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So I'm writing the next community story. (A hairdresser swaps with a guy cos her hand is broken)

I want this to be a self-contained short story (with a beginning/middle/end)

What I'd like suggestions for is the Middle and End of this story. Have a read and see what thoughts on the story you have to share.

Just Makes Sense

Coming in from the bitter cold, Hazel’s home is warm and very inviting. Entering first, Hazel places her overnight bag on the floor and stretches out her arms.

“Hmmm…,” she moans, letting out a tired yawn. “It’s nice to be home after all that sciencey stuff last night.”

“Tell me about it,” Quinn says, swiftly following in behind her. “Does everything still feel so strange to you?”

“I’d imagine you’re going to feel strange for more than a few hours, Quinn.” Willow laughs, shutting the front door behind her as she’s the last to enter.

Willow looks at her husband Quinn and then at her best friend Hazel. She can’t believe they’ve switched bodies. She’s still in shock that Quinn even agreed to the swap in the first place.

“What are you gawking at?” Quinn gripes, still uncomfortable in his new skin.

Willow shakes her head in disbelief. “Just trying to commit to memory that you, in Hazel’s body, are my boyfriend.”

Letting out another yawn, Hazel throws herself down onto the sofa. “So….,” she says, rubbing her eyes. “What's the plan here…. with all that? You can’t go around kissing Quinn when he’s in my body. People will start talking.”

Quinn folds his arms and frowns as it causes him to remember he now has a busty chest.

“I hadn’t thought about that,” Willow replies, tilting her head to one side. “This whole situation has happened so quickly.”

Hazel spreads herself across the sofa and looks up at the ceiling. “I know…,” she huffs, feeling a little guilty. “I am really thankful you both agreed to it. You’ve saved my business and my bacon!”

Hazel lifts her head and points at Quinn’s right arm. “How’s it feeling?”

Quinn lifts his hand and sighs as he touches the bandage. “Feels a little sore. Is that normal?” he asks in worry. “Does it normally feel sore?”

Hazel looks at her new masculine hands and she forms a fist. Allowing her hand to open slowly, she smiles. “I don’t feel any pain.”

She then looks up at Quinn. He’s looking a little dejected and worried. “Yeah, a little soreness is normal,” Hazel finally answers. “Please, just reframe from using it until we swap back. The longer it takes to heal, the longer I’m going to have to borrow your body.”

Quinn snaps a worried look at Willow. “How long?” he asks.

Willow gives her husband a wry smile before turning her attention to Hazel. “He agreed to do a month, Hazel. I know it makes sense for you to use his body for your hairdressing business while your hand heals from its operation, but just because he’s not in work at the moment, doesn’t mean you can have his body indefinitely.”

“Guys,” Hazels laughs, allowing her male voice to boom. “I know what the deal is! Quinn enhabits my body while my hand heals and I use his body to continue running my business. I know it’s just this month while I’m completely booked up with clients.”

Willow nods and reassures Quinn with a gentle touch to the arm.

“What are you going to tell your clients?” Quinn asks, pointing at Hazel who’s lounging around in his body.

“Hmmm…,” Hazel thinks for a moment. “I guess I’ll tell them that I’m new or something and that I’m just filling in while my hand heals.

“Profound,” Quinn snarks, unimpressed.

“Anyways…,” Hazel says in excitement. “We didn’t decide what was happening! Am I going to be living with Willow as her husband or am I going to be staying here??”

Quinn steps closer to Willow. Now standing a few feet smaller than his wife, his instinctive arm around the shoulder is very awkward. Willow can’t help but giggle.

“I still see Hazel,” Willow comments, playfully resting an arm over Quinn’s shoulders. “Maybe it would be wise if you both stay here until I get used to the swap? I don’t want to accidentally kiss Hazel in a moment of madness and cause an issue between us all.”

Hazel leans forward and pouts her lips. “You can kiss me, babe,” she jokes, acting like Quinn.

“Stop it, Hazel” Quinn interrupts. “Maybe that’s not such a bad idea. If I’m going to be Hazel for a month, it help if we are around each other for the first week. Y’know…teach each other.”

Hazel nods in agreement. “I’m down for that. I am worried Quinn’s not going to look after my hair and dress me appropriately. I do have a reputation in the town to upkeep and I’d hate that to be ruined by Quinn walking around in board shorts and sandals all month.”

“Ahem…,” Quinn coughs obnoxiously. “I’m the one doing you the favor here. I’m going to wear what I feel comfortable in….and if that’s board shorts—then it’s board shorts.”

“Fine,” Hazel grins. “Good luck finding any of those in my closet. Anyways…aren’t you happy with how I dressed you before our trade? I thought jeans and a flannel shirt were right up your street.”

Quinn looks down at himself in the pink flannel and skinny jeans. “I guess so. I just wish it wasn’t so tight. I feel like my entire body is on show. Why do the jeans….like….. hug my ass?”

Interrupting, Willow giggles. “It’s ‘cos Hazel has a fat ass, sweety. You aren’t going to get away from that while in her body!”

“Willow!” Hazel gasps. “Don’t be rude about your husband's body!”

Quinn rolls his eyes. “Funny,” he sighs. “Now if you two are quite finished, I’d really like to go to bed now. I’m tired and my hand is starting to ache.”

Hazel points towards the kitchen. “I’ve got some painkillers in the draw,” she says, standing up from the sofa. “I know that ache. You won’t sleep if you don’t take any, so I’ll just go grab them.”

“Thanks,” Quinn replies as Hazel leaves the room.

Turning to face his wife, Quinn doesn’t know how to approach saying goodbye. Usually, he’d lean down and peck her on the forehead or he’d bring her into his chest for a hug.

“This is awkward,” Quinn sighs, looking slightly up into his wife’s eyes. “I want to kiss you, but is that appropriate right now?”

A cheeky smile forms across her face and Willow leans in towards him. “Who cares,” she whispers inches from his face.

A little shocked, Quinn wants to look back to make sure Hazel isn’t watching, but before he knows it, Willow has her hands all over him. Pressing herself against him, she touches him sensually on the cheeks.

“Don’t look too much into this,” Willow says quietly, leaning in with closed eyes.

Quinn’s heart skips a beat as his wife's soft lips touch his. It’s familiar but so different in every way. He can’t help but kiss passionately back.

“Well…,” Willow grins bashfully as she steps back. “That was different…huh?”

Having gone bright red, Quinn can’t help but notice how very different his body is reacting to his wife's kiss.

“You’re telling me,” Quinn replies, adjusting himself in Hazel’s tight clothing.


GenderPlay Books

I know she says, boyfriend and husband. I've already fixed it :)


Just Makes Sense. I can definitely see Willow and Quinn exploring Quinn's new body. Perhaps even enjoying it to a point of not wanting to change back.


Hazel and Quinn keep their sexuality. Hazel going after men but doing her best to keep it secret.