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Ren's second stepdad was a total deadbeat named Trevor. Likable and easygoing, but didn't have much going for him except for the fact that he looked vaguely like a 70s porn star. During the summers when Ren wasn't in school, they were always home alone together while her mom was out working doubles. Even though she thought her mom could do better, she appreciated that he never really tried to be a "father figure" except that he was always insisting that he should meet her boyfriend, Kyle.

Most days, they would sit around, drink beer, and watch TV until he’d pass out. He liked teasing her about her boyfriend because Kyle was such a skinny dweeb and Ren was at that age where she was completely oblivious to her ever-growing sexual power. Plus, it was kind of cute to hear her naive perspective on love. 

Her relationship with Kyle was typical high school bullshit—both parties confused their raging hormones with a deep, meaningful bond: Kyle, always pawed at Ren’s almost-ripe body and she, being the nice girl that she was, let him poke his mediocre dick into her whenever he felt like it. She liked him fine but he didn’t care about making her wet or cum and it was really starting to irritate her. More and more, she’d make excuses to avoid having sex until one night—it all came to a head.

It was their typical routine. They were over at his place watching a movie when she felt his cock growing between her ass cheeks while spooning on the couch. He gently grazed her smooth legs underneath her pleated skirt. Ren batted him away a couple times until finally, she sat up annoyed. She pretended to be engrossed in the movie when his warm tongue and hands clumsily batted at her tiny A-cup tits. He began pinching her nipples, at which point she elbowed him square in the chest. Kyle, being the cum-dumb teen that he was, read this as an invitation to play rough—he grabbed both of her wrists, pinned her onto the couch, rammed his tongue into her mouth and started grinding his hard cock between her legs as she began to kick and groan. That was the wrong move. Her skirt began to rise up and as skinny as Kyle was, she couldn’t get out from underneath him.

“Baby...seriously stop,” she laughed nervously. “Can we just watch the movie?”

“Ren, I can’t stop now. Look how hard you made me”

“I don’t care! I don’t want to fuck right now...”

“Yeah? Then why are you soaking through your panties?” He reached down into her panties and slid two fingers hard into her wet pussy. There was no resistance. Ren wanted to scream that it wasn’t that she didn’t want to fuck, it was that she didn’t want to fuck him, but her body betrayed her. The more she struggled, the more her skirt rode up, and the more she writhed, the more she ended up grazing his dick and arousing him. He swiftly flipped her onto her stomach and pressed her face into the cushion.

“Babe...I know you fucking want it. Stop fighting me...” he whispered into her ear. He slid her panties down around her ankles as she started to beg him to stop but it was pointless. He had that lost look in his eye. She braced herself for penetration as she felt him lubricate the tip of his cock with her pussy but then, he stopped. Instead, ran the tip up and down her wet slit and with one last drag, he started to rim her asshole with her own juices. Before she could register what was about to happen, he pushed into her virgin ass with one hard thrust and groaned.

“Ughhh oh my god baby. I’ve been waiting for this for so long...”

She screamed into the couch from the excruciating pain, but her sounds were muffled and they were alone.

After a few painful pumps, it was all over. With one last thrust, he shot his entire load deep into her ass. With her tear-soaked face, she got up and left without cleaning herself off. He ran after her, apologizing for completely misreading the situation, but she was in such a zombie-like state that it seemed like nothing was getting through to her. He figured she just needed some space and let her go. Cum dripped down her legs all the way home.

By the time she got to her place, she really wanted a drink. The squeaky swing of her screen door didn’t wake Trevor. She was relieved he was asleep...the last thing she wanted was to explain her emotional state. He was passed out on the couch with the last remaining, still-full beer in his hand. Annoyed but determined, Ren crept towards him and just as she slipped the bottle from his hands, he grabbed her by the wrist.

“And what...do you think you’re doing?” Trevor asked.

Ren couldn’t keep herself together any longer and immediately crumbled into tears onto his chest. Confused and drunk, Trevor held her and pushed away the messy hairs from her face.

“...hey...did something happen?”


She was about to tell him what had happened when suddenly, she had a moment of clarity. Trevor was basically a stranger and definitely the type of guy that would only make things worse by taking matters into his own hands.

“Awww...did you and Kyle get in a fight?” 

Ren nodded and buried her head into his chest. In her vulnerable state, his mixture of Old Spice and warm High Life was oddly comforting.

“Well...that’s what you get for dating a boy. One day, when you’re with a real man, you’re going to laugh about how fucking stupid you were.”

What the fuck did Trevor know about being a “real man”? His chest felt so much heftier than what she’d been used to. Cuddling with Kyle just felt like she was lying on top of herself. She nestled in harder.

He began stroking the back of her hand to comfort her. “You’re going to be such a babe...you’ll see...and if Kyle doesn’t know how lucky he is…then...”

She grabbed his hand back and slowly looked up into his dark, blood-shot eyes and gave him a soft peck on the lips. She felt guilty about all the bad things she’d said about him. Sure, he was kind of a loser but at least he was a good guy.

“Aww sweetie. It’s going to be fine,” he felt awkward giving her a kiss on the lips, so instead, he kissed the top of her head. She began kissing him on the forehead several times, slowly moving her way back down to his mouth. His rough, stubbly face felt so different from Kyle’s. Trevor, now realizing that they were crossing the line, took his hands off her and raised them up in the air. 

“It’s okay...you can touch me,” she giggled.

“...l-look I know you’re upset. You’re not thinking...and...and we can’t”

“Well…” she said as she ran her hands down his chest, “...I didn’t hear you say you didn’t want to…” She kissed him again harder this time. He still refused to move. 

“..t-that’s not the point. It’s wrong.” She dug her lips into his mouth and lapped at his limp tongue. Still, he wouldn’t kiss her back or put his hands on her.

“I can’t kiss you…”

“Please. It’s all I want. Just one stupid kiss. I won’t tell anyone…”

“Ok fine. Just one kiss and then I think you should go to bed. You’re really upset and you’re acting crazy...”

Trevor cupped her face with both hands and quickly pecked her on the mouth.

“Oh come on...you know that’s not what I want”

“I can’t Ren…” 

Ren climbed on top of him on the couch and tucked her fingers down the front of his waistband and tugged.

“No! No...absolutely not. Get the fuck off of me!” Without thinking, Trevor quickly stood, fumbling Ren onto the floor. Without skipping a beat, she crawled towards him and buried her face into the front of his pants.

“Jesus! Ren stop...this is ridiculous...I can’t...”

But she could feel his excitement growing. She shushed him and slowly began to unbuckle his jeans. For some reason, Trevor thought it was still a good idea to have his hands by his head, up in the air. Zip. As she pulled down his pants, his semi-hard dick sprung out.

“...fuck...don’t. Don’t Ren. Get up”

“Are you kidding? Why would I stop now? Won’t it hurt you if we stop now?”

“No!...who the fuck told you th--”

She playfully lapped at the tip of his cock like a lollipop and gently tugged his balls.

“Ughnhh...don’t do that. You can’t...we shouldn’t,” he begged. He was losing conviction in his voice and she could hear it. It felt too fucking good and the more he addressed how wrong the whole thing was, the hotter it made Ren. She stopped.

“Ok fine. What if I just played with the tip a little? You gave me a little kiss so I’ll give you a little kiss?”

He wasn’t thinking logically so, of course, he agreed. Skillfully, she opened up her tongue—wide and flat—and lightly pressed the tip of his hard cock onto it. Then she sucked it into her warm, wet mouth and swirled her tongue around just the tip and stopped.

“....Fuuuuck. Oh my...fuckk...ing...god…” Trevor pushed her back onto the floor to keep himself from grabbing her head and fucking her face like he really wanted to. Ren got up, pulled her panties down onto the ground and sat back down on the couch, subtly spreading her legs so that he could see her bare pussy.

“Ok...my turn. Now, you kiss me.”

“...no...that wasn’t what we said. Look, at this point we can still stop and not feel too bad…”

“Ha! Are you kidding?...you let me suck your cock! Please...we can’t stop now...you made me so wet...and I didn’t even get to do it right….look...just feel it. Just please feel how wet you got me,” she said as she spread her legs wider to reveal her glistening pussy and a tiny wet spot on the couch where she was sitting.

“...please” she said as she grabbed his hand and yanked it towards her pussy. She placed his index finger on her tiny pussy and used it to finger herself. He wasn’t going anywhere.

“...jesus christ…” he immediately collapsed onto the floor in front of the couch and buried his head on the cushion between her open legs, right in front of her perfect, young pussy. 

“Please...I just want to know what it feels like. No one’s ever kissed me down there…”

“...really? What about your boyfriend?”

“Not even Kyle. Please...don’t you want me to feel good? I’m nervous and I...I want someone who’s good at it to be my first…”

“Fuck. Ok...but just for a second. I’m just going to give it one kiss...ok? We can’t do this. I can’t…”

He slowly lifted her skirt up, grabbed her hips and moved her to the end of the couch to get her into position. She smelled so fucking good that he wanted to immediately bury himself into her wet pussy but he needed to take his time. He stroked her soft inner thighs as she nervously cooed. He began laying small pecks onto her inner thighs and slowly moved up towards her wet, tight hole as she twitched beneath him. Carefully, he lightly lapped at her clit then outlined her entrance with the tip of his tongue. This was enough to send her over the edge.

Ren came immediately. Hard. As she gasped and convulsed in pleasure—she unknowingly grabbed the back of his head and ground her pulsating pussy onto his mouth. He held onto her thighs as she rode her orgasm down until finally, she released him. As he pulled away from her soaking wet cunt and straightened up onto his knees, the shock of what had just happened was interrupted at the sight of Ren’s now soaking wet pussy, perfectly lined up with his throbbing cock.

He could feel her heat radiating just inches from the tip of his cock. It was torture. This was it—the point of no return. Without a word, he held the base of his cock and pointed it towards her entrance as she crept towards him, never breaking eye contact. But he stopped her. He placed a hand on her chest to keep her from moving any closer. Yes, they had definitely crossed the line, but at least they hadn’t fucked at this point. Trevor’s eyes suddenly widened as Ren lifted up her shirt, placed his hand over her bare tits and sunk down onto the couch so that her pussy touched just the tip of his aching, precummy dick.

“...please? You might as well get off...or at least feel how soft and tight I am…?”

“...I can’t...please...don’t do this…I really can't”

“...please Trevor I want to feel a real man...just one pump...just the tip? Please..? The tip doesn’t count...please fuck me with your cock. Please fuck me fuck me..just fuck me”

“..ok ok fine. But just for a second…”

She was so tight that his cock wouldn't penetrate at first. He knew he wouldn't last. He clenched his jaw, dug his hands into her hips to keep her from moving any further and pushed in. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she moaned “oh my god...you feel so...fucking good.”

He immediately regretted his decision. It was the best pussy he had ever felt. Hot, sloppily wet and it seemed to grip and suck him in with every movement. It had been years since he’d been in anyone this tight...this wet. This young. It was the fucking worst. He needed to be deeper. He needed to fuck her.  Gritting his teeth to control his desire, he carefully pumped just his tip into her dripping wet cunt. On top of that, he has to concentrate extra hard to drown out the sound of her begging for more.

“...fuck...fuck me...fuck me harder please...oh my god! You’re stretching me so good...I...fuck..you feel so fucking good. What are you doing to me...ugh baby...please… I need more. I want more please!... PLEASE. PLEASE FUCK ME!!!”

“STOP! Shut the fuck up. I can’t. I can’t!” Trevor stopped pumping and was about to pull out when Ren wrapped her legs around him, looking desperately into his eyes and said “I’m sorry,” as she pulled him all the way into her. 

“UGHHHhhhhgh...fuck fuck fuck. Stop! I can’t! I can’t! I can't fuck you!” he begged.

But it was too late. He snapped. He grabbed her by the hips and pumped into her pussy like a wild beast. He didn’t care if he was hurting her, he couldn’t think. It felt too fucking incredible. He pounded her with everything he had as they both screamed.

“I...CAN’T! I CAN’T!!! I CAN’T FUCK YOU! Ughhnnhhhh!!!!!!”

“...i’m s-sorry. I’m...sorry...You felt...so uhg...FUCKING...UGH GOOD. Fuck me! Please FUCK ME HARDER!!!”

“You fucking...BITCH...look WHAT YOU MADE ME DO...FUCK fuck you’re so fucking tight”

He was close. 

“UgHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...oh….my FUCKING GOD!! YOU’RE GONNA MAKE ME CUM! CUM inside me please. Cum inside me PLEASE. I won’t tell anyone. I want you to fill me up...please!”

Hearing her beg for his load was too much. 

“I CAN’T!!!!!!!!”, he screamed as he thrust one last time as deep as he possibly could before pulling out to explode all over her. At that moment, Ren wrapped her legs around him, trapping him inside her.


As she came, Ren grinded his cock deep into her orgasming pussy as Trevor frantically tried to pull out “No! NO!!!!!” But It felt too fucking good. He pulsated and exploded ropes of hot cum into his stepdaughter’s unprotected pussy. 



So good


why couldn’t I stop reading this Soon-Yi & Woody Allen origin story