connected to a tanned arm, following the arm she saw it was connected to the blonde boy who appeared in front of her faster than she could keep up with. The pain in her stomach was unreal; she couldn't feel her arms or legs as she slumped against his outstretched arm, wheezing for breath.

Her thoughts and mental denials were cut short as he grabbed her by the shoulders. As he lifted her up she saw that his eyes were a deep crimson, more so than even hers, before he leaned forward and bit between her neck and shoulder. When he pulled back Moka couldn't think straight, her eyes were clouded over with lust as Naruto forced his Mark on her. Her body resisted, her yokai viciously attacking the intruding energy, but it was all for naught, her yokai reserves dwindled down to almost nothing as she failed to even put a dent in the blonde's yokai contained in the mark.

The second she ran out of yokai the mark pulsed. Moka's body jerked as the blonde's lust became her own, her body now his to serve, adjusting itself accordingly with his desires. Moka's only remaining desire was to give him her virginity and complete the mark, every fibre of her being focusing on her goal.

Leaning back against the rock again, Naruto smirked as Moka's lust filled eye's looked up at him and her voice took on a seductive purr as she spoke, “ Naruto-sama, please allow me to take care of all your needs.”

Naruto's smirk turned lecherous as his plan worked perfectly. He really had no idea if the mark would work. Unclipping his belt he let his slacks fall to the ground, his monster cock dangled between his legs like a battering ram.

Moka's mark allowed her the instinctive knowledge of everything sexual her new master enjoyed, and so she leaned forward, grasping the huge cock at the base and middle with both hands before she lifted it and covering her tongue in her saliva before looking him in the eyes as she slowly trailed her tongue from his balls to the tip of his cock. Making sure to maintain eye contact she popped the head into her mouth, her pussy gushing at the approval in his gaze.

Sucking on his cock head for a minute she slowly relaxed her throat, allowing more and more of his length to travel down her airway until she had swallowed a whole eleven inches, the bulge of his huge fat cock clearly visible in her throat as she tried to take more of her new master's cock. She was thankful for what she was, her body could naturally take much more than a mere human's could.

A purr started building in her throat, not unlike that of a Nekomatas, as her Master's hand started caressing her scalp. The hand never pushed down, her Master clearly trusting her to satisfy his sexual needs. Spurred on by his faith in her, Moka's head descended lower, her head bobbing back and forth as she pleasured him with her throat to the best of her limited abilities.

Naruto growled in the back of his throat as he felt Moka lick the slit of his cock repeatedly, making it look like she was licking a lollipop, before she took the head in her mouth and started bobbing her head up and down on his massive prick as fast as she could.

While she was busy with this, he was leering at her cleavage. The speed at which she was bobbing her head on his cock was causing her big breasts to jiggle enticingly, and he could see that she was wearing a black lace bra. It was a very alluring sight. Her bra, like the rest of her clothes, didn't increase with her, so the lacy material was stretched almost to the breaking point.

The breasts themselves looked softer and even rounder than Satsuki's, rivalling his daughter's in Sheer erotic value, maybe even surpassing it because Moka was a little older than his daughter. He groaned deeply as his cock once again rooted itself in Moka's throat, the seductive purr she was letting out around his cock was turning him on like nothing else.

He was close he could feel it, but no, he planned on crushing the human boy's spirit and he could already smell him approaching. He had a few minutes at best to complete his plan. Gripping Moka's head he slowly pushed her off his cock. She looked up at him in confusion, but Naruto ignored her as he activated his Rinnegan (something he'd recently unlocked after finding out he had the ancestry require to have the potential to awaken it) and placed a glowing hand on her head.

Growling, he ripped his hand away while crying, “Bunkatsu! (Split)” In his hand was a glowing human shape figure. Naruto didn't even spare a glance as a soulless blood clone appeared beside him. He made sure the clone took on the figure of Moka, except with her 'normal' Pink hair and green eyes, a little more developed than the original so the one sucking him off and the new Moka, who used to be Outer Moka, were identical, twins in every way physical.

Grinning, he forced the glowing figure into the body and almost laughed as Outer-Moka, opened her eyes, her very soul had his mark, so her new body was just like the original, which now belonged to Inner; programmed with one thing in mind, pleasure her master.

Naruto stood and motioned for them to stand side to side. He couldn't help his lecherous grin as he saw firsthand that everything about them was the same except hair and eye color, “Turn and bend over whores.” He ordered.

His still erect cock gave a twitch as they both turned and bent over against two separate trees, their skirts riding up their full asses and showing the black thongs that framed their luscious globes perfectly.

Naruto's grin grew as a Shadow Clone of himself appeared beside him, chocked full of chakra to fuck Outer-Moka anyway it wanted. They both grinned at each other before both stalked up behind the girls and, at the same time, spanked their exposed ass cheeks, hard.

Inner-Moka gave a low sensuous moan and looked over her shoulder, “Please take me Naruto-sama, fuck me however you wish.”

Outer-Moka did the same towards the clone, her long pink hair trailing down her back and gave a cute squeak, her face covered in a red hue, “Please be gentle Naruto-sama.” She asked softly.

The clone smirked, “I don't do gentle.”

At the same time they lowered the girls’ thongs and not a second later did both drive their rock hard cocks straight into both of their tight virgin pussies, causing them to scream and moan loudly.

Inner-Moka obviously lost her hymen in training, and Naruto was suddenly very thankful he'd unconsciously created the blood clone whose body Outer-Moka took over was without a hymen.

Naruto and the clone looked at each other as they stood only two feet apart before swinging their hands up and high-fiving each other, “Let's pound these sluts!” Naruto crowed to the clone, who grinned and nodded his head in agreement.

With that they both grabbed the girls' hips and started to fuck them senseless, doggy style.


Roughly ten minutes later they heard a voice calling out into the canopy of the forest.

“Moka-san! Moka-san where are you?”

A few seconds later the nondescript body of Tsukune Aono walked into the clearing Naruto and his new slut's were residing in.

In Naruto's opinion, both him and is clones, it was a rather funny sight as he began to tear up, his eyes switching from Inner-Moka, who was straddling the original Naruto's hips as he sat against a rock, bouncing up and down on his large cock, her large breasts free from there lace prison bouncing wildly in Naruto's face, his hands sinking into her full ass as she rode him, moaning 'Naruto-sama' sensually over and over again.

To Outer-Moka, who was between the legs of the clone, her large breasts also free from their black lace bra wrapped around his monster cock, her pink hair springing to and fro as she bobbed her head up and down on the rest of the cock that was not getting pleasured by her amazing tit-fuck.

Tsukune snapped out of his shock as the clone lifted Outer-Moka from his cock and stood up, lifting the pink haired girl by the ass and in one easy shot, speared the beautiful girl onto his huge cock, fucking her up and down rapidly on his prick still standing up, the girl wrapped her arms around the clone Naruto's neck, squashing her big tits into his chest as she sensually licked and kissed at his neck.

“M-Moka-san?” He hesitantly asked. Both girls turned their heads to him, their eyes glazed and drool trailing down their chins. “Wh-Why?” He stuttered, his eyes leaking tears of broken betrayal.

Surprisingly, it was the pink haired Moka who replied, “Uhh oh yessss.” She hissed in pleasure as she was bounced up and down on her new master's cock before replying to Tsukune, “I'm sorry Tsukune-san, but you're just a frail little human boy, did you really think you were a suitable mate for a high level vampire such as myself?” She sneeringly asked, words from her Master appearing in her head as she talked. They were her sentiments, but she had a hard time forming them into cohesive sentences.

He was broken from his shock only to be thrown into an even deeper shock as the Silver haired Moka spoke up next, still riding Naruto's cock. “Mmmm, Naruto-sama is the best; you just can't compare Tsukune-san.” She told him before continuing after a loud sensual moan as Naruto gave one of her luscious ass cheeks a light spank. “Naruto-sama is handsome mm, oh yes, and you're, at best, average looking. Naruto-sama is confident and charismatic and a born leader, while you are meek and submissive. Naruto-sama is overwhelmingly powerful, while you are a weakling, your only power coming from my blood and, quite frankly, your tiny penis could not hope to satisfy me when I have been ruined for other males by Naruto-sama. You are not worthy of me and my other half.” she told him, halfway through she had turned her head back to Naruto, who was barely listening, being too busy motor boating Ura-Moka's large breasts.

It was at that time that Naruto looked up to his clone, locked eyes with it and both nodded in agreement, it was time to finish the Mark. They both began picking up speed, fucking both girls into even more incoherent states.

They continued for a full minute, Tsukune looking on in horror, before both of them growled loudly and bit into both girls’ necks just as they both came.

Tsukune could only look at what he thought was his worst nightmare as both versions of Moka moaned like a pair of sluts for another man, their stomachs bloating lightly from the amount of cum the blonde and his clone were pumping into what he thought were the 'loves' of his life.

A few seconds later Naruto lowered the girls to the ground. Both lay there on the grassy forest floor, near enough naked, bar the bra's hanging below their breasts and the thong's around their ankles, both had glazed over eyes as hot waves of cum seeped from there pussy onto the forest floor.

As Naruto pulled up his pants he dispelled his clone and turned to Tsukune with a mocking smile, “Ah, Tsukune-san! I didn't see you there.”

Tsukune's eyes bled red as he roared in rage, Naruto snorted as the saw a power signature the exact same as Moka's pour into him from the chain around his arm.

Tsukune blurred forward intending to end Naruto, only before he even made it halfway he was held up in the air by a massive tail made of golden red energy protruding from Naruto's tail bone.

“My, you sure are lively Tsukune-san.” Naruto told him with his mocking smile in place, before it slipped from his face to be replaced with a dangerous frown, his crimson eyes glaring daggers at the raging ghoul boy who was thrashing wildly in the grip of his tail, “You should know better than to attack your betters, you piece of trash.” He snarled before replacing his frown with the mocking smile again, “So, as my new mate would say, why don't you... learn your place.” Naruto finished off in a mocking whisper before he heaved his tail back and launched the ghoul boy through the air.

Tsukune crashed through tree after tree, before finally coming to a stop on the ground eight trees later, his body in mind numbing pain and couldn't move an inch.

He lay there staring up at the sky for a few minutes before he heard the sounds of leaf crunching under foot. Looking up he saw Naruto with his arms wrapped around the shoulders of both Moka's. The second he looked at them though the blond trailed his hands down to grope one of their breasts each. Naruto looked down at him, mocking smirk still in place as tears began to trail from the boy's eyes, which only increased as neither Moka cared about his broken state, staring adoringly at the blond while he groped their breasts.

“Looks like you'll be here for a while Tsukune-san, don't worry though, I'll be sure to keep the other girls company while you're... indisposed.” Naruto told him before he began walking away with both Moka's.

Tsukune could hear his mocking laugh all the way through the forest as he lay there, struggling not to pass out.



And there we go. The legacy of 15 yo Jordan


will you be adding on chapters?

0 Jordinio 0

Maybe, I don't know. This was at one point my first claim to fame on fanfiction.net, and at the same time my biggest shame - because looking back it was terrible written and cliche. It would take some effort to get into the right mind set and I cannot for the life of me remember any of my plans for this. I suppose it wouldn't be too hard mind you, writing about a super powered Naruto cruising through the multi-verse and banging chicks, especially when we have places like Highschool of the Dead and DxD.