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Travenson leads Smythe over the hill and through the snow covered woods. Wagner tries to keep Clarke from revealing their position on the northern road. The driveway is blocked by the teenage Carroway, trying to remember her twenty minutes of firearms training.

At the center of it all, a hell they were born to liberate.

Alice Clarke
, Astrophysicist -- Jess (Don't Hurt Birds):
Cassidy Carroway, EMT-in-training -- Kara (Beneath the Screen of the Ultra-Critics)
Jack Warner, CIA -- Baz (futurewolfington)
Dr. Sarah Smythe, USAMRIID Virologist -- Claire (Relatable Rolls)
Sgt. Jack Travenson, USMC -- Jason




This was so well done and run. Abuzz with anticipation for the next episode! You're all doing swell here.


Another great game, but why are you guys always using Point Blank rules with shotguns? Shotguns w/ buckshot get +20% at ANY range, and just has a damage falloff at farther distance. Shotgun slugs don't get the +20% though(except at point blank range).