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Naruto decided to take the long way back (as opposed to just teleporting there) and was making his way back from Kiri on foot. Since he was nearby he decided to stop by Nami no Kuni to visit Inari and his family. When he made it to the front door of a familiar home he'd stayed in four years ago he knocked and waited for a few moments, only to receive no response.

He was just about to leave when he heard a noise from the back of the house. He walked around the side of the two story building only to freeze in place, his pants becoming rather tight. Tsunami was kicking back on her deck chair in a raven black bikini that matched her hair. Apparently his memory of her did little to compliment the raven haired mother of one, as her delicious curvy flesh spilled out of her bikini (in a good way), her breasts looking like they were going to break the thin straps keeping them contained any second now. He only regretted not being able judge her ass as it was sunken into the plastic lawn chair she was laying in.

'Damn! I knew she was hot, but I didn't remember her being this hot!' Naruto thought happily.

She looked at him strangely for a second as he took a seat in the chair across the deck from her before recognition entered her eyes and she proceeded to greet him with a hug. Her breasts flattening against his chest did nothing to help his erection go down.

"Naruto-kun, it's been far too long!" She greeted.

"I know, it's nice to see you again Tsunami, where are Tazuna and Inari?" He asked as they both retook their seats.

“Oh they went to the capitol for a few days to get supplies. My father took Inari as an apprentice last year and they've become quite popular." She replied.

They spoke for a few minutes before she asked a question that he was confident he could start things off with, "So are there any young girls in your life?" She asked him with a smile.

Naruto smirked a bit and replied, "To be perfectly honest with you I more go for older women. Most of the girls my age can't... handle me, if you know what I mean?"

That got her attention; she sat up with clear interest on her face. Naruto's erection was banging the metaphorical tin can along it's clothe prison as Tsunami's breasts jumped along with her. "I'm pretty sure I know what you mean. So how big is it if it's too big for Kunoichi your age to take? If that's not to personal, that is." She quickly added, hoping she hadn't been too direct.

His smirk turning into a full blown grin he replied, "I think it would be easier for me to show you."

Curiosity got the better of her and she nodded, leaning forward further. Naruto could swear he could actually hear the *Tink tink tink tink* of a tin can in reality as the thinly covered melons swayed back and forth.

Naruto's grin turned down right predatory as he unzipped and unbuttoned his pants, he stopped just a second before pulling down his boxers and looked up at Tsunami, "I'll show you if you let me feel your amazing breasts."

Tsunami blushed a bit but easily forced it down and replied, "Very well, if it's as impressive as you make it out to be you can play with my boobs."

Naruto nodded, smirk never leaving his face, and stood up, dropping his slacks. His erect, now fourteen inch cock rejoicing in its freedom.

Tsunami sat there gaping at the biggest cock she had ever seen in her life sitting in front of her before tentatively reached out and gripped the hilt. She subconsciously licked her lips as she felt how hard it was, almost like steel. " Oh my, Naruto... It’s... its huge and on a boy so young! Which means it'll get even bigger...” She paused, debating something before she looked up at him and meekly asked, “Would you like a tit-fuck?”

"More than anything." Naruto responded instantly.

Tsunami just nodded, the purple blood filled head on his penis answered just as effectively, if not more so, as his words did. She felt his hands grab onto her tits and knead them through her bikini top for a few minutes while she slowly stroked his cock. She was shocked when he suddenly grunted and glob of pre-cum shot out and painted a thin, translucent line across her cheek. This seemed to set him off because her world blurred as she experienced moving at ninja speed for the first time as she found herself on her back on her deck chair while his engorged cock was inside her bikini top pumping back and forth in-between her titties, causing them to shake around when his hips slapped the bottom of them. Naruto moaned, speeding up, his tip touched her lips and his balls hit the bottom of her breasts with an audible clap. With a grunt Naruto tensed followed by the bulbous head of his cock erupting, covering her face in a fine glaze of cum.

"...That was intense." She murmured as she took a finger full of his cum off her face and rubbed it between her fingers. "So thick."

Naruto stood her up without a word and she saw his eyes were now a bright red. One of his hands ripped her bikini bottom off of her and he sat down, bringing her with him.

She had no way to refuse anything because she suddenly found her ass being groped as Naruto lifted her up and was slammed her down, bouncing her up and down rapidly on his dick, causing her to start screaming her lunges out for everyone to hear as her pussy, unused for almost eleven years, was worked overtime by the thick piece of meat splitting it in two. His hands continued to tightly grip her ass while her tits were swung around wildly inside her bikini top. She could almost hear the strings of her top straining, about to snap.

Seconds later she found her top ripped off by Naruto's hands, allowing her tits to flail around even more against his face while he grunted like a wild animal, pounding into her faster and faster. She felt as if he was tearing her pussy apart with his giant cock as she screamed in bliss with each thrust.

She soon found herself on her back again as Naruto stood over her, his hands blurring over his erection, which was aimed at her tits, before a flood of jizz flew out, painting her large tits white.

Almost immediately she was back to riding Naruto's cock again while he happily groped her ass, pounding harder and harder into her while her suddenly cum-free tits bounced in his face. She noticed that everything he did so far seemed to center around, or at least let him get an eyeful of, her breasts and she wondered if he had some kind of breast fetish. She had finished her initial screaming and her voice lowered to a moan with the occasional high pitched gasp as she came as they held this position for a good fifteen minutes.

His fucking speed once again skyrocketed before he grunted loudly and filled her pussy for the first time. She had to wonder if this was what all young men were like in bed nowadays. But then Naruto smacked one of her tits and started thrusting again and she suddenly remembered what Naruto had said about needing to go after older woman so it must just be him.

Naruto suddenly stopped, she was about to ask why when she found another cock poking at her asshole. She looked over her shoulder to see another red eyed Naruto getting ready to pound into her with a wide grin of anticipation on its face. She then felt both of her arms being brought sideways onto two cocks, her hands made to start jacking them off while the two other Naruto restarted their pounding. She began to scream in orgasmic bliss again but couldn't even start as the original captured her lips in a heated kiss.

They fucked her like this for what felt like hours for the woman, but was actually around half an hour, making her orgasm an untold amount of times before she felt herself being lifted up by the two Naruto's inside her while they drilled into her ass and pussy, tearing them apart from the combined power of their monster cocks and speedy thrusts. The two came inside her again as they grunted out their orgasms, the sound being drowned out by her own screech of pleasure.

Suddenly the clones pulled out and she was set on the floor, when she looked up she saw the four Naruto's with hungry looks on their faces as they jacked off before torrents and torrents of cum spewed from their dicks, spraying her from head to toe like a shower faucet.

"Come over here." Naruto said as he sat down on her deck chair, his cock still hard as ever.

Tsunami crawled over to him and began sucking him off as the clones all jacked off, cumming at random intervals, covered her back with a never-ending downpour of their seed, which began to stream off her back and pool on the deck below her. She looked up and saw the Naruto she was sucking off bend over her and slap her ass, making it jiggle around, further motivating the clones above her to work even harder. When the original removed his hand she felt something warm on her ass. The feeling was lost in the other warm sensations as the clones began to aim their shots lower, hitting her ass and lower back. The real Naruto gripped her head and started to face fuck her slowly, savoring the feel of bottoming out in her throat, before pulling back. He repeatedly slapped his dick across her face as he came, smearing cum all over her pretty face.

She saw Naruto and his clones’ eyes darken further and their dicks seemingly grow thicker, before they pounced on her and she found herself riding one dick at a womb breaking pace while another was seeing how little she needed to breathe as he thoroughly fucked her throat. She heard a loud *POP!* and whimpered as she looked up to see another twenty Naruto's slowly gathering around her with lecherous grins on their faces, waiting to have their fun with her.


Tsunami awoke from losing consciousness for what must have been the eighth time to find herself flat on her back surrounded by the same thirty Naruto's she's become intimately familiar with over the past two and a half hours, all grunting softly while stroking their cocks. They all tensed simultaneously and she was suddenly blinded as every square inch of her was covered in a fresh layer of thick cum.

She couldn't move, she couldn't even feel her legs or arms they had fucked her so hard. She could barely stay awake. As she saw the last, and she assumed real, Naruto kneel down in front of her sliding his dick into pussy once more, not even moving, just loving the feeling of being inside her somehow still tight pussy, making her moan weakly in pleasure, she heard him say. “By the time you wake up again I’ll be gone and you and the deck will be clean, but don't worry. I'm definitely coming back real soon." He said before darkness claimed her one final time.


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