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The sun had just set when Naruto entered his village. The trip from Wave back to Konoha felt like the blink of as eye as he was lost in his daydreams of his dad's busty secretary, a woman he would definitely have to seduce soon. In fact, so lost in his daydreams that he ran right into a smaller figure walking the opposite direction. He looked down and saw the much smaller frame of Hanabi Hyuuga glaring at him as she picked herself up. Being a good head and a half shorter than him he was barely moved by the impact while she was thrown to the ground.


Meanwhile, Kyuubi watched from his cage, slightly peeved his fun was, sort of, ending. He knew his... modifications, were getting out of hand and the boys sudden personality change would be noticed if he did anything more. Meaning he would have to stop. Ah well, the physical changes to the boy would stay, so his fetish for seeing woman fucked silly would be satisfied. Everything rumbled for a second and the monument sized fox looked out of his 'window' into reality, which was just a large piece of wall he had connected to the boys eyes and saw why his cage was rattled.

Perfect.” His ancient voice drawled. It looked like he would get one final present before he had to tone it down.

Good things do happen to bad people!

Kyuubi mentally reached out and cranked up his containers anger, and impulsiveness. He paused, contemplating increasing his lust even further, but stopped himself as if he increased it any more the boy would probably start fucking anything with a pulse, and maybe even things without them. As amusing as watching the boy hump a telephone pole in public would be Kyuubi knew that was the fastest way to getting his 'leash' tightened by that piss headed retard of a Kage that sealed him in the first place.


"Watch where you're going fool!" Hanabi snapped as she tried to pat the dust off of her pants.

“I apologize, my mind was elsewhere.” Naruto apologized; he had run right into her.

"No, that's not how you apologize, get on the ground and grovel; do you know who I am?" She asked with a petulant sneer.

Unseen by both of them Naruto's seal glowed red for the briefest of moments as the changes took effect.

Naruto's eye ticked as he glared right back, his forgiving mood now dust in the wind. "Just some tiny, arrogant Hyuuga with a stick lodged so far up your ass you're making wood chips whenever you grind your teeth. Now go run on home and cry into your diary, and try not to wet your pants on the way there." He brushed past her, not caring that he almost sent her back onto the ground as he did.

Hanabi saw red. He had not only insulted her clan, and her height, but he had also called her a child. She was a genin now! That made her an adult. She would teach this peasant who his betters were. Taking a step forward she launched a palm strike right in-between his shoulder blades.

Naruto's chest lurched forward as he stumbled. His vision swam and everything turned to pain. He was also fairly certain he could taste the color purple, or maybe that was blood, he wasn't sure as his senses went haywire. His healing factor fixed the damage quickly, thankfully.

Hanabi froze. She had just used a lethal technique on a fellow leaf-nin. By law he could do pretty much anything he wanted to her now and he was well within his rights to do so. If her stupid coward of a sister would just die, or at the very least get disowned, she would be fine. The heiress status would have protected her, mostly, but now she could only pray he was too stupid or ignorant to know the law.

Her hoped were dashed, just like her air supply, as he spun around and gripped her throat in one hand and lifted her off the ground. “Big mistake bitch.” He growled. Her vision suddenly flashed silver before she was thrown roughly to the ground. She looked around, barely seeing she was in a bedroom, most likely his, as she focused on him placing seals on the door. Her knowledge of the art was limited but she knew a silencing seal when she knew one. She didn't know what the second seal did but her stomach twisted into a knot as the door and the window disappeared from her view, anti-escape seals, she thought sickly.

Naruto finished up preventing his new pet's escape before walking back and sitting on the edge of his bed, legs wide. “Strip. If you please me enough within the next six hours, which is how long those seals are set for, I may rethink forcing you to swear an Oath of Servitude.” He said.

She glared at him, but complied, knowing he could do a lot worse to her now that she recognized him. She made the stripping as unsexy as possible though, to spite him. Her skilled fingers moves so fast they blurred as she unzipped her sleeveless dark blue jacket and shrugged it, the fishnet T-shirt and the chest wrappings underneath quickly followed before she yanked her black cargo pants down around her ankles. Stepping out of the pooled articles of clothing she looked up and glared at him harder.

Naruto raised an eyebrow as her body was uncovered. The chest bindings must have been rather tight as her large chest was revealed. Well, large on her frame anyway. 'She was in Konohamaru's class I believe. So that makes her... thirteen? Pretty impressive for her age, those must be at least a big C-cup. If from what I remember from the rumor mill is actually correct than Hinata's are at least DD. It must be a Hyuuga thing. One of these days I have got to meet their mother. Her tits must be enormous...' He thought to himself as he eyed her up and down. “Come over here and get me warmed up.” He said finally, standing up. He waited till she was kneeling in front of him before he unzipped his pants and pulled them and his boxers down.

Hanabi stared at the ten inch member that hung limply in front of her. She hesitantly grasped the limp member with her hands and rubbed it up and down. It got warmer as blood pulsed through it causing it to grew, reaching a full fourteen inches with only a few pumps of her hands. Silky soft hands, he noted, much to his delight.

She grimaced as he stared down at her expectantly. Her admittedly naïve hope she would only have to beat him off for the entire time limit was lost quickly. She leaned forward and gave it an experimental lick, finding it didn't taste bad. In fact, as much as she wanted to say it tasted like garbage she couldn't, as she started to enjoy the taste.

Opening her mouth as wide as she could she barely fit the bulbous head into her mouth, her tongue swirling around it. She didn't tighten her lips, her spit dribbling down into her hands as she continued pumping up and down. Lowering her head she took as much as she could, which, much to her surprise, was actually a little more than half of its massive length before she pulled back and tried harder, getting even further down.

With her hand rubbing the section of pulsing member her mouth was pleasing it took only a few minutes for him to cum into her mouth. She forced her head as low as it would go as he came. She was already finding it hard to stop sucking him off, growing rather addicted to the taste, and she feared what would happen if his cum was even more habit forming; so she allowed him to blow his load directly into her stomach, completely bypassing her taste buds.

Naruto loved every second of the petite girl's attention. Her body wasn't really that erotic, but it had the potential to fill out as she grew, and she was sucking him like a pro; she was a natural. He would definitely need to keep an eye on her, maybe pop in every now and then to sample the goods.

Hanabi pulled back when she was completely sure he was done, purposefully ignoring the pleasant warmth in her stomach. She was surprised when his dick didn't shrink in the slightest, but suddenly remembering reading in her seduction class (standards may have dropped so bad they were now doing 'Flower Arranging 101' on a daily basis, but Hanabi was a bit of a bookworm and had found the proper books buried in the classroom) that some men, teen more specifically, were capable of going twice in a row. Not wanting to lose her virginity before she was shipped off to whatever fossil she was married off to (as her value would drop along with the quality of her prospective husband) she lunged forward before he could say anything and started to suck even harder than before.

Naruto groaned, loving her small mouth wrapped around his cock, but wanting to feel her pussy more he spoke up, “Stop.” He ordered. She didn't, her head just bobbed up and down faster. “Fine.” Naruto shrugged. His hands reached up and he grabbed her head. With one quick and firm push Naruto's entire cock was in her throat. Hanabi tried coughing and gagging, but he started quickly pumping his cock in and out of her throat.

Air supply grew dangerously low, her throat burned, and tears prickled at the edges of her eyes. Just as she was about to Jyuuken him to make him stop he let out a long low groan and ground his pelvis flush against her face and she felt the warmth in her stomach expand.

Bring her fist down on his thighs desperately as blackness grew around the edges of her vision he finally let go of her head. Hanabi fell back, barely feeling the floor impact the back of her head as she rolled over quickly and dry heaved, coughing hard when she was done.

Naruto waited until she was done and picked her up, making sure to wrap her legs around his waist as he sat down. Grabbing her ass (and since she had the figure of... well a thirteen year old girl, there wasn't much to grab onto) he lowered her glistening soon-to-be womanhood gently onto his giant sized cock. Making her eyes widen. “No!” she struggled.

Naruto stopped, mostly because due to her squirming he could most likely spear her asshole by mistake. “Listen midget, your life is in my hands. Either stop struggling now so I can at least ease into you, or we can do this the hard way, which means me slapping a Servitude Seal on you and ordering you to fuck yourself onto my dick as roughly as you're physically able.” He told her.

She growled, conceding to his point. “Fine. Go slowly or I’m stopping your heart, damn the consequences.” She hissed. Naruto didn't have the heart or really the patience to tell her the seal prevented such a thing. With that he lowered her slowly, his cock meeting some resistance as her small size denied his large appendage. Raising her an inch before pushing her down harder fixed that. The mushroom-like head inside he was able to ease after inch into her widening pussy.

Hanabi screamed and arched her back as he started to grind his monster sized prick into her tiny, now ex-virgin, pussy. 'God! He's tearing me apart! How can it be so big?!' She thought to herself as her eyes screwed tightly shut.

After bottoming out and grinding himself into her pussy to get used to the new 'accommodations' Naruto moved his hands from her sides to her breasts and grabbed two generous handfuls before using them to hold onto as he fucked her as fast as her tight orifice would allow. 'I'm going to have to break her in before I can get any real speed I guess. That works just fine.' Naruto thought with a vicious grin as he tightened his grip on Hanabi's pale tits making her scream out even more.

Looking down he saw that defiant glint still in her eyes, as if mocking him. “You tHINK your tiny penis FEEls gooD?! Well it doESN'T you blond RETARd!” She tried to insult him, but her voice cracked every few words as he slipped into her womb with every thrust.

“Oh please, you couldn't be any more unconvincing, plus I can feel your pussy remember? I know for a fact you just came. But if this isn't good enough for you...?” He trailed of with a smirk and grabbed her hips tightly, standing up. Gravity and his own arm strength allowed him to hammer her pussy three times as hard. His inhumane style of breaking her in was causing her pussy to make obscene squelching sounds as his cock slid in and out of her pussy, his thick appendage glistening with her juices in the light.

Naruto's grin only got wider as her screams turned soundless and her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Judging by her pussy tightening to actually painful level and the sudden splashing of liquid on his thighs he could only guess she came, rather hard. He sighed blissfully as he reached his own climax and released his load into the petite girl. He almost snorted when he saw her stomach, which already seemed to have a tube shaped bulge running partway up it, subtly bloating.

He thought for all of two seconds before slapping a Hiraishin seal on her, only to stop mid swing. Not because he had second thoughts, because sure, he normally went for older, and more importantly, curvier women, but variety WAS the spice of life after all. Plus, seeing the arrogant little bitch get fucked stupid was an incredible turn on, which was probably why he came so much more than usual.

She lived with the Hyuuga. Who knows how many of them would see his brand if he used it on her. Thinking for a second he pressed two fingers into the very center of where her stomach bulged and pulsed his chakra. He felt, rather than sensed to seal forming inside her womb. Giving a mental cheer he flopped back onto his bed. As he'd decided earlier, she had potential and natural skill, passing that up would be foolish. Where the seal was now would still be visible, but who scans the insides of a girl's womb? They would if she was actually pregnant, normal doctor check-up protocol for pregnant Kunoichi, but by the time she was pregnant it would be pretty obvious who she belonged to.

Of course doing this revealed Hanabi was completely (okay, maybe not completely, he mused as he pumped into her pussy slowly) limp, clearly unconscious. Musing for a few minutes he decided dumping her back on the street they had been would be a bad idea. Some random bum could find her sometime during the night and she was his now, he'd marked her, so that was an unacceptable idea.

Shrugging, Naruto laid on his back, slowly fucking the tight pussy that was still flexing around his cock as he cooled down for sleep. His cum was warm right? So a few more loads could only help thaw that icy Hyuuga demeanor anyway. She should be thanking him for making her more sociable. He nodded, that was a good plan.

He didn't know how many orgasms worth of cum he'd dumped into her by the time he fell asleep but he felt content knowing she was in for a hell of a shock when she woke up.


Hanabi melted into the warmth of what was obviously a hug from her mother, only to freeze as her completely stuffed pussy screamed at her, incredibly sore. Opening her eyes all she could see was a tanned chest. A quick scan with her Byakugan revealed no seal around her neck, so he had obviously forgotten, or had too much fun with her to care to place it.

She growled audibly as she involuntarily melted into his embrace, hating herself even more for loving physical contact so much. It wasn't her fault her mother focused more on her sister and barely showed her any affection!

Slowly pushing herself away from the hard chest she was nestled against she finally sighed, in what she would never tell anyone ever was disappointment, as the blonds still hard cock finally slipped out of her pussy for the first time since he'd stolen her virginity with a loud pop, before feeling her belly start feeling odd. Looking down she almost screamed as she noticed she had suddenly became several months pregnant, or at least she was filled with so much semen it looked like it. Leaning down further she got to see the flood of an ungodly amount of the blond's cum as it poured out of her onto the bed.

Shuddering at the vaguely pleasurable sensation she slowly, very slowly, still very sore, marched over to where her clothes were supposed to be. First, a game plan. She didn't know what time it was, but she assumed it was early morning. She would tell her father she was at Moegi's house if he asked.

Another matter, her virginity. This may be a blessing disguised as mind-blowing sex, er, wait, that wasn't how the saying went... whatever, she shook her head and got back to plotting.

As the second heiress she would probably get married off. This changed things. Since the man who took her virginity was the fourth Hokage's son and his heir she could blackmail him if it ever came to that. Grinning as she suddenly felt a weight she didn't know she felt was lifted from her shoulder at her new-found freedom she glancing back at the peni... person she was talking about when she got the sudden urge to jump back into bed and see if he could fit in her other hole.

Slapping her own cheek hard enough to almost wake the sleeping teen she decided looking and/or thinking about him was a bad idea for the foreseeable future. Growling as she couldn't find her clothes she grinned harder as she stole some of Naruto's clothes. If she knew the proper hand seals she would burn the rest of his clothes, but she didn't, so she just silently promised herself she would learn them, Hyuuga elders and tradition be damned, and left through the window.


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