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They leave the sinking ambulance disillusioned and paranoid, every protective veil ripped away. In the wake of Cornucopia House, Agents are left to stumble through lives left exposed to a blinding, unbearable reality.

The foggy institutional memory of the Program has not forgotten about Warner, nor the Friendlies he was never supposed to met. The war still has uses for them.

But Delta Green is not the only predator with insatiable appetites, and it is far from the worst.

Alice Clarke
, Astrophysicist -- Jess (Don't Hurt Birds):
Cassidy Carroway, EMT-in-training -- Kara (Beneath the Screen of the Ultra-Critics)
Jack Warner, CIA -- Baz (futurewolfington)
Dr. Sarah Smythe, USAMRIID Virologist -- Claire (Relatable Rolls)
Sgt. Jack Travenson, USMC -- Jason

P.S. I haven't forgotten about Body Team #3. It's coming. I needed to review notes before running the next scenario in the test, so this one jumped ahead in the editing cue. 




If you have a write up of those downtime rules (beyond just asking probing questions) I’d love to see it


Wolf by First Aid Kit came on later today after I finished this episode and it would make for mad montage music for this campaign 😁 excited to hear the updates, God's Teeth is one of my favorites from the olden times