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|NeHi everyone.

I'm interested in restarting Patreon voted story (Sonya's story started out this way) Plus, this gives me an opportunity to do content for donation subscribers that I'm not worried about getting stolen.  These will be short stories, with a choice at the end. When the votes are in, I will continue the story!

It's a choose-your-own adventure!

On my shoulders

As soon as my mother walked into the room, I could tell that I’m in trouble. It’s not just that look she’s giving me; it’s also how she’s standing.

“Mom…?” I say nervously, unable to look at that frown on her face.

Rolling her eyes at me, she lets out a long breath. “Drew, what did I ask you to do when you got back from school?”

I can’t think of a safe answer, so I just shrug.

“I asked you to take up your laundry!” Mom whines. “There’s a huge pile of your clothing waiting to go up and I’m not your slave!”

“Oh,” I say, looking up from my phone. “I’ll do it later.”

Mom instantly puts her hands on her hips, and I know that reply hasn’t gone down well. Nervous as she’s about to shout, I brace myself.

“Young man,” she barks, stamping a food. “Why can’t you be more like your sister and do what you’re told when I tell you? Do I need to tell your father about this!?”

“Okay….!” I answer back, stuffing my phone into my pocket. “I’m going! I’m going!”

Swiftly standing, I rush out of the room quickly, so she doesn’t ask me to do anything else. Exiting the room, I look back to check I’m not being followed. She does that sometimes.

When she gets in a huff with me—there’s no stopping her. She’d complain at me for hours if she could. Apparently, I’m the laziest and scruffiest person she’s ever met! Well, the jokes on her! She raised me!

Reluctantly, I make my way into the laundry room. Mom wasn’t joking—there’s a pile of my clothing that’s almost up to the ceiling! Why didn’t she tell me it had got this tall!?

Standing by the pile, I start sizing it up. Placing my chest against it, I wonder if I’m strong enough to pick it up in one go. Ultimately, I decide I’m not as I can barely get my short little arms around it.

That’s when I see my sister Cora’s pile of clothes. It’s tiny compared to mine. All those small, thin, and delicate clothes look so light and easy to carry.

Curious, I reach over and pick up one of her school skirts. Holding up the pleated black skirt, I wonder what it’s like to wear it. I wonder what I’d look like wearing it. Would I look cute??

“Nah,” I say to myself, putting the skirt down. “She’d kill me if she found out.”

Turning my attention back to my pile of clothing, I can’t get that idea out of my mind. It’s exciting for some reason. The idea of wearing Cora’s clothes—girl’s clothes. It’s getting me hot under the collar!

I shake my head. “What am I thinking!?” I whisper to myself.

I stare at her pile and my body reacts and begins to fizz with excitement. Like an itch I can’t scratch—I must know what it’s like to wear that skirt!

I look back at the laundry room door and wonder what I should do! Should I just take the skirt, or should I go all in and take the entire pile!?

I touch my chin in thought. A single item of hers in my room would be easier to explain as a mistake, but that’s only half as fun as an entire pile of her stuff to try on. However, if I take the entire pile and get caught! How will I explain that!?

What to do!?”


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