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Here are the notes I used to run "Endless Dive" for the Delta Green Twitch channel. This document isn't a full scenario write-up. I'm not even sure if that's something Delta Green would be interested in publishing.

However, it's not like "Endless Dive" is a difficult scenario to run. I basically designed it as a haunted house under water. Once you get the Agents to the site and inside, the whole thing basically runs of an RNG until a TPK or they figure out the puzzle. I think these notes should be enough to run your Agents through the undersea labyrinth, especially with the AP released today as an example.

Hope you enjoy killing your players. Try not to laugh when they start paranoidly preparing for Deep Ones. 


Endless Dive Notes.pdf



I really suspect the d20 location table may have been left out accidentally.(?) But I'm damn curious about it.


@jake @jonathan. I just kept track of a level. I used the roll to set a starting point, then went up/down, according to a d4 roll. If the reality distortion reset, I retooled the d20 and started over. Had they learned to navigate the maze from Tapa, I would have let them move towards 1 without rolling for each new section. By bypassing the maze, I ditched the system. My thinking was keeping track of one number and the numbers around it was easier than an entire maze. They started at 9. One exit leads to 8, another to 10, and the third to something else roughly 9 units away from the alien controls. Once they hit a distortion effect, I rerolled and started over.