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There are a list of techniques I devised for Naruto in a continuation of the story that got me into writing fanfiction in the first place. Adventure of a lifetime by  sexybitchxoxoxo.

It hasn't aged well, but I have a fond nostalgia of it. You can find it here on this link;  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5378149/1/Adventure-of-a-Lifetime


Naruto in the story ate the Hone Hone no Mi - The Bone Bone Fruit, making him kind of like Kimimaro from canon Naruto Part 1.

 Soru- Shave – Speed technique used by kicking the ground multiple times in the blink of an eye.

Rankyaku – Tempest Kick – A kick so fast and powerful it unleashes a finely compressed blade of wind.

Ranhonegan – Tempest Bone Bullets – Using the concepts of Rankyaku in combination with the Bone Bone devil fruit, the user rapidly slashes their arm through the air, launching the bones from their fingertips as sharpened bone bullets. Because this attack is used using the concepts of Rankyaku, the bone bullets are layered in small finely compressed wind blades giving them both incredibly high piercing and slashing power.

Ranhone Rendan – Tempest Bone Barrage – Sprouting multiple small lance-like bones from both wrists, the user rapidly punches their arms, launching the bones as high speed projectiles, with a spin. Literally – the user spins their arms slightly as they punch, imbuing the lances with near the same concept of Rankyaku again causing a spiral of finely compressed air to circulate around the bones as they rapidly fly and spin through the air. The user can also rapidly regrow the bones, depending on how skilled they are with their devil fruit and launch the attack again and again, thus the name barrage.

Ranhone Senpu – Tempest Bone Whirlwind – The user sprouts bones all over their body and spins rapidly. Each bone acts as a sort of limb with which a normal rankyaku can be fired from. Because there are so many bones acting as limbs, it looks like a literal tornado spinning in place firing off rankyaku in every direction.

Honechubotsu – Rising Bone Pillars – One of the more advanced techniques of the Bone Bone fruit. The user places their hands on the ground and forces bones to rapidly grow within the earth and ascend up out of the earth as spiked pillars. The greater the mastery of the fruit, the quicker the formation of the attacks.

Saiga Honemori Tenshou – Ultimate Bone Lance: Piercer of the Heavens – The user condenses bone around their forearm, spiralling more and more bone around until their entire arm is covered by a very large lance of spiralled bones. The lance itself is incredibly dense as many, many bones were used in its construction, and depending on the strength of the user and the speed they thrust at, the bone lance even has a good chance of piercing through the toughest of all defences.

Hone Yaseidaiabare – Wild Bone Rampage – The user sprouts small sharpened blades of bone from their wrists, feet, knees, and elbows to begin with and attacks their opponent in a flurry of whirlwind like attacks. Sprouting bones on any piece of their body in an attempt to take the opponent by surprise and impale them when given the chance.

Hone-jo – Bone Lock – Using this technique, the user sprouts small bones from their hands or feet that allows them to stick to vertical surfaces by stabbing into them. With this, a user can even fight on other surfaces other than the ground without worrying about falling.

Hone Sabaki – Bone Manipulation – The ability to manipulate the shape of bones and release them from the body, or form bones in the world.


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