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(Feederism, Stuffing, Feeding, SSBBW, Sex)

Fascinated and overjoyed, just like on the first day, Torsten watched his wife Anja eat. They were both sitting on their couch in the living room in front of the TV and enjoying their dinner. While he was basically finished and full after two plates of lasagne, Anja was shoveling in her fourth large portion. His gaze wandered up and down his beautiful dream woman as she sat there, dressed only in huge panties, her fat flowing down from the sofa everywhere. Anja was a relatively large woman, which meant that she could still move relatively well with her now 220 kg, and the weight was well distributed over her body. A magnificent cellulite-covered bottom spread out on the cushion, as did her enormous hips and massive thighs. A couple of rolls of fat were piled up on her sides and back, which continued on to the large sagging belly in front of her. Divided into two huge rolls, Anja's belly sank between her spread thighs. She could hardly sit any other way without everything pinching and squeezing uncomfortably. Torsten was completely infatuated with this soft, lazy pot belly that his wife had developed over the last few years. A lot had changed from the plump, small paunch since the pregnancy with their first child. Anja had neither lost the stretch marks nor the pounds she had put on back then. On the contrary, the couple had started to live out their feederism fantasies to the full. Anja's wonderful belly had risen like yeast dough and had been growing steadily ever since. It sank heavier and heavier in front of her equally expanding legs and covered a good two-thirds of her delicately soft thighs decorated with rolls of fat when standing. At the front, Anja's belly was a single, sluggish, wobbly landscape of fat, jagged with blatant stretch marks and a wonderfully deep belly button. With each passing day, Anja fattened herself up with enthusiasm and appetite and was delighted with every new fat deposit that appeared on her.

Torsten watched his wife eat, enamored and dreamy, fascinated as the roll of her upper belly continued to swell and expand forward. In the end, her stomach had become an insatiable monster which they both tried to stretch even further every day with great pleasure. Torsten was completely in love with the exciting and hot insatiability of his sweetie and did his utmost to keep Anja full and satisfied at all times. She, in turn, was very proud of the capacity she now had and how much she could eat.

Something trivial was playing on the television while Torsten sat on his side of the sofa and watched his lover's cute round cheeks and beautiful, soft double chin move to the rhythm of her chewing. He had cooked the lasagna himself for this special Saturday night when the children were staying at their grandparents' house. 

Finally, Anja noticed that Torsten wasn't saying anything at all and turned her beautiful face to him with her mouth full. She swallowed and smiled at her husband. She simply had an enchanting face that could turn Torsten's head at any time, even after a hundred years of marriage nothing would change that.

"Are you okay, darling?" she asked, brushing some of her long brown curls out of her face.

"Of course, I'm just thinking about how happy I am with you and how beautiful you are," Torsten replied and scooted closer to his wife. She grinned a little more and gave him a long kiss that tasted of her and a little of tomato sauce.

When their lips parted again, Torsten snuggled up close to his lover's sprawling fat masses and massaged her full belly. Her large breasts hung to the left and right of Anja's already very stuffed belly. Swollen and full of fat, they swayed lazily back and forth with every movement. Anja's massive bells had swollen from a sizable D-cup to really fat melons somewhere in the H-range, first due to the pregnancies and then due to the ever-increasing fattening and stuffing and the active support of her husband when feeding her.

With his big, strong hands, he alternately stroked his lover's full belly and her pendulous but still plump breasts. Anja's nipples became rock hard and she moaned softly from the touch.

"Oh my God, I didn't realize how much I'd eaten. I'm so fucking full." Now she was also rubbing her own stomach with her chubby hands to give herself some relief.

"Please keep going darling, otherwise I think I'll burst," she added, leaning back on the couch and gazing at him seductively with her bright blue eyes. Torsten stood up and knelt directly in front of his sweetheart, so that he had her huge protruding belly right in front of his face. He handed Anja the still half-full plate of lasagne from the table behind him and said: "We can still do this together, I believe in you." Anja smiled, a little exhausted from the previous feast, but at the same time she was also extremely excited and didn't want to disappoint her feeder, who was handing her food. With the plate placed on her upper abdomen and between her heavy tits, the fat woman continued to eat with her eyes closed. Meanwhile, Torsten lovingly kneaded and massaged the flabby, sluggish and incredibly fat sack of underbelly that hung down in front of him. Again and again, his hands moved tenderly upwards and caressed the taut ball of Anja's stomach and her hard nipples. Moaning and enjoying the taste and stimulation at the same time, the fat woman continued to eat until the plate was finally empty. She put it down on the couch next to her and grabbed Torsten's hands to guide them to her breasts and press them hard into her butter-soft, wobbling bosom fat. Torsten followed this movement, stood up and carefully leaned over his lover so as not to put any additional pressure on his fattened wife. They both kissed intimately while he still pressed his hands into her fantastic bells. She loved the feel of his strong fingers all over her body as they held, gripped, massaged and shook her fat. Anja felt safe and secure when she sensed the strength and power of her husband, who had fed her such a beautiful, feminine body, on her figure. Her hands now moved away from her husband's and wandered to his well-filled crotch. She quickly removed his jogging bottoms and exposed his large, magnificent cock. The rock-hard erection sprang out at her and she immediately grabbed it with a pleasurable purr. Torsten gave her a lustful exhalation in response as his hands explored the rest of her fat, soft, feminine body.

"How about we enjoy dessert in the bedroom now?" Anja breathed to her husband and her soft, chubby fingers moved up and down his cock.

"Nothing better than that, my darling," Torsten confirmed immediately. He took a step back and Anja reluctantly had to let go of his perfectly shaped penis. He quickly got rid of the T-shirt he was still wearing. Torsten himself was not slim, but rather tall and strong. A robustly built man of 1.80 m just as Anja found it sexy. 

The fat woman then held out her arms to Torsten, from which large, flabby fat pads hung, swinging back and forth. Of course, she didn't generally need help to stand up; in fact, she was still very flexible and had almost no restrictions in her movement due to the height on which her weight was distributed. However, Anja did find it a little difficult to get up with her overfilled stomach and was always happy to accept the loving help of her husband and feeder. He took her hands and together they heaved the more than four quintals of beautiful, female, fattened and quite aroused flesh into a standing position. 

"Oh my God, I'm full," moaned Anja, rubbing her stomach as it protruded from her belly.

"But there's still some room, I can see that now," commented Torsten, slapping his lover's relatively flat but extremely wide flabby ass covered in rolls of fat and cellulite. Anja responded with a mischievous, sexy grin and a flash of blue eyes, while everything on her body began to shake. Then she walked into their shared bedroom with the light waddling stride she had recently begun to develop. Her fat apron swayed lazily back and forth, along with her magnificent, heavy tits. Anja's fat ass cheeks bounced up and down, which seemed to hypnotize Torsten. 

While he was still fetching the dessert from the kitchen, Anja took off her panties with a groan. The stuffed belly was quite in her way and squeezed the air out of the poor feedee. She noticed that her sagging fat apron was already spilling over her knees when she bent down. The fat woman straightened up again, grabbed her underbelly roll and wobbled around with it. How long would it be before this beautiful sagging belly was hanging down to her knees even when she was standing? Anja was really looking forward to this experience and couldn't wait to get even fatter and heavier. She dreamed of how far it would go after that. The thought of her fat apron hanging lower and lower made her even wetter. 

With one hand on her fat, overflowing belly and the other running through her lush, brown mane of curls, Anja turned to the bedroom door and saw her husband gleefully approaching with a plate of donuts.

"It's about time, I'm almost falling off the meat here," she mocked playfully, lifting her pendulous belly once to let the stretch-marked mass of fat slap back onto her thighs.

"Look at that, just skin and bones," she announced with a pout. Then she beamed again and fell around her husband's neck, her arms covered in jiggling fat, and gave him a passionate kiss. Torsten had to be very careful not to drop the plate as his fattened wife's protruding belly and wobbling tits pressed against him. His hard cock dug into her soft, hanging belly fat.

"Now off to bed with you," she breathed with excitement and lust in her voice. Torsten didn't need to be told twice, put the plate down on the blanket and lay back on the marital bed. 

While her blue eyes were fixed on Torsten, Anja climbed onto the bed on all fours. Her breasts and huge hanging belly dragged across the blanket and swayed back and forth while her fat ass and hips alternately swayed to the sides. Torsten was blown away by the incredible mass of sexy female fat coming towards him. As Anja climbed over him, her hanging tits and sluggish belly brushed against his legs and hard cock. His wife's belly really pushed his hard-on down until the belly was over and the fat woman had now placed her vagina directly over his best piece with her legs spread. She gave him another kiss, then lowered her vagina onto his cock and her huge buttocks buried his legs up to his knees. Anja's fat belly swelled heavily over Torsten's chest and the sluggish flab almost reached his chin. He felt his hard cock penetrating his lover's wet hole as she began to rock back and forth in heat and with a slight moan. Everything about her wobbled to the rhythm of the ride and undulated lazily and beautifully against her. She threw her head back with her eyes closed and her curls flew around wildly. Torsten grabbed her dangling breasts with his hands and gripped them hard, causing his feedee to let out a suppressed cry of pleasure. He felt her enormous weight on him, which made everything even hotter, and he saw how she fumbled for the first donut and shoved it into her mouth. His cock slid in and out of her again and again while Anja's belly fat rippled back and forth on his chest. The rhythm became faster and faster and one donut after the other disappeared into the fat woman's greedy mouth between long moans. Both of them drove faster and faster towards an orgasm, spurred on by Anja's fattening and stuffed body. Chewing on her full cheeks, Anja leaned back a little and supported herself with her hands on her own overflowing hips. As a result, Torsten, who was trying his hardest to thrust upwards against the heavy weight of his wife, penetrated the colossal woman at an even better angle. 

Anja let out a wild, horny gasp as her husband hit the perfect spot in her vagina and the ride accelerated even more. Everything wobbled up and down violently as they both panted in pleasure. Anja enjoyed riding her husband's hard cock like nothing else in the world and feeling everything slosh and wobble all over her. She could feel the results of her constant fattening during sex in this position and she simply loved it. A wonderful orgasm exploded in both spouses almost simultaneously. A fierce cry of pleasure escaped from the fat woman and she reached forward again with her hands to clutch at her husband's upper body. Trembling and quivering with pleasure, Anja bent down to Torsten and squeezed her massive belly between them. They celebrated their union with a wild kiss while Anja was still shaken by the wave of orgasm and felt her partner's wonderful penis pulsating inside her.


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