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With the AP finished, there have been some requests to get the God's Light in front of players.  I've added over 15 pages of content and revised mechanics since Shane posted it on his Patreon (RIP).

Prioritize player safety if you playtest this scenario. I was writing about my real-world anxieties regarding internet radicalization  when I first ran this in 2015, and all of those issues have only worsened in the following decade. Do not recreate felt traumas for people at your table. Be a friend to your players and heed their needs before seeking any commentary or catharsis in the horror.

GL is intended for a God's Teeth tie-in collection we're calling God's Hunt. Each operation is ready for standalone play, but they all slot into the two-decades long campaign frame of God's Teeth. Together, the books can be run as an 8-part epic: a cosmic frame narrative wrapped around a monster-of-the-week nightmare set in the Trump years.

But it has to pass muster as an operation on its own first! That's why feedback is greatly appreciated!

Player Survey
: https://forms.gle/MDcj5FdxAkjw7tDp7

Handler Survey: https://forms.gle/3DKu8C8ruxxPASr36




Are you still after feedback for this? Working to run it this weekend


I'm also hoping to run it in the next three weeks or so. Would be good to know.