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Thanks for the support :) I hope you like what i came up with

It’s About Making Partner

The secretary guides them both into the doctor’s office. It’s a plain, windowless room, with no soft furnishings or any creature comforts. Nothing like the swanky, corner offices that Steve and Lee are accustomed to at their posh city firm.

“Ah,” The doctor smiles as the two well-dressed men enter. “Good to see you both. I hope I’m not taking too up too much of your valuable time!”

Lee straightens his expensive tie and looks around at the dingy office. He’s uncomfortable here, but he knows that good times for him, and his new boyfriend, might just be around the corner.

“Please, sit,” The doctor says cheerfully, almost a little intimidated by the two athletic men “I’m very excited to have the chance to talk to you both in person.”

Brushing off their seats, both Steven and Lee sit down. They aren’t used to sitting on the other side of the desk during discussions, but needs must.

“So,” the doctor says, putting his hands together as he leans forward in his chair. “A little bit of an unusual request from you both, but very intriguing all the same. Would you like to tell me more?”

Steve clears his throat. “Well, Doc,” he says confidently. “We’ve been rivals at our legal firm for years, but recently we’ve discovered each other as passionate lovers.”

Steve’s stern expression softens as he looks over at the handsome and well-groomed man he calls his lover. Placing a hand on Lee’s knee, he looks back up at the doctor.

“I see,” the doctor replies, turning to his desktop computer to type. “Please…continue.”

Lee can’t help but squeeze Steve’s hand and lean in for a kiss. He’s been with men before, but he’s never fallen so hard for anyone as he has done for Steve.

“As much as I love this handsome devil,” Lee begins to explain, lingering close to his lover's face for another kiss. “We’ve encountered a small problem. The owner of our firm is an absolute fossil. For either one of us to make partner at the firm, he wants us to be family men.”

The Doctor stops typing and looks at the two successful men sitting opposite. “Family men?” he questions, raising an eyebrow.

“Indeed,” Steve answers, clenching his jaw. “He’s made it quite clear that he’d oppose anyone becoming a partner at his firm if they are anything but vanilla in their lifestyle.”

Lee leans forward in his seat, toward the doctor. “Listen,” he says quietly. “I don’t care if it’s me or Steve. One of us is becoming partner at that firm. We’ve both worked too hard to falter now and we won’t accept anything other than success.”

The doctor leans back and considers for a moment.

“In this day and age,” The doctor comments with a shake of his head. “It’s a shame people still harbor those kinda views. Still, I suppose this is where I come in….correct?”

Steve bangs his fist down on the desk with excitement. “Bingo!” he cheers, turning to face Lee. “I like this guy. He’s on the ball!”

The Doctor grins wide. With the money Steve and Lee are offering for the use of his technology—he’d be supported for decades.

“So Doc,” Lee says, giving the doc a smug grin. “Is it possible? Can you transform one of us into a little lady?”

The doctor pushes back his glasses. He’s got a noticeable glint in his eyes. “I think this is possible, yes.”

“Excellent,” The two men say simultaneously

“However,” The doctor says, lowering expectations. “You understand that the procedure is permanent. One of you will become completely female from a biological perspective. This might require lengthy therapy sessions and time to adjust.”

Steven gives the doctor a sarcastic look. “We’ve done our research, Doc,” he says dismissively. “We understand what's involved and we’ve both decided this is how we continue climbing the ladder to the top.”

Lee touches Steve on the hand as he interrupts. “Doc…listen,” he says nonchalantly. “We’ve already got cover stories, backgrounds, Identification, and all the garb needed for one of us to become a trophy wife. We just want to know—can you do it?”

Shocked by just how forward the two men are, the doctor is speechless. Trying to compose himself, he points at them with both hands. “S-so….w-which one of you am I working on?”

Steve and Lee look at each other pensively. Then they both smile.

“We had very tough negotiations on this last night,” Steve laughs, looking lovingly at the man he loves.

“Tough and very deep negotiations,” Lee remarks, blushing.

“We thought the more submissive in the relationship was probably the best choice.” Steve continues, holding his head up high. “Doc, turn this glorious young man into my future wife.”

The doctor nods and Looks and Lee intently. “Hmmm,” he ponders. “Much work to do. Have you thought about what you want to look like?”

“I have,” Lee smirks arrogantly. “I have a list of requirements—if I’m going to be a woman. I want to be the woman I choose to be.”

A Week later….

“Steve,” Lee says, checking his makeup in the reflection of the elevator wall. “Remember, my name is Leia. Don’t blow this straight away before I even get a chance to say yes to marriage.”

“Baby,” Lee says confidently, having to bend down to kiss Leia on the neck. “We’ve got this in the bag. I’ll be the owner of this firm by next year and we’ll be living a life of luxury.”

Leia adjusts the fit of her bra as Steve stands directly behind her.

“Still can’t believe you went with the double D’s,” Steven laughs, putting his arms around Leia’s narrow waist. “I’ll give it to you babe, you go big—literally.”

“I know,” Leia, replies, leaning her plump ass into Steve’s crotch. “Don’t forget about my designer vagina and my Barbie doll legs.

“How could I forget about that,” Steven replies with a hint of sadness. “I’m still a little scared to look at it.”

“My Vagina?” Leai asks.


“I know what you mean,” Leia laughs, enjoying Steve’s large hands against her body. “I can already tell that it likes you though!”

“Oh?” Steven reacts curiously.

“Yeah, big boy,” Leia moans softly. “I get such a lady boner every time you touch me.”

“Lady boner?” Steven laughs, kissing Leia again on the back of the neck. “What's a lady boner?”

“I get all wet and horney,” Leia replies, turning to look up at her boyfriend with a cheeky smile. “Why do you think I brought two spare thongs to that dinner party the other night? Now I’m a woman, I’m gagging for you even more than I was before—so many pairs of wet panties.”

The elevator doors ping open and the two are interrupted. As other staff members enter the lift, Leia composes herself and Steven puts his arm around her shoulders.

“Steve,” Leia whispers, looking up at him. “Do you think this dress is sluty enough to impress?”

Steve looks down at the huge amounts of cleavage on show. Then he looks at how far the slit in the dress goes up Leia’s long legs.

“Tits basically out,” he whispers back. “Check. Legs out. Check. Stupidly high heels. Check.”

“Good,” Leia grins, pushing up her breasts. “This bitch is ready for battle! He wants you to have a trophy wife—we’re about to introduce him to the queen of trophy wives!”

“Don’t overdo it, Babe,” Steven says, airing a word of caution. “That rack of yours might give the old man a heart attack! I haven’t made partner yet, so don’t jiggle too much!”

The end of year party….

Steve, dressed in his most expensive fitted suit stands with Leia in the middle of the conference hall. It’s after the company dinner and the drinks are following.

The entire company has been invited to the end-of-year party to celebrate a successful year. Steve knows that with Lee now being his girlfriend, he’s had to lead the charge for the company as its golden boy, so being made partner of the firm was inevitable.

It’s been hard for them both. Especially Lee, not being able to work his magic for the firm has been tough as he watches from the sidelines as Steve’s girlfriend

“Hun,” Leia says, holding onto Steve’s arms for support. “Can I just say a few things before the old man does his end-of-year speech?”

“Baby?” Steve replies, looking down at the busty blonde barely being held in by the small black cocktail dress she’d chosen to wear.

“I know it’s hard adjusting to me being a woman,” Leia says softly, looking down at herself. “And you’ve had to take on so much more extra work now I’m a lady of leisure.”

“Where are you going with this?” Steven asks, starting to blush. “I’m working hard on the sexual side—you know I am. I don’t think we should bring this up now.”

Leia gives him a sarcastic look before continuing to talk quietly in his direction.

“You know I’ve had to sacrifice a lot about myself to get us both into this position,” she says. “Please don’t discount me in your partner acceptance speech. I don’t get many wins anymore since I stopped being Lee and started being Leia. My win tonight is you, so please don’t forget everything I’ve done to be that future wife the old man wanted to see you with.”

Steve rolls his eyes and then laughs. “As if I would forget about you,” he replies, putting his arm around her to bring her closer. “You’re literally the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

Leaning in closer, Steven swipes away the hair around his wife's ear and places his lips close. “I can’t stop thinking about last night with you and that strap-on,” he whispers playfully. “Best night of my life.”

“That was fun,” Leia giggles, giving her boyfriend a sultry sideways glance. “Was nice to feel dominant again, even if it was just us in the room. I know I shouldn’t admit that with all I’ve gone through to accept the changes, but boy did feel good.”

“What was it like?” Steve asks, gently nudging her.

“What was what like?”

“Having a multiple orgasm?” Steve clarifies with a whisper.

“Amazing,” Leia replies, lighting up with a big satisfied grin.

Allowing himself to chuckle, Steve kisses Leia gently on the cheek, then steps away. He knows now is the time to pop the question.

Leia watches as Steve grabs a butter knife from a nearby table. Standing up dead straight, Steve taps his champagne glass several times to get everyone's attention.

The large conference room goes silent for a moment as the entire firm, including the owner, looks around in Steve’s direction.

Thrilled by the on-looking attention, Steve puffs out his chest and takes a deep breath. Sliding the butter knife into his back pocket, he reaches inside his jacket.

“I hope everyone is having a lovely evening,” Steve says, dominating the space with his powerful voice. “I just want everyone’s attention for a moment, I promise I won’t keep you from your drinks for too long!”

The crowd sniggers, but the overall silence remains. Leia, however, looks around at all the staring faces. Since becoming a woman, this would usually make her blush, but she knows what’s coming and she already knows her answer.

Steve stands directly in front of Leia and his smile lights up the room. Slowly getting down onto one knee, he keeps looking into her big pearly blues.

“Leia Charlie Hudson,” Steve says, almost gushing with emotions.

Leia squeaks with excitement and bites her lip.

“You are my day, week, month, and year,” Steve says with precision like he’s practiced proposing several times in the mirror. “You are my best friend, my rock, my everything. Will you do me the honor….”

Steven slides the ring box from his jacket pocket and opens it in front of her. She gasps as the large diamond glistens from his platinum perch.

“Will you m-marry me?” Steve asks with a crack of emotion.

Leia reaches out to the ring and her heart flutters. “Yes!” she screams with excitement. “A thousand times yes!”

Taking the ring from the case, Steve gently threads it onto Leai’s ring finger. It’s a perfect fit.

“I love you!” Steven gushes, bringing his wife close.

“I love you too, babe,” Leia replies, passionately kissing the man who is to be her husband. The man making the dreams she never thought she’d have, come true.


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