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Here's the next part. Hopefully, the exposition in these stories helps link together My sister Ivy and the Makeup Curse into this saga. 

Again, please let me know if it's making sense so far :P

Pale Pink Packet Part 8

That scared expression on Phoebe’s face makes me want to jump out of the bed and protect her. If what mom is saying is true, that leaves her in danger!

“Why would you protect me and not her!?” I growl, wanting to push my mom from the side of my bed.

Mom glances at us both one by one. I can see the worry on her face again—like she’s keeping something from us. Mom stands up from my bed and paces anxiously around the room.

“I need you both to understand something very important about me.” She says, clearly worked up about something. “You two are my world and love you both with all my heart. I’d do anything to keep you both from harm’s way!”

“Mom,” I screech in frustration, seeing the fear in Phoebe’s eyes. “Is Phoebe in danger!?”

“Is that why you’ve been teaching me how to use that sword!?” Phoebe yelps. “Is Green coming for me to MOM!?”

Mom paces around the room some more, before stopping in front of Phoebe. Placing her hands on her shoulder, she forces a reassuring smile.

“That’s true,” she says gently. “ but not one hundred percent the reason why I’ve been teaching you.”

Looking back at me, Phoebe looks extremely concerned. “Please, Mom. Am I in danger?”

Mom frowns and bites at her bottom lip. She’s deffo hiding something from us—I've seen that look before!

“Ok,” she says, reluctantly letting go of Phoebe’s shoulders. “I need to tell you something, Phoebe. You won’t like it, but I first need you both to understand my reasons.”

“Mom…?” Phoebe says, fearing what our mom to say.

“You see,” mom says and begins to pace around the room once more. “When Yibixus collapsed, and our people fled to this world. We didn’t quite…. erm…. fit in here how we wanted.”

My imagination takes over. “What…where you like little green men running around…. freaking everyone out?”

“No,” Mom stops pacing to give me a small smile. “Grimalkins present like cats in this world. Just like ordinary felines.”

“Cats?” Phoebe asks, giving mom a stupid look. “Mom, are you trying to tell us we are cat people?”

“You can imagine the issues that caused us,” Mom answers frankly. “It didn’t sit well with many of us. We soon banded together to change that. The first of us that transformed into humans created a safe place for all our kind. It was a factory not far from here. It was like a front for all Grimalkins lost in this world.”

Mom continues to pace around the room.

“The company we created was called The Life Expanding Company. It gave us a foothold and somewhere for us to reintegrate into the world we found ourselves in.”

Mom then stops and opens out her body for us to look at. “So, there you go. I transformed into this woman before you. This human woman.”

“You expect us to believe that mom?” I ask, looking at her with a dumb expression.

“It’s the truth Aiden,” she answers. “I can also tell you of the worry I had at the time. I was pregnant with you Aiden during my transformation. We were all very concerned about what my transformation to a human would do to you. Much to our relief, you were born an ordinary human boy with no obvious side effects.”

I scrunch my face before rubbing at my forehead. “So, if what you are telling us is true, this factory still exists, right?”

“Well kinda,” mom answers bluntly. “Green discovered it. He then murdered the entire town to get to us. It’s not safe there.”

“Murdered!?” Phoebe gasps, starting to shake a little.

“Yes. There was nothing I or any of us could do and well…. all went into hiding. He’s looking for the shard that hangs around my neck and Green will do anything to get it.”

I look at Phoebe and she’s clearly very frightened. I mean, I’m not too pleased either. Who is this Green person and why would he murder an entire town!?

“Sweety…,” Mom says softly, comforting Phoebe by touching her on the arm. “Please don’t be scared. I…. erm…. there’s something you should know about yourself.”

I watch on as Phoebe and Mom stare into the eyes of each other. It’s a tense moment and I dare not say a word.

Phoebe looks down at the floor and she cuts a dejected figure. I’ve never seen her look so devoid of life.

“I wasn’t….,” Phoebe eventually says, her voice full of pain. “I wasn’t born a girl…was I mom?”

I stare and Phoebe in disbelief and so does mom.

“No,” mom eventually answers,, now holding Phoebe’s shoulders. “You were born a boy.”

Phoebe exhales and wipes at her eyes. “I think… I already knew.”

“You did?” Mom asks surprised

“Yeah,” Phoebe answers quietly. “I’ve never felt…. happy about the way I look. It’s always kinda felt wrong—like I don’t really fit in.”

Phoebe looks over at me and I can see the pain in her eyes. It reminds me of the pain I feel when I look into the mirror at my own body.

“I think this is why I’ve tried to help you so much Aiden,” Phoebe says, forcing a smile through her pain. “Deep down I understand your pain completely. Even though I’ve been raised a girl, it still never felt right.”

“Mom….!” I huff, unable to believe what she Is capable of. “You’ve kept that from Phoebe all her life! Are you trying to make us both hate you!?”

“I’m…. s-sorry,” mom sobs, looking away from us both. “You think I wanted to hurt you both? All I wanted to do was keep my world safe! I’m sorry that meant messing with your bodies as I have, but that was the only way!”

“Wait!” Phoebe interrupts with anger in her voice. “Why is it you changed me as a newborn, but you waited until Aiden was a young adult?”

Mom looks at me. “When Aiden was born, we didn’t know Green was after us. It was only after the factory and the town got attacked that we knew. That happened to be around the time you were born Phoebe, so we took action. Obviously, that meant Aiden was already a two-year-old boy. Changing him too would have led to a lot of unwanted attention.”

“But it’s ok now!?” I angrily question, gritting my teeth. “I don’t think so!”

“I know you’re angry at me sweety,” mom replies, giving me a smile. “I had to wait for the right time to change you. Unfortunately, that meant until only recently when you broke your leg.”

“Right…,” I reply disgruntled

“Lucky really,” mom grins, seemingly pleased. “you both make such fine women. Makes me extremely happy what lovely sisters you are to each other!”

“Not like we had a choice,” Phoebe grunts, folding her arms.

“No, I guess not,” Mom replies nervously. “But you are both safe from being taken by the orb and that’s the most important thing!”

“Mom…,” I say, still having questions on my mind. “Who is Green? What does he really want?”

“Good question,” she replies, holding her hands on her hips. “I have no idea what he looks like anymore. He could literally be anyone! When the orb absorbs a soul, Green takes on their appearance.”

“So he could be a she?” Phoebe asks.

“Indeed so,” mom answers quickly. “That’s why we have to get the pink packet back Aiden!”

Like a blunt strike to my head, the seriousness of the situation dawns on me. That girl Ivy, who stole the packet from me is in grave danger! Mom really wasn’t lying! No wonder she got so worked up.

“The girl from the gym!?” I reply, almost freaking out. “She’s in trouble now… right? Just having hold of some of the packet makes her a target for Green…right?”

“In big trouble,” Mom answers with worry. “I don’t wanna anyone else to get hurt because of my mistakes! Now you’re awake Aiden, we have to go back to the gym and you need to point her out!”

“Guys….?” Phoebe squeaks, quietly interrupting. “What did you say her name was?”


Phoebe starts tapping at her phone and then she holds it out toward me. “Is this her?”

Phoebe has opened some social media app. On the screen is a profile for a girl who does makeup and cosplay looks. The girl looks remarkably like the Ivy I met at the gym!

“I erm…..,” I look closer to make sure. “Yeah, I think that is her.”

Phoebe lowers her phone and starts tapping away once more. “Mom….,” she says, still looking down. “Would it be really bad news if she used the pink pills on someone?”

“Extremely bad news,” mom answers with a serious tone.

“Ah…,” Phoebe says, holding up the phone for us both to look at once again. “This is her brother Jordan. Her bother lets her do cosplay looks on him, usually female ones. Just recently, the brother has started to look more and more feminine. I mean, look at this picture. He looks like a girl! I don’t think it’s a coincidence.”

“That’s her brother?” I ask, looking at his picture on the phone.

“Is that so hard to believe…?” Phoebe replies, lowering the phone to point at my feminine chest.

I look down at the bra holding up my chest. “Ah…. I guess not.”

“This is fantastic work, Phoebe!” Mom cheers, clearly a little relieved. “We need to go and find this Ivy and take the packet from her.”

“What if she’s used the pink pills?” Phoebe questions.

Deep in thought, mom looks up at us both and smiles. “We will have to take them into protection.”

“Protection?” I ask, giving her a dumb face.

“Yeah sweety,” Mom smiles. “We are Grimalkin women. We are warriors. It’s what we do!”

Pointing at my mom's crazy outfit, I give her a sarcastic comment. “I think that crazy getup is going to your head mom.

Mom’s face lights up and Phoebe starts shaking her head. I look at them both confused.

“Now you’ve done it,” Phoebe says with a sigh.

“Don’t be like that Pheebs!” Mom says passionately. “You should feel proud to wear such an outfit. They were reserved for the best of us!”

I look over a Phoebe in worry. “What is she on about?”

“Aiden…,” mom says cheerfully, clapping her hands together. “You need to get into your armor—and so do you Phoebe!”

I look back and forward at them both in disbelief. “Armour? You’ve gotta be kidding me. I ain’t going out dressed like that!”

Phoebe sighs and rubs her face. “Come on Aiden,” she says sourly. “I’ll help you into yours and you can help me to mine.”

Phoebe leads me into mums room and they weren’t kidding. Hanging in the closet is two sets of armor just like the one mom is wearing.

“It’s a little tight around the backside,” Phoebe comments, taking them out of the closet. “Mom does assure this armor would stop bullets though. That’s cool I guess.”

Tucking in my every feminine curve, Phoebe does my hair and straps me uptight. She wasn’t kidding about it being tight around the ass. I’m going to get so many creeps looking at me! It is crazy how well it fits though, It almost feels like a second skin.

Not really knowing what to do, I then help Phoebe into hers. Once we are finished, we stand in front of the long mirror and look at each other. We look like we are about to go trick or treating.

“Not bad, I suppose” Phoebe jokes, putting a hand on her hip. “We do look like very cute girls for two……. boys.”

I groan at her comment. I guess at least now….we finally know the truth now. As crazy as it is!

“Girls!?” mom shouts up. “There’s no time to waste. We need to find this girl!”



I like the merging of the two stories. Looking forward to the next entry :)


love the exposition here it help answer the questions that were brewing in my head

Thomas Ebel

Very interesting twist to the story. Who exactly is Green ???? Can’t wait till they find Ivy


I think I am following every thing just fine and I love the way you are starting to tie it all together. Can't wait for more!


well I had notice when listening to part 3 that phoebe mentions kinda understanding how Aiden was feeling. which made me think if something similar happened to phebes (which was explained well in this part). the question now brewing in my head is are the trio going to make it to ivy and Jordan in time

Brett Schuhkraft

Wasn't expecting that but I love the way it's going as normal you explain a lot but then you bait another hook Who is green and I do hope you bring in ivy and Jordan soon

Stephen Dollahan

I figured early on, before you mentioned it, the tie in between this, Mittens, and Ivy's story, but it wasn't untill reading this story that I made the connection to the makeup curse. Great stories so far, keep up the outstanding work.