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So, I had some time today and I had an idea for a cheesy petticoat punishment story but in my writing style.
Let me know if you like this one as I may make it into a youtube video.

Ideally, I'd then pick up small short stories about Penny and how she's dealing with being a girl.

That Old Chestnut

“Stop frowning so much Peter,” Jenny gripes, placing a latte down on the coffee table in front of him. “Your pretty face will get stuck like it.”

Peter folds his arms tight. “You two are planning something. I know I’m not going to like it, so why would I smile, Aunt Jenny?”

“How do you know that we’ve got something planned?” Keri asks, nudging her son as she sits next to him. “Could it be that you’ve caused a heap of trouble?”

“I can see the sparkle in Auntie’s eyes,” Peter remarks. “Look, I said I was sorry. It’s not my fault that the school doesn’t know how to take a joke.”

“A joke!?” Keri gasps. “You drove the principles car off a cliff! How is that a joke, Peter? People could have been killed!”

Keri quickly shakes her head, not wanting to go over old ground. “Look…I’m not getting into this again. Your aunt has promised to help me with discipline this time.”

“We’re going to straighten you out Peter,” Jenny smiles, sitting in an armchair. “You can’t keep acting out as you have been.”

“Like crap you’re going to do anything,” Peter growls in frustration. “You two just don’t understand what it’s like for me.”

“See Jenny,” Keri says, starting to get emotional. “He just doesn’t want to learn. He makes me feel so guilty!”

“Well, you shouldn’t have pushed dad away!” Peter sneers, giving his mom a filthy look.

“That’s not f-fair!” Keri replies with a crack of emotion.

Jenny leans back in her seat and confidently smiles. “So, Peter…,” she says. “Tell me, what is the most important thing in your life?”

Peter pulls a cheeky smile as he looks in Jenny’s direction. “I ain’t telling you that. Do you think I’m stupid or something!?”

“Oh…,” Jenny grins, reaching for her phone. “Let me show you something quickly and let’s see what your reaction is.”

“I don’t wanna be rude Auntie Jenny, but you’re wasting your time.”

Jenny then holds up her phone and shows Peter a picture of his pride and joy. Last summer he restored an old Harley Davidson motorcycle. He’s so pleased with it; he only rides it on special occasions. Yet, she has a picture of it.

“My bike,” Peter reacts, trying not to overreact. “What about it?”

Jenny gives Keri a confident grin, before swiping to show Peter another image on her phone.

“Look Peter,” she laughs, knowing she has the upper hand. “Your uncle has it down at the junkyard. Just so happens to be hanging over the crusher. Would be a shame if all that work went to waste because you wouldn’t let ol’ auntie Jenny help you.”

Peter’s eyes grow wide as he looks at his bike danglingly from a crane. “You f’ing dare. Just you f’ing dare!”

“I don’t care if you hate me, Peter,” Jenny continues, putting away her phone. “If you don’t listen, I will send the signal to your uncle and in the blink of an eye—that bike will be dust.”

“I HATE you BOTH!” Peter reacts angrily, slapping the coffee table hard with his hand. “You make me wanna get up, leave and never come back!”

“What’s stopping you?” Jenny says frankly, leaning back confidently in her chair. “Go on…leave. Do us all a favor.”

Peter looks over at his mom for support. He knows when he gets angry, she usually caves in. He knows that once she starts sobbing and crying, she’s given in, but today things are different. His mom is crying, but she’s desperately looking away. She doesn’t want to even look at him.

“Mom…?” Peter says softly, trying to gain her attention. “Why would you let this witch do this to me!? Mom…!?”

Keri sniffs in and wipes at her eyes. “I’ve….,” she says, trying to talk through the tears. “I’ve had enough Peter. I can’t deal with this anymore.”

“So, what’s it to be Peter…?” Jenny leans forward in her seat. “Are you going to allow ol’ auntie here to correct your unruly behavior or is it goodbye to your precious bike!?”

Peter looks longingly over at his mother, expecting her to see the sad look in his eyes. “Mom…?” he says, giving it one last try at manipulating her.

Keri wipes again at her red watery eyes. She stands, avoiding any eye contact with her son. Grabbing her jacket, she swiftly puts it on.

“I’m g-going.” She says through the tears.

As she turns to the exit, she looks back at them both. Peter can see how upset she is, and he’s stunned that she’s leaving him here. “Peter, do as my sister tells you.”

Peter quickly stands to join her. He doesn’t have any other way of getting home. “Mom…,” he calls out, wanting to chase after her.

“Sit boy,” Jenny commands. “If you don’t listen to me right now, say goodbye to your bike.”

Peter looks down at the sinister expression on his auntie’s face. Then he looks at the living room door and his mom is nowhere to be seen. She’s gone. She’s left him here.

“M-mom…?” he calls out, taking a single step forward.

“She’s had enough Peter,” Jenny says, standing to place a hand on his shoulder. “We’ve agreed that this is the best thing for you right now.”

“I….,” peter replies, sitting back down on the sofa. “Hate you.”

“Good,” Jenny says confidently. “Now, here’s what’s going to happen. I feel you need to learn respect for your mother. It’s not been easy on her y’know. Trying to raise a confident boy on her own. “

Peter stares vacantly at the wall. He’s in shock that his mom has left. She’s always had his back, no matter how bad he’s been. He knows the guilt she holds for his father leaving, it usually softens her to his cause.

“Are you listening to me, Peter?” Jenny gripes, kicking him in the shin.


“You need to learn respect for your mother,” Jenny continues. “So, here’s the deal. You are to live with me for six months. You WILL do as you are told. Any disagreement will lead to punishment.”

Peter just stares at his Aunties face as she talks. The vein on her head is popping out, so he knows she’s serious.

“We’ve both agreed that you are to live these next six months as a woman. With my help, you are to become Penny, my sweet and polite niece.”

Peter is stunned. He’s speechless.

“Ah good,” Jenny smiles, leaning back in her chair. “I see you’ve understood what I’ve said. This is to happen straight away. Upstairs you will find we’ve got you everything a young woman needs. I’ve even got a selection of forms for you to choose from.”

“W…w…. w-what?” Peter asks, still trying to process.

“I understand this will be punishment at first Peter,” Jenny says. “But yes, I want you to have control over what Penny looks like. I believe you will learn a lot from this.”

“P-penny...?” Peter asks, his mouth wide open.

“Ok,” Jenny grins, standing from her seat. “Let’s get started. Follow me.”

Peter shakes his head in one last defiant action. “No F’ing way am I dressing as a woman! I’m leaving.”

Peter stands and pushes past his aunt. Stomping into the hallway, he quickly finds his boots and slides them on. Jenny appears in the doorway and leans against the frame. Expecting her to be angry, she’s just smiling at him.

“Go on then….,” Jenny says, her voice stern and powerful. “Leave. If you walk fast, you should get back home by sundown.”

Sliding his other boot on, Peter stands and gives Jenny the finger. “F you.”

Jenny smiles, “Hunny….that’s what your uncle is for.”

Reaching for her phone, he chuckles. “That’s a point. Best tell him to trash your bike. If you leave now, you won’t have anywhere to live, so you deffo won’t be needing a Harley.”

Peter watches Jenny tapping on her phone. As she brings it to her ear, he grits his teeth hard. He’s adamant he’s not dressing as a woman! They’ve all gone crazy!

“Hey Owen,” Jenny says, staring deep into Peter’s eyes. “Yeah…do the thing.”

“NO WAIT!” Peter cries out and swiftly slides off his boots. “Please…don’t!”

A moment of silence passes as Jenny holds the phone to her head. She looks at Peter’s tearful expression and knows she’s got him.

“What’s…. you’re…. name?” Jenny asks Peter plainly, still on the phone with Uncle Owen.

Peter looks down at his feet. “It’s….,” he pauses and wipes his eyes. “It’s Penny.”

A wide smile creeps across Jenny’s face.

“Never mind Owen,” Jenny says down the phone. “False alarm. Our niece is now cooperating.”

Telling her husband that she loves him, Jenny hangs up the phone. Peter has now fallen to the floor in a heap and is holding his head in his hands.

Jenny kneels in front of him and touches the top of his head lightly. “Good girl. Accepting your new name is such a great start!”

Peter snobs into his hands. “T-this…is going to r-ruin me.”

“No, Penny…sweetheart,” Jenny says with reassurance. “This will make you a better man. More than that, a better person.”

Jenny Allows Peter a few moments to allow everything to sink in. As his sobbing slows, Jenny stands and holds out her hands. “Come on….,” Jenny says softly. “Let’s get started.”

Reluctantly, Peter takes hold of Jenny’s hand. Jenny is thrilled as she helps Peter up onto his feet. It’s going so much better than she imagined it would.

“Right then sweety,” Jenny says, looking up at the staircase. “I’m sure a pretty little thing like you is desperate to get yourself clean. Look at all this body hair.”

Peter feels the stubble on his face. He frowns.

“Not becoming of a woman in my opinion,” Jenny says, leading Peter upstairs. “You’ll feel so much more feminine once you’ve had a nice long shower and a close shave. I know I always do.”

Peter doesn’t say anything. He just follows Jenny. As they reach the top of the stairs, Jenny looks down the hall. “That’s your room at the end on the left. “It’s your cousin, Remi’s old room. I’m sure she won’t mind if you borrow it.”

Jenny leads Peter down the hall and pushes open his new bedroom door. Peter looks inside and see’s the soft pink walls and the light-colored furniture. It’s very much a teenage girl’s room. Left exactly how Remi left it before she left for the city.

“Needs a little tidy,” Jenny says, brushing off some of the dust on a nearby chest of drawers. “that’s ok, we can both tidy it later.”

Peter looks around at the feminine stuff out on display. Potions, lotions, and all sorts of makeup, all discarded on the top of the chest of drawers. He picks a single bottle and looks at it.

He studies it for a moment. “I don’t want to do this Auntie,” he admits.

“What’s that Penny?” Jenny smiles, moving to stand next to him.

“I don’t want to be a girl.” He says, emotionless.

Jenny steps closer once more and puts her hands on his shoulders. “Penny sweety,” she says sternly, gripping tight so it almost hurts. “Lesson one. You are a girl now, so don’t fight it.”

Peter feels Jenny's fingernails digging into his skin through his baggy t-shirt. He’s a little scared of his auntie. He’s never been able to get away with anything with her—not like his mom.

Peter says nothing, he just puts down the bottle and then looks down at his feet, dejected.

Jenny lets go of him and smiles to herself. “Follow me, Penny.”

Leading Peter into another room, she opens the door and proudly shows him the items she has spread across the double bed. Peter looks down at the fleshed-colored garments and he quickly understands what some of them are.

He points at the garments that look like a woman’s chest. “Seriously?”

Jenny lifts the flesh-colored garment and holds it up. The mounds upon it sag with weight. “I’ve got this chest plate with C-cups, or we’ve got B-cups or D-cups. I’m leaving it to you with what size you’d like to be.”

Peter doesn’t really know what Jenny is saying. “Erm….,” he mumbles, reaching out to touch the garment's fleshy mound. “I don’t know—I’m not a woman.”

“Sweety,” Jenny says sternly. “I don’t want to hear you ever say anything like that again. You are a woman!”

Peter looks at her stern expression and steps back.

“What are you!?” Jenny reacts and asks in frustration.

Peter thinks about it for a moment. “…. a…. woman.”

“Good girl,” Jenny grins, changing her attitude completely. “Now, what size would you like to be?”

Peter looks down at the other chest plates laying on the bed. He deffo doesn’t wanna wear the bigger ones. That would be awful. At least with the smaller ones, he could hide them a little more.

Peter looks down at the B-cup breastplate. “This one.”

“Good!” Jenny claps, throwing the garment in her hand down on the bed. “I was hoping you’d say that one. Remi was a B-cup. You will fit into all the bras she left here!”

Peter says nothing, he just stares down at the chest that is destined to be his. That’s when Jenny touches Peter’s shoulders.

“Hmm…,” she says, measuring his body with her hands. “Funny, I’d say you’ve got a similar build to my daughter. That’s helpful.”

“Great…,” Peter grumbles, stressfully rubbing his face with a single finger.

Getting a little too excited, Jenny bounces around Peter and points at a few more garments on the bed. Peter looks at them, but it is not as obvious what they are for.

“This one,” Jenny grins, holding up a thick-looking pair of under. “Is your hip and ass enhancer.”

“Should give you a lovely figure,” she comments, putting it down and reaching for another much smaller garment. “This is a gaff. It’s for tucking away your bits to give you a more feminine crotch.”

Peter frowns and grits his teeth. Just the idea of ‘tucking’ makes him feel very uncomfortable. “I’m not wearing that,” he says timidly

“Trust me, baby,” Jenny laughs, putting it back down. “When you’re wearing leggings or a pretty dress, you’re going to want this on. It will give you more confidence.”

Peter grumbles and folds his arms. “Confidence,” he remarks sarcastically. “You’re going to ruin that completely.”

Jenny ignores his snidey comment and points at the dresser in the corner of the room. Sitting upon it is two long wigs. One a deep dark red and the other a bright golden blonde.

“I like the red wig a lot,” Jenny explains, touching her own hair. “I always wished I was a redhead.”

“Wonderful,” Peter gripes, looking at the wigs.

Jenny looks up at peter’s natural wispy light brown hair. “It’s up to you of course. I think the blonde would probably match your eyebrow color—but I think Penny would make a super cute redhead.”

Peter gives Jenny a wry smile. “Erm….”

“Right anyway,” Jenny claps with purpose. “Let’s get you all cleaned up. You can use the bathroom down the hall. There are razors for you to shave your entire body.”

Peter gives Jenny a look of disgust.

“Don’t make faces like that Penny!” Jenny laughs. “You’ll face will get stuck like that. Plus, once you’re all smooth and you’ve put some moisturizer on, you’ll feel a million bucks…I promise.”

Not wanting to waste any more time, Jenny leads Peter to the bathroom and pushes him inside. Pointing out all the stuff he needs to feminize his body, she gives him the wide smile as she stands at the door.

“Give me a call if you need anything, sweety,” she says. “Let me know once you’re finished and I will come up and help you with your forms. I wanna make sure they fit you correctly. After all—you’re not going to be taking them off much.”

Peter holds a razor in his hands as he looks at her happy expression. “I hate this,” he comments.

“I know…,” Jenny replies, slowly shutting the door. “It’s for the best.”

As she shuts the door, Peter stands completely still and despondent. He looks at the razor in his hand and then lowers his head.

Thirty minutes later, Jenny comes back up and knocks gently on the closed bathroom door. “Penny…? How are you getting on?”

Peter doesn’t answer, so Jenny decides to go in. As she slowly enters, a waft of steam bellows from the room. Standing at the mirror with a towel around his waist is Peter. He looks at Jenny as she opens the door, and she can see he’s been crying.

Looking down at his legs, they are smooth and hairless. “Feel better?” she asks.

Peter doesn’t answer, he just continues to rub in the moisturizer Jenny had left out for him.

“Stay there,” Jenny says as she quickly nips into the other room. Grabbing the gaff she showed him earlier, she brings it back to him in the bathroom.

“Put this one,” she commands, holding the gaff out to him. “Make sure you put your tackle in it correctly, otherwise you won’t be able to use the toilet like a girl.”

Pulling a sour face, Peter snatches the gaff from her hands.

“Cheer up Penny,” Jenny says, tilting her head to the side. “It’s going to be a long six months if you don’t learn to enjoy this.”

Peter grunts and waves Jenny from the room. Not wanting to fight him, Jenny slowly closes the door behind her. As the door clicks, she stands at the door and listens. She hears the wet towel fall to the floor.

“Penny,” she says, with a sickly-sweet tone. “Meet me in your new bedroom…okay sweety.”

Again, Peter doesn’t answer.

Awaiting Peter in Remi’s old room, Jenny sifts through the clothing left by her daughter. She winches at how dirty the room is. She’s not cleaned in her for months. Looking in the draws, Jenny is pleased to see that a varied selection of her daughter’s underwear that remains—even the naughty stuff.

Picking up a racy red thong, Jenny giggles. “Nah…,” she says quietly. “She’s probably not ready for these yet.”

That’s when the door creaks open and Peter steps into the room with a face like thunder. He still has the towel wrapped around his waist, but his look of discomfort tells Jenny everything she needs to know.

“I assume you fit,” Jenny asks, watching Peter take small steps into the room.

Peter just nods.

“Did you tuck it into the hole as I asked?” Jenny follows up.

Peter frowns but nods once again.

“Good girl,” Jenny reacts positively. “That will make it easier for you to widdle sitting down. Which is how you’re doing to use the toilet from now on…do you understand?”

Peter gives Jenny a dirty look but nods in agreement.

“Right then,” Jenny says taking hold of the chest plate Peter had chosen earlier. “Right, let go of the towel and let’s get you dressed.”

Peter shakes his head. “I…,” he squeaks. “I don’t wanna be naked in front of you.”

“Penny,” Jenny replies like he’s said something stupid. “We are both women here. You’ve got nothing on that skinny little body of yours that I haven’t seen before. Now…drop the towel.”

Noticeably sighing, Peter does as he’s told. The towel falls around his ankles leaving him exposed. Bashfully, he swiftly lowers his arms and covers himself.

Jenny tilts her head and smiles. “No point in hiding that. I need you to raise your arms to put your feminine chest on.”

Slowly raising his arms, Jenny tuts impatiently. “Arms up!” she commands.

Bringing them up quicker, Peter holds his arms up and Jenny threads them through the arm holes of his breastplate. Pulling the rest over his head, she struggles to pull down the tight, stretchy material over his flat male chest.

Tugging and pulling, eventually, she gets it located properly with his new perky chest hanging in the correct location.

Stepping back, Jenny gives him a very approving look. Peter looks down and grumbles to himself. Not only is the not used to having such things hanging from his chest, but he also doesn’t like how heavy they are.

“Weird,” he remarks, as they gently bounce when he moves.

“NOW,” Jenny says with a fierce tone. “You aren’t to take these off. Remember you are a woman now, and women have breasts. If you take them off, I will punish you.”

Listening intently, Peter very quickly nods in agreement.

Jenny’s expression soon softens, and she smiles. “How do they feel?” she asks, looking around him and adjusting the fit.

“Heavy,” Peter replies, unable to take his eyes off them as they hang from his chest.

“Ah, here,” Jenny says, moving over to the chest of drawers. “That’s why we women wear bras. Over the shoulder boulder holder…I call them.”

Picking out a black, simple bra, Jenny holds it out in front of Peter. “Would you like me to help you this first time?”

Peter doesn’t answer, he just stares at the bra in disbelief. He can’t believe what he’s about to put on.

“Ok…,” Jenny reacts sarcastically to Peter’s silence. “Here, put your arms in first. Line up the cups with your breasts…. then reach around the back and do up the clasp.”

Peter does as instructed but struggles to do the clasp. Getting frustrated that he can’t get it done up, he throws his arms down in a huff. “I can’t do it” he complains.

“Let me help,” Jenny says, moving around behind to do up the bra for him. “There, now don’t worry—you’ll soon get used to that.”

“Thanks…,” Peter mumbles, feeling the bra take some of the weight off his chest.

“No problem sweety,” Jenny giggles. “Now, let’s get you into your hip enhancer.”

Walking over to the bed, she picks up the padded garment and holds it out to Peter. Peter takes it from Jenny and pokes at the padded sections on the garment.

“I’m I not to take this off either?” he asks, giving Jenny a worried look.

“Nope,” Jenny swiftly answers. “Don’t worry, it’s all waterproof and stuff. So, you can still shower and everything.”

“Wonderful,” Peter huffs, looking at the garment's many holes, not sure how it goes on.

Jenny quickly helps.

“This part is your new hips,” she says, turning the garment the right way up. “And these will be your new lovely plump feminine bum. Should make you a hit with the boys.”

Peter’s face drops and his mouth falls open. “BOYS!?” he screeches, pushing the garment back towards Jenny. “No way am I putting this on!”

Jenny’s face looks unimpressed, she tries to smile, but she’s getting tired of his attitude. “Penny…,” she says slowly, pushing the garment back into his hands. “I’m sorry that scares you but let’s face reality right now. You are a cute girl, who will be wearing cute things. You will get attention from boys—I suggest you get over it quickly.”

Peter’s face remains terrified. Shaking a little, he starts lowering the garment to his legs. As he threads his first leg into the hip enhancer, Jenny’s face brightens, and she smiles.

“There we go,” she says, watching him slide the garment up and around his hips. “See, easy. How does that feel? Tight anywhere?”

Peter again is fascinated by how the garment bounces around as he moves. The cheeks of his new ass feel heavy, and his hips make him feel as wide as a bus.

“Not tight,” Peter comments, turning his head to try and see his backside. “Just feels strange. I feel like I’ve just gained like ten pounds, but all around my ass.”

“Yeah…,” Jenny replies, reaching down to ensure the fit is correct. “I can understand that.”

Pleased with how everything has fitted on Peter’s body, Jenny steps back and checks him out. Peter goes bright red, and Jenny runs her eyes all over his now feminized body. Instinctively, he covers his chest and his crotch, just like a woman.

Jenny then hands him the matching panties. Watching Peter pull them up, she is pleased.

“Matching underwear at all times,” Jenny commands. “I don’t wanna see you with different colors. That’s a nightmare when it comes to the laundry.”

Peter sighs, but nods in agreement.

As Jenny moves around the room looking for an outfit for him to wear, Peter stands nervously in just his underwear. Secretly, while Jenny is not watching, he bounces his body and smiles at the jiggle action that occurs.

“Erm…., Auntie,” Peter eventually says as he watches her move around Remi’s old room. “What am I doing about school? Am…. I…. going as a girl?”

Head in the closet, Jenny continues looking at the clothes hanging. “Erm…,” she says, talking at the clothes. “Not sure yet Hun. The school is happy for you to have six months out, but if we can, I’d like you to go back to school as Penny.”

Peter nervously swallows back hard as he looks down at his bra supporting his feminine chest. He knows going to school like this would be the end of his popularity and reputation as one of the cool kids.

“Ah…!” Jenny reacts passionately, pulling out a black pair of yoga paints. “I knew Remi had some of these in here. This and a tank top should be the perfect attire to help me clean this room.”

Handing the yoga pants to Peter, she moves onto the chest of drawers. Pulling out a matching black tank top, she holds it up.

“I thought we’d start simple for your first girly outfit, Pen,” Jenny grins. “Maybe once we’ve cleaned up you can wear a dress for dinner.”

Peter sighs, but quickly puts the yoga pants on. The very tight material clings to his every curve. Looking down at his legs, he can’t believe just how feminine they now look. He dreads to think what his new plump ass looks like.

Pushing the tank top into his hands, Peter soon puts that over his head and awkwardly pulls it over his feminine chest.

The tank top is also tight and clings to his curves, but Peter is somewhat relieved to have clothes on.

“I….,” Peter says, pinching at his tank top, trying to get it comfortable around his chest. “Feel silly Auntie.”

“Hush now,” Jenny scoffs. “You look great, and I think you know you look great. No one likes false modesty Penny. I’d wish to have a figure like yours.”

Peter goes red and he looks away all embarrassed. Jenny can’t help but secretly giggle at his reaction.

“Oh wait!” she laughs, pointing up at Peter’s messy brown hair. “The wig! I almost forgot!”

Peter touches his head and a smile creeps across his face. “I wanna…,” he grins wider. “Be a redhead.”

A little stunned at his forthright answer, Jenny blinks twice. “Okay…,” she replies, giving a wry smile. “Let me go get it.”

Swiftly entering the other room to get the wig from the dresser, she brings it back into Penny’s room and holds it out. Stroking her hands through the long maroon strands, she smiles.

Not saying a word to each other, Peter is more than helpful as Jenny seats the wig correctly on his head. As the long strands fall around his back and chest, Jenny strokes the bangs from Peter’s face.

“Well, I could have seen this coming,” Jenny laughs, looking up at the wig as she adjusts the fit. “With long hair, you look just like your mom.”

“Are you jealous!?” Peter says, with a snidey tone. “That I’m a redhead and you’re not.”

“Penny…!?” Jenny says confused at Peter’s attitude. “Did you choose that one to spite me?”

“Yes,” Peter replies quickly, giving a cheeky grin.

“Oh, sweety!” Jenny laughs, causing Peter to frown. “Did it not occur to you that I wanted you to wear the red wig. I baited you into it. Oh, silly girl. Do you forget I’ve already raised a daughter? You won’t get anything over me, little girl.”

Peter says nothing as his plan to get back at Jenny falls on its ass. Jenny can’t help but giggle as she gathers Peter’s wig and puts it into a tight ponytail.

“I expect you to look after this wig,” Jenny commands sternly, directly into Peter’s left ear. “It’s real human hair and cost me a lot of money. You are to wash and condition it every two days. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes auntie,” Peter answers with a long sigh.

Letting go of his ponytail, Peter feels the weight of his long new hair upon his head. He brings his hands up to touch the wig and he’s surprised at how soft it is. Wafting his head from side to side, he enjoys the feeling of the hairs tickling his bareback.

“Look at me,” Jenny commands, now standing directly in front of Peter. “We aren’t doing a full makeup look tonight, just some mascara.”

Jenny holds a small black brush in front of Peter’s eyes. “Eyes wide open. When I tell you to blink, you blink.”

Peter stands ridged as Jenny works the brush so close to his eyes. He’s nervous she’s going to poke him directly in the eye.

He blinks when instructed and he feels the heavy black liquid coating his eyelashes.

“Good,” Jenny smiles, putting the lid back on the mascara. “Today is just about getting comfortable with your new body. Tomorrow we will learn about makeup. Does that sound good?”

Peter blinks several times, very aware of the makeup on his face. “Ok.”

Jenny puts her hands together and swoons. “Your mom would be so proud of you right now Penny. When she’s ready, we will invite her over to meet the new you.”

“Will that be soon,” Peter asks quickly?

“Let’s not rush things,” Jenny replies softly. “I think my sister needs a little time…okay sweety.”

“Oh….,” Peter responds, bereft of energy.

The next hour is a complete eye-opener for Peter. Just moving his body is so very strange in every regard. His wider hips mean he keeps knocking into things. His chest keeps wanting to break free when he bends down. He feels like he must completely relearn how to hold his body.

That’s not the worst of it. The hair that keeps falling into his eyes is driving him mad. He’s trying to help dust and tidy, but he keeps having to blow the hair away from his face.

Eventually, after a lot of hard work, the room looks like new. Jenny did allow Peter to take down the posters Remi had put up on the wall. She wants Peter to feel comfortable in his new surroundings. Jenny even got a moment to show Peter around the room.

It was a very odd experience for Peter when his auntie was telling him what draws his bra go in and where he should keep his panties. Still, he was pleased to see a few pairs of jeans hanging in the closet. At least it wouldn’t be dresses all the time.

Wanting to take a break from all the hard work, Jenny and Peter find themselves in the kitchen. Having just made Peter another latte, she sits with him at the kitchen counter.

The two aren’t saying anything to each other, but Jenny is extremely pleased with the progress Peter is making. She’s also pleased to see he’s stopped fiddling with his bra and has gotten somewhat used to having it on.

“Hunny!” A male voice calls out from the hallway. “I’m back!”

Peter’s Uncle Owen steps into the kitchen and Jenny stands to greet him. Peter sinks into his seat, knowing what he looks like.

“Hello dear,” Jenny says, giving her husband a kiss.

“My goodness!” Owen chuckles, moving closer to Peter. “I looked at your two ladies sitting there and for a moment…goodness…for a moment I thought I’d gone back ten years.”

Owen moves to stand in front of Peter on the other side of the kitchen counter. Peter, extremely nervous about how he looks, slowly looks up at his uncle's stunned expression.

“Goodness peter,” he continues, flabbergasted at what he sees. “For a moment their boy…I thought you were my daughter!”

Jenny interrupts and corrects. “Penny.”

“Oh…. sorry!” Owen nervously laughs, scratching his head. “Just wasn’t expecting that blast from the past. You look so much like Remi from behind Pe—Penny.”

Peter sighs and takes a small sip of his coffee.

Owen leans in and whispers. “Hey boy. Your bike is safe. Don’t worry. Just do as your told and I’m sure this will be over real soon.”

Peter anxiously looks around to make sure Jenny can’t hear. Lucky for them, Jenny is looking in the fridge.

“Thank Uncle,” Peter replies softly.

“No problem kid,” Owen whispers. “Now, don’t be getting me in trouble either…you hear. My wife is a passionate woman. I don’t wanna lose my balls either, so let’s just play this as she tells us.”

Peter looks around again to make sure Jenny is not listening. Once he sees she’s not, Peter opens out his body to show his uncle the transformation. “Does this not weird you out?” he asks.

“No,” Owen says nervously. “They’ve been talking about this for weeks. So, in advance. Sorry for treating you like a girl, but that’s what I’ve been told to do!”

The fridge door shuts, and Owen swiftly moves away. “Penny looks just like her mom…. doesn’t she dear?” Owen says anxiously, trying to seem casual.

Jenny stands just behind Peter. “It’s going to be nice to have another woman around the house again. Isn’t that right Penny?”

“Yes Auntie,” Peter answers, putting on a more feminine voice.

Jenny laughs out loud as she moves around the counter to stand next to Owen. “It’s a shame Remi didn’t have any petticoats in her closet.”

Owen scratches his head, unsure why that’s funny. He gives her a real look of confusion.

Jenny huffs. “Cos Penny is getting the petticoat punishment…. you old fool.”

“Oh right…,” Owen chuckles, giving his kiss a peck on the cheeks. “Is that you saying…. you want me to go buy some, dear?”

Jenny laughs and throws her head back. “Now that would be fun…. wouldn’t it Penny?”


Thomas Ebel

Love this story so far very interesting and good. Maybe Penny should start taking the pink pills to transform into a woman forever????


Love this story so far. Will there be more coming?

Brett Schuhkraft

Great story so far Peter deserves to be feminized. He folded too easily I've been working and looking after myself since I was 15 so would have walked out and got a job and a place and when I went back to get my bike if they'd trashed it I'd make them pay for it The way penny folded she'll be bending over for the boys by next week if not it'll be on her first date Hope you keep going with this


Please keep this one going, it was an awesome story so far.

Andrew Person

Cannot wait for more of this storry

Andrew Person

Old chestnut, petticoat punishment