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(WG, XWG, Stuffing, BBW, SSBBW, USSBBW, BHM, SSBHM, USSBHM, Immobility, Masturbation, Demonic magic, Mind loss, light Slob)

Chapter 1: Why still stand up?

Two months after Sara Tubbing's last intact button popped off her blouse while bending over, it had become normal for employees to dress more revealingly in the office. The reason for this was simply that the men's and women's clothes no longer fit far too quickly and they were bursting out of them in no time with their swelling masses of fat. No one in the office was embarrassed anymore to show off their ripped, soiled and shamelessly tight clothes to the others. Breasts wobbled around uncovered while completely naked breeches billowed up to their owners' knees. Pants ripped open over their wearers' asses and sweet flab pushed through the burst seams, but no one was interested or even bothered by this. In addition to this reckless exhibitionism, the employees' hunger was also completely out of control. If it had been possible to speak of insatiability for some time, the conditions in the office were now simply unbelievable. Devil's Delight goods were piled up all over the floor and almost every free space on the walls was filled with vending machines of various kinds. One should have wondered where the electricity for all this equipment came from, but no one cared as long as the wonderful machines kept humming away, providing an endless flow of delicacies to the ever-fattening mountains of meat heaving their way through the office, tormented by hunger. As if by magic, all the vending machines seemed to refill themselves when you weren't looking and most of the waste was removed every night. However, the clumsy employees, who spread out on all sides, produced so much garbage in their cubes and so mindlessly cluttered their cubicles that the large room looked pretty bad every day. Another development was movement, which was increasingly avoided by all the men and women on the floor. Only when it was absolutely necessary and there were no more sweets or ready meals available at their cluttered, far too cramped workstations did the heavyweights heave themselves off their chairs and drag themselves to the vending machines, which were the only thing that could relieve them of their hunger. Every step was a corrosive, tiresome feat of strength that none of the fat people wanted to do. Every morning they rolled out of their cars and cabs and waddled, huffing and puffing, to the elevator of the office building. By now, only a maximum of two people at a time could take the elevator, both in terms of weight and the size of the cabin. Puffing impatiently and munching on something sweet or greasy, the other employees waited every morning until the elevator went back down. Taking the stairs was an absolutely unreasonable idea and in fact some of them wouldn't have been able to manage the climb at all.

While the men and women in the Praesidium branch were getting heavier and fatter, the rest of the population continued to change, albeit much more slowly and to a lesser extent. Nevertheless, fatter and fatter people were seen walking the streets more and more often. Obesity among children and young people also became more and more serious, with parents willingly feeding their offspring only the sweetest and fattiest stuff and eating it themselves. Advertising in all its forms poured in on everyone and more and more of it was specifically tailored to people's changed eating habits and tempted them to consume even more excessively and indulge even more. Documentaries and series about Devil's Delight products, fast food chains and convenience foods were produced, filled with pseudo-scientific findings that obesity is not as harmful as previously assumed. Books, video games, toys, movies, magazines and endless websites flooded the airwaves, all promoting unrestrained eating, indulgence and the joys of stuffing oneself without inhibitions. Everyone, without exception, was caught up in this stream of food and suggestion and the fat grew and grew and grew.

With a contented sigh, Rebecca Norton tossed an empty pie shell into the corner of her office cube and rubbed her bare, stuffed belly. The huge ball of her stomach protruded, heavy and distended, and she stroked it with her swollen fingers. She was only wearing a dirty T-shirt, which probably no longer fitted her 50 kilos. The sleeves had torn under the strain of the huge fat pads on her upper arms and the garment basically only covered her colossal breasts, which hung like fat melons on either side of her belly. Decadent and sluggish, the fat apron of her belly sagged down between the young woman's spread legs almost to the floor. A huge mass of fat adorned with dents and stretch marks. Becca's ass, hips and thighs flowed from all sides like huge sacks of pudding from the barely recognizable office chair, from which all the backrests had already been removed. Her lower half was simply gigantic, with legs as thick as tree trunks, covered in fat and an ass that was now so wide that Becca could no longer reach its end with outstretched flabby arms.

The fat young woman ran her fingers through her blonde hair and looked lazily around her office cube as she continued to massage her overstuffed belly. She discovered nothing that she could eat and only saw clutter and garbage, which didn't bother her. She was amused to realize how much distance she now needed to be from her desk due to her large belly. Becca already had to scoot so far back in her office chair, whose wheels threatened to break off any day, that the flabby extensions of the monster's back were already touching the shelf behind the young woman. What's more, her left hip was already brushing against the wall of her cubicle when she sat or stood at her desk. The fat woman wondered how James Lauders was faring with his almost titanic sagging belly. The man might not even be able to reach his desk if he sat in front of it.

What was more of a problem for Becca herself was her incredibly wide buttocks and the passageway to her cubicle, which was now simply impossibly narrow. Every day she had to squeeze through several times to get more food and each time it was a real effort. The walls of her cubicle were already quite bent due to the mass of her hips and huge ass, but it was no use. There was no solution to this problem, even if Becca would have loved to just sit on her ass and eat without interruption with an endless supply of food at her disposal.

Just as the young woman gathered her strength to rise from her tiny chair compared to her ass, someone stepped into the doorway to her office cube. It was the delivery girl from Devil's Delight who had filled the very first of the vending machines with goods. From then on, Becca had seen the pretty blonde woman in the office from time to time, but less often than the number of vending machines and the amount of food that was consumed in the office each day would have required.

The curvy woman with the long blonde braid and her dark overalls, on which the name Ghilan seemed to glow blood red, smiled warmly at Becca. She continued to subconsciously rub her swollen stomach as she turned around in her groaning chair. Ghilan's gaze slid greedily over the overflowing masses of fat on Becca's grotesquely fatty thighs. The fat on her bloated calves was already slightly overrunning her tiny feet. Becca's large pendulous belly swayed lazily in front of her, swaying limply and softly back and forth.

"Can I do something for you?" the fat woman asked kindly, not at all bothered by being looked at like this. Smiling, Ghilan shook her head, causing her pigtail to sway and her large, round breasts to heave. "No, not really, but I can do something for her. I have something here for her. A brand new development from Devil's Delight that every Praesidium employee has access to from now on. However, only one of the devices is available so far." Ghilan pointed to the cardboard box at her feet, which Becca hadn't noticed until just now.

"Oh yes, what is it?" the fat woman asked curiously, already looking forward to the next joy dispenser that Devil's Delight had devised and filled with delicious delicacies. Then she thought about the size of the box and asked: "Is this supposed to go in my cabin?"

Ghilan nodded cheerfully. "Of course it is. From now on, our treats will be delivered directly to my desk, without the hassle of running back and forth." Becca couldn't believe her ears at first - had her wishes and prayers been answered at that very moment? Did she finally no longer have to use the puny muscles of her gigantic, fat thighs to get food? Her mouth watered as her little fat heart beat faster beneath her overflowing breasts. It really would be an absolute dream to be able to just sit at her desk and eat without any interruptions, except maybe the toilet.

"Is it a vending machine for sweets or something else?"

Ghilan's smile widened and her small, pointed teeth flashed. "No, not exactly. You know what? I'll set it up first and you can see for yourself." She reached into her pocket and pulled a handful of Devil's Delight candy bars with different flavors from a pocket of her jumpsuit and held them out to Becca.

"Here, so they don't fall off the meat while I'm on the job."

Becca took the sweets beaming and began to eat without hesitation. While the fat girl chewed and shoved more and more sweet, melting chocolate into her cute mouth, Ghilan unwrapped the box and fingered the new device right next to Becca's desk. It resembled some kind of small machine for soft ice cream or something similar. Humming happily and skillfully, Ghilan assembled the parts and hoses. Finally, she mounted a holder on the side of the box into which she inserted several dozen paper cups.

"There we have it," she said with satisfaction, looking from the machine to the fat Rebecca, who was spilling from her seat and stroking her fattened fat in thought.

"All that's missing is the most important thing," Ghilan added, attaching a thick hose to the machine that led across the floor and out of the office cube.

"We've installed some large tanks with different flavors on a lower floor. It all comes fresh up here to the taps," the blonde announced proudly.

"Ok, sounds great, but what exactly is 'that' anyway?" asked Becca, looking at the device. Whatever it was, and whatever it tasted like, it was already making the fat woman's stomach growl again.

To demonstrate, Ghilan took one of the paper cups and placed it under some sort of tap or spray nozzle.

"This is the latest milkshake from Devil's Delight and all the staff here get to try it for free. This is where you choose the flavor." Ghilan tapped around on a display that showed countless different flavors and flavor combinations and selected chocolate banana with extra cream. She then pressed the unmistakable red flashing start button and an extremely creamy and greasy liquid immediately bubbled into the cup.

"Here, have a taste."

Becca hastily took the full cup from Ghilan and raised the container to her lips. Greedily, the fatty swallowed the delicious, cool shake that ran down her throat, greasy and sweet. The stuff was damn tasty and the half-liter cup was drained in no time at all. Panting and breathing heavily, with her mouth smeared, Becca held the empty cup out to Ghilan.

"More...please." the fat blonde puffed and licked her full lips.

"Look, here you can refill a used cup without having to get up or take a new one," Ghilan explained and pulled out a plastic tube from the device that reached right in front of Becca.

"Just hold it in the cup, select it and let it run in. You don't even have to stand up to get to the display."

Becca watched, completely enthralled, as another gush of the delicious creation was pumped into the cup and she immediately began pumping gulps of the thick stuff into her stretching, squeezing stomach.

"Have fun with that, sweetie," Ghilan said happily, stroking Becca's stretched, huge belly with his hand on the way out. She in turn reveled in the grandiose taste of the shake and was already dreaming of growing and swelling and being pumped full in an endless stream of deliciousness. If only the annoying trips to the toilet or the walks home didn't have to be, then she could concentrate fully on filling her stomach, because nothing made her happier than that.


Chapter 2: The last visit

The Incarnate One strode happily, not to say in high spirits, in human garb across the parking lot of the Praesidium office, to which he had devoted so much attention in the past months. However, this commitment had already paid off handsomely for him. With every bite the employees here ate, every new kilo they put on, his power and influence increased. His work had spread like a plague from this office, first to the surrounding houses, then to the whole town and finally to other countries. At first, the 12 now beautifully fatty people in this office had served as a source of his power, as they had given in to gluttony again and again, more and more intensely and greedily. With these endless, ever more violent excesses of gorging and fattening, they gave the Incarnate One his power in the first place, with which he extended his seductions to the whole world. Under his influence, humanity slowly but surely changed and all its aspirations were reduced to the greed for food, the addiction to pleasure. Once the devil had begun to spread his seduction in this office in the form of ever more complex and varied dishes and sweets, it quickly became a matter of course outside. Humanity had only needed a little push, as it always did, and now it was sinking into a maelstrom of fattening foods, sugar and never-ending media preaching just such products and a decadent, sedentary lifestyle. Everything was going perfectly and the devil felt his power growing daily, which he could then use to intervene even more seriously in the lives of mortals. With a snap of his fingers, he made the perfectly functioning vending machines shoot out of the ground, with a mere thought he made food companies produce only extremely fattening products and add huge amounts of sugar and a single word, whispered into the ear of a program director, made endless propaganda for getting fat and letting yourself go flicker across all screens. Influencers praised the products he brought to people under the name Devil's Delight, while teaching in schools was even adapted to the interests, more food, and needs, no sport, of increasingly overweight children. All these things and far more were happening daily all over the world, and the Incarnate One stood happily and proudly at the center of this change, enjoying how all his Father's little creatures, so insignificant in detail, were falling hopelessly into sin, the most beautiful of all, gluttony. However, there was still one thing to be done here in the branch of a large insurance company to perfect the system of unlimited gluttony and constant fattening.

With large, powerful steps, the devil stepped out of the open elevator door and looked around the office floor. Everything was full of vending machines, machines and boxes of food. Hoses and cables ran from holes in the corners of the room to the individual office cubicles while various food smells filled the air-conditioned air. A constant hum, rustling and smacking filled the room. Two men, with enormous sagging tights and flabby arms and man-boobs, waddled back to their workstations from one of the many vending machines in scruffy clothes, their thick arms full of ready meals, pizzas and sandwiches. The incarnate watched with satisfaction as the two of them squeezed through the passageways in their office cubicles, their sagging bellies already sluggishly sinking to their knees and taking quite a beating on the plastic walls. It was a real miracle that they were still able to squeeze in there at all, but the devil knew that these two were just the tip of the fat iceberg here in the office. For many other employees, getting up and leaving and entering their rather cramped workspace was a much more difficult task. The devil happily crossed the room and peeked into one or two of the cubicles.

On the one hand, there was the Latina, Marion da Silva, who had developed more than splendidly. While her thighs and calves had relatively little weight, although they still had the girth of the legs of three grown men, her stomach was all the more impressive. A huge ocean of flabby fat, decorated with dents and stretch marks, poured lazily and heavily into her lap and almost all the way to the floor. At the slightest movement, the huge hanging apron swayed from left to right. The huge protruding ball of Marion's stomach pushed forward like an over-inflated beach ball and pressed into the table top. The Latina had been dragging a huge, tight ball in front of her for a long time, but it had finally developed into a massive hanging apron, but with a swollen, incredibly protruding upper abdomen. She actually looked as if the ball of her stomach would explode at any moment under the stretched layer of fat. Shiny and stretched, the swollen ball pushed itself forward. Meanwhile, Marion munched her way through a plate of juicy burgers dripping with sauce and fat, alternating between Nectar of Eden iced tea and milkshakes from the vending machine next to her desk, oblivious to the fact that she was being watched. Her chubby cheeks chewed incessantly as she stared at the screen in front of her and very rarely pressed a few keys with her sausage fingers. Although her belly was already huge, the most prominent feature of the little Latina was undoubtedly her bust. Marion's utopian tits had been pumped full of fat lately and had grown incessantly. Now these huge bags were resting on her desk, pressed to the sides by the growing ball of her paunch and already hanging down again to the left and right of the desk. Marion had placed her equally fat-laden arms on the overflowing masses of her breasts and used them as a comfortable support. The areolas on these flabby cushions, which surpassed even the fattest cow udders, were as big as plates with beautiful, hard nipples. With a smile, the incarnate one withdrew from this cabin and let the beautiful little woman with her incessantly swelling belly and huge bells continue eating in peace.

Afterwards, the Incarnate One looked in on Edward Wale's cabin and was pleased to see that he too had become quite stuck in his cube. It was certainly still possible for him to get out of his place with difficulty, after all he had gotten in at some point before, but the dimensions that the young man had assumed were quite enormous. Eddie was basically a single collection of fat rolls, spreading out in every conceivable direction. His enormous hanging paunch, divided into three rolls, sagged heavily between his spread legs and even dwarfed Marion's fat sack. Eddie munched on a huge portion of chicken wings from the Farmer's Feast vending machine with relish and just as absent-mindedly as his big-breasted colleague. He kept wiping his BBQ sauce-smeared fingers on his far too tight T-shirt, under which his belly hung out like a gigantic, flabby sack. His stomach also stood out as a menacing ball that swelled further with every bite. Eddie's triple chin wobbled rhythmically, encircling his entire thick neck with a bulging roll of fat and merging into his massive chest, which was padded with flab. Quite voluptuous man boobs stretched the fabric of the top as well as the bulging underboob rolls just below. Staring unblinkingly at his screen, Eddie nibbled the meat from one chicken wing after another and, like Marion, took a sip of his milkshake every now and then to wash it all down. In fact, Eddie was now so massively bloated that the fat from his legs and especially his huge pillows of bacon from his upper arms bumped into things all over the cramped cabin whenever the fat man moved. After he had had his fill and was also very satisfied with Eddie's development, the devil withdrew and leisurely continued on his way. He definitely took his time, because no one was running away from him. The heavyweights, who had completely succumbed to the feeding frenzy and its temptations in various flavors, were not going anywhere. The Incarnate One always enjoyed admiring the fruits of his hard work and always took plenty of time to do so. He was fulfilled by what he did in this world and was only too happy to bathe in the splendor of the works he had created.

Right next to Eddie's cabin was Sara Tubbing's and that's where the devil was now peering in. The young woman with her beautiful red hair was just about to empty a cup of strawberry milkshake. With big pumping gulps, she pumped the creamy mass into her overflowing stomach. Unlike Marion or Becca, Sara's weight was distributed fairly evenly across her figure. Everything was now gigantic but well distributed in relation to each other. She was wearing an extremely loose but still far too tight summer dress, the floral pattern of which had already been joined by a few stains and splashes. The huge, flabby, puffy breasts with the strong blue veins bulged out of the neckline at the top. At the bottom of the hem of the dress, which was very strained on all sides, the protuberance of Sara's mammary gland was hanging out and swinging a little lower than it did on Eddie. The way Sara let her fat pot-bellied apron sink between her spread legs, which were covered in rolls of fat and bags, her belly was only a few centimeters from the floor. Behind the young woman stretched an enormous ass, over which the poor dress had ridden up. You could see that the young woman wasn't wearing any panties, as they probably hadn't fitted her for a long time. Her water ball-sized buttocks spread out in all directions and made the seat of her office chair disappear completely. Sara's voluptuous buttocks and her huge thighs covered in rolls of fat also hung down to the middle between the chair and the floor.

As the trainee put the empty cup away, panting, she immediately grabbed the next one. Her entire desk was covered with already filled cups, as well as several full bottles and cans. Sara seemed to have quite a fondness for all of Devil's Delight's drinks. The devil watched calmly as the young woman continued to pump herself full and her distended upper abdomen continued to swell. She seemed to notice just as little that she was being watched as her two colleagues before her. Admittedly, the man in the flesh had his ways of not attracting attention when he didn't want to, but that wasn't necessary here. Every employee in the office was so focused on their own body and stomach in particular that all that mattered to them was food intake and nothing else. But there did seem to be one thing.

The devil watched enthusiastically as Sara closed her eyes, put the next cup on the table and continued to pump large gulps into her stomach, which was becoming more and more oppressive and gurgling. Then the young woman pulled up the front of her summer dress and tucked it under her hanging, heavy bacon tits. Now her huge, simply impossibly fat hanging belly was on display in all its glory. How beautifully the enormous, rock-hard mammary gland under her breasts continued to swell outwards. It looked as if she had swallowed a volleyball and gallons of extremely fatty and sweet drinks were still flowing down her throat. Then the fat woman reached her free hand under the huge apron of her belly, which hung lazily between her thighs but was also so wide that even with her legs spread as wide as possible, her belly still rested on her thighs to the left and right. Groaning, Sara buried her small, chubby fingers in her massive rolls of fat and her vagina, which was completely covered in flab. It must have been extremely difficult to reach such grotesque dimensions and it visibly strained the fat woman. At the same time, you could see the excitement that filling her stomach gave her. Her face grew redder and redder as she continued to fill her tank with her eyes still closed. Her fat breasts rose faster and faster, while the nipples of her massive tits protruded hard under the fabric of her dress.

What a wonderful sight this unspeakably fat young woman was as she sat there, almost too heavy to stand up or walk and so horny from her boundless gluttony that she was completely uninhibited and half-naked at her workplace. The devil wondered how she even made it into her cubicle and the next moment thought about the problems she must have had getting her legs dressed or sitting on the toilet. He had come to this office today precisely to solve these problems and to enable his best fattening pigs to continue to lead a carefree life that was determined purely by getting fat. He left fat Sara to the things she apparently still had to do and went to the next cubicle.

The next cube belonged to Carl Gates, the short fitness freak. The devil had thought he wouldn't have such an easy time with him, but in fact the balding man had been anything but disciplined or strong-willed once the foundations had been laid with the first Devil's Delight products. In no time at all, Carl had stayed away from the gym and was only too happy to avoid exercise. The little man had happily thrown all resolutions and self-imposed limits overboard and plunged into the maelstrom of gluttony and obesity. The devil always spoke to the darkest, deepest secrets and in Carl's case it had apparently been a spurned need for a very long time to stuff himself according to all the rules of the art and simply let himself go.

Now an extremely fat mountain of flesh was sitting in Carl Gate's office cube with rolls of fat under his armpits bursting through the seams of his skin-tight shirt. The little man seemed to consist of nothing but piles of fat rolls pressing out of his battered clothes. Massive male breasts, which dwarfed even the cups of some properly blessed women, adorned his broad, once so defined chest. Underneath, all the buttons of his shirt, soiled with all kinds of sauces, had popped off and, like Eddie's, a mighty paunch bulged between the little man's short legs. Unlike his colleagues, Carl even noticed the devil slithering into the small cabin. Surprised, but not particularly interested, he turned his bacon-wrapped head and looked at the devil. His cheeks and fat chin wobbled as he shoved another forkful of pie into his mouth.

"Good morning," Carl mumbled from between the buttercream and immediately turned back to his screen. Grinning, the devil's gaze wandered over the little man's incredibly broad back, from which rolls of fat stuck out and hung down in all directions. The unbelievably tight jeans showed a decent bricklayer's cleavage and Carl probably couldn't get the pitiful pants far enough over his relatively narrow but fat bottom. The man had a wedge-shaped figure and gained little weight in his arms and legs, but his upper body grew wider and wider with every kilo. It was a small miracle that he was still able to find shirts to wear, let alone button them up at least partially. After taking a few moments to watch the fat little man eat, the devil left the cube and continued on his way.

As he passed the toilets, Simon Rentavice stepped out of the men's room. The African-American waddled heavily to the nearest vending machine to get several portions of fish and chips with a crazy amount of fatty remoulade. The devil walked past Simon, who pulled his ill-fitting trousers up over his sprawling bottom, and headed for the glass office of the boss, Esther Woodworth. When he was almost past the office cubes, Ghilan stepped out from behind the last plastic wall and took a step towards him with her head bowed. The female demon was wearing a very tight-fitting black trouser suit, which really showed off her voluptuous curves. Ghilan's large breasts practically popped out of her cleavage. As usual, she had braided her blonde hair into a plait, only this time it was artfully wound up at the back of her head and secured with two long hairpins. Ghilan adjusted her black glasses with her slender fingers, causing the lenses to flash briefly. The devil stopped in front of her, his hands buried in the pockets of his suit trousers, and scrutinized the demoness in front of him.

"I must say, you've done well. I didn't think my strength would be enough at the beginning if there were only two of us here. After all, I wanted to bring Coatlicue with me. But I have to commend you, you did an excellent job of corrupting those humans."

Ghilan's eyes flared red and orange for a moment and she slapped her hands over her mouth. The joy of this praise completely threw her off her game.

"Thank you, my lord," she gasped excitedly and overjoyed. Slightly annoyed by this reaction, the devil averted his eyes. The demon was about to say something else when a glance from her master silenced her as soon as he looked at her again.

"Calm down again. Speaking of which, where is Coatlicue at the moment?"

Ghilan cleared his throat and then said in an effortlessly matter-of-fact tone, "I tried to track her down, but it's pretty hard to locate her, her aura is muted, I guess she's involuntarily inhabiting a human body. As far as I could sense, she should be somewhere in Europe."

The devil thought about it and finally sighed. "We'll take care of that in time, as I said you've done a good job on your own. Come on, let's put the finishing touches to this."

"Yes!" the demoness confirmed exuberantly and followed her master, excited and hyped up. They both entered the cluttered and cluttered office without knocking.

Esther sat behind her desk, the screen in place but the keyboard to one side to make room for the huge bowl of lasagna from which the boss was eating with a large spoon, you could only call it that. Her whole face was smeared with red Bolognese sauce, as were her clothes and the whole table. Next to the bowl were several cups of shake and a few bottles of cola. The devil almost laughed when he saw Esther. The woman had put on one of her typical blasers from just a few months ago and at first glance it actually seemed to fit really well. The middle-aged woman had only put on a little weight on her face, shoulders, breasts and arms and all the buttons on the top and the shirt underneath were fastened. However, the devil knew exactly what it looked like underneath. Esther's upper body was plump at best, which was an almost comical, comic-like contrast to her lower half. And the boss of the office wasn't even really pear-shaped. Of course, she had developed relatively wide hips and a sizable fat ass, but the shape of her belly and the distribution of fat there was something really worth seeing.

"Hello, Miss Woodworth," the devil greeted the woman behind the desk in a friendly manner and with a charming smile.


Chapter 3: The takeover

Esther Woodworth looked up from her meal and alternated between looking at the man and the woman standing in front of her. She wiped her sauce-smeared mouth with her sleeve and quickly tried to fix her messy blonde hair. The tall, broad-shouldered man looked down at her with a smile. He was wearing a tailored black suit, a heavy gold watch gleamed on his wrist and his medium-length blond hair was neatly slicked back. Esther's head began to rattle; she had met this guy somewhere before. The beautiful, flawless face with the charming smile looked strangely familiar to her, but she couldn't remember where she might have seen it before. The unpleasant smell that resonated in the man's perfume also stirred something in her mind, but she couldn't think of it. The woman behind him also looked very familiar to Esther. Wasn't she the supplier of the Devil's Delight products? If so, she seemed to have climbed the career ladder pretty quickly. Esther didn't think it was the same person, even though she thought the hair and figure matched.

The man in the suit greeted the head of the office and she turned her attention back to him. Almost immediately, her thoughts about whether she had seen them before faded. Esther had had the strange feeling of deja-vu, but this impression had already disappeared from her thoughts.

Esther gathered her strength, braced her hands on the top of her desk and pushed herself up from her chair through clenched teeth. Now you could see the full extent of the binge eating and the completely crazy weight gain of the last few months. Esther had squeezed into her best remaining top at home and had managed to fasten the buttons at least a hand's breadth below her breasts. Her arms and breasts were properly padded, but it had actually worked with a lot of panting and wiggling. Now, however, the huge belly hanging out of the open bladder and her shirt sagged down from her lap. Esther was extremely wide at the bottom, but it wasn't her hips that were the most prominent. The boss was carrying the biggest, largest and flabbiest hanging bag imaginable. A flabby ocean of fat with countless folds, stretch marks and a gigantic, swirly belly button hung just in front of Esther's shins. The monster belly was so wide and got wider and wider towards the bottom that her fat legs disappeared completely behind it. This enormous apron was divided into four increasingly thicker rolls and wobbled lazily at the slightest movement.

Esther breathed hard and took tiny steps in order to stand a little more stable. The enormous weight pulling her down at the front threw her completely off balance. She stood hunched over, which made her sagging belly swing even lower and she needed at least one hand to support herself on her table. It was a miracle that this woman could still stand up on her own, let alone push the blanket of fat that was her belly in front of her with her legs to be able to walk at all. The tabletop of the desk clearly cut into the soft, yielding fat of her belly as Esther leaned forward to extend a hand to the man in front of her.

He smiled a little wider and shook her hand, not seeming to mind that it was all red with gravy.

"Lucifer M. de Santa, CEO of Devil's Delight, how do you do?" he greeted the fat, immobile, middle-aged blonde in front of him. "That's my assistant, miss Ghilan," he added, pointing to his companion.

The first thing Esther managed when she opened her mouth was a good burp. She pressed her free hand over her mouth and mumbled: "Excuse me, please." Then she swayed unsteadily on her legs, which hadn't been able to get used to the rapidly increasing weight in the short time, causing her gigantic belly to wobble again. Finally, with a loud groan, she let herself fall onto her poor office chair with a crash. Her stretched mammary sagged heavily between her thighs again and swayed lazily down to the floor. Esther moaned as she rubbed her colossal belly and wobbled around with her huge rolls of fat while massaging her obviously full stomach. Finally she said: "Sorry, I can't stand for as long as I used to, sitting is much better anyway. And I'm so incredibly full, I've just eaten."

"I almost didn't notice," said de Santa cheerfully, looking from the almost empty bowl of lasagne in front of the fat woman to her exposed belly. Earlier, Esther had been hunched forward over her food, but now she leaned back, moaning and burping, and massaged her bloated sagging belly, which she unashamedly presented to Ghilan and de Santa.

Esther's small, chubby hands energetically reached into her protruding belly fat again and again and massaged out one burp after another until she finally spoke to her two guests again: "Excuse me...I'm just so incredibly full and it's so tight. I'm Esther Woodworth, I run this office. What can I do for you?"

De Santa smoothed out his fine suit and fixed the fat woman in front of him with his piercing eyes and never-fading smile as he took a seat on one of the chairs in front of the desk. He was truly impressed by the efficiency of the chairs in this office, if they could still manage to support the weight of these mountains of flesh.

"Well, Miss Woodworth, as you've no doubt noticed lately, my company's products have been doing quite well in your office. We have tested some new flavors and machines here which have subsequently been used all over the world. Everyone's response to our system has been really excellent."

Esther actually seemed to be listening attentively, apparently the disciplined businesswoman buried under fat and laziness was still stirring inside her. However, she continued to massage her stomach and reached for a bottle of Coke, which she half emptied in one go. This was followed by another hearty burp and then a satisfied moan.

"Yes, that all went down very well. We love their products, I can tell you that. These dishes are simply heavenly," praised the fat woman afterwards.

De Santa chuckled and replied: "Well, heavenly wouldn't be the word I would use, but it's obvious how good they all taste here." His gaze wandered back to the grotesquely distended belly in front of him. The belly this woman was carrying in front of her didn't even look human anymore. It was a huge, sagging blanket of fat and she was perfect and beautiful just like that.

"I have good news for you, Miss Woodworth," de Santa continued, folding his hands over his crossed legs. The creases of his suit were razor sharp and his polished shoes glinted in the light.

"My company needs a new distribution center for our products and vending machines. Purely customer service and phone calls, no heavy physical labor. In fact, we've already negotiated contracts with all the other parties and companies here in the building and have even already purchased this property from the city. I have made an agreement with Praesidium to take over this office here with all the staff as it is. I just need your signature."

Perplexed, Esther stared at him and even stopped massaging her stomach.

"You've taken over this office, even the whole building? Is that even possible so quickly?" the fat woman asked, slightly unsettled.

De Santa's charming and friendly expression cracked a little. He raised his hand and snapped his fingers loudly in front of Esther's plump face. Her eyes turned to de Santa's hand.

"I can tell you that everything has already been clarified with your previous employer, don't worry. Basically, you don't have to worry about anything anymore," the man in the suit assured her.

"Ok, yes, that seems to be the case. That sounds very good," Esther replied somewhat lamely. She shook her head, slightly confused, as de Santa took his hand down again.

"Well, there will be some changes in this office, both structurally and in terms of the processes here. In addition, as the newest employees of Devil's Delight, you will all receive some bonuses, perks and special allowances. We will also be installing a new data processing system and new hardware for all employees. It's all spelled out right here."

With these words, he pulled a printed sheet of paper from the inside pocket of his suit jacket and placed it on the desk in front of Esther, taking care not to soil it in any way. Then, wordlessly, he stretched his hand back and Ghilan placed a smart black ballpoint pen in it.

"I think it should all be understandable and to your satisfaction, don't you?" de Santa asked with some emphasis. Esther, who had just been going through the text on the contract, looked up at him, again slightly confused.

"Yes, it's all understandable and I'm very happy with it," she confirmed somewhat tonelessly and de Santa handed her the pen.

"Believe me, you will be REALLY pleased. You'll get everything you want right now. It will be like paradise, with the difference that you can eat the apples with me too." He laughed at his own statement while Esther smiled uncertainly as she didn't understand what that meant. Nevertheless, she took the ballpoint pen and wrote her name on the line provided at the end of the contract.

De Santa quickly took the document back and tucked it away in his jacket.

"Excellent. That's basically it. Welcome to the Devil's Delight team, I'd say," he announced cheerfully and stood up.

"Take it easy, my dear, save your strength for the next trip to one of our vending machines." Esther had already made an effort to get up from her chair. Visibly relieved, she sank down again and her whole sagging belly swayed happily.

"We will inform your subordinates as soon as possible and start the reorganization as soon as possible. I wish you a wonderful day." With these words, the man turned and left the office with Ghilan in tow. Esther sat in her chair, fat and bloated, looking after the two of them. She didn't feel bad, at most a little hungry, even though her stomach was full to bursting, but she had the strange feeling that something had just happened that she understood, even though she thought she had been listening attentively the whole time. Shaking her head, she turned back to the rest of her lasagna and began to eat with relish.

On the same day that Esther Woodwworth put her third signature under a document from Devil's delight, the first changes began. The entire building was remodeled. New cables and pipes were laid in the office and while the employees continued to munch away, their workplaces were completely redesigned. The actual cubes remained, but numerous new devices were installed and all files, office utensils and things that only took up space from the growing mountains of meat were removed. A kind of pneumatic tube system was installed in each cube and in Esther's glass office, with which any products that Devil's Delight had in stock could be sent immediately at the touch of a button. This was possible because of the huge warehouse that the company had set up for its goods in this building. This saved the employees from having to drag their fat-fattened bodies out of their cabins. In any case, none of the men and women were able to leave their workstations. Either they were too wide to fit through the openings in the plastic walls or they had simply become too fat to stand up on their own. However, no one in the office cared as long as there was an endless flow of delicious food for them. The shake dispenser was also extended at each of the workstations and now many of the men and women were putting the tubes directly into their mouths and getting pumped full of the high-calorie liquid. It was a perfect and heavenly treat to just sit there, drink this tasty, sweet concoction and feel yourself getting fuller and fuller. As they no longer left their workstations and their chairs had long since become overused piles of scrap metal, Devil's Delight installed large, almost bed-like armchairs. The fat people made themselves comfortable on these, slept and worked there. The company also had a solution for the unavoidable needs of people and installed additional machines in the office cubicles, which were becoming increasingly cramped due to both technology and the ever-increasing masses of fat. Hoses with appropriate attachments led to the buttocks and crotches of the employees and sucked up everything that had to leave the body.

Devil's Delight employees appeared daily to clean these devices and the fattening people who used them. All of this was a little strange for most of the men and women at first, but everyone quickly got used to these procedures. The waste produced by the mountains of meat in their cabins was also disposed of on a daily basis, which was necessary as it looked like a pigsty again day after day, at every single workstation. Their new employer also provided them with new, clean clothes in their huge sizes at the beginning, but everyone in the office outgrew them within a few days and so it wasn't long before everyone was lying naked in their chairs, eating themselves fatter and fatter.

What little work they had to do was done with the help of new headsets, through which they worked through an endless list of customers and sold products and vending machines. Basically, all the employees' days consisted of eating without restraint and getting fatter.

They were supplied with new computers and screens and spent their time after work reading, gaming and watching videos in addition to eating. Nobody actually got bored, even if you might have thought they would, and nobody really missed going out. Walking was tiring and therefore annoying and as long as there was food, everyone in the office was happy.

Becca Norton stretched out further and further on her new, very comfortable armchair and the fat of her buttocks was already hanging down to the floor. The fat flowed down from her completely misshapen legs, which were made of bags of pudding, like a tough carrier. Her belly formed a huge flabby mass that was stuffed and inflated every free minute to stretch it further and further. Naked, Becca now sat in her seat 24/7, from which she would not have been able to get up no matter how hard she tried. Her tiny feet were overrun by the huge mass of her lower legs, while her knees could only be identified by the corresponding folds of fat. The blonde hair flowed loosely over the lush rolls of fat on her back, while the rump underneath pushed down from the large, new armchair and towards the wall of the cube. Covered in dents, her ass cheeks, each the size of an exercise ball but flatter and yielding to gravity, wobbled with her every move.

Marion da Silva developed such a gigantic fat paunch that this belly grew down the front of her chair and continued to grow under the desk towards the wall. She incessantly drank shakes from the tube provided and tried to eat more every day than the day before. At the same time, the Latina massaged her insanely enlarged breasts, or rather the parts of them that she could still reach with her fat, swollen fingers. Gigantic, soft, riddled with enormous veins and with huge, wide areolas, these tits poured over her belly and the table in front of her. As Marion pumped herself full, heaving her fat-laden arms up to reach her rock-hard nipples, the device hanging from various tubes and cables between her fatty thighs stimulated her glowing vagina, driving her from one orgasm to the next between occasional labors, while her belly grew fuller and fuller, gurgling and groaning as it stretched further and further.

Carl Gates ate himself fatter and fatter in his own daily shrinking cabin. His arms took on the dimensions of tires and his body no longer knew where to create new rolls of fat. His body became more and more like a single fat ball from which short, fat legs protruded. The little man shoveled food into his mouth every free minute of the day and let his triple chin, which now covered his entire neck in fat, wobble as he chewed. Large male breasts rose and fell as he puffed and puffed, fattening and filling his stomach further and further beyond its actual limit. There were no more limits, no feeling of fullness. Hunger was always present and demanded endless replenishment.

Eddie Wales felt very comfortable in his own cabin, even though his fat masses continued to grow towards the walls of the cube. Due to his figure, his weight was still relatively evenly distributed, with his belly taking a good portion of the bulk. Dressed only in a dirty shirt, which he wore open to give his belly room to unfold, the fat man flattened himself on his armchair and filled his stomach with all kinds of cakes, which were sent directly to his seat at the push of a button whenever he wanted them. Eddie was simply in heaven as he lay there on the cushions more than he sat and his fat hanging belly spilled over his knees. The device on his crotch jerked him off with gentle mechanics while he moaned and ate his fill every now and then. As his gigantic, rotten stomach grew, so did his lust and whenever his big, long cock got hard and made itself felt between the fat bulges of his crotch, this machine knew what to do. His day didn't really consist of much more than that, which made him completely satisfied. As with all his colleagues, the various devices attached to their increasingly heavy and flabby bodies took care of all the needs a human being had. They could simply concentrate on eating and getting fatter without any distractions or other worries.

Time passed in the Devil's Delight office and the twelve employees there happily ate themselves fatter and fatter. It wasn't long after the recent changes and renovations that had taken place that all the men and women there were completely immobile and from that point onwards their weight continued to increase. Their stomachs were constantly being pumped full under the impossibly thick layer of fat in their bellies, which continued to expand across the floor. The fat masses of their bodies expanded rapidly in all directions and soon the huge rolls and flabby folds reached the limits of the office cubes. All the employees' needs were taken care of by various machines on cables and hoses or by Devil's Delight nursing staff. All they had to do was eat without end, stuffing their foul, stretched and food-addicted innards day after day. All the ever-expanding mounds of flesh sank alongside the non-stop gorging in a maelstrom of masturbation and shallow entertainment through the numerous screens and devices to pass the time, only peeped at by occasional work with their headsets. The increasingly fat and heavy arms with huge fat pads that dangled lazily with every movement were only there to shove more treats into their greedy mouths and to give the hose of the shake machine a break from time to time. Legs only served to store more and more fat, completely unable to move, and to form new rolls and flabby fat bags. Both women and men developed huge protruding fat asses, which they held down on their chairs that were soon overgrown with fat masses. Particularly shapely ladies like Rebecca Norton almost completely filled their booths with the mass of their buttocks, hips and thighs of insane girth. Heavy and soft, like a flood of rising dough, the employees' bacon masses quickly poured through the openings of their cubicles and through every little crack or hole in the plastic walls.

Besides eating, growing and being served, however, the office staff did what Devil's Delight asked them to do. They were an immense driving force behind the expansion of this brand around the world. Every single conversation they had and every contract they signed, even if only verbally, with customers from the lists on their screens ensured that somewhere the power of the machines and their seductive and mercilessly addictive products could take root. Spurred on by all kinds of media and the reach of the internet, Devil's Delight stormed all schools, universities and youth facilities and soon the next generation became increasingly fat and immobile. But this unbelievable, lust-inducing craze of gorging and fattening did not stop at representatives of all other age groups. The products reached people in every corner of the world, rich and poor alike. In areas where hunger prevailed, people fattened each other up with chocolate bars and cakes. In posh neighborhoods where only slim and well-dressed elites used to stroll, people didn't give a damn if their clothes were falling off as long as they had somewhere to stuff their stomachs. Slowly but surely, the whole world fell into absolute gluttony and happily ate its way towards immobility without the slightest worry.

A system consisting of the propagation of extreme obesity, the promotion of all kinds of foods that guaranteed rapid weight gain and the unlimited supply of such foods soon spanned the entire globe and penetrated every corner of the earth and every culture and society. No one escaped the fat-fueling, carefree life of Devil's Delight with all its services, products and equipment.

A certain, calorie-rich time later:

With his hands in his pockets, the Devil strolled through one of the largest cities on earth in a smart suit and neatly gelled hair. He changed countries every day and looked around the globe to see the effects of his magnificent work. What he had created here was also what gave Satan his power. The sin of gluttony and the indulgence of incomprehensible sloth and laziness gave him strength and power, and with each passing day the influence he had on people grew even more. With each passing day, there were more Devil's Delight vending machines in towns, villages and buildings, and with each passing day, people's gluttony became more and more pronounced and unrestrained.

The devil was basically the only person he saw in this pedestrian zone who was still of normal weight and could not walk without discomfort. Fat men with sagging, protruding paunches strolled through the streets, their arms full of sweets. Incredibly wide hips, overflowing with hanging bags and folds of fat, fattened women swung from one place to another. Huge mountains of flesh, as wide as cars and with sagging jowls that sluggishly and often completely unclothed sagged between their splayed thighs, rode around on their scooters, eating and drinking incessantly as much as their stretched stomachs would allow. Mothers whose huge, flabby tits raced with their protruding bellies as they grew, squeezing their tree-trunk thighs into much too tight leggings with numerous holes, waddled around holding the hands of their equally incredibly fat children whose rolls of flab bulged out in all possible places under their too-tight clothes. Endless queues of fatty mountains of flesh formed wherever there was something to eat, while an ever-increasing proportion of the population was already sitting immobile at home, getting fatter and fatter, fed by machines and daily supplies from Devil's Delight

Smiling happily, the Incarnate One stopped and Ghilan, who had followed him faithfully as always, did the same.

"Look at them. We've really done a great job here. I don't even know if he up there could undo these changes. People respond so wonderfully to the fulfillment of their desire for pleasure."

They both watched a woman who filled an entire extra-wide bench in front of them. The lady was still very young, perhaps 18 or 19, almost still a girl. However, she was already five times the woman she would have been a year ago. Her fat-laden hips with immense saddlebags and massive cellulite dimples spread to both ends of the steel bench and hung down from there towards the floor. It was a miracle that the young woman had managed to waddle this far on her own. Her gigantic ass was literally piled up behind her, while her shapeless legs, consisting of countless rolls of fat, could barely provide enough space for the hanging belly between them. Her tiny feet were almost completely overrun by the fat of her swollen calves. The woman's monster belly hung down to the middle of her lower legs and wobbled lazily with her every movement. However, the most beautiful thing about the young, extremely fatty beauty was the huge amount of food that she had comfortably placed on her upper abdomen and her big tits hanging on both sides and shoveled into her mouth unrestrainedly and in public. As the skimpy, skimpy clothes the fats wore became more and more filthy with sauce and falling food scraps, more and more trash and garbage built up around her. None of it seemed to interest her and all the other overweight passers-by and citizens around her did the same, whether they were sitting or standing.

"Yes, it really is beautiful," Ghilan confirmed and watched this wonderful, oversized beauty as she continued to fatten herself up. There was desire and undisguised lust in her gaze.

A burger that the fat woman on the bench had just wanted to unwrap fell out of her hand and rolled over the paving stone in front of her. Annoyed, the young woman looked after the delicacy, which was now out of her reach. She seemed to briefly consider whether it would be worth the effort of getting up while she held her swollen stomach, panting and breathing heavily, on which countless other calorie bombs were piled up. Just as she was about to devote herself to the rest of the meal, since standing up was probably out of the question at that moment, slender, pretty fingers handed her the burger. Ghilan had picked it up and held it out to the overweight beauty with a smile.

"Thank you," said the fat girl, smiling shyly back at the blonde with the pigtail.

"No problem, beautiful. Here, I'll even help you a little."

Ghilan unwrapped the greasy burger from American Dreams, part of Devil's Delight, and held it in front of the fat girl's sweet, sauce-smeared mouth. Greedily and with a long, deep look in Ghilan's eyes, the fat woman on the bench took the first bite of the burger and chewed with her eyes closed.

"Here my sweet, have another one straight away, I'm sure you're quite hungry." Ghilan pushed the burger further into the fat woman's mouth, who took another big bite with abandon and appetite. The demoness in human form placed a hand on the fat woman's taut stomach, which protruded large and bulging from the layer of fat on her hanging belly, and began to massage it slowly. Moaning pleasantly as she chewed, the young, fat woman enjoyed the whole thing, while no one around her seemed to take any notice and was only concerned with his or her own business.

Grinning, the devil stepped behind his pretty assistant and said quietly: "Have some fun with her. Our work is done for now and everything will continue, even if we don't keep a close eye on it, the humans will take care of that themselves."

Beaming, Ghilan looked at her master and then back at the enormous beauty in front of her, who was happily enjoying her food and having her belly massaged in public by a complete stranger.

"Thank you, sir. I will enjoy it," the blonde demon confirmed.

The devil patted her appreciatively on the shoulder and said: "We've earned a little time out. What we created here was a masterpiece."

With these words, he turned away and walked off, leaving the two women to have their fun. He was indeed extremely pleased with the way he had changed the world. Although he was able to cause wars, suffering and murders to a limited extent and occasionally even cause real catastrophes, seducing people had always been his core business and his greatest source of strength. Now the whole of humanity is working ceaselessly, without even knowing it, to increase his power and extend his control over this world vis-à-vis his heavenly counterparts. Everything had gone according to plan, everything had worked out so wonderfully and people were now getting fatter and fatter and more immobile and lazier without limit. The devil exhaled contentedly and felt the power flowing to him from the boundless gluttony around him, as if he were bathing in the warming rays of the sun. The energy filled him to the tips of his hair and the incarnate man couldn't help but laugh with mirth, which none of the food-fixated mountains of flesh around him cared about.

Then he looked up at the bright blue sky with a grin and began to construct new plans that he could achieve with his current power.

"So, what's next? What great fun do I allow myself now?" he asked himself and laughed again as his fathomless eyes flared up.


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