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Stepping out of the silver portal Naruto looked around as it closed up behind him, he was in an alley way from the looks of it. Walking out into the street he noticed it was pretty empty. Judging by the sun around noon so he walked straight across the street and entered the most likely place to find information to start his conquest's in this new world.

A bar.


Looking around the bar Naruto noticed it was pretty empty A few people were having drinks, but not many, and the few he saw seemed to be dressed... odd. Even by his standards. Looking down at himself he nodded inwardly, from the looks of things, his ANBU armor looked pretty normal in this world.

Letting his eye's drift over the occupant's of the bar he dismissed them all. That is, until his eye's landed upon a certain someone drinking sake by the barrel load (literally) and his eyes gained a determined leer as he let them roam over the women. Sleek, shiny brown hair that came down to the small of her back, deep chocolate brown eyes, wearing nothing but tight knee length orange shorts that showed off a perfect ass and, to top it all off, a flimsy blue bra holding back a pair of DD sized beauties that were nearly spilling out of her top. His lips forming a half smirk he thought 'Target acquired.'  

Boldly waltzing through the bar he took the seat straight across from her and, as she lowered the mug she was drinking from, she locked eyes with him and asked, “Can I help you?”

“Names Naruto and I was just wondering if I could have a drink with you?” Naruto responded.

Smiling slightly at the blonde, knowing exactly why he took the seat across from her, she obliged, ”Cana and please make yourself comfortable, but don't get your hopes up in case thinking you can drink anywhere near as much as I can.” She finished quite smugly.

Naruto rose to the challenge, never one to back down when someone was acting smug, “Oh? That's quite a boast. But I’m sorry to say, you couldn't even drink half as much as I can.” He shot back with a grin.

Cana, found it quite insulting that some random guy would declare that he could drink more than a girl who'd been drinking since she was 13, calmed herself down spoke again, now with a hint of an edge to her voice, “Confident aren't you? How about a bet then?”

Naruto smirked inwardly; this was going even better than planned! “Name you're terms.” He said, crossing his arms.

Grinning at what she thought was going to be an easy victory; she spoke confidently, “Great! The first one to not finish their drink in one shot loses. If I win, I want every bit of money you have on you. And judging by that dazzling necklace you've got there, you look like you have lot of cash.” She finished, eyeing the Shodaime's necklace around his neck.

“Fine, but if I win,” He said giddily, his grin grew all the more foxy and visibly lecherous, “I get to fuck you stupid.”

Cana almost gaped; she couldn't believe how blunt he was! Normally most people would say have sex, or just giving her the silent hint, but this guy he just blatantly said he wanted to fuck her stupid! It was actually quite an arousing thought, he was pretty good looking. Calming herself down she regained her confidence and smirked lecherously back at him and responded, “Deal, if I win I get all you're cash and if you win you get to take me for a test drive and fuck me stupid.” As she finished her voice trailed off into a purr.

Nodding, Naruto signaled the bartender. He had a bet to win!


Two hour's and roughly two-hundred and twenty-seven saucers of sake later, Cana fumbled just enough to drop her saucer. It hit the floor, smashing into hundreds of pieces. Sighing slightly she looked up and locked eyes with Naruto, whom was grinning triumphantly at her, “I guess I lose huh? And a bet's a bet.” Standing abruptly, causing her bust to bounce heavily, she finished, “So I guess you get to fuck me stupid!” she exclaimed loudly, making every patron of the bar cheer loudly for several reasons. One, the bitch that'd drank them all under the table at least once was getting her comeuppance, and two, because they doubted the blond kid was going to bother going anywhere but the back room of the bar, so they'd be treated to an incredible soundtrack to go with their booze very shortly.

Standing up, Naruto grabbed her arm and nodded to the bartender who nodded back, before leading Cana towards the back room. Sliding his hand down her back it came to rest on her soft backside, “Yep, I get to fuck ya stupid. I'm going to fuck you so hard you'll be screaming for hours on end.” He said grandiosely. As he finished he gave her sexy ass a good firm squeeze, causing her to moan throatily.

Cana couldn't help but shiver as her hand drifted to his crotch and she felt the huge bulge in his slacks, it was huge! The biggest tent she'd ever seen, much less felt.

As they entered the back room Naruto immediately sat on a couch at the far end and guided Cana to her knees as she stumbled just a bit behind him. Pulling his slacks down in one fluid motion, he allowed his sixteen inch member to flop out, the head resting atop her forehead, his big balls swinging slightly under her chin.

Gripping his base he smirked perversely down at her awe struck face and flicked his cock, smacking it against her forehead, causing her to stumble back a bit, “Give my balls a good licking will you babe?”

Cana blinked stupidly; she couldn't believe the size of his cock! It was a monster! She'd never even heard of a cock that big before! The way he said he would fuck her stupid came right back to her mind and she couldn't help but shiver in horror at the thought of him fucking her tight pussy with such a huge cock. But a bet was a bet and she always kept her word. So, regaining her courage, she built a dollop of spit on her tongue and gave his big balls a slow long lick from top to bottom.

Bringing her arm up she gently massaged one of his balls while licking all over the other, covering it in her saliva.

Leaning back with his arms behind his head he relaxed and allowed Cana to do her stuff. She started to use her other hand as well and began to slowly jack his giant prick before trailing her tongue all the way up to the thick purple head of his cock. As she reached the top she used the tip of her tongue to run continuously over the slit and locked eyes his with him before giving out a low throaty moan.

Placing his hands on her head he shocked Cana when he forcefully guided her waiting mouth onto the tip of his engorged prick before pushing her head down, his cock jumping passed her gag reflex and cramming about six inches down into her throat.

Pulling back up he put his hands behind his head again and allowed her to start sucking his cock all over. To his surprise when she pulled back it was just for a bit of air, her head shooting down after she was properly oxygenated, three fourths of his cock now inside her bulging throat.

Allowing her to continue on her own he sat, eyes closed, moaning lightly, for a few minutes before placing his right hand on the back of her head. Without even opening his eyes he proceeded to force her face down hard on his cock and kept it there for a few beats before dragging her back up. He built up a steady rhythm doing this, repeating the process over and over again as he basked in the pleasure.

Opening his eyes he put his other hand on the back of her head before thrusting his hips into her throat and started face fucking her in earnest. Slamming in and out of her mouth as his balls slapped liked thunder against her chin Cana gagged and spat all over his horse sized dick as he continued to use her mouth like a loose pussy. “I'll give you something even better than booze.” Naruto grunted as he dropped his first loud into her stomach. Her throat bulged even further

Slowing to a halt, Naruto pulled out of her mouth and smirked lewdly as she stumbled back, trying to regain her breath. Making Naruto all the hornier as her greedy breathing was forcing her big breasts, that were just a centimeter or so away from falling out of her bra, to wobble around, “Now that the warm ups over, I think it's time to start.” As he finished speaking he pulled his ANBU armor off his chest and threw it to the ground, stepping out of his pants, which were pooled around his ankles, leaving him completely naked.

Pulling the still dazed Cana to her feet he sent a burst of wind chakra into her shorts, causing them to shred instantly. The only thing underneath was a pair of flimsy blue string bikini panties which matched her top, that Naruto simply moved over to the side, revealing her glistening snatch as he bent her over a table to the side of the couch.

“Fuck time now?” She asked absently, still fairly light headed from choking so much.

“Yep,” Naruto started, gripping the base of his cock. He gave Cana's amazing ass a few good spankings with it, causing her ass to wobble enticingly. Not seeing any need to resist or hold back he placed the head at her drenched entrance and lurched forward, his entire length sheathing inside her tight pussy in one shot. “Fuck time now.” He groaned, barely audible over her loud scream.

Taking a hold of her arms he pulled them back by the wrists, causing her back to arch slightly and her bra clad melons to jut out and bounce. He pulled his hips back before slamming forward into the now screaming women, setting an immediate and brutal pace as he started fucking her. While quite a slow pace for Naruto, it was still a speed most civilian porn stars' could never hope to achieve.

Cana had a fucked stupid look on her face as Naruto's hips repeatedly met her jiggling bum. Her tit's were surging forward every time Naruto thrust and her hair was flying around wildly. She could actually hear the straps of her bra straining to contain her breasts as they swung forward every time Naruto's thick cock reamed into her tight pussy.

A minute later Naruto added a bit of ninja skill and easily doubled his pace, causing Cana's tongue to droop out and start dripping with drool. Seconds passed before she heard a loud snapping sound and bore witness to her flimsy blue bra rocketing across the room, the stress becoming too much for the poor piece of cloth. Her now free tits bounced in her face as the fucking Naruto gave her caused them to bounce up and down rapidly striking her chin.

Re-locating his grip to her model-like hips Naruto bent Cana over until her breasts were squashed right up against the couch's arm before using the grip on her waist to speed up the pounding he was giving her pussy even further, now hammering downward.

Cana screamed.


Outside the room, in the main hall of the bar, the occupants of the room cheered loudly and toasted their beers together as they heard the women who suckered them all into drinking contests scream as she was brutally fucked.


Back inside the room, Cana had experienced so many orgasms within the last five minutes she'd was fairly certain she'd lost the ability to count, much less keep track of the amount rapidly adding up.

Still pounding down into her, Naruto watched her sexy ass jiggle wildly as it met his pelvis every time he thrust his hips forward, his cock stretching out her pussy with every plunge. Not able to hold himself back anymore, he pulled back his right arm and swung it, spanking her ass hard.

The force of the spank caused her to lurch forward, only to be pulled back by the same hand that had now gripped onto her now reddening ass as he pulled her back into him and, with a roar, let loose a torrent of cum directly into her womb.

Screaming in ecstasy as the cum flooded her pussy Cana collapsed forward, her body jerking violently as her brain drenched itself In endorphins, her pussy doing much the same all over his cock.

Naruto waited as patiently as possible as she stopped twitching, hands kneading her ass in the meantime, as he slowly pulled his cock out of her pussy. The friction this caused sent Cana into another orgasm as her hypersensitive pussy tried to drag his cock back in, but Naruto persisted, finally freeing his length.

Glancing down he noted that he was now literally dripping with their combined juices before he glanced back up. Cana's legs were spread and his hands still kneading her cheeks revealed her other hole. Seeing as he was painfully hard again, the choice of what to do next was obvious. Spreading her luscious ass with his hands he positioned the massive cock head at her back entrance before pulling her hips back, simultaneously thrusting forward with all his strength. There was silence for a while three seconds as Naruto savored the incredibly tight new orifice he'd buried his entire dick into before Cana's brain caught up and she screamed at the top of her lungs.

Keeping a firm grip on the luscious ass of the now screaming women, Naruto proceeded to slam his fat cock into her ass at a quick pace. Her ass was so tight, Naruto guessed nobody had ever had the pleasure of tearing this beautiful women's ass apart before. He was thoroughly enjoying having this honor.

Taking his speed to a whole new level, Naruto's hips were a blur as his pelvis met Cana's ass. Swiftly moving his hands up to her chest he grabbed onto her wildly bouncing tits and used them to pull the screaming women flush against his body. Kissing her neck and keeping up his pace the fucked stupid look on her face seemed to become even more dopey now that he had picked up the pace even further.

A plan now in his head, Naruto reached down with one hand and snapped her bikini strings, letting the panties float harmlessly onto the couch cushion.

A bit of her coming back to reality, Cana was quite shocked when they toppled forward, which surprised her, as it seemed he'd slowly moved them both back a few feet so they were in the middle of the couch, and she found herself straddling another body as she continued to get her ass plowed by the blonde stallion and looked down only to see another equally hung version of the said blonde stallion below her.

Cana didn't have much time to wrap her thoughts around this though, as she screamed loudly once again when she felt another giant dick drill into her pussy and start fucking into her at the same pace as the horse sized dick that was hammering her asshole.

Trying to steady herself she was taken off guard again when she felt her hands grabbed and forced onto a shaft like item, only to go into even more shock as she saw two more cocks at her sides, her hands now slowly but surely wanking them off.

Looking forward she was met with another grinning Naruto! Who, with a grip on the base of his cock, started to rub his cock against her face smearing slimy white pre-cum all over her cheeks. Understanding what he wanted she leaned forward and, gathering a lot of spit on her tongue, licked him from his giant balls all the way to the tip before opening her mouth and proceeding to swallow him as deep as she could.

In his honest opinion, Naruto was sure that Kami had to be a woman; because there’s no way in hell he was as naturally lucky as he seemed to. It was obvious that Kami was a hot woman who needed a good pussy pounding.

A good hour or so spent at the bar and he was prepared to go back home and wait for a bit before implementing his plan for his busty goddess-like mother. So Naruto opened up yet another portal... only to find himself falling from a good twenty feet in the air down towards the ground while a massive snowstorm raged around him. He landed right on top of a busty, silver haired woman, whom, with his demonic powers from the Kyuubi, could identify as a yokai. Or at the very least a human with demonic traits. Probably the former though.

Musings aside, there were far more important things to focus on, she was stark naked. The woman dragged him to a cave, apparently thinking he was going to die.

So here he was, standing in a cave that, for some reason, was lined with thick white fur covering the walls and ground. A couple feet in-front of him was the woman who had introduced herself as Tsurara Shirayuki, her tiny little arms doing a pretty shit job at hiding her clean shaven pussy and sweet and perky DD-cup breasts.


“Be a man and take responsibility.” She said.

Tsurara was a married woman, therefore was mainly just looking for an apology from the admittedly good looking teen that had landed on her, unintentionally touching her in places only her husband should be able to.

To Naruto who, being the sex crazed pervert that he was, took those words in the wrong way. Mainly as an insult to his manhood; there was an amazingly beautiful and naked women in front of him, did she think he didn't know what to do in this situation? Well, he'd show her for underestimating him...

His body blurred and Tsurara was stunned to see he was now naked, his massive engorged cock standing up like a flag pole. He roughly guided the Silver-headed MILF to her knee’s; as she was still too shocked at the size of his cock to do anything, he tugged the sucker from her mouth and used one of his hands to rub the fat head of his cock all over the stunned woman's lips, smearing pre-cum all over her mouth and chin.

“W-wait Im marr-“ As she opened her mouth to explain to the amazingly endowed teen, that she was in fact married, Naruto once again shocked her by forcing a good few inches of the dick painting her face into her mouth. He hit the back of her throat in short order and kept pushing, his cock continuing to bury itself into her mouth, it's girth easing it's way down her throat.

Tsurara married her husband for the sole reason of birthing a child, so there was no love between him and her, she had cheated on him before, his penis was quite small so there wasn’t much pleasure in the marriage for her either. She'd even offered her daughter's crush, Aono Tsukune, the opportunity to fuck her, but the boy was just that; a boy, and didn’t have the stones to take her and pound her pussy like a slutty little bitch like a real man should have. And here she found herself, the biggest cock she'd ever seen sliding down her throat, naked as the day she was born, gagging around the big cock... she wasn’t going to let this opportunity go to waste.

Roughly pulling her mouth from the massive cock she was currently being forced to suck on, she staggered to her legs as she heard the well endowed blonde teen growl, and quickly bent over; her face against the wall and her full perky ass pointed towards him. Shaking her ass teasingly at the blonde she looked over her shoulder and spoke, “C'mon big boy, show me how a real man fucks!”

Walking over and standing directly behind her, his hand on the base of his cock, he smacked the tip on her ass cheeks, causing them to shake, before speaking, “Hmm? You want my big cock? Tell me how badly you want it, you slutty little ice whore.”

Tsurara was wetter than she had ever been before, and the massive cock spanking her shaking ass wasn’t helping much, looking him in the eye, drool trailing down her chin, she spoke, “I want it so bad, I’m a slutty milf who likes cheating on her husband with young studs, I love big cock! Please! Plough my slutty milf cunt and cum in me! Make me your cum dumpster; a slutty woman for you to use whenever you need a quick fuck!” She exclaimed.

Smirking, Naruto did just that, with no warning he gripped her hips and rammed his entire sixten inch monster straight up into her womb, and didn’t bother to slow down for her as he started up a brutal pace of pounding the snow woman into the wall, her face and tit’s squashed against it as Naruto used and abused her pussy.

Naruto continued to pound the dazed women for a good twenty minutes until he felt his release fast approaching. Creating a clone he had it position Tsurara into it's lap. While the clone continued hammering away at her pussy Naruto stroked his cock a few times before blowing his load all over her bouncing chest.

Feeling his cock softening a bit, he grabbed the women, who was being fucked so roughly her eyes had rolled up into the back of her head, her by the hair before forcing his cock down her throat. While his semi-hard state allowed to slide easily down her gullet she still gagged and choked around his sudden and rapidly repeated invasion of her throat. Naruto wasn’t in any mood to lighten his pace for the women and started to roughly fuck her face to get his cock back to full mast.

When he felt his cock was fully hard again he pulled it from the dazed women’s face, who was just coming down from another orgasm. Gripping the base of his cock he swung as hard as he could and cock slapped the slutty milf, causing her to actually fall from the clones lap onto the floor.

Blinking at how much his swing had done he shrugged and grabbed her by the legs. He dragged her over to the copy and tossed her on top of the clone, which was lying on the ground. Tsurara's breasts cushioned her fall, but the clone was without oxygen for a little while. The clone, getting the idea, blindly slipped into her pussy as Naruto pressed his hand to her creamy ass and spread her cheeks. He lined up and placed the head at her back entrance. Moving both hands up to her hips her lurched forward, slowly forcing inch after inch of his cock into her ass, causing her to come out of her daze and scream in pain.

What followed were the most pleasurable few hours of Tsurara's life as she was fucked, violated, and best of all, degraded by the twin blonds as they came on and inside of her countless times. Eventually the copy disappeared in a puff of smoke leaving only the original, who wanted to see where she came from. Being barely awake, much less thinking clearly, she gave him the direction to her home. Luckily, nobody saw her being bounced up and down the man's cock as he locked her legs around his waist, still very much nude, and walked them both to her house.

She was actually quite fearful, not for herself of course, but for her daughter. When they entered her home, the first picture they noticed was the one of her, her old school rival Ageha, and her daughters and friends. The first thing out of his mouth was that maybe he should pay them a visit and see how slutty they were compared to her. It didn’t help that there was a school's parent/teacher conference was the next day, which, in her current state, she so no harm in telling him about. Thankfully, his eyes seemed to be most drawn to Ageha, and the vampire girl, Moka.

Tsurara stopped and realized how much of a benefit for her daughter it would be. Moka was competition for her daughter's chosen mate, and the boy was human, seeing the pink haired girl turned into a wanton slut, most likely in front of him, would push him right to her little girl. Any more thoughts were banished from her mind as she was set on the table and the demon behind her slammed his cock back into her womb. Followed by a very enthusiastic attempt to reshape her pussy.


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