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“Inari, what the hell are you doing?!” Sakura quickly tried to cover herself as the young boy stared at her in the shower, mortified that someone else besides Sasuke saw her naked. “Get the hell out of here!”

The young boy didn’t, however, move from the spot he was standing stock still in as he ogled Sakura, not understanding exactly why he found her naked body so…fascinating. The way her body glistened in the water, how her hair stuck to the gentle curve of her backside, and how delicious her budding breasts looked. Mouthwatering almost...

He was brought out of his reverie as he heard Sakura gasp and saw she now had a wide-eyed, terrified look on her face, and it looked as if she was focusing on his waist. Looking down at himself Inari saw that there was a massive bulge growing in his pants, rapidly getting bigger and threatening to tear the seams off his clothes.

To prevent the likely wreckage of his clothes Inari quickly began to strip, startling Sakura as he did so, till he stood naked in the bathroom. Sakura had to choke back a terrified screech as a truly massive cock stood straight out from Inari’s small waist. The huge meat was long, thick, and covered in veins that Sakura swore were throbbing menacingly, and a pair of huge balls nearly the size of her head.

“Oh…my…God…” Sakura felt her legs quiver before giving out on her as she sunk to her knees beneath the spraying water, unable to look away from the imposing mass. 

“Sakura-neechan, I feel weird.” Driven by some instinct he couldn’t even begin to describe Inari started walking towards the shower, opening the door and stepping in with the pinkette. The fist sized head of his shaft came to rest right at Sakura’s nose, the musky scent of it hitting Sakura like a haymaker and making her extremely light-headed. “Please, help?”

“N-no, get that, that… thing away from me!” Sakura scrambled back up to her feet, turning her back to Inari in the process. As she did so Inari’s gaze dipped down a bit and his cock pulsed as he saw Sakura’s ass. While he didn’t know it Sakura had what some would call a ‘big ol’ bubble butt’, a surprisingly large and round mass of ass meat that would make any ass lover rock hard in seconds.

He felt the hardness between his legs pulse even harder, impulses filled his prepubescent mind, urges he'd never experienced before. Before Sakura could take more than a single step she felt a hand press forward on her back, sending her stumbling forwards. Instead of leaving the ceramic tub, she ended up hitting and pressing against the glass sliding door of the shower. She yelped as she felt two little hands grab her ass roughly, groping and rubbing at her backside with childlike wonder.

“Wow, it’s so big and soft...” Inari marveled, his fingers sinking into the flesh of Sakura’s butt as he molested the older girl. As he did so his massive erection slid between Sakura’s ass cheeks and he subconsciously started grinding against her.

“Inari stop that dammit! This isn’t funny!” Sakura tried to reach back and push the boy away but he was surprisingly strong, not moving an inch. In fact Sakura’ struggles only seemed to excite him more as his humping against her picked up as well as his groping. Precum started to flow out of Inari’s cock and ooze down onto her back, making Sakura shudder at the feeling and desperately try harder to push him away. Getting annoyed at Sakura trying to push him away Inari stopped groping her ass and raised his right hand before bringing it down sharply on her cheek. The slap was strong, making the flesh of the pinkettes butt jiggle enticingly, and it was also painful to Sakura as she let out a yelp. “Ouch! That hurt dammit!”

“Then stop being mean and let me do what I want.” Inari fired back petulantly.

“Are you fucking kidding me?!” Any further protest from Sakura was stopped by another slap on the ass, this time on the left cheek leaving two small red handprints clearly on her milky white skin. Not wanting her ass punished any further Sakura stopped pushing back against him, though that didn’t stop her from trying to think of another way to escape. Those thoughts stopped though when Inari slipped a little as he humped her buttcheeks, his cockhead suddenly pressed against the tight puckered hole of her ass. Quickly regaining his footing Inari went back to thrusting but with the new positioning the thick mass bulled its way into Sakura’s butt instead, several inches sinking into her depths. Sakura’s eyes widened as her pupils shrunk, her mouth opening in a soundless scream as her anal virginity was stolen from her.

Inari gasped as the trickles of pleasure from rubbing his hardness between Sakura's butt cheeks took a massive jump. He wanted more! His hands gripped the pinkette by her plump ass alone, his fingers digging into flesh as he pulled her down.

Sakura tried to resist, her knee's shaking harder and harder as the child behind her forced her ass lower until they painfully began to give inch by inch. Her silent scream continued as her guts were steadily filled by the Wave native, her face growing redder, and then taking on a blue tinge as she slowly but surely began descending, her long, well-manicured finger nails screeching on the reinforced glass of the sliding shower door. 

Inari began to get annoyed at how slow going the process of cramming himself into Sakura was going and stopped pulling her ass down. The pinkette had a moment of relief as she thought the boy came to his senses, but that was quickly dashed as he suddenly thrust his hips upward, pounding several inches into her guts at once, making her belly suddenly bulge dramatically from the amount of meat stuffed into her. Inari’s eyes widened before a large grin spread across his face. “That works a lot better!” He declared.

“St-sto-stop it you damn midget rapist!” Sakura ground out from now clenched teeth as her eyes frantically looked around for something to help her get away. Once again though Inari put a stop to any hope of finding an escape she could potentially have as another thrust shoved more cock into her and her legs briefly gave out, her hips coming down just enough in the process so she was perfectly lined up for Inari to fuck the rest of his prodigious shaft into her. And Inari took immediate advantage of Sakura’s new position as he did just that, his fingers digging even harder into her ass meat as he pulled her into a brutal thrust. As Inari’s small hips impacted Sakura’s ass the pinkettes eyes rolled up into her head as the pain/pleasure nearly made her pass out, her guts feeling overstuffed with cock. “W-why…?”

“Sakura-neechan, your butt feels so good.” Inari couldn’t believe something that felt this good could exist and, not being able to control himself, started to pound Sakura’s ass like there was no tomorrow. The bathroom was soon filled with the resounding sound of flesh hitting flesh as Inari repeatedly slammed his hips into Sakura’s big butt making the plump meat jiggle with each impact and began turning her cheeks a rosy red.


Mihai Vasile

Damn this was really good. Glad it's about Sakura's ass, she was always my next favorite to Kushina.