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Harried like prey down the coast, MASTICATE must fight its way through an ambush  if it hopes to save one of the few good things to grow from the blood they spilt.

Win or lose, all roads lead South, into the maw of The Hungry Mother.

Dr. Alice Clarke
, Astrophysicist -- Jess (Don't Hurt Birds)
Cassidy Carroway, Nurse -- Kara (Beneath the Screen of the Ultra-Critics)
Jack Warner, CIA -- Baz (futurewolfington)
Dr. Sarah Smythe, USAMRIID Virologist -- Claire (Relatable Rolls)
MGnySgt. Jack Travenson, USMC -- Jason




The motorcycle rider's speech was pretty great.


I was so happy. I thought that guy had gotten cut from the official version. It warms my heart that he still gets to show up.


Great work as usual! Very excited for the finale of this phase of the campaign and to find out how the agents survive (if at all!). Couple questions: Do you think it's necessary/vital for the players to hear about the deepest legend of the street mythology, Sredni Vashtar? Or in your opinion does the campaign still work even if they don't get that far? When are you going to reveal the name of the final part of the campaign? Thanks again for all your hard work!


For you first question: no. The quiet children are the only people that truly understand Sredni Vashtar, the Hungry Mother, and the truth behind the cosmology. If characters miss the street mythology but still find the Tomas Perez, they've essentially only missed misinformation and half-truths. True understanding of Bast is entirely intuitive and inexpressable as language: like an animal, they know a storm is coming well before the forecast, but could never make sense of the water cycle, doppler radar, or any procedural description of how they arrived at the knowledge. They are attuned to a natural force and act accordingly. They cannot and have never explained how anything actually 'works.' The religion/myth/folklore found at the church is pieced together by children that acquired language (cutting themselves off from understanding the Hidden God) and other hangerons. They have some aspects correct-- or at least mapped onto metaphors -- but its just humans grasping at explanations for little understood force in the cosmos working at the edge of their perceptual capabilities (same as Bast worship in Egypt). I think it's best to go in to God's Teeth accepting that players are never going to "get it" in any meaningful capacity. The campaign has a tons of methods of investigation available for what's happening to the Agents -- all of them lead to rewarding, interesting, and maddening 'clues' -- but, kind of like a Pynchon novel, I refused to let them meet at a singular, definitive Truth. That idea lies forever beyond, beneath and between, inaccessible to a brain plagued by the illusory difference between sign and signifier. Second question: the final scenario is named "The Hidden God"